Hatches and DCs

Scenario: Survivor A and Survivor B are the last two survivors remaining in the trial. Survivor B is knocked into the dying state while Survivor A runs towards the hatch. Survivor B leaves the match (DCs) and the hatch immediately opens for Survivor A to get a free escape.
Question: Should the hatch be blocked for 30 seconds to prevent this exploit?
Hatches and DCs 41 votes
I honestly don't know. It's not completely a free escape because the survivor that disconnects loses all the blood points they have earned during that trial and they're also penalized for disconnecting. If it was implemented, it could also be potentially used for trolling because if a survivor is on the ground about to bleed out they could DC just to troll the other survivor that didn't pick them up??? I understand where your point comes from but idk.
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No, the hatch should open immediately regardless if a random/friend disconnects for me.
My answer is don't slug survivor B. Hook them as near the hatch as you can, then move towards the hatch to close it before the survivor escapes. Don't know where the hatch is? Look for it and hope to get lucky after you hook them. But you don't want to risk even one survivor escaping? Start thinking of one survivor escaping via the hatch as a soft win, and don't be so determined to get a hard win.
Being survivor A or B when the killer slugs to secure all 4 kills is the most hopeless and dull experience.
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No, the hatch should open immediately regardless if a random/friend disconnects for me.
Block the hatch for 30 seconds so that the killer can camp it? Haha, no. It's just one player; if they find the hatch, let them have it. It's not like this happens often. It's actually the first time I've heard of this happening. Who would want to DC and lose points just to give their teammate a hatch escape? Not many. Especially not randoms, lol. It seems like you're coming from your own (not so old) experience.
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Yes, survivors shouldn't be able to escape for free.
This doesn't happen very often so I'd rather they focus on more important issues.
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No, the hatch should open immediately regardless if a random/friend disconnects for me.
That's just being a pussy if you dont get the last kill then too bad its only like 5000 extra blood points
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Yes, survivors shouldn't be able to escape for free.
That's a huge swing in the relative endgame scores. 5k out of 20-32k points can easily be the difference between winning and losing on score.
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No, the hatch should open immediately regardless if a random/friend disconnects for me.
Or you could actually do good and find hatch or play killer I play ghostface and I get almost a rank every game I can't play the game much but I've been playing for a while and I know how to swing a knife and hook someone.
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Yes, survivors shouldn't be able to escape for free.
I've actually had this happen multiple times against me, and it was ALWAYS when I was fighting a SWF. They would be losing the match, and one would take themselves out so the other could get the Hatch (sometimes while I was closing in even). It is just one more abuse of the SWF.