Killer tournament PART 2

GhostyyBoi Member Posts: 416
edited October 2020 in General Discussions

Vote by 5:00 pm central time on 10/7!

Powers are NOT considered. However, lore wise weapons are considered. This means that Huntress and Slinger keep their toys, Blight still has drugs, and Doc can still shock (but it's only if the can get close enough to put a wire on their face or something), but try not to let these things be the deciding factor in your vote.

Sprit vs. Billy

Ghostface vs. Deathslinger

Doctor vs. Huntress

Wraith vs. Phead

Blight vs. Nurse

Bye: Freddy


  • Verconissp
    Verconissp Member Posts: 1,594

    Mah BOI Cowboi Jones wouldn't lose against to some smol boi wieldin' a goddamn kitchen knife fuggin tbaggin' with the surviors.

  • bredbeddle
    bredbeddle Member Posts: 103

    Say goodbye, wraith!

  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    Billy, Danny, Huntress, Traffic Cone, Blight would be my guess given your rules.

    I see how GF vs Slingor may be controversial, but given he´s an extremely successful Serial Killer I´m convinced he would outsmart and ambush Caleb any day of the week.

    Huntress vs X is pretty much a no-brainer with very few exceptions, like Oni.

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,418

    Billy, GF, Doc, PH, Nurse

    ...possibly old Freddy would have some play, considering the Entity never gave him his Dreamworld powers, they were his from before she pulled him into her little sacrificial game. He’d actually be fairly dominant, imo.

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    Spirit VS Billy

    In 1v1 fight Billy becomes the obsession. Rancor activates and he get exposed status effect. Billy is a noisy guy that wouldnt take care to avoid a hit or wait and study his enemy. This is a fatal mistake that would get him killed. Noisy targets for Spirit are free kills. She would phase in his direction, track his scratch marks and down him. Rancor would quickly end this fight.

    Billy is not a stealth killer, nor he has any supernatural powers to dodge her katana. Even IF he would block Spirits hit with any weapon, Spirit would use Spirit Fury to destroy it and cut through.

    I vote for Spirit. :^)


    Ghostface VS Deathslinger

    GF bio say that he is extremely careful and sneaky guy. He stalk, carefully study his enemy and cant be catched by surprise. Revealing him reveal his enemy, too. Unless he would spawn in open field, it would be very difficult to get a drop on him.

    Deathslinger has a gun and hurt leg (decreased mobility). He wont hesitate to pull the trigger, but would he get a chance to do it? Would he ruin perfect Ghost Face's career without any skills? I dont think so.

    My vote goes to Ghostface.


    Doctor VS Huntress

    Doc - was a mad scientist, but his BIO doesnt say that he studied combat or completed a special combat course. This will put his at a disadvantage. The only advantage he has is his shock, a gift from the entity, an ability to inflict madness. His victims are able to withstand multiple ranged attacks and they do no physical harm which is good for torture, but weak for combat. He is able to cook someones brain only in direct contact..

    Hunterina - survived the most extreme conditions that included war and german soldiers who tried to pass her forest. She alone massacred whole groups of soldiers. In a 1v1 fight she is a beast.

    When she was young she lost her mother.. then she tried to rise a children, but they couldnt survive... Then she kidnapped children and tried again, but it was too extreme.... and everyone keep dying..... pulling her deeper into madness. By the end of her story her mental state is beyond madness and I would call it immunity to further madness. Sorry, I believe Doc's power is useless in this fight.

    I vote for Huntress.


    Wraith vs. Phead

    Hmm, Wraith can enter Spirit World but is sensitive to light and is forced to come back.

    Phead is not a light source, but has range attack and his weapon is just bigger and a lot heavier.

    I vote for Doritohead.


    Blight vs. Nurse


  • Kellie
    Kellie Member Posts: 1,328

    Did people forget that Spirit is literally immortal? She would definitely win against Billy.

  • GhostyyBoi
    GhostyyBoi Member Posts: 416