New Trail of Torment + Dragon's Grip now pair quite well!

AGM Member Posts: 806

Now a survivor has to make a hard choice: Do I leave the killer with free undetectable or do I tap the generator to stop regression and remove killer's undetectable, but get exposed for 60s?

I'm sure there are other things that combo as well, like Pop, and Brutal. I'd love to see this become effective!


  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,714

    I’m thinking of a Legion combo using the new Trail

    Trail of Torment: Become Undetectable until the generator is repaired or someone is brought to dying state. Then Frenzy to injure all Healthy survivor while Undetectable

    Pop Goes the Weasel: Extra gen slowdown from the kicks

    Thanatophobia: With the new buff if the survivor opt to stay injured it results in even more gen slowdown. And if they do spend time healing then you can do another Undetectable Frenzy to reinjure them

    Fourth perk is dealers choice, but going all in on theme I could maybe see Blood Echo to further punish survivors for not healing or Coulrophobia to make healing be more difficult. Dragon’s Grip could work too although you’re probably going to be keeping people injured most of the time anyway and Exposed doesn’t do anything when the survivor is already injured.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Doesn't the Killer Instinct from Feral Frenzy only work on Survivors within your Terror Radius? If you are Undetectable, you have no TR.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559
    edited September 2020

    yeah, but hard choices aren't great balance design when the survivor has no input on it happening in the first place. If a killer tricks a survivor into being in a bad position and then forcing the survivor to make one of two bad choices, that's awesome! When it's a passive that gets applied to the survivors' only objective that they have to do to escape, that's not awesome.

    So, I'm annoyed that the developers are designing things to be that way. It also is the source of major balance issues down the line (see Pop, DS, etc. which all punish the other side for doing something they have to do. With Pop, it's preventing gens from regressing / doing gens. With DS, it's picking up survivors). Haven't you noticed that these "hard choice[s]" when applied to objectives are the source of a lot of the community's anger and stress right now?

    This intersection of the two perks is 100% a bad thing.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,759

    I think adding Overcharge would be good too because as soon as someone realizes they are exposed and you can see their aura they're going to want to run, making them more likely to miss the OC skill check.

  • AGM
    AGM Member Posts: 806

    But those aren't the only two choices. The third choice is to find another gen to work on for 30s while Dragon's Grip expires (which leaves Dragon's Grip on cd now) and then come back to disable Trail.

  • gunslingers_potatoe

    Yes, this one is good, and I'm placing my bet on new ToT+ Dragon's Grip+ PGTW+ the new Mindbreaker (depends on the new values, if when you touch a generator under %50, which would be pretty likely with PGTW, you get exhausted for aminimum of 10 seconds it's going to be good)

    Basically survivors see a highlighted gen hence you kicked a gen with Trail of Torment. To that generator was also applied PGTW, to make it go under 50% so when survivors touch the gen they get exhausted thanks to Mindbreaker, and their SB is bye-bye, and Exposed thanks to Dragon's grip, if they touch it within 30 seconds while it's active. What do y'all think about this? Is it overkill already?

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    That's only if you're able to, but, yes. If we're talking about a three gen scenario where the killer has Pop, it brings even more exasperation into the mix.

    Regardless of whether you could go search a chest instead and just let the gens regress or whether you could just spin around in circles for 30 seconds because it's Midwich and you have no idea where the other gens are, and it would take you way more than 30 seconds to go find one, it's not a good idea to apply those kinds of Catch-22 choices to generators. Overcharge's design I'm fine with because it gives the survivor one chance to prevent the bad situation from happening. That doesn't exist for the "combo" you mention.

  • narf
    narf Member Posts: 68
    edited September 2020

    Except that Dragon's Grip is literally a useless perk and not viable in the least because you literally avoid it by chance because it lasts only 30 seconds.

  • AGM
    AGM Member Posts: 806

    I definitely see what you mean about it being annoying in a 3 gen, but for what it's worth the cooldown on Dragon's should go a long way towards making the match less exasperation-inducing.

  • AGM
    AGM Member Posts: 806

    @narf Hard to avoid it by chance when the yellow-glowing generator they need to tap to remove the killer's undetectable is trapped by Dragon's Grip. At the very least if they don't touch it during Dragon's, the killer got minimum 30+ seconds of uninterrupted undetectable.

  • MojoTheFabulous
    MojoTheFabulous Member Posts: 2,015

    ######### it, i'd still go for the gen. I've had little experience against Dragon's Grip but so far it works out better for the survivors because the killer goes all in trying to get that sweet exposed hit that other gens get slammed out.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,714

    Ah well crap, you're right. I was thinking it was a fixed terror radius. Too bad. 😟

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Pop does not punish Survivor for doing their objective. It punishes them for being hooked, which is something they can prevent by being really good in a chase.

    As for the combo, in addition to just waiting it out, you can also just tap the gen and immediately hide for the 60 seconds.

    And remember, if the Killer is kicking the gen it means you probably already left the area anyways and will have another gen to work on while you wait.

  • Bard
    Bard Member Posts: 657

    It's a good combo, but the CD's on the perks are really prohibitive.

    60 seconds on Trail of Torment and 80-110 seconds on Dragon's Grip.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    Use that on Hag with Rusty Shackles and you're gonne give them jumpscares left and right :D