Xbox/Console killers-is this happening to you recently?

Since last Saturday I've been having lots of matches where it seems as though the survivors have ran right through me and i don't know if my gameplay has just gotten worse, if its my imagination or if something is broken. I'm a mid-tier killer, rank 11 and I've been between rank 10-15 for a few months so I kinda know how things should "feel" if that makes sense, and right now this issue of it seeming as though players are running through me is strange but like I said I'm not sure if it's me (Internet connection, just playing bad) or if theres something broader going on with lagging times or whatever.
Anyway if you've noticed a RECENT (because things didn't seem this way 2 weeks ago) let me know please, thanks!
Is it any particular Killer? I’ll give this a try with Wraith as he’s easier to body block survivors
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Yeah i noticed it, this steve kept running through me while i was moving so he dodged all my hits until i got him out of my body and into my attack range
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I get some stuff that doesn't feel right every game or every couple of games, but it's always been like that.
Also, Rank 11 is pretty standard when it comes to killer ranks.
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I've only played Dr, Myers, huntress, nightmare, pig, spirit, GF, demo and PH so most of them, I didn't think to try with wraith but it's been happening with all those killers. I dunno, like I say it could be my Internet connection or it's just in my head (although I don't see why it would suddenly be in my head after playing since Feb). Its also the attacks too, one game feels different from the other with the same killer, weird stuff lol
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Has it been happening consistently though? Its this consistency that's troubling me
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he was the only one to try it last time i played, the others just tried to spin but he ran right through me
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It's not that some games seem better than others-I just had a match with freddy and got a 3k (survivor got hatch) and it still felt as strange as the match I had the past weekend.
Sorry but im not sure what your getting at with "rank 11 is pretty standard", my point with mentioning the rank was to say I've been there for a while now and so know what to expect-bit ranking further up has more to do with how much time I can spend playing
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I knew that about stalking, not about the stairs though-thanks for the info 👍
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Oh I see-I really don't know then, thanks though mate 👍
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Yes I’ve noticed, and I suspect it has something to do with the tick rate and hit validation being either tinkered with by the devs, or potentially tampered with by hackers (not players within the same match, I mean people like what we’ve seen forcing DC penalties on streamers).
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Yeah this is a recent thing you've noticed? I'm a Baker and work nightshift, I was worried I wasn't getting enough sleep 😂 but seriously I do feel as though the consistency of the game for me has changed since last week and I hoped it wasn't my Internet although the connection and speed seems fine
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Saying that you're rank 11, so you know what to expect is the same as saying you're a pro with only 100 hours inGame
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It happens to me on PS4 sometimes. I've been playing Doc, Freddy, PH, and Wraith the most lately. I did play Myers twice recently but didn't have any problems.
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Its not the same at all-I've played at higher ranks when my work was closed and the players I went up against were obviously better, my point is a felt a specific change in the game, not just that the calibre of players were better. Your point is moot
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I hope that whatever it was has either been fixed or was just in my head lol I'm away back to have my first match since I posted so hopefully people are casually walking through me again 😂
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When i was in rank 11 i was getting 3k-4k then once i hit 10 im gettin no kill-2 kills.