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Tunneling isn't 'Strategy'



  • thepyramidhead
    thepyramidhead Member Posts: 59

    Its the only thing killers can do when all four survivors alive one gen left.

  • SoySensual
    SoySensual Member Posts: 75

    i love when the kids crying for a game XD

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505
    edited September 2020

    There are times when tunneling someone out of the game is the correct play, if you want to win.

    Imagine a scenario where you're playing killer. You chose literally any killer, and you got dealt Mount Ormond by the RNG gods. It's very easy for a gen to get done before you even get to the other side of the map as killer - especially with a 110 speed killer. The map is so big, and gen placements are such that it's very easy for multiple gens to go within the first couple minutes because applying pressure was damn near impossible unless they screwed up, if they were handed one of the many terrible setups.

    If you tunnel someone out of the game, which in this case would be the correct play, that drastically shifts the odds in your favor.

  • KIKI_
    KIKI_ Member Posts: 135

    I agree. It is not fun to tunnel, camp, even slugg. And is even less fun to get tunnel, camped or slugged. But the funny thing is when facing really good teams, the game and it's design doesn't allow you to play 'nice' and fair cause if you do so so you are practically asking to get stomped.

    I wish this game would require more skill on both sides to prevent things like this from happening, something needs to change. Truth is killers are forced to do these things more often than not. And they are neither fun nor skillful in my opinion.

    The game needs a higher skill floor and a higher skill ceiling for both sides.

  • EntitledMyersMain
    EntitledMyersMain Member Posts: 832
    1. calm down bud. I've seen 3 different posts from you complaining about tunneling today.

    The above link is one to a previous discussion of mine about tunneling.

    Depending on how you define "tunneling", this may or may not help you.

  • Kumnut768
    Kumnut768 Member Posts: 789

    if you complain about gen rushing you need to know the right times to slug, patrol or commit to a chase

    if you complain about safe loops learn to use your killers utility to shut it down if you cant do that drop the chase

  • KIKI_
    KIKI_ Member Posts: 135

    And also that, it is important to accurately define tunneling. Sometimes it isn't just as @EntitledMyersMain defined on his thread, sometimes is you as a killer not being stupid.

  • maderr
    maderr Member Posts: 251


    1st : your comment is from an unskilled killer as there is no loop that hasn't a counter. Check on youtube, you will learn ;)

    2nd : you have enver played survivor if you think it doesn't require skill to loop properly. Looping is not just about running around a pallet. It's combining the loops togethr to hold the killer longer thus making your way through loops to make them "infinite". You think it's easy ? Try and come back posting here when you will loop as good as Ayrun.

    It looks like this forum is just about low skilled killers gathering together to ask surv nerfs, arguing that camping/tunneling is a strategy...

  • FauxShow
    FauxShow Member Posts: 3

    This is what I consider tunneling, focusing on one survivor the whole match at the expense of everything else. If someone gets unhooked, the hooked and savior are both fair game IMO.

  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    To be fair there are lots of tiles that are either completely uncounterable or massively in favor of the Survivor. For example, car loops, cranes, most central building window loops are nigh infinites, in jungle gyms I have to screw up massively to get hit when the pallet hasn´t been thrown yet. Talking from experience as both. I´m addressing the core gameplay here though, 115% Killer runs after Survivor. Nurse, Spirit, PH etc obviously have ways to play around that.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Tunneling is a great stratagey for stomping noobs. All it takes is 1 idiot not doing gens and the killer gets a free pass after robbing 5 people of a trial. And yes, I'm including the killer in that metric, because against half-decent survivors they are going to get 2 kills at absolute best, often with the fair and balanced perk that acts as camping/tunneling insurance. They are basically loading into the trial and giving up, becoming a petty force for self-victimisation because they know nothing else but how to ruin the experience of others.

  • FGC_Brute
    FGC_Brute Member Posts: 10

    As a survivor main. I've played a lot today. And all I encounter is killers camping, proxy camping, and tunneling. It's not fun. Killers are ruining the game for literally everyone. No joke, I have not gotten one game where a killer DIDNT camp, or tunnel. I'm honestly gonna stop play this game because of how toxic every single killer is. This game is such BS.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Well, knowing which of those loops are safe and how to use them. And having 3 other people who will actually sit on a generator, which from experience is harder to find than organising a Destiny 2 Raid Team.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,083

    I mean, logistically speaking, the faster you can get the game to a 3v1 instead of a 4v1, the higher your chances of winning are.

    If someone is a poor looper, and they don't have DS, it is absolutely in your best interest to kill them off quickly.

    A comparison, if you will, would be if Survivors had 6 gens that took 80 seconds to complete and 2 that took 30 seconds to complete. Obviously, you'd want to strategically use those gens to make sure that you win. Same thing with tunneling off weak Survivors.

    It sucks, especially for them, but it can be worth it sometimes.

  • LegitLegendary0
    LegitLegendary0 Member Posts: 18

    I agree and disagree with that really as it is definitely strategic, certain killers require the use of it as that first kill can break the entire game and survivers plan. Sometimes I feel it is vital where as others not. For example when you see a survivor going to the hook, they wait for the person on hook to get off so they get downed again, it's moments like that which make it it's form of toxic and that is not strategy. But let's say you don't see the other survivor after they have escaped hook. The killer will then tunnel the survivor for an easy down and hook again only then to be countered by ds. It's definitely strategy but some people play it wrong and that's what makes it toxic as it is not fun. Thanks:)

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,418

    I got tunneled hard the other day.

    My teammates got a couple unhooks.

    Freddy got a bigger ego.

    I moved on to a better match.

    It happens. It totally sucks.

    But I can’t allow it to negatively impact my mood, or the devil behind the tactic trying to come thru the player by means of that behaviour has won.

    Understanding this is the reason I don’t do it to other players.

    Also the reason I play in peace ☺️

    If it’s a miserable experience then it isn’t worth the time put in.

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596

    Tunneling from start to finish is just brainless, I give you that. But when a killer changes midgame from a fair to a tunneling approach to get the match back under control, thats clearly a strategic use of it.

  • Exerath1992
    Exerath1992 Member Posts: 1,035

    Get over it. Get good at looping. Stop crying.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,225

    I like to be a fair killer so that everyone has fun and get's a lot of points.

    But I will be sweaty and will use strategies which are considered unfun, if the Survivors force me to.

    4-man-Swf, 2 Gens left, Exit gate open, Object, Sabo/breakout plays? No problem to tunnel or be sweaty.

  • LittilAvindar
    LittilAvindar Member Posts: 255

    My favorite part is when those same people calling tunneling skill and strategy are also the same ones that complain that survivor perks exist to counter tunneling.

  • musefan
    musefan Member Posts: 345

    I think the word you are looking for is "unfair". But then that applies to plenty of survivor playstyles too.

    Tunneling is of course a strategy (as you already admitted), and chasing the same survivor takes the same skill as chasing a different survivor. The target doesn't magically change the amount of skill required to down them. So the skill argument is invalid.

    Simply put, just stop complaining about what other people choose to do. As a survivor do you purposefully avoid gens and let yourself get downed to make it fair on the killer? No of course you dont, you do everything in your power to win the game. So dont complain if killers do the same.

    Also... I main survivor and I don't tunnel/camp as killer either. But that doesn't mean I can't accept other killers methods.

  • unluckycombo
    unluckycombo Member Posts: 582

    It's very much so a valid strategy, with counterplay in the form of perks. Just like slugging. A poorly timed slug or tunneling the wrong person can lose someone the game, just like how tunneling the weak link out of a game can when the game.

    Honestly the only thing that frustrates me about tunneling is the lack of BP gain for Survivor lol. I just know how much it sucks to sit in queues for 5 minutes to only get 3k BP. Getting chased all game doesn't net you as much BP either, which honestly sucks.

  • adsads123123123123
    adsads123123123123 Member Posts: 1,132

    No. It's a strategy because you can lose the game from tunnelling if you do it in the wrong scenarios. It's usually a bad idea to tunnel if they have DS or BT. It's better to go for the unhooker if possible. When you are tunnelling, you are also losing map pressure. You have to weigh the time it takes to chase, risk and reward. It's also bad to tunnel into a part of a map that is not relevant, e.g. no generators, because that's just wasting time. I tunnel but I only do it 20% of the time because it's often not the correct play.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    In a tough match, you have to make the call. There comes a point in the match where you need someone dead. It is a scummy thing to do, but it is an option at their disposal. They are there to try to kill you, not to just let you escape. They can play as fair as they choose to be, and the better ones will play as fair as they can afford to. But, if the survivor team is hammering them, don't expect them to play nice.

    If they tunnel from the outset and are clearly new to the game though, I have some pity for them since they don't know any better.

    I view it as similar to gen rushing. It is brainless and low skill, but it works in some capacity.