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Most Difficult Achievement

Awkward_Fiend Member Posts: 687
edited September 2020 in Polls

I just want to see the different responses to this, although I also accidentally pressed enter instead of Tab so there's no Other option on this.

Most Difficult Achievement 132 votes

Where did they go!?
ShrimpTwiggsFoggyWeather_KeenomenalkaeruHeartboundJawsIsTheNextKillerArcticWolfanonymous31337GreenPufferFishnimesulideSlashstreetboymalatruseKei_RaoDonutsRGoodKingWeebPinballChalk 16 votes
From the void, she kills
SnakeSound222CamoRangerFibijeanmintchapstickTheRockstarKnightAetherBytesNemmy_WemmyRaven014EnderloganYTFamicxBloodyHatchetbjorksnasWarcrafter4Awkward_FiendcheetocultleaderSkullKidnotstarboardbm33Kage_JihiShenanigan 27 votes
Yanthegamer558GhostyyBoiGodLikeTerrorQuestionable BHVR 4 votes
Evil Incarnate
MandyGibberishHorsePowerSlay___SleepyWilloDimekSacrilegeGGmichaelmortonUnnamed_FreakSkeletalEliteGoogolSunderMunmusstang62PennosukeUistreelLentoroGoshJoshSkitzoztikStenoresaxScary_Punk_Ghost 30 votes
Taking One for the Team
DetailedDetrimentElcopolloMalum_MidnightPior_MorteCalamityJane834rs 6 votes
Left for Dead
WhaleBlubberTapeKnottaimeaBabyCameron10Taigapichumudkip[Deleted User]PrettyFaceKateCornHubKnightFall28901DeshGreyBigfootBrainless_RobotisilmerelFobboSCP_FOR_DBDJunsuinaBriccsMeCheeseAntonBOT_Ethan 24 votes
Skilled Huntress
BlueberryGHERBEARRULESF60_31ZarathosNekoGamerXTragicSolitudeWalker_of_the_fog_96MooksSebaOutbreakOBXpraxZSpookyPumpkinPiezmusefanvermillydemibgunn 15 votes
Map Generator Achievement (specify)
Adept (Specify)
himynameisvadimAhoyWolfGlamourousLeviathanRoffelbillyIamDwightprison_mikezoozoom6AninkDADDYMYERS1978Cpt_Mero 10 votes


  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568
    Where did they go!?

    I would vote for 3 if I could. Where did they go!?, Evil Incarnate, Left for Dead.

    But Where did they go require you to have at least one or more friends to play with. It is literally impossible to do by solo if you not extremely lucky.

    Evil incanate is hard, because you never have time to get tier 3. And if you lucky to get tier 3 before last gen, survivors may deny your achievement by hiding in lockers or disconnect.

    Left for Dead is almost impossible since EGC was implemented. You can't count on killer guarding hatch while you open the gate anymore. Killer would just close if. And then you have very little chance to get far separated gates and low mobility killer.

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,385
    Where did they go!?

    Apparently on an old version, you could get this trophy by playing killer and allowing the survivors to all escape through the hatch. I wish they would bring this back. Even though it was just a bug.

  • TotemsCleanser
    TotemsCleanser Member Posts: 732

    Where the hell is the Quick Draw option? The only survivor I know who would risk their life for a totem is me.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,481
    Evil Incarnate

    Evil Incarnate for me, because there's so much outplay to it (lockers etc) and you need so much Evil Within to reach it.

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776
    Left for Dead

    Left for dead. It's just so outdated and designed for mechanics that have been completely superseded, that you basically need a killer who wants to give you the hatch and can't find it. So, they then let you finish the last gen. Or you need so much good rng that it's not even worth listing. I got it because a Legion wanted to look like they were going to let me go and tried to mori me inside the exit gate, but they messed up.

    All the others can be farmed or achieved via deranking. They might require patience more than anything else.

  • Awkward_Fiend
    Awkward_Fiend Member Posts: 687
    From the void, she kills

    I was considering Quick Draw, but the others seemed more difficult, especially since I'm getting points for it even though I don't directly grab off totems. An Other option would've been on here if I didn't press enter out of habit.

  • Kage_Jihi
    Kage_Jihi Member Posts: 7
    From the void, she kills

    Didn’t that get changed to 10?

  • Kage_Jihi
    Kage_Jihi Member Posts: 7
    From the void, she kills

    Probably a legal thing with Sony big rip for PS4 players

  • Desh
    Desh Member Posts: 1,118
    Left for Dead

    Left 4 Dead needs to be updated. Ever since they came out with the update that Hatches can be closed and trigger EGC, there is absolutely no way to win it without getting aid from the Killer. The only other option is to be in a Scenario where there's only 1 other Survivor left who's been hook and you 99% a Gen and let them die. And that's if the Killer isn't trying to find you after the hook or they slugged them to find you.

  • Fitzerino
    Fitzerino Member Posts: 16

    I got left 4 dead some days ago. we had 3 gen left. my friend was on dead hook. waited for him to die. finished a gen. killer closed hatch, I escaped.

    Don't need to power the 5th gen while alone. just need to finish 1 gen between last kill and hatch close

  • musefan
    musefan Member Posts: 345
    Skilled Huntress

    Got to be Skilled Huntress on consoles.

    I don't think I will ever even attempt it.

    So glad this wasn't part of the platinum trophy.

    Some of the others are pretty tough though. Where did they go took me 2 years to get it, and even that was very lucky situation, but I think that was because I mostly play solo. I don't even have 3 other friends who play DbD.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,903
    From the void, she kills

    It's 20 on PC. Still better though!

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,903
    From the void, she kills

    From the void, she kills requires an ultra rare add-on to attempt, and that add-on also prevents you from blinking through walls. Getting a triple blink grab on someone without blinking through walls is something that you're just unlikely to ever get without farming. The one exception would be against low rank survivors, but if you're facing low rank survivors there's not a great chance you'll be able to control Nurse well enough to pull this off anyway.

  • IamDwight
    IamDwight Member Posts: 236
    Adept (Specify)

    Adept Plague. No matter how well you play, you almost never get this.

    I think my 2nd choice would be "Left For Dead" but I was lucky enough to have my best friend be the killer and he knew I needed that LOL

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188
    From the void, she kills

    Either from the Void or Skilled Huntress. Just because you have to be absolutely precise. However, I think From the Void is slightly harder due to the nurse rework.

  • CalamityJane
    CalamityJane Member Posts: 487
    Taking One for the Team

    I lucked out and got Evil Incarnate on the second try, but I was still a low rank, and they 3 genned themselves on Azarovs.

    Taking One for the Team took sooooo goddamn long. 250? And the requirements are so specific. I felt like I was throwing matches and doing suicidal saves for MONTHS for that one.

    Skilled Huntress you can at least farm during double points, on PC at least 20 can be done in a match.

  • Awkward_Fiend
    Awkward_Fiend Member Posts: 687
    edited October 2020
    From the void, she kills

    I'm honestly surprised at how there's no Hemophobia since it's a pretty limited condition, however the rest of the votes seem just about how I expected them to be, especially Skilled Huntress for Console Players

    Edit: As of Oct 14th, Hemophobia is the only one I have yet to unlock

    Post edited by Awkward_Fiend on
  • GlamourousLeviathan
    GlamourousLeviathan Member Posts: 1,138
    Adept (Specify)

    I won't say it's difficult because Evil Incarnate is worse but I will say it's unfair. While the survivor adepts require you to simply escape, the killer ones require you to get a merciless victory. It's normal that when you get to high ranks winning is going to be harder because the survivors are better, but it's something completely different when you need to get more points in order to get the achievement. It's seems artificial and feels like a punishment for those who play at red ranks.

  • EnderloganYT
    EnderloganYT Member Posts: 621
    From the void, she kills

    Close second would be Where Did They Go?!?! but the reason I can't get that is cause I have no friends rather than difficulty.

    Anyways, nurse is my worst killer. I perform better as clown. so this? I'm never getting this in a million years

  • Science_Guy
    Science_Guy Member Posts: 2,038

    Deep Cleansing took over a year for me to finish. That's a rough one. Not hard, I suppose, but super tedious.

  • pichumudkip
    pichumudkip Member Posts: 155
    Left for Dead

    Left for Dead was the achievement that took me the longest to get when I was actually aiming for it. I've gotten close to it once when a Ghostface let me live, but I stupidly decided to unhook the last other remaining survivor at 1 gen left. It took me so long I just decided to use Bond and sell out my teammate (I feel really bad for it but I just wanted the achievement so badly) against a Spirit to get it. Runner up would probably be the Skilled Huntress since I think a rank 20 Huntress player would be a better Huntress than me.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632
    Taking One for the Team

    Taking One For The Team and Skilled Huntress are difficult just from the sheer time it'll take to earn them.

    From The Void She Kills I got after a couple games. It was quite easy.

    Left 4 Dead I got after a Hag was going to give me hatch but I just did the last gen. You almost need a nice killer to get this trophy.

  • Elcopollo
    Elcopollo Member Posts: 773
    Taking One for the Team

    The most annoying one to farm out.

  • ArcticWolf
    ArcticWolf Member Posts: 44
    Where did they go!?

    Alot of these achievements especially the older ones i got lucky and met a super nice killer or SWF that helped me finish

  • Zak
    Zak Member Posts: 5

    hmmm to be fair plague is one of the easier one to get. The fact that she has corrupt intervention in her helps alot. The only thing I suggest is to not use her power at all. Just use m1 cause if you use the vomit you 100% don't get good emblems. If they cleanse it hurts the malicious emblem. If they don't it hurts the chase emblem cause you 1 shot everyone ( emblem system doesn't like one shot killers)

  • malatruse
    malatruse Member Posts: 784
    Where did they go!?

    Honorable mention to some that didn't make the list:

    Item of Obsession, which requires you to 1. escape last, 2. without being hit, 3. as the obsession.

    Not Today, which (on PC at least) requires 50 self-unhooks.

  • tenoresax
    tenoresax Member Posts: 797
    Evil Incarnate

    Evil Incarnate without a doubt, its hard enough to do it without getting gen rushed but then there's the possibility of them hopping in lockers or DCing.

    Alot of people are saying From The Void, She Kills but really there's a very easy way to do it.

    Find a survivor, make friends with them and just grab em while they're on a gen, easy, it's the same thing I did with the tome challenge that required you to get a buncha grabs.

  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811
    Where did they go!?

    Evil Incarnate is unbelievably difficult if the Survivors decide to simply deny it, so not only will you have to make the addons both work which is extremely hard but also hope for generousity or inexperience on their part.

    As someone who plays solo only, I never dreamed of getting where did they go?. I was incredibly lucky though as a 3 man took me with them when they went through the hatch, it´s been a long time ago but I still remember this match :)

  • Gcarrara
    Gcarrara Member Posts: 2,263

    Where did they go as a solo Survivor definitely. Agree also on Evil Incarnate if you face survivors that are not new.

  • Akito
    Akito Member Posts: 673
    Evil Incarnate

    Thank entity I did the myers achievement when OG Ruin was a thing.

  • SebaOutbreak
    SebaOutbreak Member Posts: 399
    edited October 2020
    Skilled Huntress

    You don't actually need to grab the survivor off a totem for this one, you just need to be near them when they decide to cancel a totem interaction. I'm close to getting it and I wasn't even trying to go for it. It can be really easy if you have Undying.

  • Katie_met
    Katie_met Member Posts: 422
    Evil Incarnate

    Most survivors jump in lockers to avoid tombstone, and this achievement isn't one you can farm to get. A few of the killer achievements you can farm with, but you can't expect 4 survivors to let you mori them.

  • GhostyyBoi
    GhostyyBoi Member Posts: 416

    Can someone explain what From the void, she kills, map generator achievements, taking one for the team, hemophobia, and quick draw are?

  • Awkward_Fiend
    Awkward_Fiend Member Posts: 687
    From the void, she kills

    From the Void, she kills - 3 blink into grab

    Map generator achievements are for you to personally complete a specific generator and live

    Taking one for the Team - Take 250 protection hits for survivors recently unhooked

    Hemophobia - As survivor, never take damage while at Crotus Penn

    Quick Draw - Scare 10 survivors off totems

  • Roffelbilly
    Roffelbilly Member Posts: 28
    Adept (Specify)

    I'm a red rank killer and getting all emblems red is more a thing of luck than skill.

  • zoozoom6
    zoozoom6 Member Posts: 825
    Adept (Specify)

    you didnt have it on here but "escape artist" without deliverance is the hardest one i know of

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416
    Left for Dead

    If yall didn’t think it would be Left For Dead. Yall. Really. On. SOME SH-

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,299
    Skilled Huntress

    Skilled Huntress for sure on ps4

    Where did they go!? and Evil Incarnate are hard too but I got tho Skilled Huntress I still don't have it the only one I don't have.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789
    Evil Incarnate

    Exactly my experience. I've literally earned this achievement 2-3 times but been cheated out of it by survivors DCing while I tombstone them, ending the game before the animation ended, thus meaning I only got 3 moris with the add-on. It's so frustrating.

  • Malum_Midnight
    Malum_Midnight Member Posts: 366
    Taking One for the Team

    DbD PS4 Trophy Hunter, its my time to shine:

    Most of these I got by farming (I know, but the trophy hunting life is hard)

    I chose “Taking One For The Team” because its the only one on the list I don’t have. Not only is it 300 matches, but you won’t even get the right circumstances most of the time. I got all adepts legit, Hemophobia legit, Left 4 Dead legit, and all map gen trophies legit.

    A couple of responses to other replies: @Awkward_Fiend maybe try Lucky Break? @Walker_of_the_fog_96 the trophy is on PS4.

    A lot of these trophies took a while, but I’m happy to say that all I need is some of the Descend Beyond trophies, Taking One For The Team, and the clown trophy where you need to down 100 intoxicated survivors

  • Le_DWK
    Le_DWK Member Posts: 40
    From the void, she kills

    Maybe if this was old Nurse, but no, this requires 3 BLINKS. You HAVE to run that Ultra rare and you CAN'T blink through obstacles. It also has to be a GRAB. You're only getting that if:

    The survivor is on a gen and doesn't let go for some reason???

    The survivor is in the middle of unhooking (probably your best bet).

    The Survivor mid/slow vaults when injured/vaults a pallet when injured.

    Having to run an ULTRA RARE every time you want to test this is brutal. Yeah, you'll definitely have to go to the customs with your friends to practice this.

    Left for Dead is pretty hard too, but at least you don't have to run an Ultra Rare every time you want to attempt it.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,486
    Skilled Huntress

    Skilled Huntress (at least on PS4, where it still requires 100). That's the only one I have left to do. Following that, I'd say Evil Incarnate.