What is a thing we all agree on?

I posted this once already but at the wrong place.



  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Honestly the only thing we can all agree on is that we will never agree.

  • Stinde
    Stinde Member Posts: 459

    That the Clown is sexy?

  • xGodSendDeath
    xGodSendDeath Member Posts: 320

    DS needs to deactivate after unhooking someone or touching a gen

  • xerav
    xerav Member Posts: 392

    Adjust Killer Hitbox to match Survivor Hitbbox


    Nerf Nurse / Spirit / Hag / Spirit / Freddy / PH

    a trade i would always make :D

  • IMilkNobody
    IMilkNobody Member Posts: 114
    edited September 2020

    yes lets nerf a killer that is already buggy as all hell and make her even more unplayable genius

  • Chunkyboi
    Chunkyboi Member Posts: 115

    i think buffing weaker killers is a better thing to do then nerf the strong ones but thats just my opinion

  • Chunkyboi
    Chunkyboi Member Posts: 115

    that means that 1/3 of the game is bugs i think its more like half

  • Suvakita
    Suvakita Member Posts: 67

    Freddy is overpowered

  • Lx_malice
    Lx_malice Member Posts: 1,417

    No matter how much bs this game puts us through we'll probably still keep playing.

  • CheeseAnton
    CheeseAnton Member Posts: 882
    edited September 2020

    Ace is a breathing exists of an organism that was birthed somewhere near Earth (if not on it) in the canon of DBD

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    i wish that was true.

    sadly i see quite a few defending said behavior - even people requesting the DC penality system to get completely disestablished...

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,815

    Disagree with 2 somewhat and 4 extremely. It makes no sense to individually buff almost every killer even if you think the game balance is skewed towards survivors. If almost every killer were actually that weak killer as a whole should be buffed.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,815

    They really should be doing both. The best way to achieve a state of balance is to make the gap between the best killer and worst killer as low as possible. That way the game is actually possible to balance without some killers feeling too strong and others simultaneously feeling too weak.

  • timbologna
    timbologna Member Posts: 348

    Claudettes are extremely dark.

  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    Darn, I really was genuinely convinced that no one would arue against these.

    I disagree though that Killers should be buffed across the board. We have Nurse, Spirit, Hag and Freddy that would benefit too much from that, so I left them out.

    Care to elaborate why you think Moris and Keys don´t feel unfair?

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,815

    My take is that we should nerf Nurse, Spirit, Hag, and Freddy along with a buff to the killer side in general. Same result, way less work, and way more time for other needed improvements :)

    As for the keys / moris discussion, I think moris are just in a different league than keys. I see Moris as the single most OP thing in the game, while keys are strong but borderline fine.

    • Killers can prep for keys in the lobby (unless someone's switching them in at 0:06, but people almost never do that in my experience), but survivors can't prep for moris.
    • Keys take up an item slot, meaning you have to forego items with much more utility for most of the match to bring one. Meanwhile, Moris are in the offering slot where most everything else has almost no tangible impact on the match.
    • There are many counters to keys: Franklin's, Moris, tunneling and/or camping, pressuring gens so the hatch never spawns and slugging for the 4k, etc. There are no real counters to Moris other than so thoroughly outplaying the killer that they never get a second down (or get it late enough that it doesn't matter).
    • Moris are much easier to use that keys, available counters aside. Moris you just need to down a survivor twice. You should be able to kill at least one survivor early in almost every match you play if you want to. If you're not tunneling you're just being generous. Keys require surviving and keeping your key until the hatch spawns and finding the hatch before the killer can find and down you.
    • Moris are much more common in bloodwebs than keys, especially for killers like Huntress that don't have the normal amount of ultra rare add-ons.
    • Keys aren't useful in the majority of matches. If you're the last survivor and find the hatch, if you're able to open the exit gate, or if you die early the key isn't really useful.
    • Last but certainly not least, Moris drastically alter the course of the match while keys generally don't make a difference until the very end. Moris just about guarantee a 4k or 3k + hatch if the skill of the killer and survivors are comparable. If you're using a key usually the main thing it changes is the amount of kills the killer gets at the end; the game progresses as normal up until the point where a key is used, so both sides get to have their fun as normal.

    For all of these reasons, keys don't really bother me while playing killer. I wouldn't be sad if they got nerfed or reworked, but I also don't think they really need to be. 3k + hatch and 4k feel about the same to me. As survivor, though, Moris are definitely a wet blanket.

    Sorry for the novel lol

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    I think both sides agreed the Nurse needed an add ons rework. Although only one side wanted the change to her base kit.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,311

    I'm pretty sure the vast majority of people would agree with changes that reduce the grind.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    meh probably the people who do dc. ^^

    any decent folk doesn't dc.

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,832

    the game needs options for colorblind people

  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    So at least in regards to the buffs to Killers, we seem to be on the same page regarding who needs them.

    As for Keys/Moris: I understand your reasoning. I agree that Moris are a bit more impactful than Keys, too ( I think Killer tools should be more impactful than a single survivor "equivalent" tool), but at the same time an argument could be made that Moris are harder to use sometimes (unpopular opinion).

    To be able to use a mori, you have to beat a survivor in a chase at least 3 times (not accounting for instadown Killers). In my opinion this is more challenging than completing a gen or two.

    If you bring a key you are almost guaranteed to escape if you manage to remain undetected for long enough or you´re the last survivor alive.

    In any case I stay with my statement that both feel unfair. Most Killers don´t have the ability to pressure the gens properly (kinda map dependant though) if the Survivors split up and don´t deliberately throw.

    At the same time, if Marth were to return to DBD and go all out with his Nurse and adding an Ebony on top of that...would be way overkill.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,165

    There needs to be another similar successful game that is actual competition for DBD to push the devs to really focus on fixing game health. Right now the game can have all the current issues because it's not like the players have another similar game they can go play instead.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    I'm pretty sure everyone agrees that iri head and infantry belt are OP.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,815

    Yeah. I'm still not so sure the game is as tilted against the killer side as many on the forum would say (the last stats we have say the opposite, for example), but if killers are underperforming then agreed.

    The only bit of the rest that I'd respond to is the "If you bring a key you are almost guaranteed to escape if you manage to remain undetected for long enough or you´re the last survivor alive." The vast majority of games nowadays, if you bring a key, you get tunneled. Franklin's is extremely common too, especially if there's another key or map. If you manage to survive and keep your key until the hatch spawns while avoiding a killer that is specifically targeting you and likely running Franklin's, I see no particular issue with you being able to consume a very rare or ultra rare item to escape.

    Just anecdotally, the majority of the time I bring a key, I don't get to use it. Either I get tunneled out of the game / Mori'd / Franklins'd before I get a chance or I use the gate / open hatch instead of needing the key. Every once in a while it's actually the difference between life and death, but that's a lot less common. Almost every time I bring a Mori, though, it's a 4k or 3k + hatch. I don't even like bringing Moris as killer for that reason; it feels like training wheels. I pretty much just save them for dailies.

  • nursesinhaler
    nursesinhaler Member Posts: 5

    This is the truth. At the very least a rework, but this straight up ruins hardware and isn’t accessibility friendly in the slightest (not that DBD is in general).

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077
    • SWF matckmaking protections need to come back
    • Killer matchmaking needs to be reimplimented
    • Quests that force tunneling or camping are a bad idea
    • Clown needs a buff
  • Elena
    Elena Member Posts: 2,187

    Solo experience is terrible, and I'm an avid solo player

  • Jyn_Mojito
    Jyn_Mojito Member Posts: 515

    All in 1 shampoo AND conditioner is an abomination 😭

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,905

    Daddy Myers has beautiful legs.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    with every new chapter there going to be new game braking bugs.

  • HangingMeat
    HangingMeat Member Posts: 3

    Camping KIllers Need to be curbed. i can agree with camping one person at the end of a match ( if you cant keep up with the survivors), but camping all 4 survivors is BS. "CAMPING LEADS TO D/C's", which in turn translates to less chances to hit and hang survivors for BP. Overzealous killers that try to hang everyone in the first 5 minutes of a match should be aware that they are losing BP. Longer matches gets everyone more BP, and lets face it, we all want BP. This isn't "US" against "Them", "WE" like to have fun and earn BP.

    If your goal is to be an AZZHOLE, then continue to camp and survivors will continue to body block you and harrass you throughout the match.

    The toxicity of this community is a raging wildfire, i've played alot of online games in my 54 years of life, and this is the most toxic game community i have ever seen.

    (Killers need to relax a bit and enjoy the game, and survivors need to stop harassing killers just to piss them off, some of us don't harass killers and we get brutalized by upset killers.)

    my 2 cents, agree or don't.

    "let the trolling begin"

  • Pepsidot
    Pepsidot Member Posts: 1,662
    • BHVR did a pretty good job so far
    • Mori's and keys need to be nerfed to the ground
    • Best streamer is Otz
    • Devs need to fix bugs
    • Infinites are and were never a 'mind game' (*cough cough* Mathieu)
    • Crossprogression should be a thing between consoles, PCs and every other device except mobile (I realize this is largely out of BHVR's control, but it's still something everyone wants).
    • There should be fortnightly Dev streams! (Cmon, what happend?! We used to be spoilt and have one every WEEK!) :(
    • We should receive feedback on player reports so that we can recognize our reports are having an impact on cheaters/griefers.
    • No mither is a terrible perk
    • There should be more skins in the shop that can be purchased with shards.
    • Some aspects of legendary skins such as a characters head and hair that doesn't impact the rest of the body cosmetic in anyway should be mix and matchable. Killer weapons should also generally be mix and matchable in legendary skins.
    • Matchmaking ranking system needs to be improved/reworked (MMR 2.0?)
  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    A lot of the cosmetics are just overpriced reskins of existing skins, or overpriced in general and not holding to a standard that the Devs outright stated. (I love my Minotaur, but that isn't what they said legendary skins would be.)

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    I've heard someone unironically say no mither needs a nerf.

  • Chunkyboi
    Chunkyboi Member Posts: 115

    Im checking on this discussion! Thanks for all the comments!

    true legendary skins are just an excuse to charge 4 dollars more