Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

How Do You Deal With Stealthy Groups?

Oh boy, does this annoy me. Usually an SWF group, running multiple Blendettes with a thick fog addon, who will *always* know where you are and will roam the map like sneaky little mechanic weasels chewing on gens or breaking totems until you arrive, in which case they just vanish off into the grass.

Just had a misery of a match on Yamaoka where I lost 3 gens before I even saw a survivor.

Even Whispers can't help catch these guys - especially on maps with a lot of foliage and density.

Is there something I'm missing here? What exactly is the counterplay? Working on Undying at present and probably going to have to run this baseline from now on. Grrr.


  • GreyWolfofNorth
    GreyWolfofNorth Member Posts: 28

    The counter is to only play Doc obv. I'm Kiddding.

    Discordance can help if their sneaking around together. Dragons fire? Blights perk that makes them scream when they touch a kicked gen. Keep your eyes out for the crows/spies from the shadows. Or even bitter murmor you might not find them on the first gen but you'll have a general idea where to scour.

    Alternatively? Stealth killers work well against them. Scratched mirror Myers. Hag traps. Zooming across the map as Billy or blight. Stealthy demo portals. Nurse long range blinks. Freddy has them highlighted. Plague with increased infection time. Spirit with stridor obv. Trapper traps to a degree can help but not that much. Leather with the light chassis. Clown if you wanna gas the whole area. PH can taint the area making it hard for them to do a quick getaway

    Deathslinger, Huntress, and Legion can't really do much. Everyone else has some sort of way to counter them.

  • YaiPa
    YaiPa Member Posts: 1,929

    nothing. Hard stealth team are mostly impossible to face. Like a 3 gen doc or a forever Freddy, sure, they're not that bad, but they just demoralize you at the point where searching for another match is way better than finishing the current one. Especially if you're huntress and they have spine chill, it will just takes ages, just to find one person, add to the mix a decent looper and the game is ruined.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    I was playing Hag. Didn't do jack. They just crotchwalked over the traps. I doubt stealth would have worked either, as they seemed to have a full-time lookout.

    Plague and Doc could work, but the problem is that you can't just run a specific killer all the time in the expectation of a shenanicomp.

  • GreyWolfofNorth
    GreyWolfofNorth Member Posts: 28

    Hag with the silent trap add-on and placing them in a web around the area should be able to get them in some way. You have to assess how much time they woulda had to make distance and search that area. If their not setting off traps their not running or walking which means their crouching with or without urban evasion that's still a small area to search. Yamaoka especially is hard to find them but it's not impossible. Just to be clear I'm not saying git good or anything. It's hard either way but there's things you can try to do.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    You need to hope they don't perfectly split up on gens and that you'll get a good map or just be overall lucky to find them.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    You can search the area, but you won't see them in the bushes, as they will rotate slowly around you.

    And yes, there are addons and killers that can somewhat counter this - but you can't run them every game in anticipation of this sort of style. You'll run out.

  • DaKnight
    DaKnight Member Posts: 720

    I almost never play killers with a 32m terror radius. I always have monitor on them, and it helps a ton with finding people at generators. If I don't have corrupt on I usually have discordance or tinkerer instead. I always turn my camera to the side when approaching discordance/tinkerer gens, in case of spine chill.

    They would only know to crouch over the traps if they saw you placing them. Hag is probably one of the best anti-stealth killers for that reason. I don't use whispers on hag but if I did, I would be cautious when placing traps when it is lit.

    I am not sure what skin you use on her, but her blacked out skin with monitor and abuse is extremely stealthy and can help you sneak up on people who don't have spine chill.

  • nursewannabe
    nursewannabe Member Posts: 1,075

    I hate these groups. These are the games I find the most boring. And how can they even find it fun? I guess the thrill of the suspense? Still, boring if in a whole game nothing happens for the mst part

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    One word: Herman

  • MrLimonka
    MrLimonka Member Posts: 545

    Blendettes usually can't loop very well, so the best counter to them is Wraith with the all-seeing and windstorm addons.

    Basically when you're cloaked, you get wallhacks. Pretty neat.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    Ah, see, that's a problem with SWF and not stealth.

    Please don't **** on stealth players when it's the "lookout" from SWF comms that made your game difficult.

    I rather enjoy when players use stealth but are also extremely good in chases.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Not ***ing on anyone mate, just describing a playstyle that I find aggravating and asking for suggestions as to how people deal with it.

  • Kellie
    Kellie Member Posts: 1,328

    I just tunnel them. I'm not wasting 5 minutes to look for one survivor.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    And this is why I constantly remind people that stealth is OP. Because it is. There's nothing you can do but waste a while bunch of your precious time trying to find one person because you think they might be in the area, all the while being literally unable to see than and basically just relying on bumping into them physically because the foliage is totally balanced.

    Seriously, there's nothing you can do. No perks help you. Whispers radar? Guess what, they move around, and even if they don't then how long did it take to pinpoint them? If you even could pinpoint them, because it's pretty likely that you were picking up another survivor as well.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    cool, I just felt like the way you worded your post beat down on survivors that use stealth.

    Things to do (and this doesn't apply to SWF because that 4 man **** is often so aggravating and so not fun to play against):

    1. Bring Insidious. Lure survivors back to gens.
    2. Walk backwards toward your destination (defeats Spine Chill until significantly within terror radius)
    3. Approach from unexpected angles. Just a general tip for any time you're having trouble finding a survivor that keeps sneaking away.
    4. Bring Spies from the Sha- oh, wait. Nvm. Its range got nerfed and now belongs right back in the trash bin out of which it got dragged (this would have been my first suggestion last year(?)).
    5. Take Huntress for a spin...ah...wait. Yamaoka. nvm. But on other maps that aren't one of the terrible ones, just start chucking hatches where you think survivors might be. Who knows? You might get lucky.
    6. Pray to the entity. This is your last resort when you're just done with trying.
  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    I mostly play Clown, and his only pressure comes from the chase. Which means it’s extremely important for Clown to be quickly moving from chase to chase. So I’ve had to force myself to be extra attentive to environmental cues in order to quickly find survivors. Here’s my tips.

    • there’s no shame in using tracking perks. Bloodhound is still a regular favourite of mine in anti heal builds (and it’s a god send in finding slugs with the current sound bugs). Don’t discount Whispers, Spies, or anything else that could help you find survivors faster. Survivors can’t rush gens if you’re always quickly finding them and quickly ending chases.
    • Always keep an eye on the horizon as you’re searching. Be extra watchful for crow activity in the distance. Also realise that in any areas YOU are disturbing crows means that those are areas survivors have NOT recently been in.
    • Listen for their breathing. Stridor is NOT just for Spirit if you have trouble with this. Survivors can hide in shrubs and grass all they like, it doesn’t stop them giving off sound cues.
    • If you’re certain survivors are in an area, slow down. Where would YOU hide if you were playing survivor. It doesn’t become all that difficult to spot survivors in shrubs, grass, bamboo, or corners once you realise how predictable these hiding spots are. Crows suddenly return to a perch near a rock or shrub? Check it.
  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Stridor is certainly an interesting idea. Man I wish I could run 5 perks.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Surveillance on stealth killers. Never underestimate the power of the kick in the slow game.

  • GingerBeard
    GingerBeard Member Posts: 273

    If you have nothing in the way of detection, then there isn't much you can do beyond trying to keep an eye on crows, sounds, or getting lucky.

    As a survivor I find stealth fun, and as killer its fine as long as only one or two are doing it. If all of them are being stealth lords though, it's one of the worst killer experiences in my opinion.

    I had a game a couple days ago on The Game, playing as Blight.

    Had two survivors left alive, a Jake and a Claud, with only two gens repaired. I spent five to ten minutes not seeing either of them, and they hadn't touched a single gen in that time. One finally decided to start repairing and I found him, injured him, and then just followed him around for a couple more minutes hoping he would lead me to the Claud. Still no sign of her, and she still never touched a gen. I eventually found her thanks to Deathbound making her scream when she healed the Jake, which must have made her panic since she then fast vaulted something, which triggered I'm All Ears.

    I've had some games though where I had to just give up and stand far away from gens, just in the hopes that they do them and I can get into another match.

    I do wish the devs would implement a twenty to thirty minute time limit on matches honestly, no match should ever last more than thirty minutes.

  • PayneMacLeod
    PayneMacLeod Member Posts: 81

    Stop playing killer. These annoying twats are just ganking you anyway, and you know their grubby Dorito stained fingers love to pleasure themselves when running around in circles, because that’s gameplay.

    Looping is stupid.

    And, hey, if you CAN find one of these self obsessed children, you can just get tricked into following one of them while they let the others know it’s safe to do gens, and then you lose anyway.

    So, it’s simple: don’t play killer. Survivor snowflakes are the only thing important in this game.

    It’s also really thematically funny when the killer is supposed to be the bad guy, but ends up being bullied and toyed with while the “good guy” survivors get the unfair advantage.

    Basically, this game is stupid, unbalanced and not fun. Unless you’re a survivor. Then you can team up and beat the 4v1 while doing cool things like squatting a lot to pretend you’re putting your testicles on someone else’s face. SUCH FUN!!!

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Some general suggestions are

    • have a perk or add-on that has a useful detection ability so you can be confident you are in the right area to look or listen for someone
    • learn to turn while moving and keep an eye out in various directions around you as you walk, don’t just stare straight ahead at the spot you’re walking toward. Looking around as you go can help you spot survivors trying to hide around trees and obstacles and makes it more likely to spot crows and scratches.
    • Always listen for the sounds of survivors actively working on a generator.
    • When you approach a generator don’t look directly at it if possible, Spine Chill is a common survivor perk and if you just stare at the generator you are walking to they will see it continuously lit and run early. Look to the side of where the generator is so that when you do get close and turn to see where the survivor is they won’t necessarily have run immediately as you got closer.
    • As you play games try to remember common hiding spots for future reference.