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Is it okay to report campers?

Campers make the game less fun and I think they should be dealt with. I want to know if camping would be counted as an "exploit" or "trolling". If I can't report then what is there to do? I would message teammates of what is going on, but between trying to determine if the killer is camping, getting to a survivors steam account, and then sending the message to the other 1-3 survivors it's hard the fight the timer to struggle phase. Were any updates announced to stop campers?

Best Answers

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    Answer ✓

    @alchemist_z said:
    Campers make the game less fun and I think they should be dealt with. I want to know if camping would be counted as an "exploit" or "trolling". If I can't report then what is there to do? I would message teammates of what is going on, but between trying to determine if the killer is camping, getting to a survivors steam account, and then sending the message to the other 1-3 survivors it's hard the fight the timer to struggle phase. Were any updates announced to stop campers?

    This if from the Steam forum. Where people got asked what perk they would like to get rid.
    Survivors want BBQ gone and this is their argument:
    "Hey man, if you get dragged into the basement and not close enough to see the killer leave that is your own problem if you walk into that trap. Camp all you want, thats your time. I will keep doing what im doing over here unless You have BBQ and come right at me, or you hit someone else and i can see youre not camping."

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388
    edited June 2018 Answer ✓
    Camping is a strategy used at times if you see a survivor or two while hooking why would you leave? You now potentially have 3 people not on generators... The way to puniah campers is not to report it. It iis to stay on that hook as long as possible and waste their time. The longer they camp you the less potential points they get. But if you quit on the hook they won. They took you out because you raged quit or tried to jump off and shortened your time. The killer will feel vindicated in his strategy and continue to use that strategy. 


  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    camping is legit. gg
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @Master said:

    @Tsulan said:
    I wonder how many survivors complained about the camper, while they were sitting in the grass, next to the hook. Waiting for the killer to leave.

    Usually its the SWF toxic boys who click at me and force me to stand within 1 meter radius from my victum. I hate these games and I really dont know why the killer has nothing he can do in such situations (besides from giving a free unhook and earning nothing)

    This represents the situation perfectly:

  • Dragonredking
    Dragonredking Member Posts: 874
    edited June 2018

    No it is not,
    And it's because of people that think that it is that the ingame report is completly ignored because they get flooded by report for "camping and tunneling" despite stating MULTIPLE TIME that those aren't reportable offense.

    Post edited by Dragonredking on
  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144
    RemoveSWF said:

    However, it's very ironic that the same people complaining about OP abusing the report button are the people flagging his post.

    Now that's funny.

    I agree 100%

    He has said nothing to warrant a flag.

    Dont be a bunch of ######### hypocrites guys
  • alchemist_z
    alchemist_z Member Posts: 20

    @weirdkid5 Thanks for the answer, I found it straightforward and informative, lol I guess I'll just have to hope everyone gets gens done and the killer tries for a different strategy.

  • alchemist_z
    alchemist_z Member Posts: 20

    @Tsulan I honestly agree, but it does suck when survivors waste their time trying to save when they can't. But I definitely understand and agree with the killer side's point of view of trying to get a kill while their time may waste away. Thanks for the answer!

  • alchemist_z
    alchemist_z Member Posts: 20

    @MandyTalk Borrowed is a great perk! I would love to use it but leveling up Bill is a pain, im working on it though. And I think you're right about the fact that if the survivors just get gens done killer will gain nothing. Thanks for helping me understand a little more.

  • alchemist_z
    alchemist_z Member Posts: 20

    @RemoveSWF Lol, I haven't reported anyone for it, yet (Kappa). I see you're point of view on the strat, but it does make it feel pretty boring sitting on hook while all you see is people doing gens and killer watching you closely. But I do appreciate your input at least and giving survivors a free hook while not finding anyone else does hurt. Thanks for the answer!

  • alchemist_z
    alchemist_z Member Posts: 20

    @White_Owl I wish I knew that lol I thought people just did it for fun, but now that I know I hope to put it into more use in game. Thanks my dude

  • alchemist_z
    alchemist_z Member Posts: 20

    @EpicFailTryHard I agree, but if I play solos it's almost guaranteed only one person would come for the save haha. It really is dependent on how coordinated all the survivors are, but without an swf it does get difficult. Thanks for the input though, I appreciate it.

  • mcNuggets
    mcNuggets Member Posts: 767

    If a killer camps, the game did something wrong.

  • alchemist_z
    alchemist_z Member Posts: 20

    @fcc2014 U right. U right. Giving the most time may be a very helpful strategy to others and to down many other than one may be worth a reward, but I do think it sucks when you de-pip for getting camped. I like the advice to make it feel less rewarding for killers to camp. Thanks for the answer :)

  • alchemist_z
    alchemist_z Member Posts: 20

    @Master Alright yeah I think that's fair I would camp too tbh. Thanks for the answer! :D

  • alchemist_z
    alchemist_z Member Posts: 20

    @SadonicShadow Yeah, I guess if the devs did implement it so you can and they even announce that it's okay, I don't have a way to fight it besides hanging on as long as I possibly can. I get it, reports suck to waste others time and your own and even potentially get a killer in trouble for doing something that the devs said was ok. Thanks for the post my dude.

  • alchemist_z
    alchemist_z Member Posts: 20

    @Lowbei OOF. I guess u right, but it still hurts my little survivor soul haha. ;(

  • SadonicShadow
    SadonicShadow Member Posts: 1,146
    edited June 2018

    @alchemist_z said:
    @SadonicShadow Yeah, I guess if the devs did implement it so you can and they even announce that it's okay, I don't have a way to fight it besides hanging on as long as I possibly can. I get it, reports suck to waste others time and your own and even potentially get a killer in trouble for doing something that the devs said was ok. Thanks for the post my dude.

    Honestly i came into this thread thinking you were just another salty survivor looking to stir some ######### up. Glad i was wrong and your actually calm, reasonable, civil and have provided pleasant responses to the people in this thread. +1 we need more people like you in this community. Hope you have a good day man. Much love!

  • alchemist_z
    alchemist_z Member Posts: 20

    @Runiver I do make a lot of mistakes in this game, but I don't understand why it is wrong to tell other "teammates" about wasting their time trying to get me. I think of them as teammates because it feels as if you're a team and to succeed you must try to get out together, not to mention the benevolence points. But after reading all the previous comments I get the point and understand, but why can't I communicate to teammates? Not trying to be rude or anything, but I feel as if communication and thinking of these strangers that I meet is as viable as camping. But anyway, I appreciate your contribution and answer to my question :).

  • alchemist_z
    alchemist_z Member Posts: 20

    @Dragonredking Lol, I haven't reported anyone for this I don't think, but yeah I can get why you're mad and why that would lead to devs ignoring the reports. Thanks for the answer!

  • alchemist_z
    alchemist_z Member Posts: 20

    @SadonicShadow Thanks fam. Much love to you. I will admit I was a little salty last night, but now that I understand it more I will learn to love the game a little more. I hope you have a good day too. :)

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @RemoveSWF said:
    However, it's very ironic that the same people complaining about OP abusing the report button are the people flagging his post.

    Now that's funny.

    I predicted that removing the downvote button will lead to worse

  • Dragonredking
    Dragonredking Member Posts: 874
    edited June 2018

    @alchemist_z Your dedication to answer every single post is admirable.
    I excuse my self if my original message sounded rude or acusatory, it's just that it piss me off that the ingame report system is just a placebo especially knowing that Easy Anti Cheat is pretty much a strainer as far as anticheat goes.

  • alchemist_z
    alchemist_z Member Posts: 20

    @Dragonredking Thanks! I've never really been admired that much in the internet, but it feels great to get a compliment and I find it very noble to apologize, it's difficult to find that type of kindness on the internet. I honestly have the same viewpoint about the report system, I never hear about anything when a friend, youtuber, or person in general reports or gets reported.

  • Zanfer
    Zanfer Member Posts: 647

    The worst part in this game is when people try to tell you how to play the game.

  • alchemist_z
    alchemist_z Member Posts: 20

    @Zanfer I agree, but it hurts when you lose bloodpoints and the ability to pip. I realize my mistakes and want to learn to deal with it. After reading the comments and threads, I think I can. I'm sorry if I made it feel as if I'm trying to tell people how to play, I just want to try and get to higher ranks. I know now that it really boils down to chases with campers and winning them. If you lose then, just give as much time as you can to your surviving companions. So I again apologize for making it feel as if I'm telling people how to play the game I will admit I kind of was at first but after all the advice, I can learn and change my stance. Thanks for the post though, I really do appreciate it.

  • alchemist_z
    alchemist_z Member Posts: 20

    @mcNuggets While this game isn't perfect, I think it's doing good for itself. While the game gives killers a kill for camping, they lose time. So the game both encourages it and discourages it at the same time so now that I think about it hook camping has a balanced trade-off. Thanks for the contribution!

  • GhostEuant
    GhostEuant Member Posts: 243
    Tsulan said:

    I wonder how many survivors complained about the camper, while they were sitting in the grass, next to the hook. Waiting for the killer to leave.

    This is the  thing that upsets me the most when playing survivor (mostly solo queue). Seeing people, either with aura reading or being on the hook myself, just staring at a camping killer and doing nothing. 
  • Zanfer
    Zanfer Member Posts: 647

    @alchemist_z said:
    @Zanfer I agree, but it hurts when you lose bloodpoints and the ability to pip. I realize my mistakes and want to learn to deal with it. After reading the comments and threads, I think I can. I'm sorry if I made it feel as if I'm trying to tell people how to play, I just want to try and get to higher ranks. I know now that it really boils down to chases with campers and winning them. If you lose then, just give as much time as you can to your surviving companions. So I again apologize for making it feel as if I'm telling people how to play the game I will admit I kind of was at first but after all the advice, I can learn and change my stance. Thanks for the post though, I really do appreciate it.

    I kind of meant in general cause I had survivors telling me how to play killer when all they did was play really well and I didn't do as well during that game. I know how to play killer to what knowledge I have and if I want to get better I'll just play more or look up stuff to understand more things. I don't need another survivor telling me how to kill them. What I was going for more.

    Glad to hear it.

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930
    edited June 2018

    @alchemist_z said:
    Campers make the game less fun and I think they should be dealt with. I want to know if camping would be counted as an "exploit" or "trolling". If I can't report then what is there to do? I would message teammates of what is going on, but between trying to determine if the killer is camping, getting to a survivors steam account, and then sending the message to the other 1-3 survivors it's hard the fight the timer to struggle phase. Were any updates announced to stop campers?

    Why’d you guys report him? He was basically asking in your simple terms without knowing it “is this wrong” and you guys flagged and basically thought “oh, he’s asking a question about if somethings bad, better flag him! Because that totally means he is a bad person for asking a question.

  • SadonicShadow
    SadonicShadow Member Posts: 1,146

    @Jack11803 said:

    @alchemist_z said:
    Campers make the game less fun and I think they should be dealt with. I want to know if camping would be counted as an "exploit" or "trolling". If I can't report then what is there to do? I would message teammates of what is going on, but between trying to determine if the killer is camping, getting to a survivors steam account, and then sending the message to the other 1-3 survivors it's hard the fight the timer to struggle phase. Were any updates announced to stop campers?

    Why’d you guys report him? He was basically asking in your simple terms without knowing it “is this wrong” and you guys flagged and basically thought “oh, he’s asking a question about if somethings bad, better flag him! Because that totally means he is a bad person for asking a question.

    I agree. Its bullshit he is getting flagged. OP is nothing but polite and respectful in all his responses here. I think the flag button has become the replacement for the downvote button at this point.

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293

    @Zanfer said:
    The worst part in this game is when people try to tell you how to play the game.

    Stop camping. Stop pallet looping.

    Honestly this game just breeds entitlement.

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    edited June 2018

    @Jack11803 said:

    @alchemist_z said:
    Campers make the game less fun and I think they should be dealt with. I want to know if camping would be counted as an "exploit" or "trolling". If I can't report then what is there to do? I would message teammates of what is going on, but between trying to determine if the killer is camping, getting to a survivors steam account, and then sending the message to the other 1-3 survivors it's hard the fight the timer to struggle phase. Were any updates announced to stop campers?

    Why’d you guys report him? He was basically asking in your simple terms without knowing it “is this wrong” and you guys flagged and basically thought “oh, he’s asking a question about if somethings bad, better flag him! Because that totally means he is a bad person for asking a question.

    I agree. Its bullshit he is getting flagged. OP is nothing but polite and respectful in all his responses here. I think the flag button has become the replacement for the downvote button at this point.

    Thats really ironic since you flagged my post about how 50% bonus xp for the killer during SWF would help, simply because you wanted to whine about the games mechanics.

    You are not mature enough for forums. No offense :)
  • Dragonredking
    Dragonredking Member Posts: 874

    @Lowbei said:
    SadonicShadow said:

    @Jack11803 said:

     @alchemist_z said:

    Campers make the game less fun and I think they should be dealt with. I want to know if camping would be counted as an "exploit" or "trolling". If I can't report then what is there to do? I would message teammates of what is going on, but between trying to determine if the killer is camping, getting to a survivors steam account, and then sending the message to the other 1-3 survivors it's hard the fight the timer to struggle phase. Were any updates announced to stop campers?

    Why’d you guys report him? He was basically asking in your simple terms without knowing it “is this wrong” and you guys flagged and basically thought “oh, he’s asking a question about if somethings bad, better flag him! Because that totally means he is a bad person for asking a question.

    I agree. Its bullshit he is getting flagged. OP is nothing but polite and respectful in all his responses here. I think the flag button has become the replacement for the downvote button at this point.

    Thats really ironic since you flagged my post about how 50% bonus xp for the killer during SWF would help, simply because you wanted to whine about the games mechanics.

    You are not mature enough for forums. No offense :)

    I must have missed something, since when does you get notificated about who is flagging you?

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @alchemist_z said:
    @Zanfer I agree, but it hurts when you lose bloodpoints and the ability to pip. I realize my mistakes and want to learn to deal with it. After reading the comments and threads, I think I can. I'm sorry if I made it feel as if I'm trying to tell people how to play, I just want to try and get to higher ranks. I know now that it really boils down to chases with campers and winning them. If you lose then, just give as much time as you can to your surviving companions. So I again apologize for making it feel as if I'm telling people how to play the game I will admit I kind of was at first but after all the advice, I can learn and change my stance. Thanks for the post though, I really do appreciate it.

    It hurts when you lose BP and the ability to pip due to a genrush and good loopers, but thats how the game works, sadly as killer you have no way to deal with it (unless playing nurse I guess), so there will always be a mad killer who doesnt carea anymore and simply camps everyone

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Dragonredking said:

    @Lowbei said:
    SadonicShadow said:

    @Jack11803 said:

     @alchemist_z said:

    Campers make the game less fun and I think they should be dealt with. I want to know if camping would be counted as an "exploit" or "trolling". If I can't report then what is there to do? I would message teammates of what is going on, but between trying to determine if the killer is camping, getting to a survivors steam account, and then sending the message to the other 1-3 survivors it's hard the fight the timer to struggle phase. Were any updates announced to stop campers?

    Why’d you guys report him? He was basically asking in your simple terms without knowing it “is this wrong” and you guys flagged and basically thought “oh, he’s asking a question about if somethings bad, better flag him! Because that totally means he is a bad person for asking a question.

    I agree. Its bullshit he is getting flagged. OP is nothing but polite and respectful in all his responses here. I think the flag button has become the replacement for the downvote button at this point.

    Thats really ironic since you flagged my post about how 50% bonus xp for the killer during SWF would help, simply because you wanted to whine about the games mechanics.

    You are not mature enough for forums. No offense :)

    I must have missed something, since when does you get notificated about who is flagging you?

    Flag me and I will tell ya whether I was able to see that it was you
    For some reason I cant flag myself :wink:

  • Dragonredking
    Dragonredking Member Posts: 874
    edited June 2018

    @Master said:

    @Dragonredking said:

    @Lowbei said:
    SadonicShadow said:

    @Jack11803 said:

     @alchemist_z said:

    Campers make the game less fun and I think they should be dealt with. I want to know if camping would be counted as an "exploit" or "trolling". If I can't report then what is there to do? I would message teammates of what is going on, but between trying to determine if the killer is camping, getting to a survivors steam account, and then sending the message to the other 1-3 survivors it's hard the fight the timer to struggle phase. Were any updates announced to stop campers?

    Why’d you guys report him? He was basically asking in your simple terms without knowing it “is this wrong” and you guys flagged and basically thought “oh, he’s asking a question about if somethings bad, better flag him! Because that totally means he is a bad person for asking a question.

    I agree. Its bullshit he is getting flagged. OP is nothing but polite and respectful in all his responses here. I think the flag button has become the replacement for the downvote button at this point.

    Thats really ironic since you flagged my post about how 50% bonus xp for the killer during SWF would help, simply because you wanted to whine about the games mechanics.

    You are not mature enough for forums. No offense :)

    I must have missed something, since when does you get notificated about who is flagging you?

    Flag me and I will tell ya whether I was able to see that it was you
    For some reason I cant flag myself :wink:


    edit: should normally be done by now

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200
    edited June 2018

    @Dragonredking said:

    @Master said:

    @Dragonredking said:

    @Lowbei said:
    SadonicShadow said:

    @Jack11803 said:

     @alchemist_z said:

    Campers make the game less fun and I think they should be dealt with. I want to know if camping would be counted as an "exploit" or "trolling". If I can't report then what is there to do? I would message teammates of what is going on, but between trying to determine if the killer is camping, getting to a survivors steam account, and then sending the message to the other 1-3 survivors it's hard the fight the timer to struggle phase. Were any updates announced to stop campers?

    Why’d you guys report him? He was basically asking in your simple terms without knowing it “is this wrong” and you guys flagged and basically thought “oh, he’s asking a question about if somethings bad, better flag him! Because that totally means he is a bad person for asking a question.

    I agree. Its bullshit he is getting flagged. OP is nothing but polite and respectful in all his responses here. I think the flag button has become the replacement for the downvote button at this point.

    Thats really ironic since you flagged my post about how 50% bonus xp for the killer during SWF would help, simply because you wanted to whine about the games mechanics.

    You are not mature enough for forums. No offense :)

    I must have missed something, since when does you get notificated about who is flagging you?

    Flag me and I will tell ya whether I was able to see that it was you
    For some reason I cant flag myself :wink:


    edit: should normally be done by now

    Did you flagg my previous post? I cant see a flag when looking at it and I didnt receive a notification either
    I flagged your post above me too, did you see sth? :lol:

  • Dragonredking
    Dragonredking Member Posts: 874

    @Master said:

    @Dragonredking said:

    @Master said:

    @Dragonredking said:

    @Lowbei said:
    SadonicShadow said:

    @Jack11803 said:

     @alchemist_z said:

    Campers make the game less fun and I think they should be dealt with. I want to know if camping would be counted as an "exploit" or "trolling". If I can't report then what is there to do? I would message teammates of what is going on, but between trying to determine if the killer is camping, getting to a survivors steam account, and then sending the message to the other 1-3 survivors it's hard the fight the timer to struggle phase. Were any updates announced to stop campers?

    Why’d you guys report him? He was basically asking in your simple terms without knowing it “is this wrong” and you guys flagged and basically thought “oh, he’s asking a question about if somethings bad, better flag him! Because that totally means he is a bad person for asking a question.

    I agree. Its bullshit he is getting flagged. OP is nothing but polite and respectful in all his responses here. I think the flag button has become the replacement for the downvote button at this point.

    Thats really ironic since you flagged my post about how 50% bonus xp for the killer during SWF would help, simply because you wanted to whine about the games mechanics.

    You are not mature enough for forums. No offense :)

    I must have missed something, since when does you get notificated about who is flagging you?

    Flag me and I will tell ya whether I was able to see that it was you
    For some reason I cant flag myself :wink:


    edit: should normally be done by now

    Did you flagg my previous post? I cant see a flag when looking at it and I didnt receive a notification either

    I did, it also said that my complain was registered.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200
    edited June 2018

    @Dragonredking said:

    @Master said:

    @Dragonredking said:

    @Master said:

    @Dragonredking said:

    @Lowbei said:
    SadonicShadow said:

    @Jack11803 said:

     @alchemist_z said:

    Campers make the game less fun and I think they should be dealt with. I want to know if camping would be counted as an "exploit" or "trolling". If I can't report then what is there to do? I would message teammates of what is going on, but between trying to determine if the killer is camping, getting to a survivors steam account, and then sending the message to the other 1-3 survivors it's hard the fight the timer to struggle phase. Were any updates announced to stop campers?

    Why’d you guys report him? He was basically asking in your simple terms without knowing it “is this wrong” and you guys flagged and basically thought “oh, he’s asking a question about if somethings bad, better flag him! Because that totally means he is a bad person for asking a question.

    I agree. Its bullshit he is getting flagged. OP is nothing but polite and respectful in all his responses here. I think the flag button has become the replacement for the downvote button at this point.

    Thats really ironic since you flagged my post about how 50% bonus xp for the killer during SWF would help, simply because you wanted to whine about the games mechanics.

    You are not mature enough for forums. No offense :)

    I must have missed something, since when does you get notificated about who is flagging you?

    Flag me and I will tell ya whether I was able to see that it was you
    For some reason I cant flag myself :wink:


    edit: should normally be done by now

    Did you flagg my previous post? I cant see a flag when looking at it and I didnt receive a notification either

    I did, it also said that my complain was registered.

    Ok interesting, can you see the flag in your post

    edit: should normally be done by now"

    From my point of view there is a flag at your post now, but none at mine
    Maybe you cant see flags of your own posts at all

  • Dragonredking
    Dragonredking Member Posts: 874

    @Master said:

    @Dragonredking said:

    @Master said:

    @Dragonredking said:

    @Master said:

    @Dragonredking said:

    @Lowbei said:
    SadonicShadow said:

    @Jack11803 said:

     @alchemist_z said:

    Campers make the game less fun and I think they should be dealt with. I want to know if camping would be counted as an "exploit" or "trolling". If I can't report then what is there to do? I would message teammates of what is going on, but between trying to determine if the killer is camping, getting to a survivors steam account, and then sending the message to the other 1-3 survivors it's hard the fight the timer to struggle phase. Were any updates announced to stop campers?

    Why’d you guys report him? He was basically asking in your simple terms without knowing it “is this wrong” and you guys flagged and basically thought “oh, he’s asking a question about if somethings bad, better flag him! Because that totally means he is a bad person for asking a question.

    I agree. Its bullshit he is getting flagged. OP is nothing but polite and respectful in all his responses here. I think the flag button has become the replacement for the downvote button at this point.

    Thats really ironic since you flagged my post about how 50% bonus xp for the killer during SWF would help, simply because you wanted to whine about the games mechanics.

    You are not mature enough for forums. No offense :)

    I must have missed something, since when does you get notificated about who is flagging you?

    Flag me and I will tell ya whether I was able to see that it was you
    For some reason I cant flag myself :wink:


    edit: should normally be done by now

    Did you flagg my previous post? I cant see a flag when looking at it and I didnt receive a notification either

    I did, it also said that my complain was registered.

    Ok interesting, can you see the flag in your post

    edit: should normally be done by now"

    From my point of view there is a flag at your post now, but none at mine
    Maybe you cant see flags of your own posts at all

    Don't know why it didn't worked on my end but I can now confirm that you don't get notified that you're getting flag and even less who flagged you therefor @Lowbei is only speculating that @SadonicShadow flagged him unless he told it to him.

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930


    I could’a told you that with my 23 flags... none of them for reasonable stuff

This discussion has been closed.