What will the next bug be with the mid-chapter? make your bets.
as the title says
My money's on floating pallets, with a side bet for players getting stuck in them.
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Placing bets, Blight will slide off 80% of the collisions on the new Macmillan maps
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Nurse & Blink deadzones.
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The hill bug will make it's return
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Survivors T-posing on hooks
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-Legion can finally down with frenzy.
-Sound working fine. (yes i hope a random bug gonna fix sound someday )
-Breakable exitgate and unbreakable generator.
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The new Thanatophobia will accidentally have it's penalties increased from 5% to 60%.
Also broken sounds like usuall.
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I used the bug, to destroy the bug
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On the funny side I can see something with nurse and her blinks but jokes aside I definitely could see hill bug,ds,or hook bug making its way back into game. There aren’t many console nurse mains out there, well I only play nurse. I haven’t seen any info on the forums but something really crazy happened to nurses game play right after the 4.0 mid chapter update where bubba and Billy got changed. So I can speak for other killers but it seems like after every update there is a new bug on nurse and other bugs gone or just not as noticeable. Hell idk could be dedicated servers making her game play crazy
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Sound related. Perhaps nurse as well. Who knows