So can somebody explain me why Iri heads are the problem?

Like why? Dodging hatchets was never a huge problem unless hitboxes, but that doesn't apply purely to iri heads, yet somehow they are the problem.

Also there a lot of other killers and perks that could suddenly instadown you (and do that much more efficiently than iri heads), some of which are much more difficult to avoid than hatchets

Moreover, Iri head basically means huntress is either running with 3 hatchets and default wind-up or 1 hatchets and slightly faster wind up. In any case her counter plays remain exact same - stay in high wall loops, don't move predictably, don't let her catch you in animation and so on.

And even if she is close to you, it doesn't differ much from being close to chainsaw killers/stalking killer with almost ready exposed/plague and so on.

Basically you are just injured the whole game against iri huntress. It's like playing against 4.4 plague without cleansing that can only vomit 3 projectiles. Don't heal and do gens.

Oh, and about Plague, she basically becomes iri huntress (with distance restrictions, which is compensated with her AOE vomit so if you are unlucky to group, whoops) whenever survivors decide not to cleanse and rush gens, while she picks up her red vomit. And that's in basekit. And that's what happens in every 2nd plague match. Did you see anyone DCing against plague? I smell bullshit here. And don't say that anybody will go suddenly cleanse if they her red vomit. They'll just try hiding or running her as normal and return to gens as they can, since healing would be just futile.

So what so special about "one shot hatchets" that make everybody RQ? I have faced a lot of red rank iri huntress players (while playing with my red rank friend, while being yellow rank at best, so you can imagine how bad I am as survivor in terms of micro skill, though I have a good macro skill due to huge killer experience against good survivors) and when nobody threw games, she wasn't such a big of a deal. Just one less chance for mistake and that was it. And EVEN if she had mori, that only meant we played more carefully and didn't save pallets as much as we would've done otherwise.

I'm starting to think that all that "Iri huntress OP" whining is just autosuggestion and people don't even try to deal with her because they feel it's fine to just DC without trying.



  • Justalittlepeeck
    Justalittlepeeck Member Posts: 1,101
    edited October 2020

    In that case plague would've been op wouldn't she? She can brake all survivors without even contacting with them and since the most effective strat against plague - don't cleanse and do gens, she basically can become ranged one shot killer any time she has fountains available. Does anybody have problems against running red vomit plague while being broken? No. But somehow running iri huntress, whose hatchets are much less trouble in chase is a tragedy.

  • Justalittlepeeck
    Justalittlepeeck Member Posts: 1,101
    edited October 2020

    Exposed basically means you are injured.

    You are not healthy. You are injured. Your 2 healthstates will count as one.

    Plague makes survivors broken. That means that they have 1 healthstate. Coincidentally, Plague has an access to a ranged attack that just so happens to be used most often when survivors are broken.

    Iri huntress basically means you are facing 3 (or 1) hatchet huntress while being injured the whole trial. Yeah, that's difficult, I'm not saying otherwise, but there's nothing changes that makes it impossible. You just have to make less mistakes and be more concentrated. It's not that hard if you try.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    To be fair, Iridescent Head -by itself- isn't all that bad. Yes it's an instant down but, on its own, you only can carry one hatchet at a time. So after you throw you have to go to a locker to reload every single hatchet. It's still a decent perk even then, but having to reload every shot does slow you down.

    What is overpowered is Iridescent Head PLUS the purple add-on that gives you two extra hatchets. Having 3 instant down shots in your pocket at a time makes it much more effective.

    Personally I like the idea someone had of changing Iri Head to say "you can only carry 1 hatchet regardless of other add-ons". I think that might be enough to bring Iri Head down from the fairly overpowering state it has in that Iri+2 extras combo.

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

    Well there’s a few reasons:

    1. Usually the one using them actually knows what they are doing and will be getting people from far away. Especially with detections perks like BBQ, nurses, and all ears. PLAGUE DOES NOT HAVE THIS RANGE (also her doesn’t allow for instant downs, she has to work for survivors to be in a state where can one shot them.)
    2. Huntress does not need to work for these hatchets nor have some easily to notice animation indicating her throwing or readying them (she makes a sound but it range basically mean the survivor need to constantly be looking back and not where they’re going, making them lose distance and making it even easier for huntress to land a hit), like bubba (loud, takes time, and short range), hilly billy (loud, takes time, hard to control), ghost face (stealthy, gamble, takes time), Michael (stealthy, takes time) , potentially clown (with his pinky finger addon) (aiming).
    3. The fact that loops are ride or die. The look for a big obstacle doesn’t always help because not everyone can make it to a tall loop fast enough to not get sniped or hit. She can easily force a survivor to take a M1 or be downed and still have to deal with her in another chase, all while still being injured. She create a lose/lose situation where one extends the chase a little longer or die and allow her to get more hatches and get hooked.

    Basically, a long range instant down where they either have 1 and fast charge speed or 3 and normal charge speed sucks. Especially, since the only handicap is having a small number of hatches that still technically counts as two at once and there was no effort to obtain the ability besides buying it on a random item generator (blood web).

  • Go_Go_Roboto
    Go_Go_Roboto Member Posts: 330

    Not to ignore the main point BUT:

    This post in a way is saying 'Dont touch up iri heads, change how the killer is played and difficulty to play against (make dodging hatchets easy).

    This is a secret nerf huntress post isn't it.

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    It's a long range one shot attack with a hitbox the size of a semi truck.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    They literally have hitboxes that are arguably bigger than a generator being thrown at you with an instadown that you can reload

    Let's say I have discordance, when I can stand on the opposite side of the map and snipe someone off a gen by sheer luck and it be an instadown it kinda speaks for itself on it being broken, then couple that with a ebony Mori and it's not even skill ranking me up at that point because I could almost take a monkey out of the jungle and him get kills running that type combo because it's so broken you literally have to just lack intelligence to not get kills with all that support

  • TheRockstarKnight
    TheRockstarKnight Member Posts: 2,171

    I can't.

    I've gone up against it, and it's nothing super fun. I never think "Oh joy! An Iridescent Head Huntress!"

    But at the same time, I've never felt the need to DC against it either. It's annoying as heck getting by a Hatchet that doesn't look like it should hit, but I've been instadowned from miles away and through corners and walls by Hillbillys and Onis too. Their instadowns aren't even due to Ultra Rares, either. But I've never felt the need to rage quit against them.

    I've had games where I've never been downed by it because the Huntress was bad/I was good at dodging. It's not like the add-on is just an "equip for ez win". It's really strong, 100%, but it's not 'free win' level. And there are plenty of Killers and add-ons in the game that are really strong that aren't universally hated.


    All that said, people REALLY despise this add-on. I personally never use it because it tends to just makes people DC instantly and I personally want to play the game and have fun with others, not just make people DC.

    If something is that hated, regardless of whether it's actually "too" strong or not, I think it should be removed. I get not listening to people just because they whine, but there's no point in it's continued existence if the overwhelming majority of people are just going to rage quit every time they see it. It's unhealthy for the game at that point.

    Just because you and I don't see the problem, doesn't mean there isn't one. Just look at this thread.

    People HATE Iri Head. It needs changing.

  • EuphoricBliss35
    EuphoricBliss35 Member Posts: 875

    dont cleanse vs plague? Don’t cleanse near doors and cleanse near completed gens.

  • EuphoricBliss35
    EuphoricBliss35 Member Posts: 875


    Im going to use my magic bhvr crystal ball. “After 4 years, we realized Iri Head was a problem. Never mind that we changed Compound 21 within a few days. Also, we’ve given you convoluted answers for hatchet hitboxes while Slinger has a pinpoint hit box; again, nvm that. We’ve decided to replace this add on with hatchets that can be thrown through walls. We figured this would be more balanced because, well, bhvr”

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Why compare huntress and plague? Plague needs time to set up her ranged instadown, can get smacked out of it, and survivors have free self heals when going against her give them protection against being instadowned. Plague also has limited time in her ranged form. Iri huntress is just better corrupt plague.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Minor point but Iri Head only gives you one shot. It’s only when you combine it with the Purple add-on for extra hatchets that you get 3. I mentioned above I think if Iri said “you can only carry one hatchet regardless of other add-ons” it would definitely help. (Tofu did try that out by the way too, running just the Iri Head by itself and having only one shot. It was still a really good add-on but he did spend quite a lot of extra time reloading every single shot which mitigated a good chunk of the brokeness of it.)

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Me playing Huntress with Iri Head = No problem ez 4 escape

    A decent Huntress with Iri Head = Game's totally broken

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Irihead by itself is fine IMO. The problem is when you also pair it with add-ons that increase the number of hatchets she can hold.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    If the hitbox didn't feel like she was throwing a mini fridge at you they'd be okay.

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346


  • batax90
    batax90 Member Posts: 879

    Survivor complain about iri hatchette but the issue is the fact you can add 2 other hatchatte with another addon and that reduce the downside by a lot

  • Slickstyles
    Slickstyles Member Posts: 446

    I'm a pretty decent huntress and if I were to run Iri head, games would be over in 3 minutes. Now imagine people who actually main Huntress. Even the devs know Iri hatchets are a problem and asked the community on how they would go about fixing it.

  • Justalittlepeeck
    Justalittlepeeck Member Posts: 1,101

    I bet most of these games end so quick because once survivors acknowledge you have iri head, they just give up and start memeing/throwing instead of actually trying to win.

  • Terratoast
    Terratoast Member Posts: 126

    That would be blatantly ignoring all the other conditions Plague needs to fulfil before she has access to her ranged damage spit while chasing a broken target.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    Well that and having a hit box the size of a Autohaven buick might be why you see so many complaints

  • LordTouchMeSama
    LordTouchMeSama Member Posts: 4

    Ignore these people arguing with you its not worth your time because 90% of them are likely toxic survivor mains that are entitled there's nothing wrong with running any of the iridescent add-ons for any killer its like running unbreakable into ds its annoying but not game breaking

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Plague has to

    1) Puke on survivors to apply infected

    2) keep puking or wait a while to apply broken

    3) do this 4 times to all survivors

    4) Walk to her fountain to interract with it

    And then she has the power of Iri... for a minute or so... If the survivors don't cleanse cause then you're back to 1 health state damage

    Iri is equip and you're done without an option for the survivors to outlast or reduce the risk at a cost

    Sorry but that comparison was just bad

  • HagIsBestGirl
    HagIsBestGirl Member Posts: 158

    It's just not super fun. It's not impossible, but it's like an Extra Extra Hard Mode when you might not be looking for it.

    I advocate for it head no belt, lol.

    Never DC tho, always try to beat sweaty bunny mama.

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415

    They’re not much of a problem, really.

    Depends on who’s throwing them, I guess.

    This was a Solo queue team, btw.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    You can't puke on someone across the map. Corrupt Purge has a very limited range and the projectile is slow enough to easily dodge at the longest range. Plus she has a very long wind up and cooldown period. She also does not have this power the entire game.

    Just by the fact any Huntress could just follow you and hit you with an Iri Head at point blank makes it already OP. Huntress hatchet and Plague purge are not at all comparable, other than the fact they are projectiles. They behave very differently.

    Imagine defending what is objectively one of the most overpowered things in the game and trying to compare it to a limited time limited range slow speed single health state projectile.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    It is more the fact you can have three of them at a time through a certain addon combo. If it was restricted to 1 or 2, people wouldn't care, but since you can have almost a full clip (as it were) of them, people will complain.

  • Xayrlen
    Xayrlen Member Posts: 329

    Yes, because oneshoting ranged skill is not problem enough in top of broken hitboxes. You don't even need to really aim, since you can just get close and do a pretty guaranteed hit even on controller. No effort what do ever.

  • Zayn
    Zayn Member Posts: 365

    Imagine thinking a one-shot projectile that can be shot from anywhere is fair lmao. Comical.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099
    edited October 2020
  • DexyIV
    DexyIV Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 515

    Oh dear. You are comparing iri head to a killer who

    1: Takes a significant amount of time to injure with green puke

    2: Whose opponents can simply opt out of being injured AND get fully healed at the same time

    3: Whose instantly-damaging ranged attack is on a time limit

    From a very simple and absolute standpoint, sure. But Huntress has insta downs for the entire match with iri. Plague comes with a long wind up time, and has some major downsides unlike iri head

  • Papamodzz
    Papamodzz Member Posts: 57

    As someone who loves to play huntress this is funny cause you're not lol

  • GrimReaperJr1232
    GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,690

    How to explain this?

    Let's think about all the insta down kilers, shall we?

    Billy and Bubba? They gotta rev a chainsaw, and if you're scared, give them every pallet. Oni? He's gotta get his power, which means getting the first hit. Myers? Needs T3. Ghosty? Needs to mark you. They all need to do something to get that down.

    The Perks? Haunted needs survivors to screw up. Dragon's grip gives a huge warning once triggered. Devour is a hex. NOED is also a hex (a hated one at that) and an endgame perk. They're all conditional in some form.

    Then, you have Iri head. The Huntress gets 3 (let's face it, it's always with Infantry belt) attempts to insta-down you without doing anything to earn it. Sure, she has to land a hatchet, but she can just get in melee range and done. It's very unfun. Bad Huntresses can still win with that add-on, and a good Huntress with Iri head is one of the few times I say a DC is justified.

  • Shenanigan
    Shenanigan Member Posts: 208

    Buddy, pal, amigo, fellow camaraderie.

    Iri Head + Huntress's Hatchet Hitboxes = Nearly an Impossible match. I don't DC from matches because I want to try to stick through, but there are times where I'm actually crouched and think I'm safe and then the hatchet still hits me. Dodging it is a solution, but given the power to freely instadown an entire team with a power especially if you're skilled in said character can EASILY tip the scales for the killer. I'm not sure if I can compare, but it's like an Ebony Mori. Sure you're not being mori'd off first hook, but with Iri head hatchets your team already has one guy down because of Iri head and they may be good at dodging, but Huntress's Hitboxes say otherwise. You're immediately downed and on the hook and if she's a tunneler she'll go after you again and won't care about the DS that's already one teammate gone.

  • Valiant_Majesty
    Valiant_Majesty Member Posts: 39

    What Sir Turtle said.

    If the Huntress player ran Iri Head with only 1 hatchet, I don't think it would be as complained about. But most NEVER run it without Infantry belt. And it's even worse when they run an Ebony Mori and kill after the first hook.

    Some Killers use the add ons after a really bad game to just stomp the next group they go against, but it kinda seems evil... if they stomp and instadown a group just trying to play for fun or a group of solos, they're taking out their anger and frustration on ones who did nothing to them.

This discussion has been closed.