Is Myers confirmed to be getting add-on reworks?
Because it is super fun to die with less than 5k bloodpoints due to Tombstone add-ons, without even being wounded, downed, or hooked.
Nothing about Myers has been confirmed, so I wouldn't stress about it. Even if they do change him, I wouldn't expect they would alter that particular thing about him. Myers being able to Mori under special circumstances is the big UNIQUE thing about him.
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I think he and Huntress are the only ones that don’t have the general amount of Addons per rarity so yeah there should be at least sample kind of rework.
keep in mind that his achievement Wvil Within requires him pretty much to use both his iri addons and it’s unlikely for them to change those addons
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Myers has the best addon design in the game, though, so I don't think so.
I agree that the purple tombstone is a little busted and should be nerfed a little, but the iri one is fine imo
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It take forever to charge them, tho.. what should be fixed is matchmaking, because a team is as strong as the weakest chain of it. Well, yeah, if you get players who feed Myers his power, your match is doomed.
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I only know of Clown changes.
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A long time ago, Horvath said something about looking over Myers so it's probably gonna happen eventually.
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I mean, getting tier 3 with tombstone takes a lot of time and stalk. If you're sure you're not the one letting him stalk, your teammates are the issue, not the killer.
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I mean, it sounds like you weren't really doing much if a Myers Tombstone'd you and you had 5K BP.
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Myers needs basekit changes. His addons are fine. If they remove his Tombstone addons, that will just prove to me that BHVR is totally out of touch with their game.
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Yes, they would be completely out-of-touch for removing Ivory Mori's.
Wait, sorry, I meant Tombstone Piece. You know, the repeatable Mori that takes less time from spawn-to-kill than an Ivory.
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Why do you want every killer nerfed in someway you're a ghostface, you're supposed to be against any nerf #killerresistance
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If Myers gets his add ons changed it's a tombstone nerf.
What he needs is a buff to his power.
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To be perfectly clear, though, that was just my speculation. It makes sense, so it's likely Myers (along with Huntress) will be getting an add-on pass, but the devs didn't explicitly mention him by name on the stream, they just said Huntress and one other person, so technically it's not officially confirmed.
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The tombstones are for meme builds, they aren't even good. If you're dying to tombstone either you or your team is playing extremely bad. There's nothing about those that need nerfing.
Nothing has been confirmed about a Myers addon rework.
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Easy fix, just don't feed him.
And don't play solo queue.
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I hope he doesn't, I love his addons, they make him actually scary.
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Myers is the most balanced killer in this game.
He actually feels like he earns his power through actual interaction with survivors.
Please let him be.
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I did my best to not let him stalk me, it was Azarov's Resting Place. It was maybe three or so minutes into the match, he only had one hook so far. I got the unhook, and he came right back and instantly killed me.
Are you a killer main with no knowledge of how difficult/slow it is for solo survivors to earn BP?
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I actually play more Survivor than Killer.
I usually average about 19K-21K BP as a Solo Survivor. 5K BP means you got the unhook, did maybe half a gen and died.
It would've been a Purple Tombstone, if it was an Iri Tombstone, then your team was kinda bad because there is no way he should be getting that in such a short period of time.
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Tombstones just need to all have the change of myer's stance in all tiers with mori hand on them baseline. Othen then that, they are perfect.
Once the mori hand is there, you can counter him with lockers.
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My god, if you die to tombstone, you are an AWFUL survivor who FED him his power.
Running tombstone, or even tombstone piece seems easy at a glance - it's not. Against a team with even 1/4 of a brain, the exit gates are likely opened before you get to tier 3.
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He really doesn't need any changes to his add ons, they are strong but not OP. The "OP" ones have severe downsides so I think he is fine tbh. Once maps get fixed he will be much more viable.
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Yep. They all have the same downsides, really. The fact that by the time you actually get to use them, you've probably lost at least 3 generators. The only way you're getting good use out of them is if the survivors are idiots.
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if you're dying with less than 5k bloodpoints because of a tombstone then your team is either feeding him way too much or you aren't doing anything to get BP
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Myers needs his ability tweaked more than his addons need a rework.
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Dunno Myers is good its not his fault that game time is so low at red ranks if they would fix this problem myers would be in a better spot.
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How did he manage to down someone when he moves at 106% move speed without pwyf stacks lmao. Also you should've left the guy on the hook until he was really far away, you let him stalk you for the entire duration of you running up to the guy on hook and unhooking him. And you should try wglf, helps a lot in game where you get the chance to unhook a bunch of people and you don't really need 4 perks as survivor.
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In the recent dev Q&A they mentioned that Huntress and "another killer" were getting the numbers of their various rarities of add-ons standardized (ie. so that all killers have two red, four purple, etc.) Huntress only has one red add-on for example so she'll be getting a second one of some sort. They didn't specifically say who the other killer was but it's probably Meyers because he has 3 Browns and 6 Yellows instead of the standard 4 and 5 so they'll probably change one of his Yellows into a Brown.
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He had left the area of the hook... suppose the downed Jane was just a mobile pleb (platform this occured on to prompt this post). At least some kind of audio cue when he tiers up with that add-on would be more acceptable. I do run WGLF on PC, but not mobile (as bloodpoints aren't needed for leveling up on mobile).
I can't remember the last time I've seen this add-on on PC, but on mobile, they put an insane amount of rare and ultra rare add-ons and offerings in the bloodmarket (their version of the bloodweb).