Teleporting back to hook as survivor

Every so often ill get a match where ill experiance no lag, but when i get hooked and rescued, it seems that my character just stands there and is still hittable even though im running away. Sometimes ill find that ill teleport back to hook after a moment or two of running away from the hook.

This doesnt happen every game but once every 3-5 games ill have this happen for no reason. Does anyone else experiance this? Is this a known issue? Does anyone have a fix?

Thanks in advance for the input!


  • Homer75
    Homer75 Member Posts: 5

    Just double checked, my Download and upload are steady with no packet loss

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,887

    Sounds weird, haven’t experienced or heard about such a bug.

    try recording it and create a bug report if you really can rule out your connection!

  • Homer75
    Homer75 Member Posts: 5

    It never did this until the latest patch, its frustrating because my playstyle is usually go for unsafe hooks to save someone, sometimes having to take an extra hit to save them and i get hooked. So this happens to me pretty often. It feels game braking and is as if im just standing at the hook after im saved...

    Ill look into trying to see if i can record it

  • Homer75
    Homer75 Member Posts: 5

    Havent gotten a game recorder yet, but the instance ONLY happens when im saved from a hook. Just to clarify

  • Caz2018
    Caz2018 Member Posts: 193

    I've had something similar intermittantly - after unhook, I would run but it was like I was jumping all over the place, backwards, forwards, either side. I found once I'd healed it returned to normal. Seems to happen mostly (but not all of the time) when you get hooked and slide away from it, some sor tof graphical glitch. The last time it happened though, the hook was normal but the same method stopped the weird movement.