Reworking Survivours

As someone who mains survivor and does not run exhaustion perks i'm sick of seeing everyone else in game using them or killers complaining about them. Its frustrating to be punished for perks I don't even run and then I see people showcase how killers have more useful and op perks than killer.
Just look at the new dlc the new killer has game changing and breaking perks with really cool builds and very useful and the new survivour... they are not useful after you rank up past yellow. It's so frustrating to have very meh perks, survivors like ace quint and others do need a rework so that the perks are not just support perks for your main build. Reworking killers is fine but when will the survivors get a rework?
Felix has amazing perks imo
Built to last with a toolbox or flashlight is amazing
Desperate measure is kinda op with a medkit and botany
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They just arent great after rank 13 and the reality is that these perks need supporting perks the new killers perks dont
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On the other hand, most of the good survivor perks come with free characters.
Meanwhile, to run a meta build as killer, I have to buy like 4 different dlcs.
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^This. IΒ΄ve just read a post of a Killer struggling because itΒ΄s so tiresome for him to farm all the required DLCs to being able to play at a decent level.
And IΒ΄d argue that there were some great survivor perks in the latest couple DLCs. Soul guard will be SO GOOD with the shift in totem meta, so will Inner Strength.
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Blood Favour is pretty mediocre.
Dragon's Grip is situational, only becomes great with PGTW. A supporting perk.
Hex: Undying is m e t a but also needs other hex perks to have an actual, amazing impact on the match. A supporting perk.
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So, I've covered over why these comparisons are terrible in another thread before, but I'll change it slightly for here.
Reworking a killer's power is reworking a whole character, as their power is largely separate from gameplay. It is THEIR UNIQUE part within the game, not a shared mechanic. Survivors aren't.
If you are asking for a rework to SURVIVORS, you are asking for a rework to an entire GAME SYSTEM.
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i agree with this heavily, i see so much talk about swf especially and being someone who strictly plays solo it gets old being attacked over things i don't even utilize and don't even participate in
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...DS and unbreakable aren't free... neither is soul guard. Those are the perks killers complain survivors use the most.
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Lul "game breaking" perks....
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That's why I said most.
Adren, Sprint Burst, Bond, Iron Will, Lithe, Balanced Landing, and probably more that I don't remember are all free.
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...Unbreakable is free though. The Left Behind Paragraph was a free addition to the game...
Also do people still complain about Soul Guard? It hasn't and doesn't strike me as a "problem perk" like DS (and Unbreakable when combo'd with it).
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Yes killers cry about it cause it's denying then easy games.
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Okay well the most op meta survivor perk there is is still behind a paywall...
...pebble (adam francis) π
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Lol you're so wrong
It's For The People
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Oh ######### you right π