Easy Mori fix

Make Moris ultra bloodpoint offerings. Like 2xp or even 3xp but only for the survivors, that way theres no incentive to use it and it doesn't become the new BPS. While you're at it give the killer like 2xp for hatch escapes, you know they got a key? Great. They got a mori? Fantastic! Make something an overwhelming negative for one side a positive! Start to try and quail that embarrassing toxicity
I know some people are gonna say they don't care about BP and yall need to loosen up lol. maybe even play some civ
Edit: Moris and keys/hatch wouldn't change they would do the same thing but give BP to the opposite side so it becomes a positive for both sides
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Why exactly would I waste an offering slot that does me nothing? I could put a map or an oak or something there.
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Yeah Oaks are very underrated IMO too
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Why would I want to help my enemy?
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I agree moris need to be looked at, but this?
Why would you as a Survivor give the Killer such an advantage?
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I think he's saying Moris will do what Moris do but the also give BP for survivors and Key still function the same but they also give killer BP. Don't think it's a bad idea since it'll reduce DCs and dodging lobbies when those two things come into play.
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Not sure if you guys are actually being shortsighted, meme'ing or not understanding the OP...
He's suggesting that things like Ebony Mori's (and Keys even) still retain their current powers - being able to kill someone off first hook etc etc. but have an additional sideeffect of being a one-sided Bloody Party Streamer for the enemy team only. When you burn a Mori currently - you are already not bringing your own Bloodpoint offerings like Survivor Pudding which means you aren't getting a bonus to BP anyway... so nothing changes for you if you are the killer burning a Mori Offering.
1) Incentivizes the survivors to actually play the game and let the Mori's go through - trying to get as many bloodpoints as possible and not to DC to make it 0 (Since this bonus to BP bonus would stack with their own BP offerings). Yes, they might still die off first hook and make 5k base... it's still 10~11k for them for actually playing the match instead of disconnecting on loading screen (Meaning you got to use your mori too).
2) If the same is done for killers with things like Black Lock Hatch Escapes... a score event for the killer that was instantly like "+3000" Survivor Snuck out with a Key" - it would be mutually beneficial in the event that BHVR doesn't outright remove or rework them as they are at the moment.
3) This would take far less coding to just give BP incentives and program it as a new scoring event or bonus rather than having to rework an entire gameplay system, with animations and other stuff depending on what solution they land on.
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I have 45 pink moris and 45 iridescent heads. There are plenty with a similar stockpile. No mori's need to be addressed directly. An even easier fix. Mori's are only available on death hook.
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Thank you for explaining you're way better at it than me lol
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Seems more like a janky band aid fix then anything really. You should work bhvr that’s what all their ideas are lol.
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I wasn't aware. I thought OP wanted the original effect scrapped and to just add the BP modifier.
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Nah that would be so dumb lol
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So because we dont care about Bloodpoints we should go play civ?
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Its an inside joke, Mcote basically said people who play the game too much should go play something else, like civ. He was talking bout people who get mad and frustrated but same difference
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Nothing surprises me nowadays.
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Ahh i never understood this jokes. Ty for clarifying