Do you report hackers in game or?

I just went up against a Spirit who was clearly hacking and I wasn't the only one to notice. She got 5 stacks of devour hope but we didn't even unhook enough times for her to get to 5 stacks. (one person even DCed) she probably had 3 stacks MAX but we got moried.

Her phasing made no sound while we were OUTSIDE her terror radius, but she blamed it on prayer beads but we were clearly OUTSIDE her terror radius so we should've been able to hear her phasing.

I reported her in game but I'm just wondering if that even does anything???


  • NotTheodore
    NotTheodore Member Posts: 32

    Did she mori you guys like at the beginning? Like match starts and you guys have been insta moried? Because if she went through the trouble to hook someone I would take the guess that she wasn't hacking. I don't know about what hacks can and can't do but I haven't heard of anything that gives you more stacks than you're allowed.

    On her terror radius thing, there are perks that increase a killers terror radius, maybe she was running one of those and that increased her terror radius to the point where she was close enough to you to count you insde it. It could also just be a bug because if this person was able to give themselves stacks when they didn't deserve them and make their phasing sound silent, why wouldn't they also do things like teleport to you while not being in her walk? I don't know man, I think this might not be anything here.

  • OniWantsUrLocation
    OniWantsUrLocation Member Posts: 506

    Just reporting someone ingame is not enough, as far as I know. They need video evidence. 

  • KrazyKatFTW
    KrazyKatFTW Member Posts: 203

    I tried to report hacking once, total waste of my time, they make you jump through many hoops just to get fobbed off in the end

    BVHR are just weak on hackers which is why hackers have been able to give them the run around so easily regarding DC penalties

  • TangledNoodles
    TangledNoodles Member Posts: 248

    @NotTheodore No she hooked us but we didn't even unhook 5 times (which is required for her to get 5 stacks of devour and mori) and I made sure I was NOT in her terror radius because it was my second game playing the same spirit so I tested it out.

    I made sure I was not in the terror radius and started working on a hex totem (she had thrill) I raised the volume and made sure to keep an ear out for the phasing sound... nothing. Then BOOM I got grabbed off the totem and moried we didn't know we were even exposed because the guy that went on the hook wasn't 1 shot. Even if he was, she's needed another stack or 2 to be able to mori.

  • NotTheodore
    NotTheodore Member Posts: 32

    I don't know, why would someone go to such great trouble to hack extra tokens in when they could have (at least I would asume) stopped everyone from doing generators? Plus if she hooked everyone and everyone got unhooked then that would be 4 stacks. Even with one person dcing she still could have gotten that 5th stack.

    You played against this person twice right? Did you not think they were cheating the first time or did you think capturing evidence of thier cheating would be pointless?

    It kind of sounds like to me the game is just bugged like always coupled with things being so hetic that you possibly lost track of hooks.

    I'm not saying it can't happen, but if people are going to hack, they wouldn't care about pretending to get stack, they would just 4k and move on in my opinion.

  • TangledNoodles
    TangledNoodles Member Posts: 248

    @NotTheodore I typed a response but it didn't show up for some reason and I cba to write it up, long story short it didn't add up and i stayed the second match to make sure I wasn't dreaming stuff up.

    Idk how to record the game I never have and I stayed to check her perks and add ons and it wasn't just me who thought it was off.

    And yes I do believe there are people that hack and try to play it off as normal.

  • NotTheodore
    NotTheodore Member Posts: 32

    The same thing just happened to me with typing out something and it not posting basically what I said was we don't have enough evidence or proof to say this person was cheating. What toxicmyers posted is great information on how to record gameplay. I'm not calling you a liar, just saying we don't have any information and this could all be a misunderstanding on your part.

  • TangledNoodles
    TangledNoodles Member Posts: 248

    @NotTheodore I get that you have to show video evidence but am I supposed to record every game I play?

    Isn't there a way for devs to find out if there has been suspicious behavior?

    In the years I've played I haven't submitted a report for hacking so idk how it works or if it even does anything.

  • Inji
    Inji Member Posts: 1,096
    edited October 2020

    You can send a support ticket if you had encounters with someone you believe is cheating and breaking the game rules. Just keep in mind that an in-game report is mandatory. Any video evidence can be send to support here:

    You can find how to report on this page:

    When reporting a player via a support ticket video evidence is required or heavily suggested for some offenses and you can find how to record here:

    @TangledNoodles You dont have to record every game you play. Just start the recording when stuff is fishy or if hacking is happening at that moment. Make sure that the cheating/hacking is caught on video when you do start recording during a match. Please check out the link about how to record for more info on Shadowplay if you are on PC.

  • ImBrakingBike
    ImBrakingBike Member Posts: 454

    I've never encountered a hacker before, but I've had some bad experiences with Survivors and Killers teaming up, or people just trolling and trying to ruin your game, etc. So I decided to record every match I play :/ It's really not much of a problem, and if everything's okay at the end of the session you just delete the video :D

  • TangledNoodles
    TangledNoodles Member Posts: 248

    @NotTheodore That is why I said I tested it out because I played against her before. Also I don't even know how to record the game so I didn't think of it.

    Another note, I do believe there are people that try to play normal but hack. I don't normally go around screaming that people hack I know how perks and add ons work I've been playing for years. I stayed the second match to make sure I was correct and even another person at the end game chat said the same things I said so clearly it wasn't just me.

  • NotTheodore
    NotTheodore Member Posts: 32

    Considering all the information, it just makes sense that something bugged within the game in regards to the phasing sounds and you might not have counted all the hooks.

    While I'm positive players hack and try to play normal, like I mentioned above already, all of the hackers I've interacted with and all of the hacker videos show them flaunting their abilities to hack.

    There are so many faster ways to hack and still play like normal and if they're hacking in such a way that they gave themselves more tokens they're jumping through a myriad of hoops for no reason at all.

    IF you had said they moried after downing all survivors before the first hook then you would have a solid case.

    IF you had video of this so we could judge for ourselves then maybe but since there are so many things about this that we don't know and since it's more than possible that she could have gotten 5 stacks of devour it doesn't seem likely that she was hacking even with you playing 2 games against her. Which by the way, is really difficult to do. Not impossible, but very difficult.

    Unless you're saying the game didn't bug out once (which is unlikely to all hell) then there's a possibility that this can be explained.

    Also, for future reference, what toxicmyers posted should help you in the future with capturing potential games with hackers on video.

    I'm not saying you're lying or anything like that, just we can't jump to conclusions with little to no information and even less evidence.

  • TangledNoodles
    TangledNoodles Member Posts: 248

    @NotTheodore That is why I said I tested it out because I played against her before. Also I don't even know how to record the game so I didn't think of it.

    Another note, I do believe there are people that try to play normal but hack. I don't normally go around screaming that people hack I know how perks and add ons work I've been playing for years. I stayed the second match to make sure I was correct and even another person at the end game chat said the same things I said so clearly it wasn't just me.

  • NotTheodore
    NotTheodore Member Posts: 32

    Considering all the information, it just makes sense that something bugged within the game in regards to the phasing sounds and you might not have counted all the hooks.

    While I'm positive players hack and try to play normal, like I mentioned above already, all of the hackers I've interacted with and all of the hacker videos show them flaunting their abilities to hack.

    There are so many faster ways to hack and still play like normal and if they're hacking in such a way that they gave themselves more tokens they're jumping through a myriad of hoops for no reason at all.

    IF you had said they moried after downing all survivors before the first hook then you would have a solid case.

    IF you had video of this so we could judge for ourselves then maybe but since there are so many things about this that we don't know and since it's more than possible that she could have gotten 5 stacks of devour it doesn't seem likely that she was hacking even with you playing 2 games against her. Which by the way, is really difficult to do. Not impossible, but very difficult.

    Unless you're saying the game didn't bug out once (which is unlikely to all hell) then there's a possibility that this can be explained.

    Also, for future reference, what toxicmyers posted should help you in the future with capturing potential games with hackers on video.

    I'm not saying you're lying or anything like that, just we can't jump to conclusions with little to no information and even less evidence.

  • TangledNoodles
    TangledNoodles Member Posts: 248

    @NotTheodore That is why I said I tested it out because I played against her before. Also I don't even know how to record the game so I didn't think of it.

    Another note, I do believe there are people that try to play normal but hack. I don't normally go around screaming that people hack I know how perks and add ons work I've been playing for years. I stayed the second match to make sure I was correct and even another person at the end game chat said the same things I said so clearly it wasn't just me.

  • NotTheodore
    NotTheodore Member Posts: 32

    Considering all the information, it just makes sense that something bugged within the game in regards to the phasing sounds and you might not have counted all the hooks.

    While I'm positive players hack and try to play normal, like I mentioned above already, all of the hackers I've interacted with and all of the hacker videos show them flaunting their abilities to hack.

    There are so many faster ways to hack and still play like normal and if they're hacking in such a way that they gave themselves more tokens they're jumping through a myriad of hoops for no reason at all.

    IF you had said they moried after downing all survivors before the first hook then you would have a solid case.

    IF you had video of this so we could judge for ourselves then maybe but since there are so many things about this that we don't know and since it's more than possible that she could have gotten 5 stacks of devour it doesn't seem likely that she was hacking even with you playing 2 games against her. Which by the way, is really difficult to do. Not impossible, but very difficult.

    Unless you're saying the game didn't bug out once (which is unlikely to all hell) then there's a possibility that this can be explained.

    Also, for future reference, what toxicmyers posted should help you in the future with capturing potential games with hackers on video.

    I'm not saying you're lying or anything like that, just we can't jump to conclusions with little to no information and even less evidence.

  • Bullettimegod
    Bullettimegod Member Posts: 994

    I don't. Im no snitch. Snitches get stitches. /s

  • Equus
    Equus Member Posts: 324

    If you don't start recording your games you can't do anything against hackers. BHVR needs video evidence to actually do something about it. I have reported and although it does take a while BHVR does ban players that are reported with the proper evidence. It is a bit of work but if it is clear as day that they are hacking I'd rather get them out of the game since they are ruining the fun.