A killer tier list based on if they could beat batman

DarkMagik Member Posts: 822
edited September 2020 in General Discussions

Here the scene.Batman has to fight each killer in there realm.This mean Trapper & Hag already has there Traps set-up.Its all 4 Legion Members vs Batman.Against pig he has Reverse-Beartrap while fighting.

Note:I changed character rankings.

Edit:Remember He fighting them in their Realm/Map

I can explain my answer if you ask.

Post edited by DarkMagik on


  • GoodJobGuys92
    GoodJobGuys92 Member Posts: 102

    How does batman even have a chance against freddy or 80-95?

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    None of them would best batman. Why????

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    Why Spirit 50%? She cant die + she can teleport around and backstab.. IMO, in real life fight she would be as op as Freddy, or worse, because Freddy need you to fall asleep. :^)

  • ToxicMyers
    ToxicMyers Member Posts: 1,295

    idk man michael has been hit with a car, got shot multiple times, fell off a house and lived. Unless you talking no plot armor myers than you just aim for the head and be done with it. But if jason comes into this game he beats batman. Dude literally refuses to die. Shred him in a woodchipper? Guess he regenerates now, unlucky. AND thats just reboot jason. The og jason literally can't die because he is a zombie and blowing out his brains doesn't work for some reason. I guess batman can send him to space but thats not exactly winning

  • CheeseAnton
    CheeseAnton Member Posts: 882

    Since you made a Batman one, here, I did a Superman one. Here's the probability of the killers beating Superman in a fight.

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    This. Prep time + plot armor = Batman will always pull something out of his bat glutes to win.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    I mean, I feel like Myers, Oni, Freddy and Demo have a pretty good shot.

    Myers is inhumanely strong and durable. He is Evil Incarnate.

    Oni looks just as strong and durable as Myers.

    Freddy has weird dream magic.

    Demogorgon is literally a monster from an alternative dimension. It killed an entire room full of soldiers as they lit it up, after being beat with a spiked bat and set on fire.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Indeed. "Prep time" is just a lazy writer's excuse to throw logic out the window and have Batman be the victor.

  • DarkMagik
    DarkMagik Member Posts: 822

    Freddy has been beaten in movies multiple times so he has a chance even if it slim.

  • DarkMagik
    DarkMagik Member Posts: 822
    edited September 2020
  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    Little dwarf blight should be in "gets clapped"

  • DarkMagik
    DarkMagik Member Posts: 822
  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    Batman can outrun blight boy, and can even fly with his grappling hook, not to mention, blight can only run for a limited amount of time, and is then on cooldown. All batman has to do is grapple to the high ground while he's rushing, and then blight is reduced to a little dwarf on crack.

  • Xbob42
    Xbob42 Member Posts: 1,117

    Why would Freddy be able to beat him? Batman's already familiar with a similar style of attack by Scarecrow. Not exactly the same, but still.

  • EnderloganYT
    EnderloganYT Member Posts: 621

    with or without prep time because that completely changes my stance on this

  • DarkMagik
    DarkMagik Member Posts: 822

    Batman is not supernatural so doesnt make sense why hes faster than blight.He can't fly he glides.& Note im doing based off there lore not in-game.

  • DarkMagik
    DarkMagik Member Posts: 822

    Not similar at all.Scarecrow is a gas that makes you see you worst nightmare.While freddys dream world allows him to do whatever he wants,he could make batman fight without his gear.

  • Maelstrom10
    Maelstrom10 Member Posts: 1,922

    i mean, clown doesn't deserve to get clapped, since batman fights a clown every second issue and that clown is apparently always "one step ahead.." unless batman has a gas mask, clown is putting his booty down and taking a bat finger. anesthesing someone through a bottle throw that your immune to basically just means the clown needs to throw bottles at his feet and he eventually wins.

    if pig has a bear trap on batmans head, she can simply activate it, as im pretty sure they were remote activated in the films at one point? thats instant death. besides even if it wasn't the pig doesn't play fair, and would be likely to just set it off for poops n giggles.

    spirits literally an undead unbeatable sword weilding gal, who can teleport with minimal tracking. she'd just destroy bats bat booty.

    hillbilly is stronger, and faster then bats and weilds a chainsaw, but bats is more mobile. honestly 50/50 with no prep, but only because bats can dodge.

    leatherface... feel he'd also be the same as hillbilly even if he isn't quite as fast, he is still very very strong. be a bit of a bane situation

    hag would destroy him with hexes n curses no question. being able to teleport faster then he can blink, and curse him to be destroyed much like her archive story.. yeah he's dead no question.

    doctor has the ability to shock from a distance with "entiy magic", if bats suit isin't like, resistent to electricity, he's dead before he gets in 5 feet of doctor.

    nurse is a psychotic teleporting demon spirit lady. she'd carve him up from behind before he can even react.

    pretty much any killer with a supernatural or physical ability would win. clown would only win because he's pretty much a joker alternative for batman, but with added gas action. everyone else like ghostface or legion, there people he fights on the daily.

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    Is this made with the idea the Entitys nerfing batman and buffing the killers? Cause if not nobody but Freddy stands a chance. Also, does Batman have to fight all 4 members of legion or just 1?

  • DarkMagik
    DarkMagik Member Posts: 822

    Clown is unfit & his gas isn't very lethal lore wise,& you forgetting about baterangs & grappling hook.

    Pig in the movies those things have a timer.Heres how i see it.If pigs is just fighting batman without using stealth bat will beat her in less than a minute & then take out the trap.Or if pig just stalks him & whenever he tries to do a box she just interupts him causing the timer to go down.

    Spirit:She can be injured or stunned,remember spirit makes a noise while phasing so hes alerted when shea about to attack & since there in the yamaoka estate he could see if the grass moves to know where shes coming from & prepare.

    Hillbilly/Leatherface: Though billy is fast doesn't change the fact that a normal survivor could juke him & that in close quarters bat would definitive apprehend his chainsaw because hillbilly/leatherface isn't a master with a chainsaw.

    For hag i might change her.

    Doctor:His lighting doesn't injure survivors so all he could do is make him go insane. As well batman can out range him.

    Nurse:Has to catch her breath after every blink so he could attack right there.

  • Maelstrom10
    Maelstrom10 Member Posts: 1,922

    lore wise clowns gas is based on an anesthetic that knocks people out. gameplay wise its different, but its basically a functional knockout gas that he's immune to, he may be unfit, but that doesn't matter if he can just stand in a cloud that batman can't see through, enter or attack.

    Even if were going off of a timer, pigs traps only last two minutes. she wouldn't leave a key for batman, that would be stupid. shes also known for rigging her traps.

    Hillbilly can run faster then usain bolt, and broke through a brickwall with only his body. he may struggle to turn at high speeds, but if were talking realism, whilst a man can't turn on a dime, why would he need to run that fast in close quarters? just close the distance that batman can't run, and use his chainsaw. he's bane levels of strength, whilst being incredibly fast. batman just has to keep out of range, and outlast him. though the hill billy is also super durable, so im not sure anything but a precise battarang to the throat would do much and even then. gameplay is entirely different from the killers lore, their powers in the real world, and what they could actually do or have the potential to do.

    leatherface is just a pudgy bane/batman. he's incredibly strong. and he has a chainsaw to make up for all the difference that combat experience and range would do. batman couldn't ever get close to him or bye bye head. he doesn't also react much to pain, so like...?

    doctor... lightning doesn't work like that, and even if it did, madness does effect batman, as even seen in one of the latest issues against punchline using some scarecrow fear toxin with joker toxin stuff, which took him out for a while. being able to shock at a considerable range of up to 32 m or higher, make him see things that aren't there, and stop his movement. And the doctor clearly has the ability to kill with his shocks if he wants to, seeing as thats what his mori is, him burning them alive with a high amperage. i see the doctor as someone, who if out for the kill could absolutely kill any normal person, but is more interested in madness, and chaos, manipulating their minds, over actually killing them (Which is why he's useful to the entity, as that feeds of fear and hope, rather then death.) He's a master at unintentional but direct torture (Though he does it for study) but is one of the most cold, and efficent killers out there as he's not actually lost his mind. if he's going for the kill he'll get it, but he'd probably play it more like joker and attempt to toy with batman, which is the only reason he might lose.

    Nurse may have to catch her breath due to pain after every blink, but shes also not really.. killable? she can be delayed, but isin't she technically dead/a spirit - going through the same realm as wraith? even so, the nurse would be far more accurate then she's shown in the game, as human accuracy over in game accuracy, so like... i think your overestimating batmans abilitys against a mostly undead or atleast spiritual corpse woman, who see's without eyes, and can teleport faster then people can move.

    also forgot to add the trapper. he's a rough one, a batman even with no prep might be able to see his traps, might not, and in a one on one fight would be able to go toe to toe with him (though trapper likely wouldn't fall, due to the fact that he's very much like jason, powered up through the entity..) i equate him much to again bane, but with a machete. in a one on one, batman might be able to beat him senseless and would be a pretty even fight, but if batman steps in a trap (you stated that their all in their realms with perfect setup favoured for killer) his entire leg comes off. A bear trap in the game is nothing like a bear trap in real life. a bear trap will forceably amputate a human leg, instantly. do remember this is the guy that ended the entire macmillan estate mines, through trapping them both with explosives and other traps. higher kill count then anyone else in the cast actually. really just depends on it being a 1v1 (in which case really its 50/50, expecially since the trapper doesn't really respond to pain, having multiple metal rods sticking out of him) or if he's chasing batman into traps.

  • Thrax
    Thrax Member Posts: 974

    Nobody would qualify. F rank everyone.

  • GhostyyBoi
    GhostyyBoi Member Posts: 416

    everyone is F tier with these exceptions:

    Legion 10-15 because 4 edgy teenagers could probably give him a booboo.

    Clown 100% because batman would get PTSD and be completely helpless.

    Demogorgon 90%. Dudes very hard to kill and can rip batman to shreds given the chance.

    Freddy 100%, he can't lose in the dream world.

    Pig 100%-technically. She'd surely be bested by batman, but in the end it's game over for him. I doubt he's getting the trap off.

  • CaptainCastle
    CaptainCastle Member Posts: 536

    Most of these characters are routinely beaten by teenage girls

    Freddy is a strictly weaker nightmare. Mikey is basically mr zsasz lol Bush league. Batman on a routine night of patrol would handle the entire cast in his sleep lol

  • CaptainCastle
    CaptainCastle Member Posts: 536

    Lol @ people saying pig traps would do anything to batman. That's 1966 #########.

  • Cerebral_Harlot
    Cerebral_Harlot Member Posts: 280

    Riddle me this batman, before you is a tape recorder and a bonesaw....

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    Freddy was beaten by bunch of kids in every movie. Why would batman struggle with him?

  • troublprone
    troublprone Member Posts: 13

    Batman eats killers like these for breakfast. They are his warm up for real killers like Bane, Joker, and lets not forget Doomsday. All our killers use fear to their advantage, not so with Batman who has mastered using it as his tool. He already won every match because he knows everyone’s backstory, origins, and weaknesses. This is a man who almost took Superman down. Please don’t compare him to morons who struggle to place teenage girls on a hook and regularly drop them because they were stabbed with a sharp piece of glass. Pig’s headpiece is an easy win, he tears it apart easily. Freddy has no real power over him, his little finger knives do nothing against his suit anyway. Myers is a serial killer who seems like child play when stacked against Ras al Ghul, Victor Zsasz, Hush, or Two Face. These are men who have killed thousands, lil Mike is grade school compared. And Jason? Even Jason who seemingly is immortal loses every time, Bats would just figure out a way to launch him into space or send him to another dimension like he would hag, oni, spirit, etc. THREAD OVER.

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    Batman wins everytime, because he's Batman. Batman could 1 VS 1 against the entity given enough "preparation"...

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    I just imagined Huntress one-shot hatchet flying across whole map with a huge truck hitbox and instantly ending the fight. You know our red rank Huntresses. :^)

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,295
    edited September 2020

    The only killers on that list who is even remotely a threat to Batman is Freddy, Oni, Pyramid Head and Demogorgon. However we can easily just solve this now.

    • Freddy is basically Doctor Destiny on steroids but even so Batman could likely figure out how to deal with him - Likely the main actual threat here
    • Oni is basically just bane but he needs blood.
    • Pyramid Head cannot exist without James Sunderland
    • Demogorgon pretty much is the biggest real time threat for Batman because if it's not those two engaged in a battle Batman would likely have to ensure no citizens of Gotham were attacked by this thing.

    You can argue that the rest of the killers exist but the thing is most of them are just normal people with a weapon. I'd accept arguments of Nurse, Spirit, Plague and Pig but I'd still argue that all 4 basically have normal strength or equal strength to Batman. Also Pig would have to capture Batman to even be a threat since it's just Amanda Young from the saw series.

    I'd say Freddy is the biggest threat because everyone needs to sleep and in Bruce's dreams he'd likely keep having nightmares about stuff in Gotham or his parents and wouldn't have his equipment. Aside from that in a one on one engagement I'd say likely Oni and even Spirit are likely the two biggest threats past that. For Oni it would be his unnatural strength and for Spirit it would be her speed.

    The real question here is in the rules of engagement is it Batman or Bruce? Does he have his equipment on him or not?

  • Zani22
    Zani22 Member Posts: 444

    Aight I'm not sounding funny

    But have you heard of a villain called anarky... Well that's basically legion as a batman villian he can clap and he's only what simular age to the legion

    Yeah your gonna have to bump them up

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,295

    Lowkey this is almost exactly how I imagined it would be in my head minus the bit with Oni. Realistically Oni would break him in two.

  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791

    This list is all wrong. The more supernatural they are, the less trouble they give ol Bats. His greatest nemesis is a failed comedian with a handgun. This is after battling a giant crocodile.

    Freddy would be bottom tier since Batman can just think Freddy out of existence or some #########. While on the opposing end, normal human variants like Clown or Pig will have him fighting for his life.

    And we all know Batmans greatest weakness is taking in abandoned teenagers so Legion will be defeated, but also converted into crusaders themselves. Think Gotham City Imposters.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Batman would beat all the killers with prep time, that's his entire stick

    Myers is way to slow to take down the bat, Batman would just kite him untill he can find a way to trap him like pouring cement on him or something

    Freddy it depents, if batman can wake up even once he'll just pull a freddy vs jason and create anti-dream gas which he would spray over gotham. No dreams, Freddy gets forgotten

    Not sure why Oni is so high either, yes he's strong but Bane and killer Croc prove that's not enough

    Most importantly most killers in dead by daylight struggle against pallets and windows used by a nerd in a elf costume, what on earth will they do against a superhero

  • DarkMagik
    DarkMagik Member Posts: 822

    Note:Batman is fighting each killer in their Turf

    Myers has survived through a,lot, & you should note that Myers whole stick is that hes sneaky so being slow shouldnt be a big factor especially in haddonfield.So that cement isn't an option.

    For Freddy batman inst a Lucid Dreamer so he cant fight back in the dream realm & if batman wants to put him in the real world hes gonna need someone else to wake him up.

    Pyramid Head:Explain how the entity took him in if he cant exist without james.

    You cant knockout an Oni you need kill one & what batman does is not Kill,but still hes an Oni.

    Batman is fighting demo in the lab.

  • DarkMagik
    DarkMagik Member Posts: 822
  • Pyramid head would win for sure if he was in silent hill. The town can help him by spawning tons of monsters and even of he does die, which he wont, the town can just summon him again.

  • TheWisp2006
    TheWisp2006 Member Posts: 32

    Batman never beat the hulk they arent even in the same universe

  • CaptainCastle
    CaptainCastle Member Posts: 536

    Dude he kicked him in the stomach and forced him to inhale a bunch of knockout gas. It was super stupid. The crossovers always are. Google batman v hulk and you should see it.

    Isn't freddy explicitly only a threat to people who fear him? And lol at whoever said batman isn't a lucid dreamer. This thread is full of people who've seen the recent movies and think they know anything.

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Holy hell, batman has some strong ass kicks...