Too many people DC or kill themselves on hook. How should they be punished or dealt with?

I don't know guys what do you think?



  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077
    edited September 2020

    Rapidly escalating punishments, culminating in a ban.

    The problem is that, from a bit of cursory reading on the subject, the gamecode here is just too vulnerable and not easy to fix, leading hackers to have a field day griefing people with massive bans and no way to stop them as of yet - hence the DC punishment system only lasting a short time whenever it's implemented.

    I'd love a lack of DCs - but as it stands, it's way too easy for a survivor to just nope out a game the second I catch them for the first time, or for me to just nope out of games where I get Haddonfield or one of the giant maps.

  • jisp3r
    jisp3r Member Posts: 317

    Maybe a BP multiplier related to match length? Like the expected is 10min 1.0x... DC 0x... Fast match 0.5x

    Just an idea.. Someone will find flaws haha

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    I can already foresee people stalling out games to frustrating lengths to maximize BP.

  • jisp3r
    jisp3r Member Posts: 317

    Then it is taking the game hostage, which is against the rules.

    But I know what you mean haha

    The best solution would be humans being less scummy, but that's impossible

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Actually, it's not. Sadly. Or if it is, it's simply never enforced.

    I spoke to an (alleged) mod on Discord when I had a pair of survivors in an SWF stall a game for over 90 minutes by just running around the map and hiding. They said that this was not against the rules and that only cases of hacking, real life threats or hatespeech are generally investigated at all.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099
    edited September 2020

    Survivors only have 2 chances to get off the hook, neither will reduce the struggle bar, but will put the survivor in deep wounds when unhooked. The struggle button mashing is also removed. This removes suiciding on hook. Now an afk penalty to support this: If you haven't moved your camera within 40 seconds you will get a warning that you will be kicked if you don't move. If you're kicked, you get a 10 minute penalty. Bring back the normal dc penalty as well. EDIT: also, if you disconnect or go afk a lot, make it so you can only play with other mass disconnecters for a week, so they get extended queue times.

  • jisp3r
    jisp3r Member Posts: 317

    Read before posting... No one is talking about banning.

    Your team gets very weak as 3 when someone leaves, they should get some punishment for ruining other people's experience so they don't do it again.

  • skarsguts
    skarsguts Member Posts: 179

    The question being asked is how to "punish" people who DC or suicide and the second reply is saying to ban them.

    You all could, y'know, grow up and not cry over a DC in this game? It's not an e-sports championship where the winner takes home a cash prize. Blame the devs for making so many aspects of the game unbearable that people decide to DC. But no, you all want to punish the people who won't tolerate the BS and actually want to have fun playing a video game.

  • jisp3r
    jisp3r Member Posts: 317

    Okay you're right.

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    A lot of Team based PvP games temp ban people from the que if they rage quit.

    For example: Nearly every single moba does.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,120

    Bring back the DC penalties.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Only if the carrot on the stick is labeled "if you get this, you won't be punished." Punish the ones who don't get that reward. ;)

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    Maybe find out why they are suiciding on hook and do something against that? There are probably many reasons though, including toxic killers or toxic teammates.

    reward players for sticking in even though it’s hopeless. Punish scummy gameplay for both sides. Reward ‚good‘ gameplay. (Tunneling for example is way too powerful, if I get a challenge to kill all 4 or try an adept i go for tunneling one out and voila, done in maximum 3 games)

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505
    edited September 2020

    That's where I'm at too. I mostly play killer, and I never DC as killer, but when I play survivor, I mean, I definitely get it.

    I can't tell you how many times I've run a killer for a good 5-6 minutes, used maybe a couple pallets (and almost never shack pallet unless basement is in shack and it's a basement pressure killer like Trapper or Hag), no gens get done...just to see him finally switch off me and watch one of my team mates throw every pallet on the map in 2 minutes.

    Yeah, nah. I'm good. They can do without my services.

    Also - I tend to go beg for death if I see one of my team mates camp, and drop shack pallet in the first 30 seconds of the game, at literally the first chase. Or if I finally go on the hook to see nobody on a gen/someone self caring in a corner for 8 years. Like..just no.

    Also, I'd say the maximum timer should be absolutely no more than 15 minutes, tbh. They can raise the timer when they squash the bugs in the game that literally cause people to be forcibly DC'd, or have to DC.

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    I know you're joking (I hope) - but in the context of DBD, it would be nonsense. With the amount of game breaking bugs (such as the stuck in healing animation bug that has existed for almost a year, that forces you to DC because even EGC doesn't kill you), or just random server disconnects etc.

    We are talking about DBD here. A game that isn't nearly stable enough to have a system that will punish you for DCing even if it's not your fault.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    For DBD specifically, it's only an issue because of the bugs, glitches, etc. Beyond that, I'm for penalties ramping up to that point.

  • CyanideBlaze
    CyanideBlaze Member Posts: 143

    Idec anymore. Playing solo is so awful, I can't fault anybody for deciding they don't want to deal with it anymore.

    Like, honestly, why would anybody want to sit around so they can get camped or tunneled? You can't get any tasks done, and it's not rewarding or fun. If you don't own DS, you're SOL, and in a solo-q environment, other survivors aren't going to try to assist you. You may as well leave and try a different lobby and hope for a killer who isn't caveman killer thumping his chest like "Unhook bad, me god-tier killer, no unhook in my game"

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    Personally I don't know what they could do but I feel suiciding should be punished. I had an idea about gen speeds months ago. What if we had some sort of AI Director like in L4d. Something that watches the flow of the match and adjusts things depending on whats happening.

    If survivors die early, survivors repair gens faster, are more likely to kobe, higher luck when searching chests

    If the killer is getting crushed gens repair slower, survivors take longer to heal.

    Little things like that. I still feel the core problem is quitters.

  • DariusB92
    DariusB92 Member Posts: 122

    Its been my thought but I think one generator should automatically start per disconnect. It's really hard when a teamer DCs and then his team follows. Or even at the start of the match when one DCs. I know sometimes it's connection and sometimes intentional but it's really hard to continue as a survivor. I don't support the time bans but feel the DCing could be appropriated other ways

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,192

    Create a karma system, which is visible by your name. If someone exceeds a set figure, they get put into lobbies only with people with equal or more bad karma.

    That way, people won't need to worry about bans, since those players may not be finding many matches available to them.

    The karma system could be colour coded, which updates when a set number of dc's are done. That way, legitimate people who dc via power cuts shouldn't be punished.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    I’d rather they started to punish the AFK players. There are so many recently with 3 crows above their head. At least when one disconnects you get points for it.

    If they get crows kick and give a penalty to them.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    I never use to but the past few days ill kill myself on first hook if the other 3 survivors arent doing gens, im not being funny but im pretty good at doing chases and im getting annoyed going against rank 1 killers with team mates that wont do gens. like i dont care if i de-pip to rank 2, i am not going to stay in a game where the other 3 players arent even trying to do their only objective.

  • Cable2486
    Cable2486 Member Posts: 249

    I don't believe suicide on hook should be punished, if only because I've seen far too many killers try to proxy camp with one on/one loose. It means the person on the hook is forced to hang and wait, knowing the game won't end unless the other surviver abandons them, manages to save them which usually ends poorly, or gets caught. And since they can see the other Survivors aura, it's that much worse.

    Make no mistake, I'm a killer main, and it's frustrating, no doubt, but it's not equal to a player trying to loop you after one hook, purposely flashlight clicking and being obnoxious, than DCing when you catch them, wasting your time on purpose. THAT needs a steep punishment.

  • Buttercake
    Buttercake Member Posts: 1,652

    What about the poor slugged fools with crows. Not their fault their sorry team won't come heal them... #love4daslugged 👻

  • Leovanni
    Leovanni Member Posts: 52

    Stop camping or tunneling perhaps? That may be the easiest way to deal with it. I don't I've ever gotten DCs as a killer except in one case. Which is I hook them in under 30 seconds. Can't fix bad luck on their part though.

    Reasons I've seen people leave as survivor: ebony mori, camping, tunneling (like true camping and tunneling), bad luck like mentioned above, and iridescent hatchet huntress. Never understood why on the last one.

    Of the few times I've left, it's usually just because they brought an ebony mori and it's truly a waste of time to play against an ebony mori.

    Would get way less DCs if you got awarded Blood points for being mori'd or at least didn't get depipped in any game where an ebony mori comes in.

  • Blackscales
    Blackscales Member Posts: 8

    I completely agree that it is very annoying to deal with, but I don't think there is a very practical way to deal with it. Me and some of my friends on ps4 have encountered some sort of glitch that kills us halfway through the struggle phase on hooks even if we're spamming struggle. For me personally, it would be an absolute pain to be punished for something so difficult to control.

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,822

    I've never intentionally disconnected from a match. I sometimes let myself die on hook (ie, stop struggling prematurely) when we're near the end of the game and it's obvious that, even if my one remaining teammate saves me, all that will happen is that we both die immediately, after.

    I've definitely been in a couple of matches I should have d/ced from because they were so toxic -- like, in a serious way, it would have been better for my mental health to disconnect -- so I think people should be able to leave a match if they need to, but I also think the system should discourage people from randomly surfing through matches until they find one they like, or bailing because they already failed their rift challenge or whatever. To me, part of playing a multiplayer game is that you have to think about what's respectful to the other people who agreed to play with you.

    TL;DR I think the progressive time-out system is fine, if they stabilize the game and it doesn't crash or disconnect on its own very often. I also support having bigger rewards for the players who actually stay after a d/c, or letting them d/c without penalty for a certain period of time.

  • PayneMacLeod
    PayneMacLeod Member Posts: 81

    I don’t think suicide should be punished. At least not as harshly as a DCer.

    if a killer has me hooked and is just standing there, camping and whacking me, I know I’m not going to get saved, and would rather not have teammates get downed because LF is just standing there, waiting.

    Screw it, sac myself, and on to the next game.

  • Lmronby
    Lmronby Member Posts: 339

    Remove the ability to ######### on hook entirely, remove the awful Struggle Phase (as in just make it so that you don't have to spam a button), and make the DC penalties Immediately 15 Minutes, and make them stack until every Rank Reset.

    You have to be Harsh to get the crybabies in line

  • Lmronby
    Lmronby Member Posts: 339
  • Lmronby
    Lmronby Member Posts: 339

    But that is Sooo... Impossible to determine; so many factors go into the outcome of a match; how would any AI know when Someone is doing Well? Or poorly?

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    I didn't say it was a good idea :P

    I don't think there would be a way to implement that. Maybe a simpler solution would be to adjust gen speeds depending on the particular killer being used. Killer's with low mobility/map pressure get some extra seconds to fix a gen? As for hook suicides, I feel those should be punished because without a penalty the amount of hook suicides goes up.

  • BabyDweetMain
    BabyDweetMain Member Posts: 434

    Agreed. As someone who has solo queue for 4 years, dc'ing doesn't bother me. If that person isn't having fun then I hope they find a better match. I don't fault them. But afkers can all choke. I'm so tired of loading in and seeing my team mate afk in middle of map. I let them die on hook if they don't show me they're there. Why queue up if youre gonna be afk? It happens way too often. I did it once cause of emergency and I felt like ######### but I was back within a minute so I only got like one crow.

  • Impermanent
    Impermanent Member Posts: 48

    Honestly I'm heartened by the intelligent discussion here. Some great input. It's exactly right that you need to look at WHY survivors DC and that most of the time its because of gameplay they shouldn't have to tolerate so they don't: camping, tunnelling, afk or toxic or heavily mismatched teammates, unwinnable matches (moris, OP addons like IH), glitches, etc.

    I don't understand how anyone can expect survivors to just tolerate broken stuff that screws them over. So how do you fix the above issues? Pyramid Heads cage mechanic is excellent and should be instituted in place of the hook for all killers. For tunnelling, something like DS or BT should be built in to the base survivor kit so that killers actually know what they will get if they tunnel. They need to be trained to go after other survivors. AFKs should be registered by the game and either auto-end the game or just award all players a minimum safety pip and let them play it out. Mismatched teammates need to be fixed. Matchmaking is awful in the mornings and late evenings. Perhaps some way to choose in your options whether you want to weight your matches toward speed or accuracy. If accuracy is chosen you get longer wait times but it wont start a match until everyone is within 2-3 ranks of each other. AFA unwinnable matches due to OP builds, in my opinion this really has to be addressed by the devs. They seem to think that it's ok for a killer to run builds where they are undefeatable every once in a while (e.g. stacked Ultra Rares + Ebony Mori + Indoor Map) and that survivors should just suck it up. It's one of the worst aspects of this game. It's frankly insulting and disrespectful to expect survivors to just work their asses off to stay alive in a no-win situation, knowing they'll likely only safety pip or depip for low points while the killer has a blast. Bear in mind right now many people DC these situations and make it even worse.

    For now though I've just learned to accept DCs as part of the game. The fact is RANK DOESNT MATTER. If you're a top player or even an average player, you're the same player even if that number in the corner shows a 20. You lose a pip from players DCing sometimes. Sometimes that player is yourself. You're still the same player. New game.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    People who suicide are fine as it is not a dc.

    People who dc should have a much harsher punishment, look at other games. Yes crap does exist in other games and it is not fun to deal with it either yet you will not dc because you do not want to be on cooldown for hours,days or weeks. Reset of the escalating punishment should also be after 3 months.

    People who suicide should be reportable, they do suicide alot, they will be thrown in with other people who suicide and quit ofc that needs to be verified by the reportsystem.

    So my suggestion is a bhvrscore, the worse it gets the more toxic and ragequitting people you will play with. The score should maybe not depend too much on reports, but on actions happening in the game. Bhvr however needs to fix their reportsystem and other stuff.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    I totally CAMPED someone when I get a DC the minute I find the first survivor. That's right, first survivor found (not seen just found) they dc... please tell me how I camped that survivor? or even tunneled them when I had not hooked a single person. then the next one to dc was the claudette that ran me quite well and I finally got them downed.... they dc'd right then. lol keep saying it's only because the killer is bad etc.

    DC penalties should exist and they should escalate to complete game blocking by bhvr. I don't care how many hours you have in, 5 minutes is nothing. 10 minutes is nothing. should start maybe 5 minutes, then 10 minutes then 30 minutes, then 2 hours, then 6 hours, then up from there. this should be done on behavior's side and through steam so steam locks them out of playing thus no one can mess with it like hackers have done.

    "suicide on hook" this is fine as it is using in match functionality.

    I am tired of people saying they shouldn't exist, the penalties are needed, the rules in the game need to be enforced. at this point people are exploiting a feature designed to end games that would never end due to a bug or issue that occurred.

  • ZCerebrate
    ZCerebrate Member Posts: 641

    First for gameplay reasons -a killer who disconnects as soon as the game starts should null the match and everyone should at least get base bloodpoints for waiting for that load time and a safety pip (having 3 disconnects in a row can depip you 3x if they do it early enough).

    If a survivor disconnects they should remain in the trial as a husk (unmoving with crows flying around them) to be hooked or mori'd as normal. Disconnecting to deny a mori or hook is just BM when one side doesn't care about losing his match Bloodpoints and the killer is usually doing a challenge, achievement or trying to hook for BP/Perk synergy like BBQ. The disconnect symbol should still show at the bottom left to alert other players that someone who is hooked is indeed a husk and to just ignore them if they wish or unhook them for points knowing it isn't going to help them past that. This has been suggested dozens of times - addressed as something the devs will "look into" back in 2018 then never addressed again as far as I know.

    Now a more drastic solution would be around matchmaking - get rid of color ranks all together as currently planned by the devs and completely obscure matchmaking. Instead display "games played" against "games disconnected" (Where the person either unplugged or pushed the ingame button to leave early)... this serves first as a mark of shame against the player if they have 300 games played with 120 disconnects.

    Second add in another variable in matchmaking that makes people "slightly more likely" to match with other players who have higher disconnects to begin gathering the cesspool together (Dota2 does this with low priority queue for leavers). You'll see a marked increase in better behavior without timeout penalties or streamers getting bombed out by that code being abused by hackers