More ways to get stacks of We're Gonna Live Forever, please

Nos37 Member Posts: 4,104
edited September 2020 in General Discussions

It's tough to get stacks of We're Gonna Throw the Match Trying to get a Bloodpoint Multiplier. It would be nice if this perk could also gain stacks from being within close proximity of a Survivor who successfully wiggles free from the Killer's grasp while being carried to a hook.

It's more befitting of the perk name than the other methods of gaining stacks. You have helped "your friends" get away without taking a hook state, and without you having to suicide into the killer just to get stacks.

There are plenty of hooks; the killer can carry a survivor 2.5 tiles away without perks; and the killer can always drop the survivor anyway. Point is, it would still be tough to get a wiggle-free stack, so this isn't a game-breaking Bloodpoint fiesta for survivors if implemented.


  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    Just add the ability to get stacks from healing too.

    Getting 4 tokens for WGLF should be just as easy as BBQ&Chili

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    people have been asking for this for ages

    but perk updates are few and far between, for some unknown reason

  • dastru
    dastru Member Posts: 165

    supposedly the idea of adding an extra effect to this perk was on the table but who knows when

  • BaldursGate2
    BaldursGate2 Member Posts: 994

    Really a joke that this perk still has not get a buff. The amount of BP you get as survivor is so low, it doesn't make sense to play it if you really want to come forth.

  • APoipleTurtle
    APoipleTurtle Member Posts: 1,274

    This is one of those perks that should probably be a high priority for buffs.

    I think Altruism perks in general are actually really healthy for the game, but tend to be overlooked because they are weak (or at least weaker than all of the second-chance & Exhaustion perks). They promote teamwork between survivors, more interactions between survivors and killers, and would ideally create longer games (by slowing survivors' progress on gens and spreading hooks more evenly across the entire survivor team).

    WGLF should definitely do more than nothing. Maybe an increase to unhooking speed for every stack earned? Though it would honestly be really great if this perk briefly hid an unhooked survivor's scratch marks for like 6 seconds instead as an additional layer of "tunneling prevention". This second idea would make Babysitter obsolete, but it's not like anyone uses that perk anyway.

    In general it would also be nice if they added a few extra contexts where protection stacks could be earned (as a mini-buff to both WGLF and MoM). For example: what if taking any hit that could have put another survivor within 10m into the dying state would count as a protection hit? Such as if another survivor was healthy, but Exposed, or you take the hit from an insta-down power instead of them (such as a chainsaw or Oni's Kanabo).