What's everyone complaining about with plague?

Is it hitting people from far away? Did it used to do that because it doesn't do it for me but I can't figure out what else.
I still complain about her ranking mechanic.
It is really hard to pip as plague for some reason even months after release. A 4k may end up with only a safety pip.
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In my opinion, I just find the Plague a boring killer to play against. Its literally a broken/injured simulator against her. Most people don't cleanse (for obv. reasons) and I rather play against Legion because at least they have a decent amount of counter-play instead of just coughing and vomiting every second. Though I wouldn't consider her an OP or broken character, I'd rather classify her as a boring one that's all. I really do like her backstory and lore though which is a shame because matches with her are just so boring, but that's my opinion though.
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For some reason many actions now use play with your food stacks. Previously ONLY the red corrupt purge would use a stack, now the green vile purge also uses a stack which is a bummer because it was a great perk on her.
As other said her emblem performance sucks. I saw Otz get a 3K as plague, let the last survivor bleed out, and still DEPIP.
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I hate her broken Purge. The slightest amount of latency and you get robbed left and right. Not to mention the fact that it seems to go both ways - I constantly get hit even though the projectiles missed me.
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This is very ironic given that its the exact OPPOSITE issue people have with spirit.
She has so much counter-play but none of it is interesting so she ends up not doing anything since survivors dictate her power too much so she can't realistically do much in game.
Also he cant' be overly threatening even when survivors do allow her to do anything due to it being neutered by the survivors who'd only cleanse in areas where she can't ever truly make good use her power in.
Despite you saying she has very little counter-play your argument is ultimately she has too much counter-play to be interesting to play against.
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Don't forget to hydrate.
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Well tbh, her only counter play are loops assuming all 4 survivors are smart enough to not cleanse. Regardless, my point still stands. She's a boring killer to play against.
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I know and agree I was just pointing out that it isn't the lack of counter-play but the killer having far too much counter-play as she is literally just an M1 killer who can be looped forever if no one cleanses.
Her power's counter-play is so extreme she doesn't ultimately have one unless the survivors gives it to her.
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her vomit hitboxes are... weird.
but i dont think there is much more i could complain about.
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Her vomit can either go through the Survivor or hit them but the Survivor doesn’t take any damage or get sick. Dedicated servers can very easily destroy Plague.
Her Emblem scoring has been crap ever since her release and the devs have neglected it. It’s very easy to get a safety pip off a 4K if you use her power effectively.
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You guys know she starts with corrupt pools available to her now, right?
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My problem, despite maining her since Demise of The Faithful, is that when you’re up against survivors that have tiles memorised and can loop them expertly, then Plague has nothing she can do against them if they don’t cleanse.
It sounds good on paper: that chases should be much shorter because of the huge theoretical amount of time she should be saving. The moment survivors are initially infected they’re already “injured” as they have no way to avoid eventually becoming broken if they don’t cleanse. So she COULD run n gun if she wanted to, knowing survivors are in a 1 hit state when she comes across them later on if they haven’t cleansed.
In theory it sounds great, and is SUPPOSED to sound threatening enough to survivors that they should cleanse.
- ridiculously easy to track.
- 1 hit down.
The problem that pops up is that against expert loopers, they know that Plague has nothing else in her kit without Corrupt Purge to assist her getting close enough to them for the 1 hit down to matter. Survivors in the broken state will always bolt the moment the TR is heard or when their Spine Chill triggers. Looping, and brute forcing a pallet drop takes significantly longer with Plague than with any other killer, both because she cannot mind game, there’s nothing left in her power to speed up the chase, and in my personal experience most survivors have Spine Chill. No other killer can afford for loops and pallet drops to take as long as they do with Plague at high ranks. And so she gets caught in this horrible cycle of dropping chases only to find the other survivors make a chase take just as long, so she’s forced to eventually commit to a long chase at the expense of gens popping all around her.
The free CP fountain is usually a crapshoot. Hardly ever do the stars align in such a way that it’s practical to go out of Plague’s way to get it, and make enough effective use out of it that it threatens these kind of survivors enough that they start cleansing.
On top of all of this she’s as buggy as nurse.
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Yes and it doesn't help when it can frequently spawn in a deadzone corner on Ormond(or any large map) that has no generators anywhere near it.
The pool's positions and the fact that the plague doesn't have mobility to reach them heavily limit her ability to get and use Corrupt Purge.
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That's a problem when it comes to design flavour for killers. Having the survivors dictate and control the power of the killer is unfair and really needs to be changed ASAP.