Your *Worst* Experience(s) In Dead By Daylight?

What are they?

I've had a few that really put me off (generally involving way higher ranked people in SWF being queued into me as killer) but the absolute pits was a recent game as Bubba.

I was put against a high ranked duo in SWF and two random low ranked people of the same rank as myself.

After I hooked one early, he suicided on hook and the other rando DCed.

I decided to try to give the duo a good game, letting them farm etc. but they had a ...different idea.

Rather than playing the game, they decided to play hide and seek with me - sneaking around and hiding while keeping tabs on me and stalling out the game for 90 sodding miserable minutes. They were clearly way better than me and on the rare occasion I spotted one, they evaded me with ease - but never went for a single generator or chest.

I eventually caught one and the other hatched but wow, did that game make me not want to play anymore.


  • Skycerer
    Skycerer Member Posts: 183

    Reach rank 1 as a killer.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    I'm not sure what difference that would make for me. I already face rank 2-8 regularly as a rank 13-10.

  • Skycerer
    Skycerer Member Posts: 183

    All generators in less than 5 min.

    3-4 Survivors too coordinated, (Discord)

    At least 3 survivors run DS + Unbreakable, and 1 runs Object of Obsession.

    Oh, and toxic endgame chat as hell.

    For this reason, i want to desrank.

  • Xzan
    Xzan Member Posts: 907

    Games where everything is against you. Your opponent is way better than you and Stuff happens to you that never happens if you are playing the other side (hit validation is a big offender here).

    But the worst is still the "learning experience" if I play a killer I'm not good with and get absolutely stomped. Bonuspoints if the survivors mock you for it.

  • Owlzey
    Owlzey Member Posts: 442

    Having a key and finding the hatch, only to have your escape denied due to the fact the hatch was facing the side of a staircase and wouldn't let you open it. Guess I'll just die.

    Gotta love this buggy mess of a game.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Oh man, I've run into some horrible SWF groups. Getting 'games full scrub, uninstall' or 'gg ez' game after game as a very new player quickly makes you bitter and frustrated - hell, I've now disabled endgame chat permanently. Which is a pity, because 9 times out of 10 I'm fine with some bants.

    This game I haven't seen anything like this since Smite, or the glory days of the original DOTA.

  • 2LuvRias
    2LuvRias Member Posts: 352

    This is a long story, apologies but here's my worst experience with the game.

    I was playing some DBD with my friend, we were having fun joking about and climbing a little in the game, until we came across a Claude player, and boy did she succeed in ruining our session

    The match went normal, I had afew good chases, and was popping gens when the Killer was busy, then I got caught, My kindred went off and I took a look around. My friend was hiding hoping to save me, our Dwight dove in to a locker (because the Killer was heading his way lmao) and the claud was doing nothing, well she WAS behind a damn Bush, needless to say I died on hook as my friend forgot his BT unfortunately.

    My friend got annoyed, like really annoyed. He started trash talking the claud, calling her useless and terrible at the game, now I didn't see the Convo. But my friend claims she started bragging about being a former red rank. And that she got the hatch there fore she was better then him.

    I eventually calmed him down and told him to forget it, that it was just a game and theres no reason to get angry at a game. We decided to play one more match

    Low and behold our teammate was the Claud, I payed her no mind but I was worried and curious to see what would happen.

    The match was a cluster [BAD WORD] when my teammate was on the hook the Claud would buttdance and point St him, refusing to heal or do gens but here's the kicker,

    The clown who was the Killer tunneled my friend, then me to death. Luckily the Tapp had BT time, so I managed to loop the clown for 18 minutes before i died on my second hook.

    After the match I got a message from the clown, I'll type out the convo

    Clown: "Perhaps bullying your teammates isn't a very bright idea huh?"

    Me: "You've got the wrong guy"

    Clown: "Let's see shall we...nope definitely the right guy"

    Me: "This about the claud? Then yes you have wrong guy"

    Clown: "Don't play dumb, the claud messageed me before the match claiming you and your friend bullied her. People like you ruin the game and it's why us killers have such trouble with just playing the game as it's designed."

    Me: "No man, it's you that ruins the game for others, tell me what proof did she have of that? I never messed her. Do you have a screenshot maybe? If you can prove I bullied her at all I'll gladly apologise then admit I'm wrong.

    He blocked me after that, This was when I was starting DBD and it almost made me quit the game then and there. I'm glad I didn't though. I really like this game:)

  • Xzan
    Xzan Member Posts: 907

    I closed the chat, too. It's better for the overall mental health. People even came to my stream and harrassed me, but one click and they are gone.

    And tbh the toxicity from Dota2 (haven't played the original one) is bad, but not that bad like dbd.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    DOTA 2, like most MOBAs can be pretty poisonous, but it is nothing compared to the old days of DOTA, where zero moderation, hacks-a-plenty and no matchmaking meant that even getting into a game as a new player could be nearly impossible.

    Smite is another one, but the devs over there all but encourage toxicity.

    It's a little different in DbD, as the entire system is set up for 4 players ganging up on one.

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145

    I decided to play DbD in a SWF for the 1st time in 2 months.

    Instantly hard tunneled and camped by a Huntress.

    Yeah, I kinda deserve that NGL.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    First ever match as Billy. I still remember it. Nearly 4 years ago now. Suffocation Pit. 4 survivors that I'm pretty sure were SWF now all using purple Insta-blinds.. oh god the insta blinds. Old dead hard with old exhaustion that ticked down in a chase

    The big problem was that I assumed you had to end the chainsaw hit on the survivor thanks to the cooldown animation where Billy saws down. So I missed several sure hits over and over because I was ending it on them before the hitbox hit. Game lasted like 40 minutes becuase they just trolled the hell out of me. They all had dead hard or lithe, with the OLD exhaustion that ticked down in a chase/while running and old DS.

    Then when the gens were done they just kept trolling me and refused to leave looping me at the shack that I didnt know how to play around yet.

    God damn nightmare. It nearly put me off the game.

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    For me its being rudely remarked in endgame chat

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,159

    Anytime there's a 1-hit killer that goes around and downs everyone (usually with knock out) then just has them bleed out.

    Anytime I have been tunneled then mori'd off first hook.

    One time my entire team DC within first minute of the match - first when they realized it was Leatherface, second when Leatherface pulled them from a locker, third when they couldn't unhook themself even though I was running to them and Leatherface wasn't camping. Before I could find hatch Leatherface DC.

    One time a Spirit managed to body block me in the basement after I was unhooked, was there until EGC killed me. I was first hooked and spent all 5 gens in the basement. Hadn't been toxic, didn't have time to even do anything toxic before I was downed and hooked.

  • Pepsidot
    Pepsidot Member Posts: 1,662

    Probably back when infinites existed. I remember one time I was playing Wraith on Suffocation Pit and there was literally nothing I could do to catch the survivor. They would fast vault (and vacuum) to the window every time, whilst I would very slowly vault the window. Bloodlust didn't exist, window blocking didn't exist, he could see me coming through half the building and there was no EGC. I can't remember if he had SB or SC, but they were so broken back then, it was horrible. Not sure if DS was released at this particular point, though. But if it was, even if I had caught him, he would've had a free escape anyway unless I could've juggled him to a hook. I must've felt completely powerless and at the survivors mercy.

    I tried my hardest, but I never caught him because it was impossible without a HUGE mistake on his part. Can't quite remember, but I was probably forced to leave or wait them out.

    That was probably one of the worst feelings back then. As killer I'd just think 'PLEASE have mercy and just leave, not force me to DC or AFK ... I was a good killer and didn't camp!' or 'Please don't use the infinite or I lose'. I had to AFK quite a few times back then whilst survivors had their fun, it really made me have a hatred for survivors for a while, ngl. Especially how they justified it because I stayed at a hook for a few extra seconds. The feeling when they would bee-line to infinites whenever being chased, ugh. I'm fine now though. Many other killer mains must have felt the same way, too.

  • TheGhostofZgor
    TheGhostofZgor Member Posts: 334

    Early in my playing of the game, I stared a round NEXT to the killer. Not literally next to them but in their line of sight and yes they got me instantly. I almost ditched the game after that, I was so pissed, but it never happened again and I've enjoyed my time playing since...for the most part...

  • TerrorTrooper
    TerrorTrooper Member Posts: 94

    Just today, person standing in place dc's first 20 seconds of match leaving us 3v1.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Let's see... There was this time these two arrogant SWF's sandbagged me and the other solo (who were the only decent players, since the SWF dropped every pallet instantly against a damn clown no matter the distance they had), then proceeded to leave us to die next to an open exit gate and tell us to go slit our wrists and castrate ourselves. Longways, to be specific.

    I hope that filing an out-of-game report actually does anything, because by their statements they didn't care about getting reported at all and clearly did this a lot, possibly to every teammate.

  • Kellie
    Kellie Member Posts: 1,328
    edited September 2020

    Someone harassed me for a month because and spammed me with messages including the n word because I didn't want to farm.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Yeah I've seen some INSANE BM in postgame that I duly reported, but like most games like this I get the feeling that it just goes to a blind inbox somewhere.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    Yeah i got a few, but the worst was when Pallet/Flashlight-saving during animations was made an intentional balance change.

    There was no incentive for me to play Killer for those few days that it existed, every Survivor had a Flashlight, and if one didn't, they were probably planning to be the one to be saved, making sure to go down at Pallets and/or away from walls.

    Pretty much ruined the event for me: The rest of it was fine, but it just left a foul taste on the whole thing, i wanted the cosmetic ASAP and just not bother until the end of it.