Can we finally... please... for everyones sake...

xEa Member Posts: 4,105

...remove Ebony Moris? Or at least nerf them so they are not totally broken?

I dont get how this nonsense is after all these yeras still in the game. You know, Instaheal, Toolboxes... all op stuff without a question... got hardcore nerfed, but the most op ######### aka Ebony Mori is still in the game. I dont get it.. why? Devs, do you think that this stuff is fine or what? Dont you have any ideas on how to change moris? What possible reason could it be that moris are still in the game after all theses years? How is it so hard to change Moris?

And yes, i dont care if they remove or change keys aswell... they are strong too (while not even close on mori level) but it is only about Mori.

And before you ask, yes i had a bunch of really really bad games the last days where killer just tunneled and mori my teammates or me all the time. They just reminded me how broken Moris are. Instakill a survivor after first hook... WHO HAD THAT IDEA EVEN serously lol 🤣

Thank you very much.


  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,507


  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Read my posting first. They can change keys aswell, but if you really think that keys are even close as strong as moris, you only make yourself look like a fool.

  • GhostyyBoi
    GhostyyBoi Member Posts: 416

    I've said this a lot, but moris should be usable on death hook.

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752


    hot take; moris are much more impactful to matches and detrimental to the game than keys are

  • xxDeathwishDW
    xxDeathwishDW Member Posts: 138

    So first, I'm taking it based on the storyline.

    All Memento Moris are given to the Killers as a prize by earning The Entity's liking. Cypress, Ivory and Ebony.

    And the survivors are trapped in some maps, a lapse with never ends. Killers chase, survivors try to escape.

    So, if you try to delete it based on storyline, that's a awful thing. However:

    If you take it based on gameplay, ignore all the creepiness of the game and the atmosphere etc etc, yeah. They are broken and it feels like it just steals the survivors gaming time. It's just %99 win guarenteed.

    And the "gameplay" one is more important than the storyline, so you are right. Broken. Just broken. %100 nerf needed to Ebony. I don't have a problem with Cypress, it's just a show off. And the Ivory is balanced. Killing a HOOKED survivor may be game changing too, but less and balanced.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    Actually they were changed once already so just like other old OP ultra rares they were changed, just not enough.

    Imao they aren't as bad as people make them out to be (they are very strong but it's not like I never managed to beat good mori killers as long as I had good teammates) but some medium size nerfs (not to trash them like last hook mori idea) would be fine.

  • FrootLoops
    FrootLoops Member Posts: 376

    I think Mori's should function more like keys do.

    for keys to be at all useful there must be number of survivors +1 gens done. meaning that until survivors start dropping off all gens have to be complete before the key can be used

    Ebony Mori's should be for each gen complete gain the ability to kill 1 survivor. Green Mori should be once 1 gen is done gain the ability to kill 1 survivor only. Yellow stays the same

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    No, you actually would never beat a killer who is on your skilllevel if he has a mori and he wants to kill you, so forget about that.

    The ideal nerf would be that every survivor has to be hooked once. Still very strong but not broken op as now.

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416
    edited September 2020

    Your ideal nerf is how eboni moris currently act just so you know.

  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    They said changes are coming but who knows when with bhvr

  • FrootLoops
    FrootLoops Member Posts: 376

    I think what they mean is that all 4 survivors have to have been hooked once before Mori activates, not that A survivor has to have been hooked once before that particular survivor can be mori'd

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    You seem to forget that not all killers are spirit or nurse level. Killers like Legion are powerless even if they have mori vs good teams.

    Imao ideal nerf would be that mori activates after killer gets random 4 hooks. Then, killer can kill any survivor no matter if they were hooked. This can be easily nerfed again if it still proves to be too strong by easily increasing the number of hooks before activation to 5, 6 etc.

    This way killer is still in control of activating his mori and it can't have it denied by Hivemind of friends (SWF) telling their last buddy to perma hide until everyone else is not death hook.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Mori's definitely aren't fun, but if you use them in that jerk way (mori'ng straight off of hook) you will almost always de-pip.

    Keys, on the other hand, can turn a game where Survivors would've de-pipped into a game where they pip.

    Using Mori's in their most broken way, and the way that most people have a problem with, is detrimental to the Killer and will result in that Killer losing Rank. Keys, on the other hand, reward Survivors for having them by allowing them to instantly turn a game around and gain Rank.

    Both should be changed.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Yea a matter of time... when devs? Do we need another 3 years for that? Imagine this in CS GO - Autosniper with 150 DMG for 1.500$... after 3 years devs realised it could be a bit op...maybe.. Im exaggerating? No, we have the same in DbD with moris.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Next up, Moris are cheap as hell. You get ebony and ivory mori like every 2-3 bloodwebs...

    Today 15 games so far, 12 with mori, 11 red 1 green. Guess how many people used a key? None!

  • BOT_Ethan
    BOT_Ethan Member Posts: 29

    When offerings are capable of changing the way you play, you don't ask for balance. As a survivor main, Ebony Moris is clearly better than keys. While I don't want to delete both keys and Moris, make Ebony Moris 15,000 on webs(keys 10,000 probably) as a cost actually works for me. Toxic killers will still tunnel without Mori, so that's not an issue.

  • Xzan
    Xzan Member Posts: 907

    You know there is a Tome challenge with Devour Hope which requires a Mori atm?

    Getting 80% Mori Matches otherwise is just unbelieveable.

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,819

    I think the Ebony Mori kind of makes sense as designed, but the experience playing against it is different. If it truly were a rare event, then it wouldn't be a big deal. As survivor, though, you can get stuck in a loop where you play back-to-back-to-back games where everyone dies on second hook, and it gets frustrating.

    I had that thought, too, but the problem I see with that solution is that it wouldn't offer much advantage to the killer. They would get to watch a gross animation, if that's the main thing they want, and they wouldn't have to carry on the final hook, but I think, from a strategic standpoint, the main reason to use a mori is that you only need two downs instead of three. So, if we took that way, it would be kind of pointless.

  • IIITweedleIII
    IIITweedleIII Member Posts: 958

    I rather they just made killing the actual basekit. None of this Sacrifice to the Entity. After a survivor is caught 3 times. No more hooks. (Their basically crappy right now anymore anyways) just let us kill off survivors. The whole tried and true, 3 strikes, you're out idea. That's all the game is. Chase, smack, chase, down, repeat, kill. And just like the new chests. Hatch oughta be Mechanic as locksmith skills. Brand New Part x2 speed skill checks to open. The option should be able to notify the killer a survivor is trying the Hatch. Bring back Hatch Snatch for killers quick enough to grab a survivor trying to open it.

    An idea noone will agree with nor devs actually do. 🤷‍♂️

  • GhostyyBoi
    GhostyyBoi Member Posts: 416

    I had an idea that you could mori them when they've been hooked once if they have DS.

  • SunaIIanu
    SunaIIanu Member Posts: 815

    I don't understand why you using rank as an argument, because 1. the ranking system in itself is flawed and 2. not everybody cares about rank to begin with but aside from that, I don't think that you are necessarily correct about the effect that keys and moris have on the ranking system: You don't need to mori every survivor after their first hook, getting one person out early should be enough to slow the game done, than you can play normally: You still used the jerk method but you won't depip from it.

    As for keys, are you sure that they help that much with pipping? Sure escaping grants you points for unbroken, but in most cases that will only be one point. Escaping with more than one survivor could also help a bit with benevolent, because you lose points when the killer hooks somebody but I'm not sure if the impact of that is big enough to make a significant difference for that emblem. So in conclusion, I don't think that you can gain many emblem points from Escaping with a key, it might turn a depip in a safety pip or a safety pip in pip, but it sounds unrealistic to me that a key escape will make you pip if you would have otherwise depiped. People always say "It's so easy to pip as survivor, it doesn't even matter if you die or not. ", I just can't see why a key escape should change that statement so drastically.

    But in general I don't think that Ranking is important for that discussion, like I said, the emblem system is flawed anyway. Keys and moris end games faster than they should end and they are unfun for the other side, that should be enough reason to change them imo.