The SWF Nerf Has Finally Arrived, So All Of The People Complaining For It Can Sleep Easy Now

Trying to find a match as SWF is actually so broken now.
The game refuses to load you into lobbies together. It bugs out and either kicks you to the menu or leaves you there trying to find one with every other player experiencing different things on their perspectives. "I'm ready" "you're not" "no one is even in my lobby" "we're all ready on my screen". Etc etc
Well done devs, well done. Making your game ever so unplayable and infruriating with every update.
Whether I understand your frustration you can always play solo.
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What even happened?
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Welp its better than my solution: impliment "KWF".
Allow 4 players to queue as 1 killer - THEY ALL GET TO CONTROL HIM. The power of 4 minds, harnessed by 1 body. What could possibly go wrong?
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SWF is broken af i really hope they nerf the SWF cause is totally broken
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That's not really the point. The point is they are breaking their game and making things unplayable in certain regards
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They updated their game and broke something. Ya know, the usual
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Break DS and SWF ohhh Im reallu gonna enjoy it.
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That would be hilarious to play as and against. It’d be Pacific Rim but with four people instead of two or three.
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It wasnt the recent Update tho.
Since Monday, I get kicked out of the SWF-Lobby a lot.
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Last time I played in a swf, we got paired with rank 20 killers all night. Got some challenges done between the bouts of shame.
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Time to try some meme builds hehe.. like third seal, knock out, undying and bbq :)
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They can't go a week without breaking something huh? Guess Knockout isn't so niche after all lmao.
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It's not a permanent nerf, it's a bug. So I will not rest easy and I will not stop complaining about it. I may throughout the period that it's bugged but afterwards it back to business as usual.
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This isn't even new, I've been having that issue since I started playing 4 years ago
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This has always been a thing. Swf wasn't in the game originally, so it's never really worked right. Whenever a friend or I see different things, we just restart the game and try again. This isn't new.
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Everyone controls one part of his kit. One his power, one his movement, one his M1 and one his FOV.
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Right i play most of the time solo surv or killer but in the evening i play with my sister. We have the same problem to get in an game and when we finaly starten a match. We got most of the time bot team mates. If i play solo i never have such bad mates. They are like spactator.
We tried fixing the Problem with Lobby creating by reinstall and steam fixing function. But it dont Work.
So we have to play other things togeter untill that is fixed. And i can only play when i am alone.....
Please fix that it is frustrating.
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Not from where I'm standing. I've resorted to dodging lobbies now, because the last 4 I've had have been obvious SWF groups, all with multiple toolboxes and a key. And that's only after I got completely stunk twice in a row by smurfing red rankers queuing up with a deranked account to roll over lowbies like me.
I can only imagine how frustrated other killers are right now.
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It's been doing that for a while now. Not really a nerf, since people still swf.
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That is why playing yesterday for the killer for several hours there were no games where the generators were ready in 5 minutes. I didn't understand what happened to the survivors.
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Lmfao 😂
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Play solo and stop relying on your friends, dude.
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So basically business as usual.
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Do this and see if the game dont die
You think what that Swf play survival because they think that its more fun? no man every SWF play as survival because you can play with friends
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Solo is ######### and play without friends is unfun
Or what do you think that people play survival because they think that its more fun? no they play because of friends
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It is a brand new issue.
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Thank You devs one bug i will appreciate. 😊😄😍😍😍😍
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Same here for me on Xbox I'll queue with a friend and wait in the queue screen me and him both ready only to hear him talking about what map he's getting and oh the killer is a clown meanwhile I'm still here with him. Thanks
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Lobbies have always been broken on console, regularly have to reset the lobby
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Just all restart the game at the same time, problem solved, I noticed it happens if someone's been on the game longer than there friend, also when new daily ritual comes in I notice that's when it happens to, easy fix just everyone restarting the game
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This has been an issue for ages, you all just restart you game and itll fix it. i feel its something to do with certain players dying early and spectating and it some reason keep thinking the players are separated when they arent. here was me thinking we actually had a balance to swf comms
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You don't need friends to play the game, and who said this game is always supposed to be fun anyways?
With the buckets of sweat the Survivor side of the community carries makes this game completely and utterly unfun. I know that might sound Bias in a way, but let's be honest with ourselves, the only reason tunneling and camping is considered more of a strategy now these days is because Survivors feel like they have to sweat bullets with some of the most annoying second chance perks out there, and they believe because they get a second chance that they should be given the right to T-Bag, and click their flashlight as if they accomplished something great is the most stupidest thing that ever grazed this when it was made.
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Ha ha most people who play in SWF CAN"T play solo.
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Um. No it isn't. I've only been playing swf for about a year, but I've encountered this bug several times a week for the entire time I've played with friends.