I dont understand why people are complaining about huntress lullaby


Like it got a nerf and a buff, it no longer shows on every skillcheck even before 1 stack, but now it doesnt work with DS and Doctor.

Like i get that its weak so it shouldnt get any nerf but this isnt just a nerf for no reason its clearly a change to keep consistency in dbd. Like when legions and everyone elses powers are no long able to get stbfl stacks and the gen regressing consistencies made this patch.

Its was never used even with doc and it was never up long enough to affect DS so if anything they just slightly buffed it. So i dont get why people are mad about this.

As for pop and thana i understand but thana is most likely going to get further changes after this and pop i doubt it, so understand peoples anger at that.

For pyramid head i think the changes are great, every ph ive faced seemed to not notice much of a difference while most survivors enjoy the change since it allows you to fake things without the ph getting a free hit 100% of the time but its not like they removed the ability to fake your power its still a very affective strat.


  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    Well yes consistency is one thing.

    However when you have a hex perk that has been considered the worst for the longest time that was only really considered somewhat valuable on Doctor nerfing it seems counterintuitive.

    I've talked about this before but consistency should never override viability. You shouldn't make something that was already weak even more weak for the sake of consistency.

    As for the no notification until one token that doesn't really help as the perk doesn't really come online until 4 or 5 tokens. Until then it's still practically easy-peasy to hit the skill checks. Hell even making it no notifications until you mess up a skill check would have been better

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Wait, it doesn't show on pre-hook skillchecks? That's not bad. It's not exactly good either, but it is an overall buff.

  • Bard
    Bard Member Posts: 657

    They're complaining because they don't know what they're talking about.

    Skill checks can only come from four (formerly five) sources.

    • Healing
    • Repair
    • Decisive Strike
    • Killer Powers
    • Sabotage (defunct as of Deathslinger's release)

    Out of those...

    • Healing still works
    • Repair still works
    • I don't know if DS worked before, but even if it did, how are you missing an easy skill check you had advance knowledge of?
    • Killer powers that gave skill checks never interacted with Huntress Lullaby to begin with. Could you imagine how much people would have cried if the impossible Skill checks build
    • Sabo doesn't even give skill checks anymore.

    Literally the only way this could be a nerf is if the Devs added an entire new skill check action ("build breakable wall" or adding skill checks to exit gates) without adding that functionality to Huntress Lullaby.

    Meanwhile, the much larger change being made is that Huntress Lullaby no longer notifies until you've gotten at least one token.

    People, calm down with your crying about Lullaby nerfs. The changes are literally a net buff.
  • Madmanslime
    Madmanslime Member Posts: 15

    I don't think the issue is with huntresses lullaby, more skill checks in general. DBD is a mechanically heavy game which can take a lot of skill to learn, but practice always pays off. That's why the existence of a challenge that relies solely on reaction time runs counter to the games intent (the reaction speed your born with is the reaction speed you have, there's very little to change it) and might piss people off.

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    It doesn't show to Survivors before 1 stack anymore????? Can someone confirm? That was not in the patch notes. I've been asking for that change for a LONG time...

  • Midori_21
    Midori_21 Member Posts: 723
    edited October 2020

    The reason people are upset is because this is the DBD community, and any change to a perk that could be considered a nerf (and they did nerf lullaby, only affecting healing and repair, regardless of the buff they still nerfed it) will cause outrage.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    edited October 2020

    I thought Lullaby appearing on the first skill check hit was a bug that the devs neglected for years. So they fixed a bug and nerfed the perk (which happens to be one of the worst Hexes in the game unless used on Doc) at the same time.

  • EuphoricBliss35
    EuphoricBliss35 Member Posts: 875

    Is that like a green rank thing? I’ve never seen anyone, on any killer, bring lullaby, intentionally.

    not everything is a buff or a nerf. Sometimes, it’s just a change

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,714

    Honestly the Huntress Lullaby effect isn't even strong enough to be a Hex. They could make it just a perk that collects tokens ala BBQ and Chili or Dying Light, for example, and it would still be only "ok" because it takes a little time to ramp up and even at full charge its effect isn't going to hurt survivors who are good at skill checks all that much. To me, if something is a Hex, its effect should be on par in terms of effectiveness with granting instant downs from Exposed status ala Haunted Grounds, NOED or Devour Hope. Or if you're talking about slowdown, then it should be on par with Ruin. Huntress Lullaby is much weaker than all of those.

  • Terro
    Terro Member Posts: 1,171

    People develop their reaction time. They aren't just born with it or else we'd all be stuck with a reaction time of toddlers. Of course there are periods of life where your reaction time will develop faster and if you don't work at it your reaction time will drop off.

  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791

    At max tokens it can mess you up and steal your focus away from every other task. It's not a weak perk.

    I have to stare at my screen to make sure a skill check doesn't randomly show up. Having the sound notification is a huge boon and taking that away just throws everything into chaos. Gen explosions and people ripping open wounds everywhere.

  • Momentosis
    Momentosis Member Posts: 824

    Pretty much only Doc took it for impossible skillcheck builds now NOBODY will take it.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    Is that like a green rank thing are you kidding me?

    Just because you have never seen something doesn't make it so.

    That probably has to be one of the most self-absorbed and entitled statement I've read.

    Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but unless you you watch the statistics for every single match in Dead by daylight at every single rank you do not know what people bring in and what they don't bring in.

    Surprisingly enough I have never seen somebody bring in I'm all ears at red rank but I'm not going to act like it's never used because that's going to make me sound like an idiot.

    Yes well some things are not intended to be buffs or nerfs however it is still a buff or a nerf if it actively impacts a perk.

    For example when they increased Amanda's terror radius from 28 to 32 this was simply a change to make her more in line with the other 115% movement speed Killers.

    However it was nerf in the grand scheme of things as it meant the pig was not able to do a lot of things that she was usually able to do people had to change their perk up to balance this.

    Yes some things are not intended to be a buff or a nerf but acting like the change cannot be categorised because it wasn't it's intention is incredibly ignorant.

    Also advice for the future if you're going to try to make a structured argument and your first point is to try to stroke your own ego. You probably don't have a valid enough point to make.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    It was in the patchnotes. People just don't bother reading the whole thing before throwing a tantrum.

    It's in bug fixes

  • noctis129
    noctis129 Member Posts: 967

    But lullaby only works on noobs.

    I can do skill checks w no sound.

    I can do skill checks backwards.

    I can do skill checks while watching a movie.

    I can do skill checks if the circle shows up in the corner of my screen.

    It's only the noobs who cry.

  • gunslingers_potatoe
    gunslingers_potatoe Member Posts: 192

    But I'm 100% sure you can't do Skill checks with no sound, backwards, if the skill checks show up in the corner of your screen, while watching a movie.

    It's impossible to do all this things at the same time, and I think the no-sound skill checks would require more concentration than everything else, so that's why someone smart said before, that Huntress Lullaby is good on stealth killers, because once people start focusing only on muted skill checks, they don't focus on anything else.

  • noctis129
    noctis129 Member Posts: 967

    I can. I've muted my TV before because my family was watching a movie, and I didn't have a headset. So every killer had no terror radius.

    And when ur up against the doctor?

    That's the thing about playing survivor. It's too easy.

    But I can never play killer w no sound, or watch a movie at the same time.

  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256
    edited October 2020

    It's not a weak perk. It can be very impacting at 3 stacks, and devastating at 4-5. I've had games completely stop because of that perk, and one against a Huntress years ago where we spent 15+ minutes just looking for the damned thing on Badham after it had already hit 5 stacks. We couldn't get enough lasting repairs done while it was up, and takes a lot of focus to hit the silent skill checks consistently.

  • narf
    narf Member Posts: 68

    Because people don't like being negativle impacted by something. The people complaining about Thana are the same, they don't even realize that it's a straight up nerf because the numbers are wayyyyy to low and it doesn't impact healing anymore. You can legit make it 10% slowdown per injured survivor and it's still going to be bad because healing is so strong and fast in this current meta.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,542

    I always assumed it only worked on repair skillchecks...

    I used to use it with old ruin on Pig

    I might find a way to use it again