What do people mean when they say sound sucks in DBD?

Yords Member Posts: 5,781
edited September 2020 in General Discussions

Do they mean that there are bugs with audio in the game? Do they mean that the audio is just bad and hard to hear? Such as footsteps and breathing. I am confused and I'm not sure if people are saying there are bugs or if the audio for dead by daylight is not very good. I'm asking this because I have had a few people say in end-game chat that as killer sound isn't very good. I'm confused, someone plz explain.

Post edited by Mandy on


  • KhaineGB
    KhaineGB Member Posts: 10,623

    Only ones I knew about were the heartbeat for sure, which is being looked into. If you have any other audio bugs, you can report it in the bugs section. https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/categories/bugs

    Assuming the forum wants to let you, that is.

  • Katzengott
    Katzengott Member Posts: 1,210

    So, it's intended killers don't hear footsteps while having chase music?

    There's also still the bug where survs make no sound on the ground and the bug that gives them free Iron Will for some time, even they don't have it.

  • Stinde
    Stinde Member Posts: 459

    There's even a loading screen tip for killer:

    "If you lose a survivor, listen! You might hear their footsteps."

    Yeah right...

    I have no hope for the sounds to be fixed since the devs seem to have problems of replicating the issues. Would appreciate some status update from devs about the situation though.

  • ZCerebrate
    ZCerebrate Member Posts: 641

    Had a fairly strange bug/glitch happen lately randomly where losing LoS of the survivor I am currently chases completely cuts off the chase music without breaking the chase. It turns on and off whenever the survivor (usually a Zarina) is on my screen actively and not behind a wall - while this has the unintended consequence when it happens of allowing me to hear "everything" nearby including the slightly gen noises, running footsteps and survivor breathing.

    Still haven't been able to replicate it even when intentionally testing it with every Zarina I see so not sure what sets it off

  • ABannedCat
    ABannedCat Member Posts: 2,529

    Well, it said "You MIGHT hear their footsteps." The text is technically not wrong.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Years back you used to be able to hear injured survivors and footsteps very easily. Then they broke them (when Legion came out) and they've never really been the same since. I think there was a brief period where they were very audible but it got changed shortly after.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,060

    During the 4th anniversary there was a quote that it is intentional that the chase Music is so loud, it is to give the Survivor a Chance to break LoS and to lose the Killer.

    Not a big deal IMO, tracking a Survivor you are chasing is not that hard.

  • Kumnut768
    Kumnut768 Member Posts: 789

    did you miss the period where survivors made zero moans,foosteps,groans when falling,healing and now even vaulting

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,237
    edited September 2020

    What it's called again? Sound occlusion, i believe, when they first added it to the game, killers couldnt hear generators through walls anymore, a single jungle gym wall blocked all sound from its other side.

    I cant remember all sound related patches or patchnotes, but in general the idea is that whenever the devs touched sound, it gets bugged. And the fix doesnt restore it back to what it was before. This happened between 2 and 4 times already.

    A bad metaphor would be " Sound is getting worse by 20% whenever the devs touch it."

    Theres also the meme going around that you have to turn up your volume a lot to hear survivors, just to get your eardrums popped when the chase music starts.

  • EuphoricBliss35
    EuphoricBliss35 Member Posts: 875

    Free Iron Will still exists. No sound for a survivor that is hooked.

    footsteps? What? I hear them fine. Maybe it’s my headphones, I’ve never had an issue with footsteps, breathing, etc

  • TheButcher
    TheButcher Member Posts: 871

    It's the audio bugs with Killer. Players are constantly having free Iron Will, and now I am seeing that they are getting free Quick and Quiet too. I often see Survivors fast vault a window, or pallet and make no sound. Then check their build after and there is no Quick and Quiet. It's really annoying. Been a problem for a long time now. Now has gotten worse (with the addition of the free Quick and Quiet).

  • Nobsyde
    Nobsyde Member Posts: 1,288
    edited September 2020
    • survivors on the ground are sometimes (often) completely silent.
    • survivors sometimes don't make grunting noises while injured even without iron will.
    • more often than not you can't hear footsteps while in a chase - and that is not just due to the loud music. Either the footsteps sound doesn't play or their volume is artificially lowered, we don't know.

    This being said, I hope @KhaineGB is misinformed, because Tech Devs have said in different occasions that they are aware there are problems with survivors' sounds, they apparently know the reason of that (it has to do with survivors animations, because, but this is my guess, sounds are triggered from the animator editor and not directly in the code), but it is very difficult to fix it.

    As far as I know they never fixed anything after this statement was done.

  • Entity_Lich94
    Entity_Lich94 Member Posts: 320
    edited September 2020

    From experience, I've had survivors make literally no noise at all. No breathing, no footsteps, no injured noise, absolutely silent. Then after they've been hooked or downed they suddenly make noises again. Considering how much you rely on sounds as killer it can be a massive hindrance

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Couldn't find a good video that was just gameplay and no talking but here's one from October 2018. The chase music isn't as loud in relation to all other sounds.

    Also you can't tell in here but footsteps have definitely never been as good as they were in 2018 ever since they first changed them in the Legion update.

    On a side note it's interesting how the corn is so much easier to see through there. It too was changed in the legion update I believe. That update ruined a lot lol and gave us the worst killer. Dark times.