Perk Concepts Part 2

SpasticLlama Member Posts: 60
edited September 2020 in Creations

Hello there! Here are some more perk I ideas I managed to think of! I hope you find them cool and interesting! Please comment down below what you think of them and which one is your favorite! :3

P.S/Disclaimer: One of them is a joke perk lmao. I added pictures and quotes to my perk ideas to make them more cool! Also, the perk icons that are fan made are not my own but are drawn by someone else.

Post edited by SpasticLlama on


  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,028

    Beacon of hope and cunning escapes is the only good one really because i can see it being used as an emergency tool to save someone/useful to get out of a situation or heal a survivor up. Dont get me wrong, I like most of them, but some dont really fit the game (Friends on the other side for example; the crows are clearly explained as working solely for the entity, not the survivor or killer) or are a bit much.

  • SpasticLlama
    SpasticLlama Member Posts: 60

    Whats up AetherBytes! Thanks for commenting! I understand what you are saying about "Friends on the other side" I just thought it would be kinda cool to have a pet bird lol. What do you think of the killer perks? :3

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,028

    Malfunction is decent but sounds more like an overcharge rework. The booby trap one is a bit too much, and while I'd love to have teleporting survivors on hooks, it needs some balance to it, say for example pausing the struggle timer momentarily.

  • SpasticLlama
    SpasticLlama Member Posts: 60

    Thanks for the criticism! I have just now went back and changed them to become more balanced. I hope they sound better! :3

    "Malfunction" Stayed the same though.

  • CheeseAnton
    CheeseAnton Member Posts: 882

    I'll give thoughts on the survivors perks, as even though I do still have hundreds of hours on killer and play killer regularly, I would still say I'm not the best to rate them and I'm 100% a survivor main (I really only play Killer to learn how to survive better).

    Beacon of Hope: Maybe heard it before, but it is a little too much. What I would personally do is remove one of the effects, but buff the other one. Either make it so the light takes 2 seconds to unblock the entity, or make it so you need 25% to prime the flashlight. Also give it a tiny effect like Self-Care that makes Flashlights last 5%/10%/15% longer (because of the tier system, you need obligatory tier stuff). 6/10

    Spiritual Connection: This might actually be in my basekit, it's a more useful Alert. Sure alert is map wide, but I feel Spiritual Connections is where you need it to be. 10/10

    Frantic Dash: I'm not saying it's bad, I just don't think it'll be used. Like Lucky Break, I feel it's under rated, but I'm not saying it should be used. Maybe this would be good in certain builds (like Lucky Break). Maybe paired with Iron Will, Urban Immersion, and an indoor map. I'vebeenmakingtheseuponthespot/therankingsliterallymeannothing

    Escape Artist: I feel like all it needs is a longer cooldown. Don't go Any Means Necessary and make it useless, but maybe 90 seconds at the lowest. yesthisis/indeedarank

    Camouflage: I would rather it be 5 tokens with 'em all scattered across the map and take 3 seconds, because invisibility is bonkers. Blen/dette

    Cunning Escape: I wish this was added to Babysitter to make it a better perk. But I still love the idea of delaying the hook notification, and I would use this constantly. Nacho/Cheese

    Makeshift Shotgun: Seems okay, can it stack by any chance? As in there could potentially be 4 shotguns in game? I would say if that's the case oh gosh no, take it back. But if not, I would be okay with this. Cold/Water

    Overall, neat ideas. Here, have an epic sweater for your epic contributions.

    (the best sweater)

  • SpasticLlama
    SpasticLlama Member Posts: 60

    Thanks a lot for the thought out response CheeseAnton! Of course Im not a dev nor have much knowledge on balancing, but I try my best!

    I'm glad you like some of them! :3

  • SpasticLlama
    SpasticLlama Member Posts: 60

    Also, Check out my first perk concepts for there a lot more than this one! :3

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,260
    edited September 2020

    I really like some of these ideas, so I'll give my thoughts on them.

    Beacon of Hope: Being able to "burn" the entity off of things isn't a good idea due to balancing issues. It'd make some perks (some of which are already lacking in power) a lot less powerful. A few examples being Corrupt Intervention, Dead Man's Switch, Cruel Limits, Thrilling Tremors. However, the priming of the flashlight to sacrifice it for an instant blind I really like, it brings back the spirit of the party starter. If you removed the first half of the perk, I would really like to see this one added into the game.

    Spiritual Connection: I really like the premise behind this perk, but having aura reading attached to it for that long is too strong in my opinion. It'd mean that you could almost constantly see the killer (crows are everywhere, see how often Spies From The Shadows goes off) when they are within the range. I'd personally either greatly shorten the aura reading or replace it entirely with a unique noise notification.

    Frantic Dash: I agree with what CheeseAnton says on this one, it's a good idea but I'd think it'd be better if it had extra effects (maybe if it was an addition to Slippery Meat, that perk needs some love).

    Escape Artist: I kinda like the idea, but giving the survivors the ability to teleport kind of conflicts with the design idea of the game. I don't think the survivors should be given supernatural powers to that extent. Cool idea, but I don't think it works with the theme of the game.

    Camouflage: I'm not really sure about this perk either, but that depends on a couple of details. How invisible is invisible? Do they just turn into Wraith for a moment, or do they put on a ghillie suit to blend in with the bushes more. If it's the last of the two options, this would be a great and unique perk. I think Survivors turning completely invisible is a bit too close to the "giving survivors supernatural powers" I mentioned in the previous perk.

    Cunning Escape: I really like this perk. I'd personally keep the aura of the hooked survivor present for the 5 seconds the perk is active and then give the notification. If the killer is given the notification after 5 seconds, that would be enough time for the survivors to escape from the vicinity. This would create a more confusing effect for the killer, as by the time they knew about the unhook (provided they weren't within line of sight), the survivors would be long gone. This perk is one of my favourites out of the ones you suggested.

    Vile Snatch: I really like this perk as well. The relocation of the survivor along with the pausing of the sacrifice timer allows the person unhooking to be pressured for a lot longer without giving a free hook stage to the killer. To make it even more effective, I'd add 6 seconds of blindness to the hooked survivor, preventing them from leading other survivors in their SWF to them while their aura is obscured.

    Obsessive Incantation: This is the only perk I really don't like. Giving free hits like that is way too strong and would be really annoying to come up against. 32m isn't actually that short, if all survivors can be hit by Doctor's Static Blast, then all of them can be damaged by this perk at once. There is nothing in the game with that level of strength, and even if the range was toned down a bit, I still don't agree with the perk's base design.

    Makeshift Shotgun: Another good idea, but a couple of details need clarification. How does the perk behave if more than one person is running it? I think there should only be one shotgun per match. Here's how I would rewrite the first section of the perk description:

    If Makeshift Shotgun is active, a total of two Special Chests will spawn, each containing a piece to craft the shotgun. Only survivors who are running Makeshift Shotgun can open these chests and carry the shotgun pieces. Once these parts are brought together and assembled, you will obtain a Shotgun, which cannot be dropped.

    Makeshift Shotgun disables the ability to carry other items or search regular chests for the duration of the trial.

    I also think that an 8 second stun could be a little too strong, that's quite a significant amount of time, especially considering how effective Decisive Strike is with a 5 second stun. There wouldn't be any way to know for sure without testing this concept in game, however.

    Overall, however, I love the idea of a secondary, optional objective the survivors can do to hinder the killer like this.

    Booby Trap: Another cool idea, but I'd like to know a bit more about this perk also. Is the immobilization similar to Trapper's Bear Traps, or is it unescapable? There should be a timer on how long the survivor is immobilized for. How do trapped chests react to Plunderer's Instinct? Are they highlighted?

    Hex: Pandemonium: I like how this perk has a counterplay to it by punishing survivors who group up to perform actions while leaving survivors who are alone unaffected. I don't think the second part of the perk is necessary, however.

    You've had some really great ideas here, I look forward to hearing more from you.

  • SpasticLlama
    SpasticLlama Member Posts: 60

    Hello ReverseVelocity! Thank you so much for taking the time to write such a thoughtful and long response! It means a lot!

    I agree with most of the things you said. I thought some would be a cool idea but after some thoughtful criticism I would probably change them in the future.

    For "Boob Trap", its like the bear trap basically. The chest will still highlight from plunders.

    The Makeshift shotgun is a joke perk lmao.

    I can understand how Camouflage and Escape Artist make it seem that survivors are giving supernatural powers which doesn't make sense. I though it would be an interesting idea.

    For spiritual connection, I guess the range can be toned down a little bit. Maybe from 36 to 28? or the cool down to like 16/14/12

    Thanks again for the very thoughtful comment and criticism! See ya in the Fog ReverseVelocity! More perks are coming soon! :3

  • DarkMagik
    DarkMagik Member Posts: 822

    Camoflauge will be very map dependent. Hawkins,Lerys, & game will conter this perk