Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Is there any plans to reduce the grind?

With every new chapter that comes with 6 new perks and 2 new characters, the grind already feels like a mountain. Are we getting bloodweb or bloodpoint changes anytime soon?


  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    It has happened before, so never say never.

  • GoodLookinCookin
    GoodLookinCookin Member Posts: 341

    What has happened before? Did they reduce the grind in the past?

  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791
    edited September 2020

    If you plan on P3'ing everything then yeah its a massive grind. Otherwise most people skip certain teachables and main one character.

    Wouldn't mind seeing it alleviated more though.

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    Not so long ago they made 3 perks appear in bloodweb after level 40 and 4 perks after level 50. I think it would be great if 4 perks appear in blood web after level 20. And 10 perks after level 50. That would reduce grind.

    But best way is get rid of perk tiers I agree. Each side now have over 120 perks avialable if you have every DLC.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    As @The_Bootie_Gorgon said removing perk tiers would be the best thing. Though since they are making the changes to rarietys in the mid-chpater patch I don't think they will.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Keep the grind more or less as it is. Maybe make stuff in the bloodweb slightly cheaper (for example instead 7000 for a red, make it 6000 or 2500 for a brown etc)

    I know, people hate to grind for their perks, items and addons but as much as you believe you dislike it, it is a very important factor why you still play the game. You just dont realise that.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,596

    How about having the first tier on the web but after that make it based on using the perk to then tier up with 4000-5000 BP

  • LittilAvindar
    LittilAvindar Member Posts: 255

    They're changing them, so at the end, they'll all be in the same rarity tier, but that's likely only because rarer tiers of perks show up less on a bloodweb.

  • Iron
    Iron Member Posts: 241

    Most people will probably disregard my comment considering I'm an older player, but here we go.

    The grind isn't that bad. They have added additional perks to bloodwebs to decrease the grind, they made shards worth about 10x the amount of bloodpoints they used to be worth, they made dailies easier and worth twice as much, they've increased the worth of all bp offerings for single categories by 25%, they've increased scoring event bp in game multiple times, they've created multiple different double bp offerings that are stackable, and they introduced the rift, which has a few million bp in challenges every time.

    Bp are easy to get and if you're not a completionist then the grind isn't really that much.

  • C_Frank
    C_Frank Member Posts: 179

    the problem is the blood web. for perk maybe go down to lvl 30 for 3 perk and 40 for 4 perk. on the other hand, for survivors, being able to carry an item with addons each game is very simple. For killers, farming points is a chore for some. With the demo I use bbq just to be able to recover the rat liver. there are things that, due to their level of rarity, are very common and should not be, and others vice versa. there is a lot of garbage on the blood web. Maybe adding something that you can change items or to take out the garbage that one has accumulated and will never use would be good. for example change 3 yellow addons x one green

  • Iron
    Iron Member Posts: 241

    I understand that there is a lot to do, but realistically looking at it, is 10 hrs on average per character really that much to just get them some decent perks? I've put my time into killers more than survivors with all but 6 of them being P3 all perks (the remaining ones are still P3 50 minus blight), but I still have 6 survivors all perked and most every other one is prestiged at least once. I'm just saying that it's not as bad as people say it is.

    I would still like maybe one more set of perks per bloodweb and to increase the shrine amount of perks to 6 or 8, but I don't think much beyond that is really needed.

    I'm still grinding like 90% if people, but I guess I'm just seeing it differently since I started nearly 4 years ago now and saw how bad that all was.

  • Angel_di_Soufre
    Angel_di_Soufre Member Posts: 34

    Yes, it’s too much, I can beat other games in 10 hours, and then, 10 hours for the chance of getting the perks I want, 10 hours is too much of commitment for finally having options in a single character in a very casual game

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737

    Nope. Keep grinding, fam.

  • ZCerebrate
    ZCerebrate Member Posts: 641

    An increase to the weekly shrine might negatively effect their bottom line since selling chapters is supposed to be easier than waiting around for them to pop up in the shrine teachables. As a player I agree that would be nice but I can see why it would be harder to sell if it has a risk involved with direct sales.

    10~15 hours on average per character on either side using offerings, dailies and archive challenges is still a pretty intense grind. You have to think that could be almost 2 weeks for a casual player who plays a 1~3 matches every evening for their dailies.

    People like you and me who have been playing for years and have unlocked everything have to step back objectively and try to see this from the average target market... BHVR's only risk in removing "too much" of the grind is that people might ultimately run out of things to spend bloodpoints on at some point other than Prestiging III on each character over again. There'll still be more than 500+ minimal hours of game time investment which should retain players since they release new chapters (killers, perks etc) and even gameplay changes or balances.... heck even cosmetics keep people invested to some degree.

    If tiers won't be removed from the game then the webs need to be significantly smaller with 6 perks available instead of 4 at a time. There should be less than half the current nodes that just suck up points even if you manipulate the web well - as grabbing more addons and offerings can be that ending point sink once all the perks are unlocked.

    The category limits for each match being at 8k should be lifted or at least keep the post game 1.5 or 2x Bloodpoint type postgame reward (like event times) as a constant effect. Rework certain perks (Distressing, Beast of Prey, No one Left Behind, etc) and killer addons (Especially ones that give a detriment in exchange for more bloodpoints like two of the Nurse addons) that give increased bloodpoints in certain categories to work like post-game rewards for those specific categories so they actually stack even further with BBQ / WGLF and aren't limited by the current 8k cap. There is no reason for those even trying to specifically BP grind to run these like "Speed Limiter" Hillbilly if you're maxing out those categories anyway through normal play.

  • Akito
    Akito Member Posts: 673

    when the game was kinda new you already had to level your character like sth about Level 71. Beside that grinding was much more intense and gaining Bps very hard, even if you would get rid of all tiers you had to level 83 bloodwebs (still increasing)...

    I hate it. And still it's so time consuming p3ing every character and getting the perks you want on them. Or all.

  • OBX
    OBX Member Posts: 854

    These devs and devs in other games always want players to fall into the “sunk cost fallacy”. it helps retain players that would otherwise leave a spaghetti coded game. The big issue is for new players. Myself and many others that have been playing the game for years have every perk unlocked so getting 6 new ones each patch is not really that much. New players...... good luck.

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,697

    This is precisely why I haven't prestiged any character. Between working and parenting I only have a few hours each day to play a game, and spending hours grinding bloodpoints isn't exactly my idea of a good time.

    To be honest I'm fine if they want to keep the grind unchanged, but given the amount of perks now available they definitely should be having bloodpoint events more often. Maybe perhaps a double bloodpoint weekend once a month or something.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    These were all positive changes, but they all came hand in hand with yet more perks and more characters to unlock them on, so they didn’t reduce the grind so much as stop it from getting astronomically worse.

    Besides which, BPs are easy to get when you know the game. When you’re a new player, you struggle with BPs because a) you don’t play in a way which maximises BP gain, b) you find it harder to complete challenges, and c) you don’t have any farming perks, any BP offerings, etc.

    A new survivor will probably earn like 10k bloodpoints in a match if they’re lucky, and that will be it, no multipliers. How far does that get you on a bloodweb? Two or three nodes?

    The grind is an issue for NEW players, because they have absolutely nothing to help them with it. Nobody is concerned about someone with 1000 hours grinding P3 on everyone (I’m in this boat myself and it’s not really an issue for me), we’re concerned that new players have to sink tens of hours into the game to unlock a few measly perks and will get frustrated and give up. Especially since every time a new player complains about something like being tunnelled they get told “just run DS” or flashlights they hear “just run Lightborn”. Perks are the answer to every annoyance in this game so if you’re new and don’t have them you’re ######### out of luck.

  • Iron
    Iron Member Posts: 241

    This is not the type of game you beat in 10 hours, I honestly don't think you should be given everything you want in 10 hours.

  • Iron
    Iron Member Posts: 241

    I understand where you are coming from with this, I really do, but if people are giving up because of not having a perk or two then maybe this isn't the game for them. It's going to sound harsh, but it's true. I started playing with earbuds that had no bass so I couldn't hear a heartbeat, when insta moris were a thing, and when 3 bnps ruined a game. Here I am.

    Players that want to play the game will learn what they want and how to get there, it's not some astronomical 1000 hour thing, it's maybe 200-300 hours to get some characters in a really good spot and still have back ups.

  • CornHub
    CornHub Member Posts: 1,864

    Yeah I hate it so much. It's harder to compete against some players not from lack of skill, but their builds are just better than what you have. DS, DH, BT, & adrenaline, one of the best meta survivor builds, require you level up 4 different survivors.

  • OogieBoogie
    OogieBoogie Member Posts: 190

    If you need some tedious grind to keep you playing the game, you probably don't actually enjoy the game very much. The rift and shard cosmetics exist now if you really need something to work towards.

    Seeing as the next update is assigning each perk tier its own rarity, I doubt they're getting rid of perk tiers any time soon. It'd be nice if they'd at least give every character tier 1 of all perks they have unlocked (universal perks and any teachables that have been unlocked). That way you'd at least have all perks available to try out, even if it's their weakest version.

  • Iron
    Iron Member Posts: 241

    I think we're pretty much on the same page tbh, I think we're just going off of different parts of it.

    I would be more than happy if all perks and add-ons acted like bp offerings adding to the after game score. I'd also be fine with probably around 10-12k in each category in game.

    I fully agree with the 6 perks per bloodweb, but I'm unsure how you would reduce the web size unless you just eliminate a few branches.

    Overall I do think it should be reduced in time to grind. My main issues with these threads is that people normally want to reduce the grind to such a point that it could all be done in a few months of above average play time and I don't think they realize what they're saying.

  • GoodLookinCookin
    GoodLookinCookin Member Posts: 341

    I have put about 250 hours into the game to get all teachables on both killer and survivor side, I feel as if that was a bad idea because now its been about 25 hours into grinding to get all the perks on pig and 30 hours to get all the perks on nea and im no where close yet.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    Three things they should do to reduce the grind:

    #1. Reduce Bloodpoint Costs of all items across the board by 1000. 2000 would be better, but I think 1000 is okay.

    #2. New BP Category: Participation. Up to 8000 BP for lasting up to 8 minutes in a match.

    #3. Prestiged Characters retain the perks they've already earned.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    The health and long term success of this game requires attracting and keeping new players, not shrugging that nobody is hardcore enough to commit to the grind.

    And 200 hours is a huge commitment to ask for. Most people probably only have that number of hours in a handful of games.

  • Iron
    Iron Member Posts: 241

    What is a fair hour amount then in your opinion to get let's say 5 characters to a spot where you feel that they have a viable build?

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    I doubt you and almost everyone else actualy knows why you stoped playing the game.

    Yes i can imagine that because i play with new players all the time. I introduced this game to many people so far. None of them ever claimed that the bloodweb is overwhelming and pretty much all of them got all the perks they actually wanted in no time. Just calculate it, its really not that bad.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Grinding, collecting, hunting... all of these has been very important columns for human in general. Its what we do all day everyday, its our nature. What you talk about is awareness, but grinding has nothing to do with that. Funny enough the game we both play is all about hunting and collecting.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    Give every character every universal and unlocked perk at tier 1? ...holy ######### that idea is amazing. BHVR have the perfect excuse as to why they wouldn't do this though and you already know what it is, which is a shame but something like this would absolutely be a huge help for people buying DLC and wanting to actually try out the content on day 1 (really good system you have BHVR, you want people to buy your DLC but killers and survivors with no perks is boring as hell and they won't get a good idea of how the killer plays until they've spent hours grinding BP to get the perks they need.)

    Would also get me to actually prestige characters. Don't really want to prestige a character only to have them be unplayable for a long length of time.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    I have over 400 hours in the game. Only one of my characters have all perks unlocked on them. Only 6 or 7 of them are actually level 50 across both killers and survivors btw so I'm not even close to getting everything I want on all my killers and survivors. I don't even know many MMOs that make you play for that long before you finish the grind to endgame and don't have to worry about levelling anymore. It's obscene.

  • Iron
    Iron Member Posts: 241

    You proved exactly what I was saying in that comment though. In a little over 400 hours you leveled every character to get their teachable perks and then decided to all perk a character while still having others at 50. You may think that's obscene, but there are 43 characters in this game. You spent on average about 10-11 hours for each of them.

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,872

    I think this is a really good idea. The main frustration for me is that, when I have an idea for a build I want to try, I usually end up realizing that I don't have any single character who has all the perks available, and then I start to grind for it, but the perks don't come up in the blood web, and I lose interest and forget what I was doing.

    A secondary frustration is that I grind for level 40 on some character so I can get the teachables, and then instead of feeling happy when I get them, it's like, "Now, an indeterminate, unknown amount of grind before they show up for anyone else."

    This suggestion would solve both problems while still giving people a reason to earn blood points and level the perks up.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    You’re basically asking me, “how long is a piece of string?” It doesn’t matter what I would personally find a fair number, what matters is rebalancing the grind so that new players can feel like they’re unlocking content at a reasonable rate while retaining the grind for people who enjoy grinding. Having grind at all isn’t the problem, it’s the fact that it’s mandatory to grind for hundreds of hours to unlock basic content.

    I honestly think that reworking how teachables are unlocked would help resolve this problem without causing other issues. Rather than having them be purchaseable nodes in the bloodweb at high character levels, make them purchaseable outside of the bloodweb at lower levels. So say, I have to hit level 20 on a character and then I can pay X bloodpoints to unlock any one of their three teachables. This way, rather than having to level Bubba to 35 to get BBQ, for example, I could level him to 20 and choose between BBQ, Franklin’s or Knock Out. And if I don’t want to unlock a given teachable yet I can just hold off purchasing it.

    This would cut down the grind for new players, keep the grind for existing players (P3ing with all perks would still be a massive time investment), and wouldn’t affect the “bloodpoint economy” or whatever the devs are worried will become unbalanced if they change bloodpoint gains.

  • Iron
    Iron Member Posts: 241

    I'm not quite sure you know what the difference between a fact and an opinion is. I was asking your opinion, asking how long a piece of string is would be asking for a factual answer.

    Disregarding that, it seems as though you don't understand I'm ok with decreasing the grind. I just think that reducing it to such a point where 50%+ of it is gone (no more perk tiers, let's give everyone every perk at level one, double all bp gains forever) is ludacris.