Who made you happy?

Hello people of the fog,
so today i played dbd drunk. I played killers i am bad with such as clown or billy (wouldnt call myself decent as billy) and gave people free escapes (meaning when i clearly lost the game, i do not keep the last unlucky person) or other stuff even with horrible maps and yeah sweat squads. But we all had fun. It was a nice game changer, just wanted to point that out and ask how do you make other people happy in dbd? I think i just got one toxic comment but that "clown" dced anyway so meh.
So what do you people sometimes do just because you can and do not care about the pip, the bp or the result of the game. Also share your moments of kindness in dbd, where someone did something nice for you.
-> Just thought a little bit of positive stuff might cheer us up, crazy i know, but here we go. Tell us/me about it. 😍
I sometimes give hatch. When I stomped a team a bit too harshly with Oni I do it quite often actually to make up for all the slugging a bit.
If a team has an obvious baby survivor they often get hatch too.
If a Survivor falls victim to a bug and I realise it, I give them another chance, often costing me games but who cares^^
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Body-blocking the killer so someone else gets the escape instead of me
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So earlier a blendette did that for somebody she unhooked, i actually wanted to chase her but lost her in the corn again 🙈and i wanted to give her hatch because that ######### dwight, even tho i gave free unhooks decided to go for hatch on her first hook, she unfortunately decided to suicide while i did carry dwight to her hook. I said keep how you play, everybody with a brain is goin to appreciate you as survivor (she literally didnt hide after unhook and decided to throw herself between demo [me] and the meg who got unhooked) so lost her in corn and found meg again...
idk sometimes as killer, i judge survivors by what they do. when they play like that and you know do stuff to help to others i like to think it is nice to reinforce that with a reward, unfortunately i was unable to give her what she deserved (hatch).
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I was playing Legion for the first time today, and a Feng was helping by 'messing up' at loops. And by messing up, it was clear she was a good looper but she was making very slight mistakes to help me. She was on PS4 too so I messaged her asking why she did it. She replied with 'Because this game is tough enough for killers. I just wanted to at least let you enjoy yourself more, rather than get frustrated'. Honestly, this was the nicest thing I've ever seen someone on this game do. I mean, I was complete garbage since it was my first time, but the fact she would do that shows that there are still nice folks in this game, somewhere.
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When I get challanges like " chase survs for X mins" or "damage Y gens" I don't hurt people if the challange doesn' call for it. Usually leave them running free and doing objectives. Sometimes they even help me finding gens.
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I just don't tunnel people. Ever. I hate it, I won't do it, I know what it feels like and it feels horrible. So I don't do it.
Then afterwards I'll go into the post-game chat if I've faced a streamer and they'll be like "Thanks for not tunneling mate, you did really well" and all the pain and sweat instantly becomes worth it for that one compliment.
Also playing survivor using my boyfriend's outfits and perks for him and imagining what he'd say, that makes me smile too :)
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Playing for fun.............?
I thought that was illegal!
In all seriousness though, it's good to see more people just taking a breather and just remembering that games are about enjoyment. Yes, I want to get pips and rank up, but I won't loose any sleep at night if I don't.
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This is cursed.
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I had a Feng and Jane try to meme with me while I was Ghostface. When they were sure I was good with it, they followed me all over the map exchanging spam crouches. It made me laugh, having survivors chasing down the Killer :)
I also run NoEd sometimes and enjoy downing a survivor and drop them inside the Exit Gate. Watching rage instantly turn to utter surprise makes me giggle and usually gets me a TY or GG in chat.
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Had a Myers walking up to me like this...
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In Soviet Russia, survivor chase YOU.
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I try to be as fair as possible. I wiggled off yesterday do to the hook bug.
I just stood there and waved to hit me and pointed at the hook.
The killer was so surprised. I figured he had me, BS he gets screwed out of the hook. And when I play killer and it happens it drives me crazy.
End game chat, the killer said thanks! He said that had never happened before and it was good to see sportsmanship was still alive.
That made me happy. Even as I was left to die on my second hook. Forehead.