I hate the Leatherface buff!

Member Posts: 141
I hate how buff Leatherface is now. His chainsaw is way OP. He needs a nerf like the Hillbilly bad! His perks didn't need a buff. I hate him the most out of every killer now.
just play better he is still vulnerable to pallets and windows
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how about you actually learn to counter him instead of complaining about it on the fourms?
Pallets and Windows counter him just like they did before his buff
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- Use windows. They hard counter his existence and, ironically, L-T walls become some of the strongest structures you can use VS him.
- Don't greed pallets- if he's actually kinda close and you don't make it to a window (like, say, at a short-wall jungle jym you can make the window, but if you have to combine two tiles together don't risk it) then drop the pallet. Don't greed stuns, just drop that ######### and run.
- Split up- his chainsaw being able to down multiple people doesn't mean anything if you're all on other sides of the map.
- If you have nothing else, abuse his clunky hitbox- if you're in the open with literally nothing just try running around debris. Some of the hitboxes are cracked and he'll crash and bam easy distance.
- Do gens. This sounds simple but it's honestly really easy to do- he has no way of traversing the map. Just split up and pressure gens.
- Don't get 3 genned. This is even worse vs a Leatherface than a usual killer (excluding Spirit, Doc, Hag, Nurse, Billy, and Blight) because of how quickly he ends chases.
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Gut b8 m8
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