I hate coldwind and swamp

AntonioIun Member Posts: 16
edited September 2020 in General Discussions

Please just at least make it so that i can go into the corn or grass and not just be able to see yellow fuzz and maybe the occasional scratch mark cause optimisation and frames are seemingly non existent on console.

Post edited by Mandy on


  • KhaineGB
    KhaineGB Member Posts: 10,623

    I believe they are looking into console optimization the last I heard, so maybe that'll get sorted.

  • Human_Giraffe
    Human_Giraffe Member Posts: 123

    Why the hate for swamp? :( It's my favorite map to play on as Legion bc I 4k so frequently on it, it's easy to see survivors but hard to see killers, it's not that big of a map, the gens are spread nice and aren't impossible to get to (except for that one yacht gen), and it's nicely lit.