Your n00b Days

What are some of your memories from when you first started playing the game?

I remember learning with a friend and I had to tell her to use the wraith instead of the huntress to train me because the humming creeped me out.


  • Xbob42
    Xbob42 Member Posts: 1,117

    I didn't know you could heal other survivors without a medkit for like 2 weeks.

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    Oh god. When I was a baby Dwight - and this'll surprise you I know - I used to hide in a locker at the start of the match until someone got injured so I could make sure I wouldn't be the first person in chase. I was too scared and didn't wanna go down instantly.

    When I was a new killer I would just follow survivors until I got close enough to hit them (ie I wouldn't cut them off or mindgame)

    You vaulted a window? I'll vault it too. You dropped a pallet? Cool, let me break it so you can continue leading me to the magical places this map holds. Did I get too close? Here let me press M1 to give you a speed boost to continue our tour.

    Heck I didn't know the maps. Might as well make survivors useful as a tour guide.

    Never hook camped though. That's so boring. (I did like NOED though for a long time. Then I got good enough to the point the gates wouldn't open frequently enough to justify it.)

  • ToxicMyers
    ToxicMyers Member Posts: 1,295

    i remember beating a group of red ranks by camping on lery's with myers, got a lot of toxic messages after that game

  • Inji
    Inji Member Posts: 1,096
    edited September 2020

    When I first started playing the game was immensely scary for me. The game was legit a horror game. Didnt really have anyone that could teach me how to play as we were all new to it (this was 4 years ago).

    Everyone I knew were really good runners where I was more of a stealth player. So I mostly did the unhooking(when needed), healing, and pumped out generators. However the game didn't reward any stealth play in that time so ranking up was really hard for me.

    Nowadays I'm very aggressive with my stealth and have really improved in my running.

  • BubbaMain64
    BubbaMain64 Member Posts: 546

    NOED in every build and thinking that I had to shock the gens as doc to make Overcharge work. Them was the days™.

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,028

    Nothing feels better than turning a corner only to just disappear into thin air from the killers pov.

  • ZCerebrate
    ZCerebrate Member Posts: 641

    And then you were born from that darkness.

    I think my first memory of this game was thinking Nurse was the most absolutely broken killer as she slapped me over a pallet. I predicted that she would become wildly popular before consequently being nerfed. I still played her thinking she was fun and omega blinking to grab someone was awesome before dedicated servers came along to prevent most gen grabs

  • Inji
    Inji Member Posts: 1,096

    Ninji is a nickname people gave me for that reason 😂

  • VeNoM17
    VeNoM17 Member Posts: 64

    I use to try and mori players for 2 weeks before realizing I needed an offering..

    Also spent millions of blood points trying to get decisive strike on nea before I realized I needed it unlocked as a teachable....

  • ToxicMyers
    ToxicMyers Member Posts: 1,295

    yeah i still have pictures of the convo, i made a post about it too im pretty sure let me go check

  • ToxicMyers
    ToxicMyers Member Posts: 1,295

    well i can't find it but i do have photos, its just it was a long convo so there is a lot of pics

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    I climbed up the Ranks by Tunneling my pre-rework Dying Light, with NOED and got to Rank 1 with Pig<3

    I thought Lithe was a general perk because I forgot I bought it from the Shrine ages ago.

    I thought Botany Knowledge only worked around Plants.

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    First started playing survivor in the game, I had no clue what to do. I didnt know skill checks made noise, I didnt know how to gesture, I barely knew how to work on a gen. I quit playing because I was scared that I was letting my team down.

  • ringwinning
    ringwinning Member Posts: 552

    I remember thinking Iron Will was some kind of active ability I needed to press a button for and being frustrated when I couldn't find the button.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    I used to camp a hook as Nurse. She was the killer I first started playing as, since it was her gameplay that got me into the game. I remember wondering why camping a hook was bad when it got me the kill. Them were the days.

    On survivor side, I ran Claudette because of Self Care. Used to wonder why nothing was happening, when all us nubs were using self care. No gens were being finished.

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415
    edited September 2020

    Wow, my first few times using flashlights were silly.

    A week or so into playing DBD I bought a sport flashlight from the bloodweb. The next match, I brought it with me and loaded out in Lerys. I couldn’t figure out why we had them an actually thought it was to help me see in the dark! 😂 I jus kept shining it around the hallways in front of me like I was in a haunted house, thinking sth was going to pop out an grab me 😅 smh.

    The good ol’ noob days

  • UMCorian
    UMCorian Member Posts: 531
    edited September 2020

    Actually just started playing a couple of months ago.

    My favorite stand-out moments:


    Doing my first calculated dangerous unhook, killer around 2 corners corner a few meters away - I run to the pallot between us and pallot stun him, allowing me and the unhookie to escape.

    Going back for someone on hook by myself during end game collapse, over the course of 2 minutes, successfully unhooking them and body blocking a hit meant for them, allowing us both to get out.


    My first kill. When I first joined, MMR was all screwed up - I was a rank 20 playing against Red Survivors. I was Trapper and got bullied all game, didn't get a single hit, they ran circles around me, teabagged me, blinded me, disarmed all my traps, taunted me until about 15 seconds was left in the end game collapse... and assumed I didn't leave a trap in the grass to the right of the gate. Turns out, it really does only take one mistake sometimes. Even I was good enough to hit a Rank 2 stuck in a trap. :)

    The first game I won as Hag when it all clicked for me. When I got how I should be using the Traps, where they should be, how to stop worrying about chasing and just love the Hex. The first of many in a row that night as I ranked up in a blaze from 17 to 13.

    When I first started Deathslinger, barely could tell which end of the gun shot, but after a horrible game when I didn't hook anyone, I got a lucky shot on a teabagging Dwight in the exit gate. Someone forgot I was running Noed. 1 kill game. :D

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    When I first got the game I literally couldn't hit a skillcheck to save my life but my friends took me in a game to play with them, the killer we got apparently was in a complete potato according to my noob ranking.

    I proceeded to repeatedly keep messing up skill checks after a while pissed off Myers came to my generator thinking I was trying to BM only to see me repeatedly just mess up skill checks. ( I had no idea about his power so I continued working on the gen as he completely stalked me still watching me mess up then slugged me on the floor and then just left).

    After he finished killing my friends he dropped me on hatch. Messaged me asking what the hell was going on then probably had a good chuckle when I told him I hadn't even been playing for a full hour yet.

    If you want my first experiences killer after a couple matches of survivor my friends decided to teach me how to play killer on kill your friends because throwing me in the deep end of public matches on survivor didn't work as well as they intended(No ######### sherlock) which I proceeded to camp two of them with iridescent head. (My first two kills)

    Good Times good times

  • UMCorian
    UMCorian Member Posts: 531
    edited September 2020

    Actually just started playing a couple of months ago.

    My favorite stand-out moments:


    Doing my first calculated dangerous unhook, killer around 2 corners corner a few meters away - I run to the pallot between us and pallot stun him, allowing me and the unhookie to escape.

    Going back for someone on hook by myself during end game collapse, over the course of 2 minutes, successfully unhooking them and body blocking a hit meant for them, allowing us both to get out.


    My first kill. When I first joined, MMR was all screwed up - I was a rank 20 playing against Red Survivors. I was Trapper and got bullied all game, didn't get a single hit, they ran circles around me, teabagged me, blinded me, disarmed all my traps, taunted me... and assumed I didn't leave a trap in the grass to the right of the gate. Turns out, it really does only take one mistake sometimes. Even I was good enough to hit a Rank 2 stuck in a trap.

    The first game I won as Hag when it all clicked for me. When I got how I should be using the Traps, where they should be, how to stop worrying about chasing and just love the Hex. The first of many in a row that night as I ranked up in a blaze from 17 to 13.

    When I first started Deathslinger, barely could tell which end of the gun shot, but after a horrible game when I didn't hook anyone, I got a lucky shot on a teabagging Dwight in the exit gate. Someone forgot I was running Noed. 1 kill game. :D

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    -My first game on my own (without advice from my cousins), was on Lerys. I completed half a generator and was quite proud of myself. I even made it to the exit gate! I did not know there were two of them and wondered why killers didn't just camp the exit gate. Took me about a week to figure out there were two exit gates.

    -My first game as killer I played as Spirit. It said she could 'phase', so I thought that meant she could walk through walls. I did not understand her ability at all.

    -Halloween was my first DLC chaper because Decisive Strike sounded AMAZING and I wanted to play Myers because he seemed like the strongest killer.

    -First time facing Leatherface he gave me the exit gate. He was very nice and I will never forget him.

    -First time facing Doctor I did not understand his power at all, so I thought I was being chased the whole game and felt he was REALLY powerful. (This was Old Doc btw)

    -I thought Deja Vu was an amazing perk because it let me find generators.

    -Plague was the second killer I bought because she seemed really strong.

    -My first escape was very narrow. It was also on Lerys and I hid behind the garbage while my teammate got picked up, then went and opened the exit gate and got out. I was very proud of myself.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    I used old dying light, ivory mori, and black box on old Freddy to carry me to the red/purple ranks.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445
    edited September 2020

    First Killer game: Was Trapper in a Kill Your Friends, got pretty overwhelmed with the number of perks I could bring. Ended up on Ormund. Couldn't find any of my traps and didn't know where to put the one I had, so the only person who stepped in a trap all game was me. Didn't know how to lunge, so basically spent the whole game as a no lunge M1 killer. Still somehow killed someone.

    After that... went on a tour through all of the free killers. Still didn't know how to lunge. Because of that... two killers felt significantly better than the rest... Nurse and Huntress. Can you guess where this is going?

    As Huntress... I was bad, but didn't feel like I was bad. I never understood why you would charge your hatchets because the equally bad Survivors I got didn't dodge. I ran Thrill of the Hunt and Huntress Lullaby. It actually worked for a while and would tunnel the first person I found exactly once to get 2 early/easy stacks on Lullaby but not ruin their game completely. After I got to rank 16 or so I started getting Survivors who actually could dodge and I dropped Huntress for a while.

    As Nurse... dear lord... I spent so long stuck in rank 16 trying to get the hang of her. Surprising no one at all I was absolutely terrible. However, Nurse's Calling and the Plaid add on let me pull really cool blink hits/grabs... about once a game so I stuck with it. Eventually got Ok as Nurse.

    Some time after that, a friend had Legion and I saw them play as them on a Discord stream... and... First I learned lunging was a thing so that was good. Second, I absolutely loved how their power worked in theory. Got them and loved it in practice too. I started playing like... only them. They aren't anywhere near the hardest killer in the game, unlike the two I started with, so I finally broke out of rank 16. Got decent perks for them and somewhere along the way got pretty good.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,971

    When I was a noob and got killed by rancor for the first time I thought the killer was hacking because no mori was used

  • UnbeatableAsh
    UnbeatableAsh Member Posts: 101

    I thought Head On was basekit and I was freaked the hell out when a Myers mori'd me without downing me.

  • HawkAyeTheNoo
    HawkAyeTheNoo Member Posts: 731

    Running to the edge of the map getting chased with no pallets or vaults and trying to loop around a tree. An op strat that i still see used 4 years later.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    I remember when the Entity swallowed 6-7 nodes in 1 turn on the Bloodweb.

    That's still possible now, but this was special because they were all in a row: You had to buy node #1 to be able to buy #2, buy #2 to get to #3, #3 to #4, etc.

    There were quite a few good things on there too, at least 1 original Brand New Part.


    Not from my newbie days, but there was that ONE DAY on which the original Left Behind (Increase repair speed once alone, getting +25% repair speed per required Generator unfinished, up to +125%.) was bugged so that it was active at all times.

    It wasn't Insta-BNPs, but dear god that was the next thing if you didn't have BNPs.

    I remember having it on (I didn't know it was bugged. (Or did i? 😉)) and i was on a Generator with a fellow Survivor, i also had a Commodious Toolbox.

    I think that Generator was done in like 15 seconds.

  • kaikura
    kaikura Member Posts: 13

    I was confused about pallets, thought it was fun to slam them down, didn't have a clue what they could be used for....... 🤦

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    When I was new, I remember not knowing you could lunge as a killer, so I always went for quick attacks. This was back when survivors teleported to the other side of a pallet lol. As survivor I remember constantly hiding in lockers, I wasn't complete doo doo because I had watched many video guides for both killers and survivors before I got the game. But I was still kind of a noob at the time hehe.

  • OllieHellhunter
    OllieHellhunter Member Posts: 703

    my first I'd say 20 games were all against Huntresses, so I learned how to play around Line of Sight but couldn't loop for #########

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,162

    I thought exposed meant killer could see auras along with instadown.

    DS the line that says something like "use whatever is in your hand" I thought you needed an item to use the perk so I never used DS.

    I didn't realize there was a difference between fast and slow vaults, I thought it was just inconsistent.

    I thought BT was basekit and thought you were supposed to instantly unhook players in front of the killer, I got alot of people killed.

    I also thought you were supposed to try and unhook yourself, that when you hit struggle was when someone else would save you. I was a 2 hook survivor for awhile.

  • Godot
    Godot Member Posts: 806

    Oh, man. I remember playing as David against my sister in a custom match, somewhere in late 2018 to early 2019. I was way too scared of this game, and my sister figured out where I was because I rush-entered a locker, which I thought wouldn't notify her. Of course, she found me and I screamed out loud like a baby.

    Now? Only Ghostie and Myers can make me even flinch, to be honest.

  • Pepsidot
    Pepsidot Member Posts: 1,662

    I remember infinities, actual facecamping, wRaiTh oP posts, being very active on the steam forums, watching a LOT of Tru3Ta1ent, traps under hooks, being a DISGUSTING sabo jake, bing bonging as wraith for BP, hearing about some kind of 'UBER' prestige. (Wonder what that was about?!)

    I also for some reason remember... there being A HUGE AMOUNT OF PALLETS. I wish I had a screenshot of the old bloodlodge. I remember old NOED, wanting Iron Grasp 3 really bad (due to hooks not respawning) and FINALLY finding it again in a bloodweb on Hillbilly, after many bloodwebs. It was basically a must have perk in case of saboteurs:

    I also remember playing, or rather attempting to play SWF with my friends for hours. When I first started, SWF was just introduced (I believe) and was really, really buggy. It would 'search' for a game, but not really. Had to keep readying up for what felt like every 5 seconds until it finally found a game and didn't bug out. Even if a game was found, if the killer left the lobby we would have to search again! Was really bad.

    One last thing I remember is changing my steam location to Toronto because apparently that helped with matchmaking times as many people caught onto it. Those days are gone.

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,832

    i mained Trapper but never used any traps when i first started playing

  • ThePolice
    ThePolice Member Posts: 801

    Threw down pallets whenever I could as I thought that they were something to set up in advance

  • Exerath1992
    Exerath1992 Member Posts: 1,035

    the first game I played with my wife we worked together to repair the gen in the auto shop, and we didn't know it opened the garage door. Trapper had been standing at the door with insidious and we just about crapped our pants.

  • Buttercake
    Buttercake Member Posts: 1,652

    I thought exposed meant the Killer could see all our auras. I thought that it was so overpowered and unfair. 😭

  • miotas
    miotas Member Posts: 42
    edited September 2020

    In my second or third game ever as survivor I was the last alive. This was back when hatch couldn't be closed. I knew a hatch existed somewhere but I was SO SCARED of EVERYTHING that I crouch-walked the entire edge of the map looking for it. I didn't have urban evasion, it was the slowest, most immersed exploration you can imagine. I eventually mustered the courage to creep my way into the cornfields, and after a few steps I heard the the terror radius, so I froze. It didn't get louder or quieter, so I crept further along and I heard it, the hatch! I panicked and immediately sprinted for it, and at that moment a flustered Billy swung at me a little too late. The poor guy waited at least 5 minutes for nothing.

  • Human_Giraffe
    Human_Giraffe Member Posts: 123

    Playing a hell of alot of Micheal and thinking that Buckle Up let you see dying survivors auras and without it you couldn't.

  • redsopine00
    redsopine00 Member Posts: 905

    Mine was mastering the bunny mama and getting David's adept after I got Jake's when I was a noob got mega lucky with it I crawled away a bit get up and find hatch as the hag killed the rest of my team who all body blocked her for me to escape