How to versus Freddy?

BlowHard74728 Member Posts: 60
edited October 2018 in General Discussions
Hello, I know Freddy is often considered one of the weakest killers but for me at the moment he is ranked up at 1. I have a hard time facing him because ive only ever gone against him twice and it quickly went bad fast. 

Im here asking any experienced Freddy users or survivors that know how to face him for help. Much appreciated.


  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    He si vulnerable to the most basic high rank survivor tactics; gen rush and looping.

  • GrannyonAcid
    GrannyonAcid Member Posts: 476

    Yeah. I would also love an explanation of how he works. Probably could just look up a video. But I have no idea how he works. So everytime I face him I run around confused.

  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410
    Then there's his archenemy... Self-Care
  • RSB
    RSB Member Posts: 2,258

    How he works?

    He need to be close to you, to put you into the dream world. Putting you into the dream world takes 7s, during this time you can see the glimpses of him. After he put you into the dream world, he can interact with you, and see your aura outside of his TR.

    He can't interact with survivors who are outside of the dream world, NOR WITH THE ONES BEING HEALED BY OTHERS, DESPITE BEING IN THE DREAM WORLD, which makes him a really weak killer.

    So his power is literally wait 7s to be able to hit someone.

    Oh, if you want to ghet out of dream world, simply fail a skillcheck.

  • Damarus
    Damarus Member Posts: 600

    The fact with Freddy is that he plays both sides, balance wise. He is weak, in the sense that he has to put survivors to sleep BEFORE he can actually hit them, but he is also powerful, because he has innate aura reading abilities that make him see survivors outside of his terror radius and highlighted in red. So he feels weak for those who don't get put to sleep first, but for those who have this bad luck, he is gonna tunnel them to death. I have yet to see a Freddy player who does not tunnel... All you can really do is gen rush and try to hold him as much as you can, while others do gens. Sadly, he is very badly designed. Keep in mind though, that (again) he can't hit you until you are asleep, so you can always try and bodyblock him, while he is carrying another survivor to the hook.

  • Grimbergoth
    Grimbergoth Member Posts: 293

    How he works , he has to put a survivor asleep before he can hit them , instead of a heartbeat you will hear his music when close , if asleep then selfcare failed skillcheck or any failed skillcheck will wake you up and thus he has to put you to sleep again before he can hit you . another survivor can also snap you out of the dreamstate as well. his major weekness is that you have to be in the dream for him to interact with you , so no hook camping , cant grab you off a gen or when you jump a window or pallet , only exception to this is lockers .

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    First things first; run Self Care whenever possible.

  • HP150
    HP150 Member Posts: 455

    Like others have said, pallet looping and gen rushing.

    Great, he can see the aura of survivors he put to sleep if they're outside of his terror radius... When is this actually useful? I guess if he loses a chase, but nobody actually tries to lose chases they just pallet loop to waste as much of the killer's time as possible. Maybe if he put multiple survivors to sleep then chases one? But the ones that he wasn't chasing will have been long out of the dream world by the time he hits a survivor twice, picks them up, and hooks them.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Use Self Care, Adrenaline, Unbreakable, and Spine Chill. The first 3 pretty much hard counter his power, and the last one will help you to stealth him when you are awake.

    People say "gen rush and loop" but that's what you do to every killer except Nurse. IMO it's easier to just avoid being put to sleep by watching Spine Chill and if it lights up then leave the area. Don't try to hide because he can spam his power to find you, it's a lot more effective to just walk away before he gets there. His vision in DW is far more limited than a normal killer, so if you can stay out of the lullaby or around the edge he really can't see you unless you stand out in the open.

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959
    edited October 2018

    Freddy can't hit awake survivor, so you can bodyblock injured sleeping survivor if you are awake.
    Freddy can't pick up sleeping downed victims while they recieve heals, so if you are awake you are safe to heal up dying victims until he puts you to sleep.

    And yes, I do think this is borderline exploiting and needs to get fixed.

  • BlowHard74728
    BlowHard74728 Member Posts: 60
    Thank you all for the suggestions and tip ill use them and see which holds the better benefit. 
  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    Freddy has some terrible bad mechanics going against him.

  • Esheon
    Esheon Member Posts: 568
    This is how I do it.

    If you're not in the Dream World, listen for the singing and have two things in mind...  a hiding spot you can walk to, and a pallet or window that will take about 5 seconds to reach while running.

    When you start to hear the singing, WALK to your hiding spot and watch the grass. He still disturbs the grass even though you can't see him. If you start to go to sleep, run for the pallet/window.

    You don't want a pallet/window right next to you, though. Without addons, you have 7 seconds where you only see him intermittently. That will often be reduced to 5 or 6 seconds with addons. If you're hanging around a pallet waiting to drop it when he first puts you to sleep, he can fake around the pallet and smack you. If instead you time it so you reach the pallet (or window) right before he can hit you, you can start the chase in a much better position.

    Once you're fully in the Dream World, he's a standard M1 killer so just loop him. If you lose him, try to stay inside his terror radius until you can break out of dream world. If you get out of the Dream World by failing a skill check, hide and creep somewhere else.

    A lot of people recommend Self Care for this, but personally I prefer Bond. With Bond, you can get someone else to wake you up without alerting the killer. Technician is also useful for the same reason. However, Self Care is the only way to exit the Dream World if you're the last survivor and the gens are done.
  • GrannyonAcid
    GrannyonAcid Member Posts: 476

    Okay. Well this is helpful. My few experiences with Freddy I've just never understood if you can avoid going into the dream state. Your head tilts to the side or whatever and it starts putting you to sleep. At that point there is no way to avoid going into the dream state?

    I've found it easy to dodge him to be honest. He's really a weak killer. Just catches you off guard when you have no idea what he does. Also when you are in dream state can he just see where you are? I feel like he can always find me. It might be something like nurse's calling. I've never really checked. But it seems like he'll leave me and then suddenly just run across the map right after me.

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    Looping, medkit with surgical suture works great against him, you can unhook right in front of him if you are not in a dream world(especially useful when you are near the exit gate) without any consequences, you still can blind him if you don't see him, he has to put you to sleep before he can even put a scratch on you, predict where he's gonna be when he puts you to sleep - stun with a pallet or vault a window, watch the grass and listen for footsteps. He won't see your aura inside his terror radius. Try not to lead him to other survivors, sometimes it's better to wake up on your own.

  • GrannyonAcid
    GrannyonAcid Member Posts: 476

    Damn. Well no wonder why everyone considers him weak. Seems like a great concept but poorly executed. I've never seen a Freddy actually do good against a team I've been on. But didn't realize that it's as simple as running over and unhooking someone and running out the exit gates at the end. Maybe he should be able to kill people on the ground when the gates are open?

  • ClogWench
    ClogWench Member Posts: 2,582
    His power offers him absolutely nothing during a chase, at best it let's him restart a chase if he loses sight of someone. If you're not used to facing him he can be intimidating but once in the dream state you can basically treat him like any other killer. He can't do much to impede generator repair, and if someone gets downed you can heal them and he can't actually pick them up while you do that. Freddy's biggest strength is making people DC cause he's annoying at best.
  • Global
    Global Member Posts: 770

    By review bombing the game to get him nerfed. :)

  • Strider
    Strider Member Posts: 94

    @GrannyonAcid said:
    Okay. Well this is helpful. My few experiences with Freddy I've just never understood if you can avoid going into the dream state. Your head tilts to the side or whatever and it starts putting you to sleep. At that point there is no way to avoid going into the dream state?

    Also when you are in dream state can he just see where you are? I feel like he can always find me. It might be something like nurse's calling. I've never really checked. But it seems like he'll leave me and then suddenly just run across the map right after me.

    You can actually still wake yourself up during the dream transition. Some survivors like to just stay put during the transition on a generator and wait for a skill check that will just wake them up immediately.

    Yes, as mentioned above if you are outside of his terror radius and asleep, he will be able to see your aura until you wake up. When you are in his terror radius, you have a bit of a blue glow around you so hiding will be harder than if you were awake.

  • DeadByFlashlight
    DeadByFlashlight Member Posts: 1,642

    @BlowHard74728 said:
    Hello, I know Freddy is often considered one of the weakest killers but for me at the moment he is ranked up at 1. I have a hard time facing him because ive only ever gone against him twice and it quickly went bad fast. 

    Im here asking any experienced Freddy users or survivors that know how to face him for help. Much appreciated.

    How to play vs freddy:

    Hold M1 at gen until he pulls you into dream. Then loop him into oblivion and waste minutes of time till you get hooked. Get unhooked safely (freddy cant camp) and repeat

  • chococri
    chococri Member Posts: 355
    Spine Chill and Self Care are a must go. 
  • Darksilk
    Darksilk Member Posts: 9
    If you want to see a rank 1 killer play as Freddy go to twitch and search for EntoanThePack. He plays all killers but plays Freddy a lot.  He's why i main Freddy now. 

    Plus he has a cool skinless cat!