Switch version awesome, needs more players

Honestly, would not have gotten into Dead By Daylight without the Switch version because I was harassed the free weekend I tried and gave the game up for two years because of it. Turns out that without my social anxiety amping up my nerves, I play much better! Who knew?

Because of my anxiety, I do prefer totally random matches, though. Does anyone know when the lobby hotspots are? I seem to have the best time around 3 PST, probably East Coast players getting off work...

Hope to see you around~


  • Maxwell
    Maxwell Member Posts: 143

    Switch player here. Only thing that is really nice about the switch version is no chat, and a little bit less of a grind for perks (as the Nightmare chapter is not available). Otherwise, the toxicity is the same as the other versions of the game.

  • Delcat
    Delcat Member Posts: 32

    I've had a couple KICKIN RADICOOL(tm) matches today, one as Hag with a Survivor team who engaged with me openly and another where the Carter was. An absolute angel of devils, I actually came on here hoping I could find a way to find them out of game because they not only spared me as the last Survivor, but dragged me all the way to the Exit. ...twice. I instigated a Chase for them the first time and got lost, so I let them slug me and honestly was dying by embarrassment anyway, they could've hooked me and I would have given it to them, but they dropped me directly on the Hatch. It's not the only time I've seen it, either, there are some real dapper Dans in the community <3

    Hey, wanna trade friend codes? I'm new and trying to collect some people who will put up with my learning curve, aheh...I'm a Silent Hill fan since '03 and if your name is at all Don't Starve related that's my primary fandom. No pressure, mind, I'm. A MUCH better killer than survivor.

    (So far 8V)

  • Vector7707
    Vector7707 Member Posts: 20

    Yeah, not having to worry about messages or endgame chat makes the Switch version feel a lot more relaxing. Doesn't stop against teabagging flashlight clicking survivors though lol.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Hi. I'm a "nice" killer. You don't BM me and I'll respect you.

    If someone DC's or something like that, then I may even let you go at the end. But only if you earn it.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Anyway it depends if you're on which East Coast you're on. If it's Aus, then I'm always down for having other people to play with, even if other games are taking up my time at the moment.

  • Maxwell
    Maxwell Member Posts: 143

    I might of never faced you before. 99% killers I've seen are super sweaty and tunnel and mori off the hook. Only had 2 nice killers in the past month.

  • Delcat
    Delcat Member Posts: 32

    Yeah! I tend to die first in Survivor matches still, so I spectate and try to pick up tech by watching how the rest of the team adapts. I love catching replays so I'll be editing them together and posting players caught being cool on...I guess Youtube if I have to, I'm not fond of the damned thing, poor algorithm's bloated on clickbait, but I feel like it's good for the community to support players being sportsmanlike.

    I saw someone mention no one gets scared by the Killer because the game has been out so long, and while I'm not easily scared, I do have a long-running phobia of elephants (thank you Disney), and not being aware of That Clown Skin had me genuinely noping out from start to grisly end in a recent match. Terror only intensified as they hooked me, knocked down the survivor trying to rescue, and to my yet-newbie horror, bit out what I assumed to be the victim's heart and ate it.

    (Finding out it was a finger when I was Memento Mori'd myself a half minute later *did not help thank you*,,)

    It was an intense as HEKK match, they Memento'd three of us, downed the last, and...carried them directly to the Hatch.

    I may be new, but I know the Offerings. I don't know the Perks as much, but chances are that player sacrificed not just an iridescent token but 1/4 an Ebony Memento Mori as sheer sportsman swag, and I love them for it.

    This game is my haunted house this year, on account of The Unpleasantness, and people acting like proper haunt workers gives me life. And death. But mostly life. ...and death. Lotta death. Good on 'em.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Well, I have played killer far less lately. I'm also pretty focused and intense when I play killer. Might still be seen as sweaty, but I never tunnel or mori, unless I'm running my Devour Deathslinger and nobody's found the totem.

    It also depends on region. Like I alluded to earlier, I'm on the Sydney servers in Australia, so it's not always the case that I'll find anyone from the forums in my matches.

  • Delcat
    Delcat Member Posts: 32

    It's 5:45 PM here, international clock says you're 17 hours...earlier? Later? Anyway, I'd love to play if you'd have me sometime--l saw you championing for fun experience v. leaderboards on another thread and I clutch no pearls about which side I'm on 8V I'm the couch co-op doof-around guy.

    My sister once lulled me into a false sense of security in Goldeneye by running around a pillar endlessly while quacking IRL, then, when I shrugged and joined her, turned around and annihilated me.

    It was, in the language of the old gods, epic.

    Hope I can catch you around, yeah <3

    ETA: Source: KC Green is word-perfect adapting Carlo Collodi's Pinocchio, and it is good

  • Quol
    Quol Member Posts: 694

    I play exclusively on switch these days since I'm a sucker for handheld gaming. The biggest problem with switch dbd is the frame rate drops and it's not a simple "Oh I am playing at 54 fps my life is over." I'm talking 15-20 fps during skill checks.

  • Maxwell
    Maxwell Member Posts: 143

    I believe most Switch users would be happy with 30 fps the entire time. No lag with anything. I know I would.

  • Delcat
    Delcat Member Posts: 32

    This and this. I played exclusively docked the first few days, and when I went to handheld I went "oh, wow, I don't actually suck as Survivor" because suddenly I wasn't whiffing every Skill Check--and I mean EVERY Skill Check. I managed the tutorial checks with some difficulty, but I was not fun to have on a team before I figured out that it's specifically Joy-Con input lag causing issues. I'm playing handheld Survivor and docked Killer for now, I would very happily play 30fps input-optimized over...look, we KNOW over here in Switchland that the processors are not the draw, we agreed to this. Adjustment for lag time, slightly more forgiving SC if Switch is detected as native platform, that would be amazing. Graphics are whatever 8V