How would you get a friend to play dbd?

I want to introduce a friend to dbd but honestly im afraid she will think its boring. Honestly sitting on gens half of the game and not knowing how to loop and getting downed doenst seem fun. And on top of that we would be playing against higher rank killers since im rank 2. But i dont know if i should tell her how to loop and play the game properly cuz that maybe would suck the fun out of it.
What should i do?
You could always arrange some KYF matches to try to "break her in gently" so to speak.
But honestly part of the fun of starting off playing this game is the jump scares, and I'd hate to deprive someone of that.
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Play scratched mirror myers against her to get her acclimated to jumpscares
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oh yeah, ill def do that
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Play some games with her and let her decide on her own.
Just try to play down the importance of surviving. Its important to know that dying is a big part of the game, and isn't always a loss if you can help your team mates escape.
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I think custom games to help friends learn would be good. lol @BlightBoi 's comment. :)
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Show her shirtless David.
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A few nights ago I went against a silent bell Wraith, with the "All seeing - blood" add-on. I got whacked and damn near shat myself, I kid you not.
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Use metal of men take hits for her and use borrow time and the perk where you unhook a survivor the killer cant see her scratches and can see you for 5 seconds. And use lucky brack.
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haha nice
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thanks guys im gonna play a custom game with her tomorrow and ill see how it goes, ill update yall
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Me personally I wouldn’t try to get someone new into it as the grind is ridiculous for new players and all this game is is a loading screen simulator that not many people will want to play when they find that out.
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Kidnap them and tape them to a gaming rig SAW™-Style ?
Or just show them some gameplay and see if it is in their taste. And be honest about the community lol.
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At this point I would never suggest this game to a friend. It’s far too buggy, horrid optimization on console, and lastly the grind would be entirely too much for new player.
the devs of course know all these things yet nothing really gets done about it. Can’t expect folks to recommend a game in such a pathetic state.
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You guys have friends?
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I'd say the best way by far would be to gather enough bodies to fill a private match, and then just enjoy the game in its simplest form and rotate everyone between roles.
By far, I think KYF is the best way to play DbD. There's no concerns about rank or BP and no risk of running into some of the more... nefarious individuals you sometimes find in public matches. It's just the pure gameplay of DbD shared with others.
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It's really not possible, I've tried to bring at least about 5 people into this game. There's so many bugs and killers just constantly face camp and tunnel. It's just not a fun game for new players to pick up the game and start playing online, and the devs clearly don't care.
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Man I wish.
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Solo queue. 😋
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Wait for a free weekend, or if you can share your Steam library to let her try it do that. I couldn't on my life recommend anyone in my friend group to buy this game at full price if they don't have it already.
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I would buy them the game 😂 and guilt them into playing. Unfortunately, i've shown my gaming friends dbd and they don't see the appeal so ot's a hard pass for them.
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Me and my friends like to play some games in the library, in between our classes in school, I got them into dbd, because I told them we can do SWF, and how much fun it is.
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That is the best description of DbD in 1 picture.
I wouldn't - it is repetitive game of grind (even more since archives are in game) and it can feel like 2nd job. Beside 'online asymmetric horror' is very niche genre, and barely anyone get hooked onto it. You must like both semi-competitive online games, and pressure of playing good enough alone so rest of the team (or you alone as a killer) won't be in desperate need to carry your ass. Probably that is why there are so many CS:GO users in DbD.
And before buying game for her, wait for free weekend so she can try it herself. Watching streamers is a different kind of experience from playing yourself. And i can't say DbD is in the best shape now - many players complains about "lack of fun". I mean in the terms of balance, they are the furthest so far - but some things like graphical update are unnecessary and we are getting them anyway...because yes. If you look at updated maps (badham/macmillan) they sucked their individuality out of them. They all look like Freddy dream version on XBOX360 with additional post processing. They may look nice, but they are horrible to play on. Not to mention DbD has 0 graphical options to tweak, so if you had problems with fluid gameplay, you will have much more of that now (it is unreal 4 after all).
And the most important question - will she play DbD alone without you, if she has spare time? As i mentioned already, DbD is a game of grind and new players without perks is pretty much dead player. Which leads to frustration of dying over and over. Which can lead to abandoning game in the end. There are much things to consider, but i would either let her play on your account (maybe derank a little bit before that) or wait for free weekend. There is no chance male can guess what female likes or not. Let her experience it herself.
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I'd never recommend DbD to a friend.