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A Bad Game

GeneralDaltonXander Member Posts: 27
edited October 2018 in General Discussions
Had a game as Freddy with Ruin on Wreckers Shop. Game tanked 30 frames every time I looked at the middle of the map. And all the gens were completed in 5:38 seconds. With Ruin up the whole game. And only one toolbox. And (I don't think) no swf. And only 4 pallets were legitimately used and not just thrown down for bm. To top it all of, I never got to use Bloodwarden and the Ruin totem was cleansed on the way out, t-bagging all the way. Luckily not the fastest game I've had. That one was 4:36. But the game was still unchangeable nonetheless. I'm not upset, really more shocked at the speed, but the only thing I would be upset thinking about, is that I know that no matter what I would do that match, the outcome would probably have been the same. 

Anyway, what have the fastest match times been for you guys? Let me know and we can roast marshmallows and cry together.

(Edited for Grammar)


  • ShrimpTwiggs
    ShrimpTwiggs Member Posts: 1,181
    edited October 2018

    One of the fastest games I played was as survivor. It was against the hag. It was all my own fault since I wasn't paying much attention and she caught me off guard. I ended up on a hook, my teammates got me down, we tried to heal under the hook, she came back, I took off, she targeted me, and it turned out she had a pink mori. I was really pissed at the time but now it's just funny to me. But marshmallows sound good.

  • Sounds like that sucked, matches where there is nothing you can do to turn the outcome around are the worst. More so as survivor in my opinion. It's the reason why I prefer playing killer more. Because every time I play as survivor, even at Rank 1, it seems like as soon as the match starts they all get lobotomized. And as a result, we all die. Mostly my deaths are from teammates not taking hits when they need to and teammates standing around doing nothing while I'm on the hook and the killer is miles away. Not even working on a gen. They just stand there. 

    Anyway, yea marsh mellows do sound good. Needs to be winter already. 
  • Blood_Coil_Viper
    Blood_Coil_Viper Member Posts: 199
    My fastest match was back when Leatherface just came out. Was trying him with a Splinter and within 30 seconds I downed someone in a basement.. then everyone decided to rush the hook before I left and all got downed. That first survivor shouldn't of run Object of Obsession and ran at me lol. Match was finished in 3 minutes.