Survivors don't like you being nice apparently
Was nice to the survivors, only tunneled one to get them out the game early for pressure since they were the weak link but didn't overtunnel him, let the ones who got unhooked after him go free, just hitting them with Feral Frenzy to find the rescuer, then they use a key in my face. This really how you treat someone who ain't tunneling you survivors? Complain about ebony mori and Noed when you do this?
your definition of 'nice' is a bit skewy.
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If i brought/found a key I'll use it, dosent matter if the killers playing nice or not.
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Well it's not nice but it's at least decent. I didn't hook camp or tunnel really at all just getting rid of a weak link, hell they got gens done respectably fast but they repay me by hiding then using key bc they can't escape otherwise
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I don't understand why people can pillage keys though. Like at least Devour requires you to do something and can be shut off at any time for the mori effect, keys just, they just happen to appear in that chest then if you find the hatch there is 0 counterplay to your escape
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very skewy.
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"I was being nice to the survivors, only played like a complete scumbag."
Not the best way to think. Especially since tunneling is proven to not be the most effective way to win, just the most mindless and cruel way to beat bad survivors.
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Really confused how you think you were nice when the first sentence reads:
'Was nice to the survivors, only tunneled one to get them out the game'
Maybe that's why the survivors acted the way they did? You tunneled a single survivor from the game so the other survivors are obviously going to act the way they did.
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The counterplay with keys is that there has to be a significant amount of progress done to their objective, as in [living survivors+1] generators complete. Then finding the hatch with no audio queue.
Also, tunnelling is still tunnelling. Yes, survivors overuse that term, but being legitimately tunnelled out of a game is deeply frustrating.
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It sucks but it just up to luck. Chests can be a survivor’s savior or trash can. There really is no in between. Someone could find just what they were looking for or something completely useless, like a broken key or a brown tool box during the end game. As a killer, you just have to keep track of what survivors brought and what they are now holding. Simply, you right but it’s really up to the RNG gods.
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So, basically you played nice after you "won" the game (which you would probably have when there would have been no Key) after tunneling one out of the game.
I would not consider that nice.
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Give him a break.
It's just ONE.
Seriously tho, at least he's honest
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your definition of nice is not very nice. Also, do you expect people to be nice to you and play how you want? That is some entitled ######### right there
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I wouldn't be nice to a Legion either to be honest
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Youre contradicting yourself. May call The Doctor?
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Gave me a good laugh, yea I made this bc I was angry, after today were this kind of comment section happened twice, I'ma think before I go to the forums angry
Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on2 -
I mean they don't only use keys when they aren't playing nice. I played nice in a match I remember where I tried not to tunnel and got cucked by a key.
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Yeah, this wasnt my point.
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Wrong quote then, I apologize
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Tunneling one out of the game early is not being nice at all. Its actually one of the three behaviours Survivors complain the most (the other two being Moris and camping).
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I made this post after the game so my head was clouded, I'ma think twice before making this sorta post though
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"I only tunneled, why are they using an item now?" 🤷
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I ll tunnel jukers. Makes no sense letting them do that for next quarter of an hour and then rinse you at the exit gates.
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You tunnel people who try to survive
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Tunnelling one survivor to death isn't being nice. Also if they brought a key they were going to use it either way. It gives more points and gets rid of the item/add-on (if that's what they were hoping for).
Also both sides don't always be nice back to you after you being nice. Me and my mates played on badham against a huntress. She was extremely bad so after getting NO HOOKS the whole game I decided to give her one right outside the exit door (the door was 99%). We all brought gateaus so I thought "let's give her some hook points".
She then decided to sweat by trying to force my mates out the door and wouldn't let anyone unhook me. Luckily through good coordination we all got out. I asked her why she did that when I was trying to be nice and her response was "I didn't ask you to give me the hook". Funniest part was she said she didn't want any "pity hooks" yet when I pointed at the hook she downed and hooked me 😂
Unfortunately some people are just ungrateful.
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If a Arsenal player would break a Liverpool players leg do you think the rest of the team would just..oh ok? Survivors is a team not individuals.
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It isn't about survs not appreciating people who are nice, Killers that is, some survs just want to play the game how it's intended, some don't want free unhooks/saves etc, and some maybe skeptical as you get these pretend nice Killers and then end up just slaughtering you all. If I very much meet survs and it's obvious they don't want to farm, or me be nice etc (esp if it's some new players or lower ranks) then I play normal with them, sometimes myself I don't want the Killer to be nice or join in with extra points/farming so I go off to do gens/totems and haul ass.
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I know what you mean.... uh... well, I know what the title means. Those specifics don't feel like much of a nicety or a slight either way IMO.
I was just in a match goofing around to get the hag teleport challenge, and ended up in a nice basement devastation scenario. Their eager beaver Bill hardcore screwed their Adam rescue from his second hook. By the time Claudette got him off that hook, I ended up downing him right there just trying to thwack her. Naturally instead of taking that easy 2 seconds for the full kill, I'd just left him there so someone else could heal while I went after their fumbling Bill for his second hooking.
With Bill delivered to Adam's old hang-out, I didn't even bother trapping the basement again for him. Of the 3 survivors hoovering I'd just double hooked 2 of them and didn't want to accidentally finish anyone off in the heat of things. Instead, I focused on the other side of the map looking for (what turned out to be a rank 2) Nancy who'd been doing most all of the gens that match. But before I snagged her, the others popped that last gen, so went on over to the exit gate.
I wanted to make sure I was safe for the challenge, so I ran off their eager beaver Bill from opening the gate (didn't even bother swinging) and I tossed down some extra traps. Nancy eventually ended up heading that way and plowed into that full row of traps. I'm not sure if that was intent or accident, but either way, that was exactly what I needed. So, I showed my thanks and intentions by opening up the exit gate for her/them. I knew the others were lurking with that usual bit of hesitation, so I turned my back and started drawing more signs on the ground in a circle randomly in wait.
They still hadn't left yet when the Exit Timer was hitting about half-way, so I peaked around to see if they wanted a hit to heal or something
But what did mine eyes reveal unto me?
The bumbling Bill, of course!
The rest ran off, but old Bill is triumphantly tea-bagging me here with pure glee & satisfaction at foiling my nefarious plans with his mad skillz.
Oy vey. At least the others got it, I think...
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Wow this rage post has spiked and I kinda feel like an idiot for not thinkin bout my actions here
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Survivors surviving is toxic now. Got it.
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People should just play the game. This notion that there should be an unspoken expectation of any kind of etiquette between the Killers and Survivors is foolish. It is always subjective, and never productive. The Killer are supposed to prevent any Survivors from escaping. The Survivors want to get out. That's it. That is the game. Quit projecting some non-existent set of morals and/or morays into the zeitgeist. The only things we should all be abiding by are:
- Don't cheat, i.e. use hacks or lag spikes.
- Don't disconnect; if you start a game, finish it.
- Be humble in victory, and gracious in defeat.
Everything else is on the table and nobody should be getting grief or being shamed over using it. Nobody should be saying "but I played nice" and then complaining about the other side not reciprocating. If you WANT to play nice, go ahead. Just don't complain about the choices you make not getting returned. This isn't Secret Santa. Play hard. Don't cheat. Be good sports by not making a jerk out of oneself before or after the game. For my own part, I try to wish everyone good luck before a game (I would do this as Killer too if they could hear me), and I am sure to do my best to give a GG afterwards too. During the game, I'm going to give 100%. As a Killer I will camp, tunnel, slug, or Mori if that specific match calls for it. As a Survivor I will body block, cooperate with others, and do everything I can to get both my teammates and myself out of a game. I'm under no obligation to give the Killer a courtesy kill, anymore than the Killer is obligated to give anyone the hatch.
Just play the game.
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Dont even try to be nice to them, in the past i will give to the last survivor the hatch for like 2 yrs, then i also give it to one and he type in chat something like,, izi beby killer,, then some bad words from that time no mercy.
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If you tunneled a weak link for no reason then you deserve to get escaped on by a key.
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I'm just here to upvote the MVPs replying with the Picard and Dragon Ball Z memes 👍
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Lol im only nice to survivors if they’re not tools.
Anyone tbagging or flashlight clicking ill remember for the mid to late game.
Survivors dont deserve respect right away, youre there to kill them
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Juking is abuse of the game mechanics. Players shouldn't be able to spin around like ice skaters. I don't mind being looped, hidden from, vaulted from, but Juking is so goddamm annoying and for me is punishable by tunnelling 😁
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If this is your idea of playing nice i'd hate to see you playing not nice
Also using items as intended isn't toxic, no matter how powerfull those items are