I finally gave in and I've decided to start using DS
Sorry this is going to be a personal rant. I just have to vent. This is my first post, since I usually just lurk.
I've been playing this game for 150 hours. Mostly as survivor, and I feel it's important (to me) that everyone has fun the game - including the killer. I don't get too tilted when I play, and I'm fine losing. So I decided to use perks I think are fun and experiment with builds - and sure I have had a few rough games, but it was good fun.
However, tonight I got tunnelled hardcore. I'm fine if I'm caught again because other peeps are out of reach, but this really annoyed me. Maybe it was the straw that broke the camels back, but I've realised that some people play this game to win than to have fun.
That game was easily the most unfun session I've played. Never again. DS is staying in my survivor builds going forward.
I dropped DS because it's a boring perk imo.
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Well no one is gonna force you to use it. Personally I don't use it as I don't find a huge use for it as it doesn't match my playstyle, but if you want to use it its more than fine.
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I've been there. I've been tunneled right out of a game, as if the Killer has prepared a scalpel to cut me out as quick as possible. Those are just the breaks. I'm new myself, been playing for just around three months. I'm embarrassed to say, however, that due to recuperating from physical injuries I have a LOT more time to waste on video games. I'm approaching (according to Steam) about 1K hours. Now, I have not been playing twelve hours a day, so some of that is clearly me leaving the game on and being AFK. Realistically I probably have (sadly) put in 4-6 hours a day because I'm basically bed/couch-ridden. So let's put my actually hours around 500 or so. Fair?
Due to this unique set of variables, I got competent (I don't have the stones to say good yet) pretty fast. I play both Survivor and Killer in equal measure, but I'm a far better Killer in that my current Survivor Rank is (10) and my Killer Rank is (4). I attribute this disparity to the fact that as a Survivor I have to rely on a Team and a Killer does not. I also play mostly Solo Survivor. My friends and I play together when we can, but they are not sitting around all day like me playing video games. They are healthy, as I will be again. Why am I telling you all this? Context. I dove into the DbD game and community head first and have been eating, drinking, and breathing it fully. When not playing it for real practice, I watch videos about it, and read/post here. To get so much in such a short time gives a unique perspective. I am not jaded yet, not having played for years, but I do have a pretty good base of experience (growing every day) of the current situation.
I don't run DS. I did for a short while, just as I used to run NOED when I first started Killer. Unless you are going to do the SWF thing and load up a full sweep of such META Perks, you don't really get the benefit. Consider DS and Dead Hard. They don't actually ensure you get away. Most good Killers will still just run you down if they are of a mind to tunnel you. BT won't save you either if that Killer has it in for you. The delay they buy is rarely enough to make a difference against a normal speed (and certainly not faster) Killer. Against a dedicated Tunneler who wants you dead, they will NOT save you unless you are really lucky. The only thing that will TRULY save you is help from your team, and being able to loop and mind game. This is just a fact.
Playing with DS was just like playing with NOED, I was effectively one Perk down MOST of the match on the off chance I would get to use it (and it would work). I prefer Perks that are going to be providing me with a benefit the entire match. Camping, Tunneling, Slugging, and the Mori are just bad luck. The best cure for them is (unfortunately) don't get caught, or have really good people along who have your back. I don't think you will get a great return on the DS, but I do wish you well on it. I think you have a different issue, however, and I want to address that. It is possible to play the game HARD and competitively and still have fun. Some players get their fun and joy from the competition. This is a PVP game. Competitive is not mutually exclusive of fun. You should go into every game and play your best and assume the others are too. This sets you up mentally to expect really HARD play so you will be ready for it and less shocked and upset. When the opposite happens, you can be happily surprised. See my point?
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Imo you're only hurting the team if you don't bring DS. You're giving the killer a free pass to tunnel you out of the game asap. At least with DS you have the chance to buy more time.
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Once the killer finds out you don't have DS your getting tunnelled. It's why I always run it.
Nothing worse than playing with randoms, see them get tunnelled and not have DS.
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Why do you think winning and fun are excluding each other?
And use DS, if you need it.
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Thanks for sharing your experience. Again, I'm at the moment rank 4 survivor in the game, not the best player out there, but I do play my best when I go in my matches. I know empathy has not place on the internet, but I feel my own enjoyment (competitive or no) shouldn't be detrimental to others. Or I least I think by some measure it's possible. It's like spawn camping, can it win you the game? sure, is it viable? sure, but I just feel it's unnecessarily unfun for peeps. Especially people starting to enjoy and learn the game.
Again, not specific to your reply, but I don't think wanting to win and fun are mutually exclusive. I never said that. But it's more of winning at the expense of others enjoyment.
I go in games prepared to win and to lose if the opponent is better than me. Expecting to be tunnelled? that a totally different imo. That's more going in expecting a bad experience.
Edit: grammar
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Good survivor !🤗
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There's nothing wrong with using what's given to you in a game, and if people say there is then ignore them. If you want to use DS? perfectly okay. Want to use BT? perfectly okay. Want to use a Key? perfectly okay. Nothing wrong with it.
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Time to bring Stridor Spirit with an Ebony Mori. I'm sure you'll find the game super fun.
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I mean I don't mind it, the killer is free to use what they like, but I'm not denying others will #########.
My point is, despite people's complaints, it's not x fault for using what's provided in the game that others don't appreciate (unless they're intentionally trying to piss off the other side).
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I wouldn't exactly say "good", because i'm average at looping and prefer healing builds. :D
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So a good survivor is a survivors that gives in to flaws in game design abused by killers?
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The thing about DS (as with all hated perks and offerings) is how you use it:
If you DO use it against tunneling, fine. but if you have a killer who plays fair and you use it against the, not fine.
If the killer doesn't camp, doesn't tunnel and perhaps even goes out of their way to not hit you if you run into them after getting unhooked, ignore the DS skillcheck when they down you again fair and square.
It's the same as with moris:
you can bring them, but if there's no need to use them, don't
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I stopped running DS. If I get tunneled and camped for 3 games straight though, I'll equip it instantly to prevent that happening.
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DS is not even an optional perk in my opinion. The vast majority of killers WILL tunnel (and camp) whenever the team actually does gens (regardless of ranks).
Obviously only few killers will "play dirty" if no one is doing gens (which becomes fairly obvious to the killer when they chase/hook multiple people and there's still 5 gens left after a minute or two).
So yeah, always run DS. You still have 3 other perk slots in case you want to run some "fun" perks.
As killer I ALWAYS expect EVERYONE to run DS and Borrowed Time. I'm shocked and nearly disappointed when I actually find someone who got fresh off the hook and they don't have ds. I just chase them and pick them up immediately depending on the number of gens.
I never tunnel intentionally (since I have an instadown anyways so ALL survivors are vulnerable at all times) but I also won't ignore people that got recently unhooked if they run into me unless I see someone else at the same time.
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Agree. I'm always amazed when I play survivor how out of the way some killers go, even throwing matches just to have one survivor dead as soon as they can. I honestly believe that, yes, DS is in dire need of a rework to be more fair to killers who don't tunnel. But I truly believe there should always be an obsession active with or without any perks that affect it active.
That way a reworked DS wouldn't require non-tunneling killers to play around it as they have to now because it should never be triggering against them. It would also mean you wouldn't have killer seeing theres no obsession and knowing they can tunnel straight off the hook for free with no downsides.
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Literally happened to a feng in my game. The clown found out she didnt have DS and tunneled her out the game.
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So we are supposed to let the killer get a second hook on us? Ight g almost had me there.
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Because you probably don't live in europe. We have a very big country where 100% of killers are campers/tunneler. 6/10 matches
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azame, we know you have a fetish for being chased, but I thought we agreed you'd stop bringing it up...
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I'm Irish mate, and I'd say closer to 1/10 than 6/10.
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I'm from spain and it's 6/10 at least. With the MMR I changed to poland killers, very good killers. But before and now I play 6/10 with these campers
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If 100% of the killers are campers tunnelers and you only have it 6/10 matches then what do you face in the other 4?
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It's what always happens. The time wasted from having no DS adds up especially in solo q.
The thing is it's our faults for not running it. If I hook know someone doesn't have DS it's smart as killer for me to eliminate them. I'm not saying just tunnel one survivor but what I mean is if they get unhooked next to you then go and down them since you know that's a survivor gone.
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Red rank survivor and I have never used DS. Sometimes we feel we are being unfairly tunneled when we are actually just making bad game moves.
I was tunneled hard yesterday, had a chuckle at the end of the match when I saw the gamertag of the killer. Good Gamed him and accepted my fate.
A few days prior I had the same killer, and I looped the poo out of him. He warned me if we ran into each other again he would tunnel me from the start. Our chat was light banter, lots of laughing emojis... he delivered.
I took my -1 and have moved on with no desire to use DS. I have learned some killers want to come out for the slaughter, some are trying to play around perks they think you have, and lately a lot want to farm.
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Had the "Kill the Obsession" challenge earlier so it might've been me. 😐
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if your a solo or even if your not using the perk is fine, its when its combined with unbreakable that its toxic and unfair. As a solo i always have the perk on since i can't rely on my team to divert attention away from me after i get saved or rely on the killer not being greedy and trying to get another hook off me.
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I still won't use DS, but it does get tempting more and more. I have played killer too much to run DS. I won't run DS nor NOED. Just me, not commentating on the perks themselves.
But lately the tunneling is real. Once again not making a judgement on the tactics, just stating facts of the games I have experienced. I can't stand stand tunneling, but I understand it. Killer is hard and it is much easier the sooner you force a 3v1 or 2v1.
However as a survivor that can struggle with loops, tunneling just gets old. Or watching my lady constantly be the first person out of every single game we play because she is weak and just gets tunneled to death. It doesn't matter if we take hits, show ourselves to the killer, they all just take her out.
And like many have stated, if there is no obsession in a game, killer just straight tunnels from the start.
The irony is , it is the game so DS is completely fine to run. But then so is tunneling. Catch 22 I guess.
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The fact that Camping/Tunneling exist as built-in mechanics while their counter has to be in the form of a perk is enough of a reason to bring it.
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No one will hate you for it, as long as you're not using it to be toxic (such as jumping into a locker in a killer's face or slow vaulting to try to make them grab you).
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after you use it, then what? Tunneling is not illegal btw
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Completely understand the OP. I refused to use DS for a very long time. I used it for a little while because I got sick of being tunneled.
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Never said it was illegal did I?
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Whoa man you can’t say that. You’re gonna make the killers come out and tell you why it’s unfair that you are garbage if you do. D:
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It is perfectly okay. But the entitled killers are gonna tell you why it’s not and go make The same forum post about it and why they think they need to be nerfed so they can tunnel and camp without having to worry about them.
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Not being rude, but you are just clearly inexperienced. I say you just keep playing the way you really want to. I am sure that after you play the game for much longer, you won't need to use DS because you will be able to deal with tunneling by wasting most of the killers' time. When a killer tries to tunnel you until death, it is still possible to outplay them and escape. Learn how to be more efficient as survivor for really good looping and make better decisions. Kindred is highly recommended when playing solo for survivor efficiency. Being efficient as a survivor when being tunneled can really screw the killer over. You can't always escape tunneling, but you can do the best you can so that your team can get gens done during that time.
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Honestly, if you care about fun, you won't run DS.
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Because I care about fun in a game I shall allow you to completely ruin my experience and make my experience miserable to make the game fun for you
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its enough for one person to have ds for killer not to tunnel you, if you have at least one ds or just obsession perk, good killer wont ever try to tunnel unless hes in a situation where there is basically nothing he can do
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That is a really interesting perspective. I haven't spent that much time on killers, but killers probably have spent enough time working around these perks (DS in particular) to win.
Yep, I reached red tanks without using DS and it wasn't a terrible experience. I know you're right, but it still bothers me that people go out there way to make it a terrible experience for others. But again, maybe they don't see it that way.
Yep, that sounds like what I'm going through at the moment. I'll give DS a try, and based on what posters have said on these forums, the opinion seems to be split on it even with Killers.
I feel that the devs should be balancing these perks out, not the players, but I get what you are saying - the cause of frustration comes from people abusing the perk not when it's used for it's purpose. Although, I will most likely use it if the opportunity presents itself, I'll try to be respectable about it.
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*Looks down on you with a disappointed expression*
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I don't use DS because it seems to be bugged right now. I stunned the killer for 0.25 seconds last time and he instantly hit me coming out of it.
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Yeah ds is bugged for the moment which sucks.
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Go ahead and use it. I am killer main and think DS should be base kit. I haven't been hit by a DS in ages. It's the killer's fault for tunnelling if they get DSed.
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Do you feel guilty for running ds?
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DS is a fun perk on survivor.
Don't let anyone convince you otherwise because they don't want you running it.
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I run the "noob combo" on both sides. Unbreakable+DS and Hex+Undying+Tinkerer for killer. <shrugs>
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Why would I waste a perk slot when I can run a quiet build.