Why does Demogorgon have a global audio cue for literally everything?

Seriously. Almost every single thing he does has a map-wide audio stinger.
Hit a Survivor? Global audio cue.
Shredded a Survivor? Global audio cue.
Shredded a pallet? Global audio cue.
Travelled through a portal? Global audio cue.
Missed a swing? Global audio cue.
Missed a Shred? Global audio cue.
Kicked a pallet or gen? Global audio cue.
Survivors are sealing a portal? Global audio cue, and its aura is revealed.
Survivors finished sealing the portal? Global audio cue.
I’m not even exaggerating. Every single thing I described above has a global audio cue. The only action he takes that doesn’t involve a global cue is placing down a portal. Not only do all these actions have stingers, but when you get used to them, it becomes very apparent which one is which, meaning a Survivor who doesn’t have their volume off will be given map-wide information on anything and everything Demogorgon does.
Why? Why give Survivors this much free information for any Killer, let alone Demogorgon?
Good point actually. Never thought about that.
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Because the devs wanted the horror feel? It sounds nice, but in this type of game where information is king, it really hinders him.
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This. He's more of a "monster" killer, i think that's why the devs designed him that way.
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Demo is a good example of what happens when a killer has so much counterplay in some many ways vs a team with very little comparatively. He ends up being weak.
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It was the devs experimenting with "lowering the gap between solo and SWF" by informing every survivor what the killer is doing at every moment. And it was ######### because instead of making it fairer, they just made basically every squad have SWF level information with no downside.
They did it to a lesser extent with Oni too, but since then they've stopped, thank god.
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Between the sounds, tunnel set ups and a brown add on being required for him, I really think Demogorgon is one of the weakest killers on the roster, and I've never seen the Stranger Things series so I don't know if Demo is a noisy boy in canon but...
...he should just embrace it as soon as you load in, just start screaming the entire match. It wouldn't be much of a change from how it is now.
It won't make him stronger, but everyone likes inhuman screeching.
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I don't know if I'd say they stopped. Slinger's shot is global, and PH's PoTD is global. Blight is a killer that uses a lot of sneak attacks and unexpected angles, so it would make sense that he doesn't have any global cues. Less like they stopped, and more like they toned it down to an acceptable level.
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+1 they should remove some of the audio queues, or at least make them not global. It's one of the reasons I don't play Demo.
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So what im hearing...you want global for putting down portal too? Got it!!! /s
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Not so much stopped as went back to the usual level. You can hear Huntress wind up a max charge hatchet globally, you hear Myers tier up globally, you hear Clown and Doctor making people scream, that's no different to hearing DS shooting. Point is none of them have noises for every pallet break, different noises for hitting and missing, every charge of their power.
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Yeah, that's the main reason why I run only meme builds on Demodogdog. I guess that would be fine if he was stronger on his own. Or stronger addons at least.
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I dont mind giving him a global audio cue but he needs to be buffed accordingly so that they are less of an issue.
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In the series: When's close by hes not really that loud and he never clomps around or walks on two legs. It's why i don't like using him. He clomps and is so clumsy and not agile at all. Then I noticed as a survivor I can hear it all lol
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I've said quite a few times that removing, or lowing them would make Demo quite a strong killer. He has the kit, but those audio queues always tell survivors that they're safe.
In my "Fixing EVERY Killer" discussion, it was the one thing that I said to improve him.
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They should at least remove the audio for primary and secondary attacks. People don’t need to know I missed or hit someone, there’s literally the injured icon bottom left for that. It’s also easy to tell if the killer had STBFL or not, depending on how fast each hit audio is.
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McLean said there's a plan for him.
I will wait for that day.
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I love Demo. Is very fun to play. Hay pay the dcl and skin for him but need some love. Global audio is one but not the mayor weakens. Addons rework and make liver and tail rat base kit.
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That's a great question we all want to know.
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Tbh I kind of like it
Striking fear on my preys with my loud roars. I think the devs didnt think much of the free info that is given but just wanted to "capture his image"
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Because if he hadn´t you wouldn´t be able to watch your favorite tv show while sitting on a gen and still know what´s going on.
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He is quite stealthy in the movies so I don't get it either. Maybe the devs thought it would be scary to hear the killer scream literally every 2 seconds in the game? lol
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I wish he went undetectable as soon as he entered the upside down. Not really stealthy when you can hear his heartbeat racing towards you after you hear the teleport sound. It should make ever survivor panic that he's around the corner
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Finally, it's like everyone else misunderstood the original post.
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He does get Undetectable when entering the Upside Down, and for 2 seconds after leaving it.
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You can still hear the heartbeat zooming across the map, it's not an instant thing
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No, you can’t. If you can, it’s a bug.
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I like all the sounds he makes, but I get where you are going, giving so much information for free hurts him. I hope they do something about that in the future.
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Haha then i guess it's a bug, because you CAN hear the heartbeat as he travels across the map.
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I'm fine with certain actions like travelling through a portal having a map-wide indicator, since that could be a game-altering decision on Demogorgon's part and Survivors should be let known to stay on their toes. But everything else? He has a global audio cue for any attack, hit or miss, and breaking a pallet or generator. Why? Why does he let every Survivor in the game know he's doing completely normal Killer things?
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I think the devs wanted that “monster” vibe with it. Unfortunately, this is the wrong game for that. Information plays a huge role in DBD, and Demo telling the Survivors everything it’s doing is really hurting it.
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Yeah, AFTER a global sound queue to tell you that he's teleported! Kinda cancels out that.
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Because the developers baby the survivors and hold their hand all the way.
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Not exactly. It just tells you when he's teleporting. It doesn't tell you where.
I agree, though, even though that's his only action that has an excuse, I think it shouldn't be there.
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I like the audio cues for Demogorgon, they should really keep them and buff Demo in other ways to compensate for it.
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If the teleporting was it's ONLY global sound queue, nobody would really complain. If the others were a proxomity thing, let's say 40m (same as Huntress), then it wouldn't be global and also keep that "monster" feel that was originally intended.
I'll admit that I've never played Demo, but with my experience as a Pig main, his kit seems very decent.
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Him screaming 24/7 is the main reason I refuse to touch him now
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Get stunned by a pallet, Global audio cue.. That's my favorite one it makes me giggle everytime
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The sounds are one of the best things from Demo! He is a beast who is intimidating the enemy pallets!
Okay, except the sneaky 🦖Stomp! Stomp! Stomp! Stomp! 🦖
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If they wanted a "monster vibe" they should make a monster that is able to traverse all obstacle at lower speed with a leap attack with medium cd.
See a monster roar on too of killer shack and leaping towards you over 40 meter would be terrifying.
Reminds me of the old game alien vs predator where the alien could crawl on all surfaces and pounce but was fragile against the weapons of the marines.
And of course I know that our dear devs, which can't get nurse to work bug free, wont be able to code something like this or even close into dbd and even less balance it.
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His footsteps could also be a global audio cue because they're loud as #########. Makes the few seconds of no TR after leaving a portal useless.
But hey, at least he doesn't make unique noises when he vault windows.. like Clown..
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If his missed attacks, breaking pallets, and portals were limited in range and not map-wide, I would find that fairer. Honestly, as someone who likes to play as him, it isn't that bad. If they don't know from the global sounds, they will from the TR. He is just that distinct. Sometimes the map wide portal sounds can be useful (the Portal traversal can make people cautious if you have been smart with them), sometimes not (from the killer side).