I like this game but...

I love this game, but i don't like how sometimes i get frustrated by the grind and poor perk/patches that shouldn't be changed.
Nothing in Dead by Daylight is going to change unless something forces BHVR off their arses. The game needs to have a proper competitor, fighting for the playerbase. Players need to stop spending their money on Macrotransactions, the Rift and DLCs so that BHVR start panicking a little.
Until that happen, BHVR is just gonna keep rolling along cashing in free money.
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Yeah, sadly, they need to implement Otzdarva's Community Patch and fix the numerous bugs with the spaghetti coding. :(
I want to love this game but i cant stand the grind and countless bugs and issues that make the game frustrating to play when i play killer and survivor.
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His community patch was awful and full of half-baked ideas.
Pretty sure he knows it and only put it out there for popularity since it was full of the kind of suggestions you would read on reddit.
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yeah but still i want this game to succeed and i dont want it to die like Deathgarden did :'(
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This game won't die like deathgarden.
That's for sure
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Players have been asking for changes that continue to fall on deaf ears. Players have wanted a training mode for years, and yet the devs continue to say that it's not a priority. Players have been begging for a quality matchmaking system, and here we are four years in and that's still not the case.
DBD is manageable should you be fortunate enough to invest thousands of hours in, otherwise it's an absolute nightmare for newer and casual players.
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I like Otz but some of the ideas he has in that patch are kind of dumb.
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There are always so many players with opinions on how DBD should be but they forget one fundamental thing. They are the vocal minority.
Streamers yes can have an opinion but how many of them have actually made a game or ran a successful multimillion dollar business?
Business is and always will be about catering to the majority and when you have a successful product do you then change it to something else? The player numbers and revenue is what is important. The game itself has grown over the years so that alone says they are doing what the players like.
Its not that the DBD devs don't listen its just that not all ideas are good. They have infact implemented changes asked for by the community over the years.
I would take what each person says with a pinch of salt especially when its a streamer as these people make videos for views and about what their viewer base wants to hear.