How Do You Want Smaller Licences To Be Represented?

SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

Most of us have a more obscure licence we'd want to see in the game. With most of the big licences being snagged and some of the open ones having problems (F13s in a lawsuit, Stephen King doesn't like video games, Chuckys too short, ect.) I figured now would be a good time to ask. I think paragraphs would be the best course of action, as something like Pumpkin Head doesn't require a full chapter.

How Do You Want Smaller Licences To Be Represented? 42 votes

If They're Considered A Smaller Licence They Aren't Worth The Trouble
BardWalker_of_the_fog_96ChurchofPigbubbabrotha 4 votes
They Should Be Made As Paragraphs
GibberishSpacingLlamas[Deleted User]pichumudkipCornpopers_EvanGreyBigfootDr_EmaraldManyAchievablesxtr4meSCP_FOR_DBDArialuncreative_username 12 votes
They Could Be Made Into Skins
TapeKnotCashelP14TaigaThePolicePior_MorteMoravenei 6 votes
They Should Be Given The Same Treatment As All Other Licences
SnakeSound222MiriamG[Deleted User]Fog_KingmichaelmortonBoosted_DwightArcticWolfthenegativoneTheHitmanRoffelbillymalatruseTotemsCleansermusefanDARKxVOIDRockatanskyOxiTapeShrekkiller95 17 votes
Other (Please Specify)
Seiko300Awkward_FiendRex3 3 votes


  • Dr_Emarald
    Dr_Emarald Member Posts: 41
    They Should Be Made As Paragraphs

    Saying Paragraphs, because some licenses just can't have 2 characters for each side, or can't really have maps.

    I actually also want scp, but no Idea what the killer option would be, or what their power is. Survivor tho? There are plenty of options to choose, and some interesting perks they could throw in.

  • Cornpopers_Evan
    Cornpopers_Evan Member Posts: 2,428
    They Should Be Made As Paragraphs

    I’m stuck between making them paragraphs or making them full chapters still. I think it all depends on the level of “obscure” or “cult” they are. I think something like a Pumpkinhead license deal could be made a full chapter but something like Manic Cop would be a paragraph if ever considered.

  • Awkward_Fiend
    Awkward_Fiend Member Posts: 687
    Other (Please Specify)

    Dual liscensed chapters would be cool. Characters that could be in a situation like this could be Morgan Yu from P R E Y or Big Daddies from Bioshock. This could also be used to package controversial characters like Springtrap alongside popular chars like Sydney Prescott.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    Other (Please Specify)

    All of the above (minus the "they aren't worth the trouble" option).

    I don't see why every small license, or any license for that matter should be dealt with in the exact same way. I think it should be taken on a case by case basis, not every chapter deserves to be treated the same way after all, some license holders may be more restrictive than others, so only a legendary skin would be a viable option.

    Likewise, a paragraph chapter could also be used for a chapter that just wouldn't fit as a whole chapter lacking a survivor or killer alternative. And so on and so forth

  • bubbabrotha
    bubbabrotha Member Posts: 1,138
    If They're Considered A Smaller Licence They Aren't Worth The Trouble

    I just don't think they would be worth it. They wouldn't generate as many sales and would be a waste of resources.

  • Bard
    Bard Member Posts: 657
    If They're Considered A Smaller Licence They Aren't Worth The Trouble

    Depends on the license.

    Something as niche as Candyman won't make a good license imo.

    You might be able to argue for something with a more active following (SCP or... shudders... FNAF) but those come with their own isses (legal for SCP, and "not pissing everyone off" for FNAF).

  • Rockatansky
    Rockatansky Member Posts: 32
    They Should Be Given The Same Treatment As All Other Licences

    I'm just pissed that they didn't do more with the Evil Dead license.

    DARKxVOID Member Posts: 68
    They Should Be Given The Same Treatment As All Other Licences

    I don't feel like the original chapters which get full chapters would be considered more important than smaller licensed characters. So I'd say they should just be full chapters.

  • Walker_of_the_fog_96
    Walker_of_the_fog_96 Member Posts: 1,238
    If They're Considered A Smaller Licence They Aren't Worth The Trouble

    I choose the wrong option.

    I actually want the #4

  • Rex3
    Rex3 Member Posts: 87
    Other (Please Specify)

    Some things may only require a paragraph but others could have chapters. It really just depends on the killer.