Is it just me or are console users ridiculously prone to ragequitting?

I can't be just imagining a mega trend here. I'd be conservative saying at least 70% of the disconnects I see are coming from console users. No way it's compatibility issue because it's usually whenever they get downed early, or sometimes if they get downed late, oh and also sometimes if they get downed in the middle. And, naturally, when they're the killer and losing hard too. Y'know the usual.

It's just nuts how seriously they take things.

Also the teabagging. ######### is up with console people teabagging constantly at the exit gates? It's so common, that I'm honestly surprised when it doesn't happen on crossplay. Even matches where a normal person would realize they were allowed to escape I've see 'em do it as if walking out those gates is always some huge deal to them?

It's just so lame when you think you've had a fun chill match with someone and on their way out the gates they drop a douce to let you know they're douchebags and vrrrrry angry you tried to kill them the whole time.

I mean obviously neither of these things are exclusive to any platform, or new at all.... but goddamn I'm seeing a mega trend that cannot be coincidence. I can't even imagine how much worse chat would be if that existed.

Other people are noticing this too, ya?



  • Inji
    Inji Member Posts: 1,096

    I havent noticed it myself. Just diverse behavior on all sides. Sometimes you just got a few that do and a few that dont.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    DC's happened more frequently after cross-play was introduced. And I'm on Xbox.

    Usually people from other systems.

    Region and time of day is always useful for context. I'm on Aus Syd and usually after 10pm AEST.

  • Ecstasy
    Ecstasy Member Posts: 426
    edited October 2020

    I think being a generalization is sort of locked into even making this observation, but that doesn't mean every console player is that way. I've encountered many swell players on crossplay, and even times where I'd expected someone to quit and been surprised that they stuck it out. I get how my post comes across like that though.

    This isn't some PCMASTERRACE garbage or anything. I actually use a controller to play too and would prefer to be matched with people who do the same if those sorts of preferences were available. I've got no take on the quality of console vs pc players that others express on the forums here. This is something I'm experiencing outside of all that, and part of why the discrepancy stands out to me so much is because I never expected there to be any.

    I've encountered a lot of crazy things too--straight up teleporting during a match even--though I'm not including any pregame disconnects or other seemingly random ones in the pattern. I'm very specifically talking about ones that are toe-to-toe with ragequit moments. I dunno. It could be coincidence most frequently go zoom when downed/hooked, or (maybe and) some sort of genuine system error that just lines up with rage moments.

    I mean literally all of this could be coincidence anyhow... well, not the teabagging trend. That's gotta be intent--or at least the coincidence there being just getting so much more of that specific toxicity type players on one platform compared to the other. (However my guess is exit-bagging is probably something that's got so much momentum because there's no chat to yell at people afterwards too.)

    Whatever the case, I'm definitely seeing this stuff in statistically meaningful terms. This isn't a thread I'd post on a whim without mulling the thing over myself to question observation bias and sample size (even if anecdotal in the end), and just keep running into the same things on killer and survivor. I guess that's why I'm asking if this is a thing for anyone else here.

  • noctis129
    noctis129 Member Posts: 967

    I play console and PC. The spike in DC is not console exclusive. It only started to happen around the time cross play was introduced or shortly after. But its getting worst.

    Idk if the DC penalty disappeared. And that's why?

    They need to penalize DC.

  • Buttercake
    Buttercake Member Posts: 1,652

    There have been way for DC's since the penalties have been activated. Before they put it into effect for me, there were occasional DC's. But once BHVR started punishing for it...every time they have turned it off the numbers of DC's has soared higher each time. It's like their trying to help made the problem worse. I don't understand what has been happening. I literally see at least 1 DC every other game. And usually if one DC's someone else will too...

    I don't know if it's a console thing cause I play on console so PC and any console beside Switch all are shown the same...

  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,755

    It's just not a console thing it's a both side thing

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,330

    PC players DC just as much as console. PC complained about it a ton before crossplay which is why a DC penalty was put in place before crossplay, it was an issue for ALL platforms. It just seems like other platforms do it more because the DC penalty was removed shortly after crossplay was enabled so they've become an issue again and you're now seeing other platforms more often than your own.

  • Lucas96
    Lucas96 Member Posts: 40

    I’ve been seeing a lot more DC’s since I enabled crossplay and I’m on PS4. I don’t think the issue is with a specific platform, but with the fact we’re being paired with so many other players so we’re seeing it more often. Plus, the game has been a lot buggier recently, so I think people are more frustrated whilst playing.

    I’m rarely paired with fellow PS4 players anymore, so all the DC’s I’m seeing are from XBOX and PC. I’m not going to start pointing fingers though, as I’m sure there’s just as many PS4 players doing the same. They’re just not in my lobby.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    I haven't noticed it to be anymore common among Console as opposed to PC. There are way too many people disconnecting; you will get no argument from me on that. I just don't see a statistical disparity between the groups. The sooner we either can get Bans backup safely or create a Que for habitual disconnect-types so they are stuck playing each other, the better.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    On console you can't leave the exit gates without tbagging.

    If you attempt to just run out, it's free Blood warden for the killer.

    You gotta do it so as to not screw over your teammates.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    As a console player (xbox) myself I can't particularly tell whether people I'm playing with are from other consoles or PC.

    But I can at least say that that Xbox players do have an annoying tendency to stay at the exit gate until the last second.

    It's annoying as a killer because you end up wasting my time. It's annoying as a survivor because anytime I try to do that stupid challenge that requires me to have people escaped while I'm alive I'm usually forced to eat an endgame collapse death.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Maybe on PS4, but certainly not Xbox. I don't teabag anyone, well, unless they TRULY deserve it.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    I was just being funny.

    I only tbag straight tunnelers. And that is in hope they chase me and let the other guy play the game a bit

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,418
    edited October 2020

    RAGE quitting is a Stereotype that cannot be applied to ALL players.

    There should be a differentiation between player’s current emotional status during Disconnects.

    A intentional DC is a DC no matter what, always inappropriate and should be frowned upon by the community.

    Nevertheless, to insinuate that ALL players who DC from a match are “RAGE” quitting would imply that their current mood or temperament is that of a infuriated nature.

    We never can know this truth, ever.

    I’ve personally watched streamers DC from matches calm, peaceful and content to step into another opportunity... no RAGE, no anger, no aggression, no hostility, no infuriation. Simply a mild mannered, calm demeanor, same-happy-mood DC.

    Calling everyone who DC’s a RAGE quitter is both inaccurate and incorrect.

    I cannot believe the players in any community, and especially the Devs of games, use this as a generalization toward other players.

    Players should never DC, period... intentional disconnecting is Quitting (which absolutely makes them a Quitter) but they shouldn’t be labeled as “RAGING” when this isn’t always (quite possibly seldom is) the case.

    Quitting is rude to everyone.

    Calling all people who quit ENRAGED is also rude.

    I hear people using this term all the time, and I just thought I’d spotlight that truth.

    Post edited by Xyvielia on
  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    It's just you.

  • Ecstasy
    Ecstasy Member Posts: 426

    Hrm. Maybe I am underestimating just how many other platform players I see in total compared to PC these days. I was thinking about this, and turned off crossplay today to see if things were any different and my first two killer matches were teabagathons in game and at gates. I mean it was just the one player in each game, but that basically reinforces the point too. If I'm actually getting like 80% of all players from other consoles after all and just didn't realize it was that many, then I guess that math would line up for being the grand majority of t-bags and d-bags.

  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791

    Honestly PC people should be left out of crossplay. They can change game files, modify bindings to not conflict with each other, and turn on their potato filter to get it to run better while everyone else eats #########.

    Meanwhile my game is freezing up and everything is delayed by 2 seconds. I couldn't even free someone from a Trapper trap earlier.

    Then there's the people that don't want a game. Are you telling me the Freddy who immediately mori'd someone first hook at 5 gens is going to be a decent match? ######### that.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Yeah, I kind of agree - but 70% of my opponents are console players, so that probably has something to do with it. I cannot imagine what.

  • Ecstasy
    Ecstasy Member Posts: 426

    I, uh, I suppose that expression is inconsiderate of the feelings of the people who disconnect without considering the feelings of other people.

    I guess that's hypocritical... I guess?

  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 932
    edited October 2020

    I disagree on the "Rage" aspect. I refer to it as a "rage" quit because the quit was due to circumstances the survivor didn't like.

    Quitting because something out-of-game came up (Maybe you just realized you're late for work, or you suddenly have to take a bathroom break, etc.) is different than quitting because you don't like the killer, or the map, etc.

    In many games people refer to "Rage" hackers. A "Rage" hacker is a cheater who is being super blatant and in your face about the cheating. I.E. someone in Counter-Strike who is using a spinbot to spin around extremely fast and using both auto-aim and auto-shoot script thing so the game pretty much plays itself getting headshots. Or he's using a cheat to see through walls and is making zero effort to hide it, even shooting through several layers of concrete with the AWP at peoples heads.

    The cheater isn't really raging while he's cheating, (Although often there's cases where a player either won't be cheating, or will be cheating but be very subtle around it. Like he'll have wall-hacks, but WON'T preemptively line up headshots or try to shoot through the wall. He WILL still take corners without enemies carelessly/quickly, but every time there's an enemy around the corner he magically takes it slowly even if nobody else saw the enemy player there and he wouldn't have had any reason to know. Then, after his team is losing, near the end of the match, he suddenly turns on auto-aim, spinbot, etc and carries his team to a comeback.) we still refer to it as rage-hacking. (As mentioned, there are times where someone starts the match either clean or pretending to be clean, then toggles on the blatent cheats after his team is losing.)

    Same can be said with quitting. There's a difference between quitting unintentionally (Power outage, internet outage, game crashes), quitting intentionally due to out-of-game reasons (Something IRL came up) and quitting intentionally for in-game reasons. (Killer did something survivor does not like.)

    It's the latter that most people refer to as rage-quitting. Even if the player is calm and collected about it, he's still obviously upset or unhappy enough to the point he's deciding to leave the match to find a different, more "Favorable" one.

  • StudMuffin
    StudMuffin Member Posts: 5

    The greater question is why is it taking ages for the devs to release a decent disconnection penalty... I'm getting fed up of rage quitters.

    As an Xbox player, I used to T bag a lot, just because everyone was doing it and I would see it as a fun thing. I didn't even know that it was called t bagging or that it was offensive for a long time. So maybe there are many more gullible folk like me on console. T bagging as a concept only became clear to me after reaching red ranks and taking Yeh game a bit more seriously. Obviously I don't t bag anymore.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    The game becomes predictable after a while, you know if the game is going to end in an unfair loss. At least on steam, I have also noticed some bleeding in the player counts. The devs better start paying attention to the fun factor on the survivor side before it is too late. I know, for example, there is zero fun versing a fully loaded spirit with addons, and a gen slowdown aura build with Hex: Undying. It is about as broken as it can get.

  • Thrax
    Thrax Member Posts: 974

    If they tunnel a person out right away and camp and you get to wait at the exit for them I feel it is your duty to t bag. Bubba on haddonfield 2 days ago. Gets the console players on the hook and never leaves kindred aura range but we get em out of there. Gets my buddy on the hook and still in range OFC although I nearby waiting a sec so I can sprint after I get him down, I figure bubba would really want me because I ran him around the house a few times, buddy quits trying to struggle. OK it's personal now. I finish the last gen as he's coming up to me and run from that chainsaw like it was real. Lead him back to the house I ran him around before and he goes after someone he's caught before and gives them their last hook. I ran to the closed gate, ran off when I saw him and got him to think I was making a play for the open gate before doubling back. I get that sucker open and just wait. T bagging the whole time until he was in the exit chainsaw raised. If he made 1 attempt at NOT camping I'd have just left. Between screens I hope I didn't t bag some n00b. Green rank all lvl 3 purple perks.

    Most of the time it isn't warranted but sometimes if they don't make an attempt at being decent they earned it. Without chat across all platforms you've gotta let them know that from the other side of things they're just being awful. Sucks I have to waste a slot to know someone is camping but I really should more often.

  • tfareyouthinking
    tfareyouthinking Member Posts: 46

    Dude, it’s all platforms. I’ve had five games in a row tonight with doc and at lest one dcs every other match. Some even dc after my first shock ffs. I’ve even had a streamer dc on me after first hook.

    Guys I just wanna get my archive done!!