Easy Mori fix

JimPickens666 Member Posts: 326
edited September 2020 in General Discussions

Make Moris ultra bloodpoint offerings. Like 2xp or even 3xp but only for the survivors, that way theres no incentive to use it and it doesn't become the new BPS. While you're at it give the killer like 2xp for hatch escapes, you know they got a key? Great. They got a mori? Fantastic! Make something an overwhelming negative for one side a positive! Start to try and quail that embarrassing toxicity

I know some people are gonna say they don't care about BP and yall need to loosen up lol. maybe even play some civ

Edit: Moris and keys/hatch wouldn't change they would do the same thing but give BP to the opposite side so it becomes a positive for both sides

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