i was playing blight these days, i quickly found a survivor and the chase ended for just 15 seconds (he fumbled all over hitting the walls), i put him on the hook and in less than 30 seconds i took 1 gen! during the whole game I did quick chases and even then I took gens (with extreme speed).
I was watching a video of souza (the biggest dbd youtuber in Brazil):
and it just proves how unbalanced this game is, the developers are going to nerf one of the best perk ( pop ) to get the gen to slow down, it doesn' t make sense!
Seriously? do you want to favor survivors like hell? nerfing things you don't need, you should smell useless perks (both killer and surv) and fix bugs, and not nerf perks that don't need nerf just because a bunch of kids complain
I'm sorry if I feel strange, my English is bad and I'm using a translator to help me. I put it in English because I want a greater reach
That guy gets 2 4Ks, one of them with 3 Gens left.
Yeah. Big problem. Git gud.
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they won't increase the base generator speed, the best we can hope for and in my opinion the best thing to do is put in a generator speed penalty in the beginning of the match that lasts for 2 minutes and also ends if a survivor gets downed.
this was an idea called "the trail startup" i believe and i truly think its the best thing the devs can add to the game without introducing a secondary objective.
edit: as for pop that perk is still good and i always thought that the 60 seconds you had to use it was way to generous. Even when it was first released i was like "this perk is amazing no way its getting buffed, im sure the community will understand its use soon". then the devs literally doubled its duration XD
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nerf pop is one of the most stupid things, these generators have to be nerfed! why do you think survivor matches take a long time to find? it's frustrating that you play the killer, practically you have to be a masochist to play, due to the injustice and imbalance that you will receive
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what a man? Are you talking about souza? he is one of the best players of dead in daylight in Brazil, he always plays a lot of matches with generators being done with extreme speed, like his live on twitch are proof of that
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Here we are, finally someone who wakes up !
I have exactly the same thing... 2 hours ago, a hunt with the Nurse, a few seconds.. 1 gen, the time to hang the survivor another gen... If I do not tunnel I am quickly to 2 gens... I am fair play and it is my mistake, if I tunnel the progression will stop, clearly... Then what can I do? Tunnel or lose? I have anti gen perks for the moment, it seems to slow down, but in fact I don't think so...
A lot of youtubers say it, it's going too fast, but it seems that we are 50 out of 5000000 to think the same thing...
Anyway in a few months the number of killers will have dropped and the devs will wake up at that time, for now we have to suffer !🤔
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this game is full of kids ezs, they are the ones who ######### the game
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First thing should be accept Ing that the first gens doesnt really matter. If you cant comprehend this you lack more game sense than i thought. Gen times are perfectly fine. Playing killer is damn easy even without those filthy killer "strategies".
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play 15 killer games, I want to see if you’re still going to do it with this "perfectly good"
I already saw that you are a man surv I already saw that you are a man surv because of this "perfectly good"
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It doesnt matter what I show you. Your opinion is already biased.
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So is yours, lmfao.
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just by saying that, it was completely demonstrated that you are a man who survives. your opinion is automatically canceled
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But the unbalanced and randomness is what makes the game fun...
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So you just admitted that youre in no position to talk. Good boi.
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Don't blame the fact that you suck at killer on the gens. Youre the problem here.
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You're right the gens need to be nerfed.
They take too long to do. It's impossible to beat the old world records of gen speeds after the nerf to brand new part.
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Dude, you are using a high mobility killer. Gen speed should be the least of your problems
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I hope that early game warm up phase the devs have been talking about helps. You shouldn't need to bring certain killers or certain perks to stand a chance at any rank. I won't expect it anytime soon though. How long were they talking about servers before they actually got here? Even then they weren't working properly right out of the box.
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am i doing wrong ??? are you sure what you are saying now is it my fault if this game is unbalanced? the same thing that happened to me, happened to him!
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a will #########, the problem is me because this game is extreme unbalanced?
you must be just the ######### of a man surv who thinks the game is super fair for the survivors, i brought you an example with the video of one of the best pro players by dead by daylight. do you want more examples? I send countless videos!
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no, it just makes it frustrating. why do you think that finding a match as a survivor takes a long time? because playing killer is frustrating!
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I wouldn’t say easy, but everything else is correct. You have 3 survivors free to do as they will when 1 other is in a chase. Of course the first few gens will pop quick. The game is designed this way. It’s after that first chase, how a killer keeps survivors preoccupied with other tasks, that determines game stall afterward.
A lot of killer’s seem to completely disregard how important it is to slug early in higher ranks. Down someone then find someone else. That survivor is still “out of action” temporarily, and at least one other survivor needs to assist them if they don’t have unbreakable. I tend to hook when I have AT LEAST 1 other survivor on the ground.
No, slugs being revived does not lose the killer pressure. With each subsequent slug, and their bleed out timer reduced, other survivors will more quickly and urgently leave gens the shorter that slugs bleed out timer becomes.
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Someone is upset that theyre a poor killer player. When I play killer I often get 3-4 kills at red ranks. Gens get completed but so do sacrifices.
Learn to take some responsibility from your own lack of ability.
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talk #########! you must play only survivor, why do you think there are too many survivors for few killers? it is extremely frustrating that you are doing everything right and still taking generators with extreme speed!
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Oh my god! Someone completely countered my point! There's no way they could be right, they must be lying! There's no way that anyone who countered my point could ever play killer!
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You don't need any more help with stopping the gens. You already have too much help, the killrates are certainly way too high for my liking.
I'm sure the next map rework coming will feature some new exciting deadzones.
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You need to git gud, gen rushing is an issue but the rarity of gens going in 15-30 secs is so rare
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You are playing a survivor sided game and posting in a survivor dominated forum. Any suggestion you have to help the killer will immediately be met with "git gud" Here's what I say, stop playing. Survivors think killers are toys to mess with so they can run in circles and throw pallets while their buddies on comms rush gens. If killers stop playing then theres nobody to bully. Game dies. I love DBD but most of my games are becoming the same way so I've been enjoying other games and having fun. Got on DBD for 2 games earlier and immediately toxic survivors crying about tunneling because I moried the 1 guy saboing every hook lmao The entitlement is real. Go play something else you'll be glad you did.
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The game favours survivors and there's no doubt about that. But the difference isn't that lobsided (unless it's a SWF). Game balance is better than ever before but that doesn't mean it doesnt need more work. Loop balancing along with graphical update is a good step that slowly alleviates this issue.
But doing everything in your power and still losing is definitely annoying. Survivors have less skillful tasks to do than killers which means they are less prone to error. I hope the Devs can somehow make gen repairing skill based. Somehow...
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I see the point of frustration. As survivor i rarely get teams where gen rush works because half of it is ideling, searching chests, doing blank bones for BP or run after the killer and watch a chase for 2 minutes, waiting for the unhook. With those people getting a penalty or nerf would only fack with people who actually try to win.
IF it works however the game is over pretty fast. Bad for pipping. Usually ones the gates are fired up, everyone is trying to heal or farm hooks like madman, leaving no one behind etc. Pipping and BP might be the reasons for that, except sportsmanship and teamplay.
Getting a gen rush group or let's say a group that is very effective in doing gens can be highly frustrating. YOUR example is nothing. When i play Freddy some groups rush hard in case it's a forever build. Last time i hot my first hit after 40 seconds and 3 gens popped simultaniously. With pop, teleport and A LOT of sweat i managed to keep the other gens down, that somehow also have almost been finished. No idea how they have been so fast. In fact they where so fast even without toolboxes that i can not rule out hacking. But when i got my first hook, things slowed down a bit, so i guess they just spawned each on a single gens and somehow had enough time or whatever.
In the end i managed to get a sweaty 2k with lot's of hooking, but these games are actually not worth playing. I hate to get sweaty like this, it's just too extreme. Would be nice if i could choose this or something and not go unprepared in such situations. But the way MM and SWF works it's completely random.
You have one match that is ultra sweaty SWF match and with the anger and sweat you then go into the next match raging havok and destroy some poor casuals who just want to have fun. Devs have to make clear upfront if there is a SWF group in the lobby or not, on top of the rank. Can i PLEASE decide by myself if i want to play against SWF or not? Why is this kept a secret?? Right. Because most killers would just leave these lobbys, for good reasons. Or perhabs pick mori 100% of the time.
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Making first hook while 1 gen done is pretty normal situation at the moment. You lose 1 gen while 6 gens are untouched. If they don't do first gen in first 35 seconds it means they do separate gens and you gonna get 3 gens fly by 80 secons if you not prevent it. Then you will get into situation where is no one close to death and they just need to do 2 out of 4 gens to escape. This is much worse than first gen done in 35 seconds. It is gonna be barely winnable situation for you even if they 3-gened themselves.
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GG EZAY is just a fun Word, grow up men.
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As much as I hate, and I really meant hate, to admit it, I half agree with you. Not about killer being easy; only a select few killers are easy and even then one of them can still be rushed if he messes up (the other one is spirit). But about the early game being less important than late game; I always used to play with the motto that the only gen that matters is the final one.
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I wonder what it is that causes certain personalities to panic as soon as they lose a gen. Of course you'll lose if you play in panic mode. Get more practice, understand the game and you'll see that gen Times have nothing to do with why you're losing.
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Can't say one part of game is more important than another. If you mess up early game it's almost impossible to comeback in the end unless survivors deside to stay and troll you, or if you get entire endgame build.
Otz once said that if you get one guy killed when 2 or more gens left, it means you doing right. And I noticed in my games that this rule is pretty accurate.
It won't work if you just tunnel one guy and ignore others though.
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No, I agree if you mess up the early game you're buggered, but the only generator that actually matters is the final one. Early game helps you build momentum, mid game is about retaining that momentum, and late game involves snowballing off of all that momentum.
However the first generators will pop incredibly quickly. After you get your first hook, things slow down significantly. After your first kill things should almost stagnate. After two kills you've practically won unless there's a key in play or they've got all 5 gens done.
So early game matters, the generators popping do not.
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advice, don't answer to some people, they will always answer the opposite...
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Well... generator speeds are never gonna get changed. There's a survivor aspect to the game, which also has to have a fun factor to it. Generators is one of the more boring aspects of the game. Simply increasing time would be lazy, and boring.
I can agree that the PGTW nerf was unnecessary, and DS should've been changed with it, and it appears that BHVR themselves don't quite know where to go right now.
I hate the term "just pressure generators", but it is sort of true. No matter how quick your chases are, a coordinated team can easily take down 5 gens, relatively quickly. Relying on hooking to slow the game down is just not enough. Push them off if possible, and use gen regression perks, or slow downs to give you more time.
Lastly, the game should never be fully balanced. It's assymetrical for a reason, and if you can't accept that, then perhaps this isn't your game. A perfectly balanced game would lead to extremely stale and generally speaking, boring gameplay since both sides are exactly equally strong, but in reality, you cannot balance this game, it's always gonna be unbalanced, one way or another.
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Yesterday I played the Nurse, I was very tired. Every time I play tired I pass all my TP... Thursday was the same
I tested it without sound (with music), on 8 games I won 4...
I took the Demogorgon perk (Surge), the Doctor perk (Oversurge i think), the Ghostface perk (I don't have the name anymore, for the generators), and finally the Spirit perk (as on my profile picture).
The generators were not moving forward.... Is it because I was unleashed on them and they respected me, or is it because these perks help... I imagine that with Thanato or the Myers perk (Dying light) in the future Update.... there will be a way to counter the gen rush...
The nurse is impressive in war mode, but in doormat mode they don't care... try the nurse, she's the most mobile killer in the game, the strongest, and she doesn't care about obstacles!
But i agree, rush gen is boring, very very boring ! Moreover it is stupid, because we don't make PB (in both camps)!