Otz's community balance patch

Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

Now I love Otz don't get me wrong on that aspect but I feel like the balance patch misses the mark on three aspects.


Decisive strike being deactivated when on a generator or in a locker does it really defeat the main annoyance of decisive.

In fact at least in my opinion the locker tech on decisive strike was always the least irritating.

The 3 most annoying aspects that decisive strike brought were.

1) survivors being able to do objective totems and healing whilst still being under the protection ( generators is one of the suggested aspects to deactivate decisive but totems and healing still remain) if you're safe enough to heal somebody or do a totem you're not really being tunneled

2) The fact that you could still Hook other survivors but still get hit with decisive strike. It's really annoying that you could potentially be punished for downing people to efficiently

3) small pp build this point has been beaten to death I just need to mention it the thing not really explaining.


As for Noed I think it's kind of stupid to lock something that's already conditional behind more conditions.

Noed already relies on endgame and an available dull totem otem making it also rely on tokens is kind of stupid.

If you're going to make it rely on two conditions then you are definitely going to have the buff the perk up a lot more than it already is.

Balancing a condition on a condition on a restriction is one of the main reasons why furtive chase is such a bad perk.

I really don't think doing a hex version of that is a smart idea.


This is typically a gamble hex perk it can either work as insurance for your other hexes or it could be destroyed first and be useless. I think the idea of the transferred hex being removed once Undying is destroyed is bad

Honestly the only thing I really think needs to be changed about this perk is the Aura Reading to be transfer to something like thrill of the hunt instead.

Turn thrill of the hunt into the ultimate total defender you see people's Aura and they cleanse it slower.

Let Undying remain as an insurance perk. Both Undying and thrill of the hunt will protect totems.

Thrill of the hunt could be used if you want to actively defend your totem whilst Undying is a gamble but it will give you a passive protection that you don't really have to influence



  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    Disagree on this one. My personal issue with DS is that if a Survivor gets unhooked after the gens got done they are guaranteed to escape if they still have it up and the Killer has no super-mobility. Slugging can help there, but if they could use DS no matter what...darn, guess I got outplayed by a perk alone. I really hope that if and when DS gets balanced they bear this scenario in mind.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    Yeah the decisive strike change doesn't really stop it's me issues. It still retains its you can't touch me for a minute problematic quality.

    Noed can enable some bad playstyles but his change isn't really what's best for the perk

  • BitingSea
    BitingSea Member Posts: 332

    Bad Playstyles are part of every video game, BHVR won't embrace it. Notice how they haven't fixed Forever Freddy? How keys remain the same? How moris are not changed? Why is NOED singled out here? Let players play how they want, that seems to be BHVR's look on things. Plus it's a hex perk anyway, if survivors are efficient then NOED will be cleansed before it existed

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    On DS, I think the locker thing is definitely not the least irritating. I'm happy when I have no other targets and the survivor grants me a DS clearance for minimal effort, without even attempting to chase. But as soon as there is a locker near a gen, this really gets annoying. Either stare at the locker for a minute, grant a minute of gen progress for free or be forced to eat the stun.

    I have totally no problem with NOED tbh. I more have a problem when a killer has a really bad game and my random teammates just mindlessly finish all gens. If noone is on death hook, 99 all 3 gens if you want or go do totems. These are normally the games where a bad like 3-4 hook killer game turns into a 3-4k. This is what grinds me, but I blame that on the team, not on NOED. And when the killer does well and has beaten the team up with only 3 perks, and THEN gets NOED in endgame as well, then... well played. I guess I give you that kill and try to get out. This is then one of the games when I think to myself "who called it a crutch perk?" If it is really used as crutch for that specific player, then you have plenty of time to counter it.

    In general, I saw the stream, or most of it. He has very good knowledge on the game, so there were a lot of good changes he suggested. But on some points I also thought, he is on a streak right now, just shooting as fast as possible on targets where I thought "that topic just might need a bit more time than 10 seconds". Like remove T3 once you got a tombstone kill? Yay, doesn't fix the problem for that guy. And right after that, currently the other survivors know what's going on and will have a plan how to counter it, like forcing the down by locker or just sticking on gens, to block the mori ability. But that change simply doesn't solve the problem and makes the addon useless for the killer as well

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Prime example of why people shouldn't automaticly agree with streamers.

    After all they still only have the experience of one person. No matter how many hours they have.

    Just shows once again a general rule of thumb. Gamers =/= developers

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    I used to think for the longest time that the locker DS was an issue, but I have since changed my mind. If other deactivation conditions are introduced, then the locker thing should actually stay. Stress on the fact that it should stay only if there are other deactivation conditions.

    If DS is to be emphasized on the anti-tunnel aspect, then the survivor should have an option to present an insta tunneler between the choice of eating the DS or leaving, instead of ending up being a slug or being chased until the timer runs out. The other deactivation conditions will make it so the locker play isn't abusable, because if the survivor does anything productive, then they lose their DS.

    Working on a gen should obviously deactivate DS. Being healead or self-healing should too, but only if the heal is completed, to avoid situations where the killer instantly comes back or where a heal was simply tapped and it instantly deactivates DS. Sure, that means they can 99 the heal, but it also means the killer knows ds is likely still in play. Starting healing someone else. Cleansing a totem, but only if the cleanse is completed (to give a chance to inner strength users). Starting a sabo. Unhooking someone but not uncaging since cAgEs aRen'T hOoKS and HooK pERks dOn'T WOrk. Successful pallet or flashlight rescues. These should all deactivate DS. Mending shouldn't. There are also a bunch of killer specific interactions that should be looked at individually, such as snapping out of it or disarming traps.

    DS shouldn't be tied to the chase interaction, or we would have the analogous of old moonwalking Legioni all over again.

    It's not like tunneling gets disabled when the gens are completed, does it? There would be no logic in disabling the counter to that either.

    Saying you get outplayed by a perk would be like saying they get outplayed by your basekit if you insta down them off the hook and their DS is gone because of the gens.

    The fact that they can escape at that point is simply a consequence that there's no other objective for them. Tough luck, but you can't win them all. What it could be done is to add deactivation conditions so their ds can't make someone else as well escape in that situation.

  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    You missed my point. If the timer never stopped while slugged there is literally nothing a Killer could do in that scenario. Just watch them crawl out for 2 minutes, seems really dumb to me. As of now it can be countered by slugging, which seems fair. As Killer there should be some options in an endgame situation.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814
    edited October 2020

    I'm just going to go ahead and say that I find locker DS to be the single most annoying and overpowered thing anyone can do with DS alone. There is literally no counterplay and, in my experience, it always follows a short dash from a now-progressed gen or healed teammate. It is the most unfair thing in the entire game, including Nurse/Sprit/Slinger/Hag/PH/Freddy gameplay.

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    I might have very well missed when you said it, but as far as I'm concerned I agree that the timer shouldn't stop when slugged. You get no objection from me about that.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    If the implement DS deactivating when you you get on a generator or fully heal or cleanse a totem.

    The locker take will be pointless II a survivor touch is a gen or heals they forfeit their chance to decisive strike. If they want have their minute of safety they legitimately have to do nothing. ( even though I do feel like if you hook somebody else defensive strike should also deactivate)

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    Crutch or not my main problem with the suggested to change is that he is putting way too much conditional elements on one perk.

    1) you have to reach endgame

    2) there has to be a dull totem available

    3) you could only use it as long as still limited tokens are available

    4) if the totem destroyed you lose it

    Now what makes this worse is hitting an injured survivor can also take away your token meaning depending on how the game goes you could potentially end up feeding your tokens without getting any value from it.

    If you're going to make it a token limited token based system then it cannot be a hex.

    If you're going to keep it as a hex perk that will only spawn at endgame if a dull Totem is present. The token system isn't going to work

    If you want to somehow have it both ways the benefits need to be way stronger than the one he is proposing.

  • unluckycombo
    unluckycombo Member Posts: 582

    I can agree with DS being deactivated for End Game. However, I do think there needs to be a little more for the rest. I'm okay with survivors losing DS if they tap a gen or finish an action, such as healing another teammate or cleansing a totem. (Granted, I do think that it's kinda dumb that a Survivor can just tap a gen during chase to stop regression when a killer has to stop and do an animation for it when not runninh Ruin, but that's another discussion.)

    However, I think DS shouldn't necessarily be disabled from hopping into a locker. For example, if a Survivor is running Q&Q and hop into a locker in order to get off a Head-On stun because that's the exhaustion perk they're running and they're trying to make more distance, then I don't think they should lose DS just from doing that. However, if they get grabbed from a locker, they should lose it imho.

    As for a heal taking away DS, I think it should be situational. For example, I can get the argument of something like red insta heal taking away DS, even if I don't agree with it- however, if you heal up mid-chase from something like Secondwind, then I don't think you should lose DS- since you can't stop that perk from activating, and it's already a pain to get going.

    Point is, I can agree with a DS nerf- but I can't agree with perks that are already bad getting worse because of a DS nerf, if that makes sense.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    Personally as long as the other conditions for taking away decisive strike are meant I'm fine with people hopping in and out of a locker and still keeping it.

    Certain Killers could take advantage of it.

    The Trapper can place a trap in front of the locker essentially either forcing you to jump out before it's fully set or leaving you stuck in there are until you eventually decide to get out and get trapped. ( granted you could get people to come and help you you but at that stage you're wasting someone else's time could be on gen)

    Hag can trap the vicinity and just teleport hit anybody who who leaves the locker.

    If you're up against the pig and you have an active reverse bear trap she can just sit there and chill with some popcorn whilst you basically shorten your deaf timer

  • Pawcelot
    Pawcelot Member Posts: 985

    To be honest, the only thing BHVR really care about is if players are spending their money on macrotransactions, rift levels and DLCs. There's little incentive for them to do better when money comes in without them having to do anything other than pumping out new content.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    For the most part there were a lot of good changes here. Fixing OP things without gutting them and buffing weak things without breaking them. I disagree with one or two things but theres a lot of good stuff here.

  • Withered
    Withered Member Posts: 71

    These are sort of my issues with it. I don't think DS should Deactivate upon touching a generator or healing or anything. Instead, as long as you are doing that action, the timer should tick down twice as fast. That way, if a killer from across the map runs back to the survivor, it if they want to stop a gen from regressing, they aren't punished.

    His Noed is way too weak to be a hex perk. Either remove hex from its title, or make it significantly stronger than what he suggested.

    Undying I'd say is too new to make a solid decision on, one way or the other. Its like devour, sometimes it's super useful, other times, it's cleansed in the first three seconds. Ruin is annoying, yes. But it doesn't make the game unplayable without it. Undying properly deals with all totems that have a great impact on gameplay, ie devour, lullaby, etc.

  • Spider175
    Spider175 Member Posts: 40

    Maybe someone already pointed this out but the point of his patch isn't long term solutions, it's stuff that could potentially be done very quickly within a week/month so that actual changes are made. He's not looking to implement the "ultimate balance fix patch everything!" it's something that seems reasonable to the developers to do with the least amount of time and effort so that SOMETHING can change considering how long balance changes take to be implemented. He's repeatedly pointed out he'd prefer to completely rework DS on streams but at the moment he's looking at the best solution that could be done quickly without changing everything (change one thing impacts something else). I think most of the changes when looked through that perspective are pretty reasonable, disagree with his assessment on Undying to a certain degree though I know Solo Q players have a hard time with totems that's a problem with the game itself.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    While I agree with your assessment I feel like if you just got off hook working on a generator that is legitimately right by the hook you just escaped from is a really bad idea.

    It's pretty much asking for the killer to go after you if they ever happened to come back.

    It might seem weird to say but if there's any possibility of tunneling in your mind, you should probably make sure you clear the area. Staying behind to do an objective something the killer is clearly going to the stop you from doing is never a smart idea unless that generator is about to pop

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    That is true however the problem is changes like the undying one and no one escapes death one seem way more like long-term changes than anything else.

    The Undying suggestion makes a gamble insurance perk even more of a gamble and far less reliable which is not good for balance.

    The Noed perk suggestion takes a perk that is already conditional and add even more conditions and restrictions on to it whilst also weakening the power it holds.

    A better change would be to make it less conditional and more something you earn.

    Or if you're going to add more conditions to it boost the power significantly to make up for it

    The suggested change pretty much weakens it and makes it more conditional which again is really bad for balance

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Healing and totems are what killers want survivors to do more of. Why cry now that they can?

  • Slendy4321
    Slendy4321 Member Posts: 605

    I absolutely agree with you on DS. I feel like if they do other objectives aka doing gens/healing/self caring they really aren't getting tunnel so it's timer should be shorter. But while you're in a chase have it last until you're no longer in chase (leave it active while slugged) it's meant to be an anti tunnel perk right now it just makes the survivor invincible. I honestly feel like it should be changed

  • Spider175
    Spider175 Member Posts: 40

    I can see that, while I still would see those as just patches until they found a better solution I would also be like "wait a minute no your just gonna change it and do nothing else?" I know there's a lot of contention on Undying and I think we need to wait and see in a few months if it's truly just everywhere or another case of overreacting. The only thing I'd change about it is get rid of the aura reading and more it to Thrill of the Hunt at least for now since the effect of transferring hexes is already so powerful and it just kinda does everything for you. Maybe it can show auras of people working on totems which a lot of people have suggested.

    I respectfully disagree with you on his NOED changes since if anything that does make it something you earn since you'd have to hook people in order to get use out of it. Only thing I might say is maybe make it so you get more tokens? I know it's technically adding more conditions but the perk still will be there unless they do all the totems so I think it's reasonable but that's just me. :p

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    I think removing the aura reading from dull totems would be a fair change to Undying

  • Slickstyles
    Slickstyles Member Posts: 446

    I really hate the concept of deactivating perks and I don't really think it's healthy for the game. This would refer to both DS and NOED. Personally I would remove 15 seconds from all DS timers each time another survivor is hooked.

    For Noed, I dislike it being a totem perk and I would change it to be a solid 2 minutes of activation when all gens are done. I would like to implement a token system for Noed to encourage killers to actually do the objective instead of sitting there and waiting for Noed to proc.

    We could do 3 hooks gives you a 4% movement speed and 5 hooks makes all survivors exposed. These effects last for 2 minutes after all gens are done.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    It used to be 2min and not a hex but survivor just went immersed for 2mins making the perk useless unless you were already chasing someone

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    I don’t think DS or NOED need changes, to be honest. The only problem with NOED is face campers, but I’d rather they do something about camping than NOED since the perk isn’t the problem in that scenario. And DS really isn’t that big of a deal in my opinion, the biggest problem there is stacking tons of second chance perks which is a SWF issue.

    That said, I like the fact that he’s trying to address common complaints and come up with simple fixes, even if I don’t agree with all of his suggestions. It’s nice to see someone being constructive, and even if I don’t agree with all of his proposed changes, none of them are so crazy that I’d necessarily hate it if they were implemented. Certain other streamers come up with awful balance ideas but Otz’s at least seem fairly reasonable and designed to keep everyone fairly happy.

  • AGM
    AGM Member Posts: 806

    Not every idea was a hit but there are far more hits than misses. He's right about keys, moris, the devs' priorities being... off at times, which killers/add-ons need buffs/changes most urgently and how, that there are a staggering number of perks that are never seen/used/useful, and on and on.

    If they did all the things on that document, sure there would be problems to fix, but the game would undoubtedly be better off overall than before.

  • Eorpwald
    Eorpwald Member Posts: 46

    Pretty certain it's called a mori

  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811
    edited October 2020

    I agree it´s a mixed bag, but most of the stuff seems quite nice. An issue I especially acknowledge despite the "nuclear options" is the tremendous difference in Killer powers.

    With Trapper, before I took a break from him, I had to basically sweat my ace off against good teams, play to the best I possibly could to even stand a chance. With Oni, I can afford to screw up a few times and still be threatening. The gap is unbelievable, I can only imagine what it must feel like for a Nurse/Spirit/really skilled Hag main to mix it up one day and play an M1 Killer.

    This gigantuous difference in effectiveness makes it harder for the DEVs to make changes to Killers overall. For example, in my opinion the weapon wipe as well as the speed boost after a hit should be lessened. This would greatly benefit all the low/meme Killers which need something like that. At the sime time, Killers like Spirit or Freddy would become even more oppressive.

    Of course Wraith will never be as good as Nurse, for example, but the gap needs to be lessened to enable easier balancing calls.

  • Slickstyles
    Slickstyles Member Posts: 446

    It's useless if all totems are broken anyways so might as well get a guaranteed proc.

  • DaFireSquirtle
    DaFireSquirtle Member Posts: 188

    Yh I agree with you on ds. Their should be more things that de activate it. Such as totems or healing or unhooking. Cuz if you're doing objectives then you can't be tunneled.

    As for noed. I know your gonna get tons of survivors whining about how op it is and how unfun but I think it's fine. Hex perks are meant to be like that. Yes it's a high reward but it's also a high risk as if it's cleansed it's gone and that's huge losing a whole perk. Also you already need to have at least one dull totem remaining and it survivors do the totems that they see then you probably won't get long to use it or probably won't get to use it at all.

    Undying is fine. Honestly if anyone thinks this perk is op just give up now you must be that bad. Sorry but like yeah it's good. Yeah it has synergy but yet again it's high risk high reward. It that it's cleansed it's gone. Yea it's good but honestly making survivors cleanse multiplies totems isn't that big if you really think about it. Just don't touch this perk.

  • CheyeneKL
    CheyeneKL Member Posts: 723

    I think Otz is great but I hope devs completely ignore his patch ideas LOL

    NOED is completely and 100% fine where it is. Literally has brainless counterplay that any survivor can do.

    A bad killer leaves you plenty of time to cleanse totems, and a killer who rolls over you so that you feel like you have no chance to do totems- well, I wouldn't call a NOED proc undeserved for them. Either way, making sure you cleanse totems or familiarize yourself with totem spawn locations so that you can cleanse NOED when it procs isn't tough. Less experienced players obviously are at a disadvantage here but that's part of the game. I just don't think NOED is horribly unfair as a totem perk, even for how incredibly annoying it is when it activates. I've had dozens and dozens of game wins "stolen" from me by NOED and I still don't think it's a perk that really needs changing. If anything at all, maybe there could be a noise notification at the hex totem location for survivors after either 2 minutes of it being activated or revealed. That gives killers a little bit of pressure to go check on the totem (thus taking them away from the survivor they might be camping or the gates, etc) and gives a little bit of help to players who are completely clueless about where the totems spawn, without it just completely going away at 2 minutes like some people have recommended as a change. But IMO, NOED is fine where it is.

    I also have not run into any particular issues with Undying's aura reveal. Neither in solo nor SWF. But that's my experience and maybe others have found it to be incredibly overpowered. Perhaps the aura reveal could be kept where it is for when you actually touch the totem, and have the aura reveal shortened for when you just pass by one without touching it. I'm not sure why people have complained about Undying's aura reveal unless they have trouble running loops that have a totem in the same area? I haven't played a killer game with Undying equipped to know exactly how it behaves.

    As for DS, I do NOT support it deactivating in lockers as that is currently the only counterplay to killers tunneling for a mori or as PH if he has you tormented lmaooo

    Slugging is also the most boring part of the game and I 100% do not blame survivors for coming up with a way to ensure that they get to use their ONE TIME USE perk to either avoid getting hooked again, or getting slugged for a minute. DS is probably the strongest perk in the game for survivors, but it still was retrofitted to be viewed as an anti-tunneling perk, anyways. If a survivor plays well he won't even need to use it, otherwise it's insurance that he won't be ushered out of the game within a couple of minutes whether the killer actually tunneled him or his teammates just suck and fed him back to the killer within seconds of unhooking. Regardless, I do support a change of having it deactivate upon working on generators, but y'all want it gutted and I'm not for it.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893
    edited October 2020

    I play both.

    However I would kindly ask that you don't try to derail what I was saying by adding an us vs them mentality to it.

    I have no problem with making borrowed time balanced so Freddy can't abusive negate it.

    I'm down for moris not being a super powerful as they always are.

    I even think his add on proposals are I think a lot of things in the Patch proposed are good however just because I don't agree with certain things doesn't mean I'm trying to pick a side.

    If you actually bothered to read what I wrote instead of jumping on the US vs them mentality. You would understand and that I never once really suggested a buff for any of the killer perks.

    My point about DS was that his proposed changes doesn't address the abusable aspects of the Perk

    My point about no one escapes death was that you can't add more conditions and restrictions whilst also weakening the perk. either scale according to it's conditions or find a more balanced condition to replace its current one. this is literally me stating the change needs to be applied differently

    My point for undying was that the only change it needed was to remove the Aura reading and instead added to Thrill of the hunt. This is literally suggesting a nerf for a killer perk

    Somehow you read that as nerf survivor perks and buff killer perks

    Post edited by Volfawott on
  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    Just because you begin to do an objective while having DS doesn’t mean the killer can’t come back and tunnel you.

    This is why the timer remains after being unhooked. I have literally seen killers break a chase just to take out the person who was just unhooked. So the idea that one could simply touch another body while healing or a gen or totem and it deactivates is not fair when the killer can just play around that.

    We don’t give camping/tunneling those limitations now do we?

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    There were too many times that it seemed like he was portraying to the babies to take it seriously imo... id rather see a player as experienced as Otz is help the less experienced rather then just say "oh this is doing too much and there's no counter to it, so you're right it needs nerf"

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    Nobody, including Otz himself is asking the devs to give killrates before coming up with a "community patch" that nerfs survivors more and makes even more survivor perks less fun. 3-4 kills per game and still aren't happy.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    I'm sorry but if you recently get unhooked and your first decision is to work the generator that is literally right by the hook you can't exactly shocked Pikachu face when if the killer comes back they go after you.

    Here's an idea after getting unhooked how about you make sure you're safe before you just go off and do objectives.

    If you feel like The Killers going to come back don't touch an objective or heal someone try to leave the area just in case they starts tunneling you. This way you make it harder for you to get to tunneled and you also have ds strike just in case the killer still finds you.

    You shouldn't reward bad play styles with immunity. The problem with decisive strike is that people tend to use it to play a certain way that would often get them killed if they did that without the protection

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    Explain Tinkerer.

    Punishes the survivor for doing the objective and rewards killer for doing nothing. Killers tend to play a certain way with their perks but that is completely OK right?

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    1) It goes off on a generator is getting close to being completed.

    2) the killer is not always going to be in a good position to take advantage of it.

    3) even then it can still be countered by the survivors using their eyes

    4) the killer can only deal with one thing at a time meaning if two tinkerer notifications go off the killer could not deal with both

    If someone gets off a hook and decides to complete a generator that is right by the hook that is for example say at 90% The Killers left in an awkward situation if they try to pull that Survivor off the generator they get hit with decisive strike.

    If the survivor didn't have decisive strike they probably wouldn't have made such a bad and risky play to begin with.

    Decisive strike is not comparable to tinkerer

  • UMCorian
    UMCorian Member Posts: 531
    edited October 2020

    My biggest issue with DS is since it's so powerful, you basically have to treat everyone as though they're running it unless by some miracle, no one is running any perks that flag an obsession at the start of the game.

    If Survivors don't run it, they essentially have a 5th "Phantom Perk" that I still have to play around, since the only way I'll learn if they have it is by eating it. If there was some way to know whether or not they had it, it would be a little more fair - but since you can't, you just have to assume everyone has it and not pick them up for awhile after they've been hooked more than once.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    Yeah It does, it's impossible to be doing a generator and still getting tunneled, I'm all for tunneling and camping nerfs, but DS needs a change.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430


    I never said the survivor was working next to the hook they were just unhooked from. I said killers go back to track the survivor and will go out of their way to tunnel them out. Including but not limited to breaking a chase, even tho they didn’t have to.

    Also, DS isn’t strictly anti tunnel so why the hell are we even arguing the timer? You play around it, if you know someone just got unhooked.

    Here is an idea go chase someone else instead of nitpicking every little scenario in which DS could be used... I mean after all you have unlimited slug, unlimited camping capabilities.... but we don’t have to discuss how that in itself is broken do we?

    Until then DS is fine as it is.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    That doesn't matter because you are still able to stop the objective from being completed because a perk punished the other side for doing it. A fast killer will always be able to get there. How is that fair? Imagine if DS could be used "multiple times" to stop your objective regardless of being tunneled. That's the power of tinkerer.

    DS is only a one time use. Tinkerer has no way to turn it off and can be used multiple times. Totally unfair.

    If you suspect DS, why aren't you hitting them instead of grabbing them? Killers love to invent these scenarios that try to portray a perk as being too strong when in fact you are using the fully meta loadout that is oppressive.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    Ohtz missed a lot imo, he focused way to much on perks/killers when those things shouldn't be touched till the base game is fixed.


  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    It has been described as an anti tunneling perk by most of the developers.

    After repeatedly stating it's an anti tunnelling perk they can't really switch the narrative now

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    When a generator is close to being completed and a healthy survivor is on it I usually don't have the luxury of just giving them two smacks.

    If I hit them what usually happens is they just end up completing the generator whilst I'm recovering from that hit.

    Let me put it to you in a very basically if you are comfortable enough to go on a gen or a totem and just casually sit there you are not being tunnelled so you have no need to have the decisive strike time as still going.

    If you think you're at risk of the killer immediately coming back and tunneling you don't get on a generator

    Also if you're going to try to bring up the US vs them mentality you can't really whine about creating situations when you were complaining about the undying and ruin combo.

  • Slickstyles
    Slickstyles Member Posts: 446

    Uh no. It has been described as an anti-momentum perk. It's the community that labeled it as an anti-tunnel perk. A dev even had to make a post to set the record straight. That doesn't mean it shouldn't be up for a rework though.