Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Quiting Penalty

When is it coming back? It needs to be back bad!!! I haven't played one match with killer or survivor without people quitting.


  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    And when the penalty inevitably returns, very little will change because suiciding is still a thing. Except now people will get punished for the game and/or the server connection being faulty.

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117
    edited October 2020

    Yeah good thing youre even rewarded to be scummy as killer. LOL

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    Man, some of you REALLY hate the DC penalty. Surely an occasional 5 minute timeout (deserved or not) is a small price to pay to make the game playable. You cannot tell me the game is currently playable when players leave the match pretty much every other game.

    And yes, suiciding on hook is better than DCing.

  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791

    I want bots.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    Buffing survivor and improving the fun factor should be a higher priority than match imprisonment.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    DC penalty can't come back fast enough. And I also wouldn't mind if they brought over the bots from the mobile version to replace people who dc. But yeah, ever since they shut the DC ban off it's gotten out of control.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,299

    this how I feel dc ban does nothing survivor can just kill them self easy by pass what the point of it returning wont change anything.

  • alaenyia
    alaenyia Member Posts: 650

    I have zero issues with DCs. When I play killer I rarely get a DC, I see more as survivor but not a troubling amount. Now full disclosure I bounce around between 4 and 8, so I don't play with a lot of noobs. I do however take huge issue with DC penalty. People should not be forced to play with people being toxic, cheating, exploiting, etc. Really no one should be forced to play with anyone else for any reason. Should people stay and finish except in dire cirrcumstances, YES. Should the game force people to do so with punishment like a toddler, NO.

  • rickyray101
    rickyray101 Member Posts: 141

    When they make killers so op with certain perk add-on abilities to where people don't want to play the game anymore maybe then the development team will listen then. I'm almost to the point where I have almost no interest in DBD anymore. All of my online friends quit playing and I'm about to as well.

  • Terro
    Terro Member Posts: 1,171

    There's a lot of quotes on both sides like this... And the more information you get from some1 who talks like this the more you realize that they just don't like the game whatsoever. The honeymoon phase ended a long time ago for them and they either continue to play searching for that rush they used to get that still rarely pops up or they have a sunk cost fallacy.

  • xenofon13
    xenofon13 Member Posts: 1,241

    What do you mean? Scummy because the killer hooking the survivor?

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    The rules are there to keep the game fair. I’m pretty certain they become null and void once one side breaks them by actually cheating.

    I disconnected vs survivors using the lagswitch exploit so they couldn’t be picked up. Tell me why am I meant to stay in that game? When one side is cheating so that I can’t progress with my objective? Out of “good sportsmanship”? Vs people exploiting with a lagswitch lmfao

    Are you honestly telling me you would stay in a game like this?

  • SimplyNotFun
    SimplyNotFun Member Posts: 70

    Quite honestly it needs to be reworked so that survivors and/killers have a chance to rejoin. If they choose not to within an allotted amount of time the ban goes into effect. Any game that implements a dc penalty should have this kind of feature. Because it is unfair to the people that disconnect due to internet issues or game crashes and then come back and see a 1/2/4/8/16/24/48 hour ban on their account. That’s just about the most deflating thing to see as a fan of a video game where unintentional disconnects get you banned and keep you from playing the game you spent your hard earned money on for quite an extended amount of time. Makes you want to quit playing.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,175

    Oh yeah the instant dc against a player with less than 200 hours on a killer you don't like was truly because the killer was scummy. -.-

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,175

    Yes this system would make most things better. But be honest if they stacked up a multi HOUR ban with their faulty internet/system, then they should not play online games in general since they leave their team with one man less on often occasions.

    I know dbd is buggy but in my several hundred hours I have probably been disconnected or the game crashed less than 10 times.

    And having a stable internet connection is even a condition to play multiplayer online games and not the responsibility of the developer.

    If people can't get access to that then that's their problem and if they still intent to play nonetheless they do so while knowing that they will potentially ruin the fun for multiple other people, which is partially selfish.

  • FablPlayz
    FablPlayz Member Posts: 169

    It´s not about the hooking, it´s about the survs wanting to kill themself IF the killer plays scummy. If he doesn´t play scummy the survs wouldn´t want to kill themselfs

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    lol, I've been more survivors DCing and suiciding because a killer got them first than I have because a killer was camping or whatever.

  • BitingSea
    BitingSea Member Posts: 332

    That made my day, this man just wants to get his bloodpoints and leave lol, don't care about a suicide hook 😂

  • xenofon13
    xenofon13 Member Posts: 1,241

    No. This is not the point. If the dc penalty returns and the survivor wants to suicide to avoid the ban, at least the killer gets his bbq stack instead of instant dc.

  • SimplyNotFun
    SimplyNotFun Member Posts: 70

    No the game actually crashes quite often now. Screen freezes and you hear a stuttering audio loop which forces you to dashboard. Even if you want to play the blame game with the DC penalty you still have to add a feature that lets you rejoin. It’s not really fair to put in a DC penalty without one because those ban timers can quickly multiply in length. How would they be able to do this without it being abused? I’m sure they can think of some way to do it. Maybe depending on what the situation was when you left will determine what kind of in game penalty you receive when you rejoin. Maybe a hook will count against you when you return to the game if you were in a chase when you left the game. You also would have a set amount of time to rejoin otherwise you receive a ban penalty. Or maybe you just die and don’t respawn and are forced to watch. This could also prevent people from disconnecting in the first place because nobody wants to sit through the agonizing pain of watching other people playing until the match is over. As for the killer if he chooses to leave mid match then he will respawn somewhere random or the same spot and just continue playing. Maybe issue a ban if it happens again a second time during the same match so it can’t be abused.

  • BitingSea
    BitingSea Member Posts: 332

    Fair point, at first read it was just funny though, it gave off such a "I got what I wanted" vibe

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    If you CAN prove that they are cheating by using things they are not supposed to be, YES you stay in, play the game and REPORT them afterwords. If you are driving and the speed limit is 55, and someone zooms by you at 80 mph (or equivalent KPH) do you ramp your speed up to 80 and claim that you shouldn't get a ticket because someone else broke the rules? do you have a dress code at work where it says no tennis shoes, and someone breaks that rule and wears tennis shoes, do you come in the next day wearing tennis shoes and claim so and so broke the rule yesterday so I'm wearing them today and I should not be penalized for them? in professional basket ball does one player who physically fouls another give the other players the green light to do the same without consequences?

    here are three examples, one legal, one job related and one a GAME where if one cheats and breaks the rules you still get penalized if you then start breaking the rules. You asked if I'd continue to play a game were people were cheating and lag switching and the answer is YES. here is why. I want blood points, also I challenge myself to see what i can do. three instances of me staying in a match when others are breaking the rules: 1) I saw on bbq someone go up the first flight of steps in the basement and then poof right through the wall and under the world. they then popped up above ground away from the basement in the killer shack. I kept playing, and that player was hard to catch but I did! I got them again because they weren't paying attention and got their second hook. then after the match they claimed it bugged out which I called bull crap. 2) I was playing against cross-play (suspect console) and this one player looked to my right, shined their flashlight that way (90 degress from me) and I got blinded. this happened a few times before and after I realized it. I reported the one I caught doing it. I still got a 4K on that match. 3) next match people were doing the same thing intentionally looking 90 degrees from me and shinning their flash light (again cross-play, suspect console) but I didn't fall for it once, I still got a 4K There are 3 instances people were cheating or breaking the rules and I stayed in the match.

    It is NOT a pass to stay in a match and the video you clipped, I had seen before and did TRU quit the game? NO he did not he went till the match ended. he went and got their profiles in order to report their arse to behavior AND steam.

    unfortunately because of the rampant disconnect in order to get control over it those that legitimately get disconnected get a penality because they are using it in an automatic penalty. you can not see the difference between someone pulling their network cable or telling windows to disconnect from the net work or other program to do that, from a natural dc. it is unfortunate but it has to be that way till there is a way for them to re-evaluate disconnects (you can submit tickets even when you can't play a game) and have them look at the network captures and see what is there. If people had not abused this feature there would not be any issue. personally I'll take removing the leave match functionality and no dc penalty. why? because if that functionality is not there all that is left is having to restart your game, network connection, replugging in your network cable and then you get back in.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    I will not speak of the "rejoin function you mention because i don't know much about it, but i am going to say if your game is crasshing quite often now you probably have an issue with your downloaded files. you may want to think about at minimum validating your files, at worst uninstall the game and re-download the game. I have had no crashing in dead by daylight at all I've had network disconnects but no crashing. so obviously the most likely cause for that is your own game files.

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    Except the rules don't say that anywhere. The button explicitly says "leave match" and in exchange for that you (will whenever they fix it) get an escalating penalty. Nowhere it says you can't, because you quite literally can and you could. DCs are discouraged, not prevented.

  • EuphoricBliss35
    EuphoricBliss35 Member Posts: 875
  • Chrisko
    Chrisko Member Posts: 288

    You must be relatively new to DBD. As someone who has 2k survivor hours logged in the game, let me give you some advice. There is no scummy killer play. There is only strategy. Killers can do whatever they want and survivors have counters for those strategies. If you don't counter a killer's strategy, then they will win. There are no bad manners etc... These are just gripes from aggrieved individuals who want to impose rules on the game that don't exist.

    Example: If a killer camps, then gen rush and 3 get out.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    OMFG it does so say this, I have proven then from a forum post here by behavior. i'll do your homework for you because you obviously can't be arsed to even know the rules.

    it is in there specifically.. however it does say to not report dc's because there is a penalty system in place (which is not currently active) if you want to argue this bring it up to behavour... they are the ones that wrote these rules AND YOU agreed to it!

    The functionality you call "leave match" was left in incase the game gets into a state where it will not shut down normally, you get stuck in the geometry etc. it is not in match functionality. you need to understand the difference between in match functionality and out of match functionality. IF you have to leave the match by hitting the escape key (you are no longer in control of your character) then you are using out of match functionality and functionality that was supposed to be used in emergencies not because the killer nodded at you or that you got a map you hate or you just want to de-pip.... if you don't want to play the game then don't load it up! even TRU doesn't dc when he finds there's a hacker in the game. you are trying to justify your desire to screw everyone else over because you don't like it.

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    Oh, but I did do my homework.

    "Our objective with this feature is to discourage players from quitting games and will serve a double purpose of excluding users who are already in a negative mental state from re-entering matchmaking until they’ve had a chance to cool down."

    Which is exactly what I said.

    Meanwhile, none of your conjectures is corroborated.The irony is that the page you linked clearly says to not report DCs anymore.

    The rest of your post is tl;dr.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    lol it is to discourage it but not to keep it penalty free. sure you can dc anytime you want, you just have to accept the penalties. you were saying you should be able to dc with out penalty, and that statement says that they are trying to discourage disconnecting through the penalty system they implemented not that there was nothing there. I'm all for dc penalties, all for it and I accept if the game says i got one unless I can prove i don't deserve it. (like TRU had to do when the people hacked things).

    if the functionality is left in there has to be a penalty to use it because the rules state that is not a valid way of leaving the match. The match must come to a natural conclusion. do you wish to argue that you're right when you misunderstood that quote lol.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Are we really comparing DBD to driving over the speed limit?

    One endangers lives the other is just a videogame. Great comparison.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    we are comparing rules being broken to rules being broken. and if you didn't keep reading, GREAT powers of observation I put a rules breaking example of a game as well. and speeding does not always endanger others, not even the driver depending on traffic or if there was none, time of day either YET you still get pulled over if you are speeding and no one was being hurt etc. cops won't say "well goolley! I don't think i'll pull that speeder that is going 25 mph over the speed limit just because they are not endangering anyone!" nope they say well it's go time and pull you over no matter what is going on. THE RULE IS THE SPEED LIMIT. you break it you suffer the consequences.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    if this was 2018 I'd agree with you but in 2019 the amount of survivors and killers dcing just because of one thing or another it ramped up where things needed to happen and at that point they had to do something because people were not happy. so YES automatic penalties are fine. the only time i've had any issues with dbd is when it was my computer. I have not had a crash in months, and then it was once in months and almost a year from the last one. I have no issues with my internet and the last time I had a drop from my internet company it was due to an issue outside of my house and I had to wait till about 5 am my time for it to be fixed.

    many people that get a crash won't send the information of the crash to the dbd devs, they won't report it for one reason or another. with that being the case I say most client crashes are not due to the dbd client but the player's windows interacting with the client. Network crashes do happen but you have to examine the packets being sent before and after and most people don't care in all these instances they blame behavior because it's convienent. I'm an IT security, network and pc tech. I've worked on computers that people think can run games and find out they can't but blame windows, or the game or others that have nothing to do with it and then when they are proven wrong they ignore that and keep complaining. people say you can stay in a lobby even if you dc, yes that is true but not if you have a full on network drop. it will not reconnect unless you are so extremely lucky it happens in the nanoseconds between handshake packets being exchanged and that is NOT likely... the chance of the timing for that is 0.000000001% or less. 85-95% of all disconnects are people using the leave match functionality.

    I literally saw in one night, before any penalties were added, she dc'd 10 times in a ROW. first excuse was " I hate this map" left 3 people to face some unknown killer on hawkins. second excuse "I was left down and not immediately picked up" so happens the killer chased the other player that was on the gen at the same time. third DC's excuse was "the killer nodded at me". the fourth was "I don't like this map" and it was lery's, the fifth was "I was downed within seconds of loading in" (in actuality it was almost 1.5 minutes because she was on a gen for it to be about 60% done). see the pattern? there were 5 more times and she actually lost her swf at the 6th dc. they decided to get randos or another 4th. want to know what she did when they said that? she said "bye" and lambasted them AFTER they dropped out of her stream and discord.