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Looping in dbd

So after having played this game for quite some time as both killer and survivor i can say without a doubt that looping and being looped are in my opinion some of the most boring moments of gameplay that i have experienced second only to doing survivor objectives so i thought i’d make a post here to see if others agree or disagree and maybe people could give justifications to their opinion

as survivor looping is quite boring because there is no variation it is usually just run around a tile until either the window gets blocked or the pallet is dropped and destroyed whilst there is skill involved it just feel boring especially when the most optimal way to do this is to do so until the killer loses interest rather than when the killer loses sight of you

as killer survivors do as above and you either have to mind game which only really works if there is a line of sight blocker or hope they mess up if it’s in the middle of nowhere and it becomes even more boring with slow killers or killers that have to brute force the loop

another thing is that people generally get ######### on for running stealth perks and while i do find the people who just hide and do nothing annoying stealth does feel like an interesting way to shake things up

so basically i want to know the communities thoughts about looping and other potential playstyles that may be better or just more fun for both sides



  • batax90
    batax90 Member Posts: 879

    For me looping is like playing mario kart double dash on the baby mario map you run in circle 3 time you drop the pallet then go to another loop and you do the same if the killer hace no way to cheat then the game should be an easy victory for the survivor

  • justtrynaplay
    justtrynaplay Member Posts: 81

    That’s fair i disagree on the mindgame side of things though because in my opinion there are a limited number of mindgames that can be done on both sides and i can understand how stealth gameplay can be boring but i do quite enjoy how bewildered the killer is when you just disappear on him

  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791

    The issue is the safety when you learn certain setups. They'll run straight back to the strongest loop at the first sign of trouble.

    Then there's those stupid safe pallets that's just a circle with a pallet in the middle that you can see over. No mind game there.

    If loops degraded over time like what breakable walls were supposed to do, it'd be more exciting.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    Even though it has it's frustrating elements on both sides. Being hit when you shouldn't have been and dealing with overly safe loops

    It is at least to me anyway the best part of the game.

    As a survivor it's really exciting to get chased juke and lose the Killer or getting the Killer to miss which extends how much you can loop.

    As a killer out playing survivor just feels really rewarding predicting where they might go to cut them off or forcing them to go in a direction that benefits you more than them.

    Even perks play an amazing part into it. As killer you have things like I'm all ears, bamboozle or enduring Fury combo which can make safe loops easier to mind game or really dangerous.

    As survivor you have things like a quick and quiet, dance with me, head on lithe, which can all be used sneakily to help you get distance or lose the killer entirely.

    Honestly when I'm playing survivor generator simulator is legitimately the most boring thing you could do.

    When I'm playing killer I can't stand the final stages of the match where you have to find the two immersed survivors who aren't doing anything it's pretty much an extended game of hide and seek or better yet where's Claudetto and it's not fun.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,341

    It's only as boring as the tile it's happening on.

    An actual tile with walls and a chance to trick the other player? A chance to learn how someone runs/chases throughout a match and counter that based on their habits? And a chance for them to throw you off by doing something unexpected? That's the most fun thing in the game if you ask me.

    A trash heap Autohaven loop where all you basically do can do is hold W until the pallet goes down? Yeah that's pretty boring.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    There a couple of bad loops but most of them can be mindgamed into a hit or early palletdrop.

    Sometimes something as simple as looking one way while going another is enough enough to shave 1 or2 cycles of a loop.

    If you find you're circeling the same object more then 3 times you are doing something wrong

  • Jill10230
    Jill10230 Member Posts: 475

    The loop.. people are addicted to it ! Luckily the new maps change the loop, it's over the loop as before ! Freddy's map you know? Do you feel this loopland completely nerfed? That's how all maps will end now.

    Economy-stealth, or team finished!🤗

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,840

    I like how you use Badham like it doesn't have the Preschool and the House Of Pain, which if certain walls spawn is a literal infinite, as an example.

  • BitingSea
    BitingSea Member Posts: 332

    Looping to me as killer ain't that annoying anymore, i've grown accustomed to it and I've learned how to jump survivors and mindgame to spice it up when I get them. As survivor, I just use Urban Evasion and try to hide from the killer and try to complete the objectives, I know my team may hate it but I find it 10x more enjoyable to squeal behind a Z wall than run in circles, but I still loop when I have to if my teammates require it

  • justtrynaplay
    justtrynaplay Member Posts: 81

    I agree with you there i find the loops annoying but more in the this is tedious and repetitive rather than the makes me angry kind of way

  • BitingSea
    BitingSea Member Posts: 332

    Try doing some stealth stuff as survivor, if you're easily scared like me you'll have a blast crying behind rocks

  • Witas
    Witas Member Posts: 477

    Chase is the only skillfull and fun part of the game lol, since you dislike that, Im genuinely curious what it is that you find fun in dbd.

    In regards to stealth, it's boring on both sides and I really struggle to believe that someone who actually knows the game could believe otherwise. A p3 Claudette or a p1 Bill stealthing around the whole match is like the most boring ######### ever as killer and it's not like the other side's doing much more. Literally the last time I played immersively and stealthily in dbd was when I decided to ######### around with friends and roleplay baby survivors with Urban Evasion lmao.

  • narf
    narf Member Posts: 68

    If the devs buff stealth in any way, I'm out. The killer-survivor interaction is the reason anyone plays this game and the less of it you have, the more boring it becomes.

  • justtrynaplay
    justtrynaplay Member Posts: 81

    I never said i didn’t enjoy the chase i do agree that chasing and being chased takes skill my main complaint is that what the majority of a chase comprises is just running around the same tile like a cartoon character until someone makes a mistake or outplays the other person and generally if it’s the survivor who outplays the killer the survivor doesn’t try to lose the killer they instead just run to the next loop to repeat the cycle over and over until all gens are done or they get caught

    and i do agree with you that stealth without doing the objectives is bad but i think it can be used well as an interesting alternative to looping

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    Idk, finding new ways to outskill the other side are pretty fun during looping. Sure, if you only ever run around in a circle and don't do any mindgames, it's boring, but that isn't all there is to it, especially at high level.

  • nursewannabe
    nursewannabe Member Posts: 1,075

    Disagree on the limited number of mind games, many of them differ based also on the killer one is facing/playing

    Genuine question to op: if chases bore you both as survivor and killer, doing survivor objectives bore you too, what keeps you playing?

  • justtrynaplay
    justtrynaplay Member Posts: 81

    I do enjoy chases don’t get me wrong it’s just the repetitive nature of looping that bores me

    in regards to what keeps me playing that is partially because of game lore and partially because i do still enjoy most of the game i just find looping tedious

  • Witas
    Witas Member Posts: 477

    Fair enough, but looping IS dbd, you'd have to change the game from the ground up to transform the chases into something else than looping.

  • justtrynaplay
    justtrynaplay Member Posts: 81

    Yeah which in my opinion is a shame because i do enjoy in any game going up against people who play in different ways and it doesn’t really seem like a lot of survivors have that option because of the way the game is designed killers can play in different ways cause of add ons but for survivors it’s either looping or nothing

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,697

    I think looping would be more exciting if people knew how to loop better. This is precisely why DBD needs a practice mode. It's hard to practice and get good at something when higher skilled players walk all over with you.

  • myers_obsession
    myers_obsession Member Posts: 552

    Running around a tile 5 times is just boring and has nothing to do with skill. If you manage to combine windows, loops and other tiles, thats something different. But this plain boring ring around the rosie shouldn't exist that often. I mostly let this survivor go. I don't reward them with time waste on cheap tactics.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited October 2020

    The mind games at loops would be fun/fine except many, many loops give vision of the killer, removing all mind games and making it very un-fun. Like all the low wall loops are nothing but time wasters to eat through, not interactive game play.

  • OrangeJack
    OrangeJack Member Posts: 464

    There are already a bunch of killers that already subvert the common looping playstyle and can do other stuff aside from red stain mindgames:

    Nurse: You should not be "looping" a nurse unless she's really bad

    Pyramid head with his M2s

    Doctor: You can get people even with the pallet down with his shocks



    Huntress sometimes

    Freddy with his snares.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    I agree with the op, i like the game as a hide-and-seek, the only time i disconnect is when survivors insist of the boring running in circles vs a killer i dont like and only play for a challenge/daily. But since i mostly play spirit and hag, that seldom happens in "real gameplay".

    When i play survivor, i usually use los-blockers and juke the killer, which is way more fun in my opinion.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398
    edited October 2020

    ??? It's the only part of the game where survivors and killers actually interact with each other and get to actually play a video game and test their skills. I'm always baffled when people say that they hate looping in DbD because that's all this game has to offer.

    I'll edit this part by saying I guess I'm not entirely baffled by people saying this, as they're usually the ones who main spirit or Hag

  • justtrynaplay
    justtrynaplay Member Posts: 81

    Whilst i understand your point that there are some killers that can subvert the loops that’s 8 killers including deathslinger who you didn’t mention that can help at loops there are still 13 killers that have to run it the same way not to mention the survivors the main point of this post is about those killers and survivors not that your comment isn’t welcome

  • justtrynaplay
    justtrynaplay Member Posts: 81

    It’s not that i have a problem with survivor killer interaction it’s just that looping gets incredibly stale incredibly fast mostly because it just instantly rips me out of the gameplay mindset and instantly makes me think oh goody can’t wait to scooby doo this guy

  • TheShocktor
    TheShocktor Member Posts: 134

    I don't mind the loops, I just think there should be less of them. The game would be much more exciting if the number of safe tiles was cut down. Not gutted, just make it to where using pallets mattered more so you really have to think whether you should drop it or not. Right now theres so many pallets and other loops that using them mean nothing as theres plenty for each survivor to have lengthy chases. A couple decently long chases can ruin a game. Even if you drop a chase that's time wasted and even more time to find another survivor and start another chase.

  • justtrynaplay
    justtrynaplay Member Posts: 81

    I agree a solution like this may be the best of both worlds those who enjoy looping get to keep that whereas those who find looping tedious don’t have to deal with it as much

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    somehow we have millions of hours dumped in this game, HMM

  • Kumnut768
    Kumnut768 Member Posts: 789

    Wow jeez I sure love holding m1, I've got adrenaline rushing through my veins right now!

  • justtrynaplay
    justtrynaplay Member Posts: 81

    Perhaps if you explained why you think looping is fun that would be a better contribution to the thread

  • Kumnut768
    Kumnut768 Member Posts: 789

    Because interaction between players is the only part of pvp games that is fun

  • nytkim
    nytkim Member Posts: 102

    Looping is the main feature of this game so you are just saying you find DBD boring. Except if you like M1 simulator

  • Johncenasintern
    Johncenasintern Member Posts: 17

    If you know how to loop it's fun. Don't take basic pathing like 98% of survivors. Only 2% of survivors use unique pathing.

  • justtrynaplay
    justtrynaplay Member Posts: 81

    If you had actually read the thread you would’ve seen i don’t have a problem with chasing it’s just looping that i find tedious

  • justtrynaplay
    justtrynaplay Member Posts: 81

    Not so it is possible to play using a stealth build i’m just voicing a complaint and trying to gauge the general feeling of the community i would appreciate it if you wouldn’t be so dismissive

  • lowiq
    lowiq Member Posts: 436
    edited October 2020

    So would you rather just have chases be running in a straight line?

    The only tiles that have no variation are filler pallets and to some extent main buildings (Unless the survivor is good enough to chain tiles). Filler pallets can be run for 1 - 2 loops which is at most 15 seconds. Other loops can be mind-gamed and actually have a lot of variation.

    For example, shack is known as a "safe" tile, but there are a lot of different ways that it can be played out.

    In general, survivors are supposed to approach shack from the right so they can get a fast vault on the window. The killer then has a bunch of choices. They can either follow into shack, fake walking into shack and moonwalk backwards to window or hide red stain and follow into shack. As a survivor, if you expect them to moonwalk to the window then you can either run to the pallet or wait at the window. If you run to the pallet and the killer actually hides stain and walks into shack then you are forced to drop the pallet. If you wait at window then you need to react fast enough to them hiding stain and walking into shack to fast vault the window and not get hit. There's a lot more variation to this but this is just one scenario.

  • justtrynaplay
    justtrynaplay Member Posts: 81

    I would honestly prefer fewer loops because that would at least make it less of a consistent annoyance and more bearable in my opinion

  • lowiq
    lowiq Member Posts: 436

    That would take most of the skill out of the game - replaced by larger maps where the killer has to run marathons with no chase in between.

  • justtrynaplay
    justtrynaplay Member Posts: 81

    I said fewer and what i mean by that is make it so that there aren’t 2 loops in such close proximity that a survivor can stun the killer and make it to the other loop without the killer having any time to catch up

  • justtrynaplay
    justtrynaplay Member Posts: 81

    If you had actually read the thread you would’ve seen i don’t have a problem with chasing it’s just looping that i find tedious

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    No offence but walking in a straight line and pressing M1 is brainless. I don't even call it a chase.

    Looping is the reason this game is still alive. I wouldn't even want to play killer if you basically won by existing which is pretty much the case if all you need to do is follow the survivor in a perfectly straight line until you can press M1.

  • lowiq
    lowiq Member Posts: 436

    Which would then be balanced by larger maps with more dead zones.

    Basically you're asking for every map to be like shelter woods. Which is miserable for survivors and not that fun for killers.