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Killers Camping/Tunnelling Every Game...

Why is every game a killer camping or tunnelling? This is so boring, literally no interest in pressuring gens or the rest just do gens and totems (sometimes not all totems) then Noed's more reward for a killer...Then you know the killer comes out with 2/3 kills for camping and tunnelling the whole game....the amount of times i've escaped and depipped with like 16k points for doing gens and totems because the killer has no interest in actually earning these kills or anything is a massive issue with the game.

Then the killer earns 25-30k Score for doing I the only one failing to see how this game is "survivor sided" when it seems like all Killer have to do is stand still and focus one guy the whole game for everyone to lose pips and pretty much suffocate the whole game from anyone getting bloodpoints but themselves...and these are the types of Killers who will come on the forums and complain about second chance perks.

It's quite sad that these are the Killers i'm coming across in Red Ranks...and tbf, nothing against PC players but ever since Crossplay it's literally the same Killer playstyle every game against PC can always tell when they're PC because i see nothing but slugging/camping/tunnelling. Quite sad where this game is right now.



  • finitethrills
    finitethrills Member Posts: 617

    When you have a hardcore camper, you maximize your points by pounding out gens and moving on to a new round. The poor guy on the hook gets to move on a couple minutes sooner.

    You can go ahead and keep feeding Campers points and kills, but don't expect to face FEWER Campers doing it.

    It's a lot more fair to make sure that killer doesn't get a 4k and 30k points for camping than it is to leave one dude to die on a hook.

  • ItzPixelYT
    ItzPixelYT Member Posts: 613

    Yeah and that's all good but this is my problem why am I losing pipe and getting barely any bloodpoint just because a killer can't be bothered to play the game? It should effect my rank...I guess I wouldn't be bothered if I didn't depip when I escape...which literally make no sense

  • TheWarNung
    TheWarNung Member Posts: 794

    So... you're saying that it's mainly PC killers who are camping and tunnelling, but the way you identify them as PC killers is by seeing if they camp and tunnel? That thar is what we call a logical fallacy. As a PC player allow me to assure you that I have not been seeing the same trend as you. I'm not throwing shade on console players either; the killers playing scummy are the ones on any platform who are just lower skilled.

    Also, as a killer main I can plainly state that you do not get 30k BP for focusing on a single survivor. With most killers you'll have to get around 10 hooks to score that high.

  • ItzPixelYT
    ItzPixelYT Member Posts: 613

    I mean ruin and undying is a thing right now, just saying when I play killer I literally have no no problem getting 2/3/4 kills a game by actually trying to play the game. I wouldn't be bothered if I actually got some decent rewards for doing the objective and didn't depip...

  • ItzPixelYT
    ItzPixelYT Member Posts: 613

    They all have /ttv in their name or literally have like 4 letter names that you could pretty much only get on steam and how fast they spin etc it's obvious they're on pc so that's not how i identify them. But yet to see an actual good pc killer that I can say I had fun against and outplayed me because they seem to all have the same playstyle...

  • kolosovski
    kolosovski Member Posts: 39

    This is indeed a common issue. Undying + ruin combo has given killer a bit more time to chase during a match, but ultimately does not address camp or tunelling problems. I feel that at this point changing the hook system would make it even harder for new killers but I'd be curious to see a system where once hooked, the survivor goes to a random or semi random hook on the map away from all other players as possible, similar to how Pyramid Head cages work. Unlikely, but one can dream.

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,032

    After reading this thread, most likely, y’alls definitions of camping and tunneling are too loose.

    Also SWF to get better teammates. If you are SWFing and losing, start firing your friends.

  • TheWarNung
    TheWarNung Member Posts: 794

    I've seen several console players who have TTV in their names. I even know of some PC streamers who occasionally play on console (or with a gamepad on their PC). All you can really say for certain is that they're not on the same console as you.

    But sure, generalize PC players. According to you we camp/slug/tunnel the same survivor all game and still get a 3k with 25-30k BP. We're just super scummy like that.

  • Bigun
    Bigun Member Posts: 16
    edited October 2020

    I enjoy playing as both survivors and killers.... Killers are busted.

    I've gone in with a Level 9 killer, two tier one perks, no add ons, no offerings - and wipe the entire team. If I play my level 50 Trapper, no hope. <--- #########'s busted

    Meanwhile as a survivor, in the last 10 games, me or any of my teammates escaped a grand total of 2 times.... two..... That's a success rate of about 5% <--- #########'s busted

    Camping hooks is a behavioral problem that can be solved with one or two perks. But now your dependent on coordinating your perks so that 2 or 3 of your teammates have those perks. So there goes about 6 of your team's 16 perk slots. And God help you if your playing with randoms. <--- #########'s busted

    Ruin and BBQ & Chili. A near guarantee that every killer I'll play has it equipped, which now means I'm married to using Detective Tapp until I get the Detective's Hunch learnable. There goes another perk slot on my team. <--- Busted AF

    If we're going to be cool with these overpowered perks and everyone using them, just go ahead and build them into the killers without a perk as well as the antidotes for the survivors. As least that way we can have variety again, something I dearly missed in this game just a few years ago.


    Really? No swear words? Have we forgotten what type of game this is, and we're worried about swear words.

  • Bigun
    Bigun Member Posts: 16

    Naw fam..... me and my entire team was away from teammate number 4 until they entered the panic state on the hook, killer continuously hammered the person on the hook, and nothing else. <--- a rank 10 killer.

    You run around the hook, sure, expect killer to start hunting. No surprises. But there is an extremely noticeable trend of hook camping regularly now.

  • Bigun
    Bigun Member Posts: 16

    Sure, that happens. Hang around hook with killer present, expect to get hunted. No surprise.

    However, in nearly every game, survivors are forced to run up to the hook because the killer decided the best use of his time is to slash at the person on the hook until they are dead. "Oh, then they won't gain rank". That was a rank 10 killer.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    No, that doesnt happen nearly every game. Youre full of it. Ive been playing this game a very long time and the sceario you just described is extremely rare.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    Yup. Youre supposed to pretend you dont see them and leave them alone so they can work that gen.

  • NoObzBoiYT
    NoObzBoiYT Member Posts: 198

    i hate when survivors complain everyday

  • Bigun
    Bigun Member Posts: 16
    edited October 2020

    It would take some time, but I got no issues with it. Now the question is, if provided this evidence, would you even give a crap? It's not just me playing this game. I already told you, I got a team. It's not just me saying this.

    Tell you what, for the sake of brevity, I'll start taking screenshots - editing video takes too long. I'll start tonight.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    Oh so youre on a team, that explains quite a bit. If you finish 4 gens by the time he gets his 2nd or 3rd hook, yeah someones getting camped. Is thats whats happening?

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    Then stop complaining. The game is already stupid easy for you, what is it you expect the killer to do just go sit in a corner? Is that fun to you?

  • ItzPixelYT
    ItzPixelYT Member Posts: 613

    I've shown it to my's not hard, especially with

  • ItzPixelYT
    ItzPixelYT Member Posts: 613

    You can't put / in your name on console...hence why I put /ttv

  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    This is like asking why survivors do gens. It’s just how the game was meant to be played and how a lot of asymmetrical games are. Really how any game is if it’s a pvp game they don’t care to be your friend. Once you understand that nothing like this will bother you.

  • ItzPixelYT
    ItzPixelYT Member Posts: 613

    Its a forum people are allowed their opinion...everyone complains because they see issues with the game...if you don't like it don't come on a forum.

  • ItzPixelYT
    ItzPixelYT Member Posts: 613

    Not to mention how close together hooks are lately...trying to run stuff like breakout and actually try and do a fun build is annoying because there's a hook 5 yards away from the one you just sobo'd

  • Bigun
    Bigun Member Posts: 16

    No, and I hate to say it: Get good.

    The game is way too easy for killers. No perks - wipe team - doctor good - rinse repeat in warm water. It's honestly boring and I feel bad for the survivors. I actually feel myself cringe when I have to load up a killer because of a daily ritual.... because I know, regardless of how little I try, at least three of them are dead, if not all 4. Hell most of the time I play friendly just to allow some points to build for everyone.

    Hence why I have one prestiged killer and 4 or 5 prestiged survivors.

    If your killer skills are so poor that you need to camp to get your kills - get your money back and go bully some toddlers. I'm sure you'll get much more satisfaction out of it.

  • Chechia
    Chechia Member Posts: 234

    Even if the killer get's alot of points it doesn't mean he pips.

    And why are killers playing like that? Simple. Because the gen speed is too fast to 12 hook people. You can't play fair in most matches if you want your kills. I, for example, play fair because I don't have fun in tunneling and camping and most of my matches are a brutal because I get around 1-2 kills. Most of the times I actually get a 4k is when there is an opportunity to slug everyone fair and square. But that still isn't 12 hooking everyone. I don't mind, because I see "winning" in this game a little bit different and I just accept that there will be games where I don't get any kills eventhough I played very well, but other killers don't have that kind of mentality. The only way to get consistent kills is with tunneling, slugging and pseudo camping. That was also a common playstyle in the recent tournament.

    So yeah, because this game is survivor sided, there will be killers who will play like this to get their kills. It's not fun but it's understandable. Even with nurse it get's pretty hard to pressure gens if you have a decent team. And she is still the most powerful killer in the game.

    And let's be real: if a killer camps and tunnels and he still get's NOED in the end eventhough he didn't even tried to pressure the whole team, then that's definitely the fault of the survivors. It's not that hard to cleanse 5 totems. It really isn't.

  • Bigun
    Bigun Member Posts: 16


    This is how you play killer. I don't give two flips about kills. You want to kill the community? - Chase kills and never stop.

    I disagree about it being survivor sided, but the bit about how to play killer. Couldn't agree more.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    I literally snorted soda out my nose reading this. It will be interesting to revisit this topic with you somewhere down the line of your journey. It suffices to say in the weaker Ranks (among newbies) things seem Killer weighted. I assure you things change as you go forward. I fight just to hold the line these days, a win in my personal mind being not pushed out of the Red Ranks before reset. :)

    As you go forward, Killers have a much harder time holding the line. You need to play both sides, as I do, to really get a feel for the truth of the matter.

  • Bigun
    Bigun Member Posts: 16

    As luck would have it: I'm actually working from home today, the wife started playing, and got camped. Took a shot from my phone:

    Guy wouldn't budge. It's becoming comical.

  • Bigun
    Bigun Member Posts: 16
    edited October 2020

    So, after a post game discussion, she played three games. Two of them she was camped until dead.

    ^---- This is what I am talking about.

    They were also console players. Tempted to start gathering my own statistics when I play since bE has an iron grip on them, see if I can find some commonality.

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    so are survivor complaints not valid? If a killer complains its completely justified?

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Neither complaints are valid. Unless you are reporting actual hacking, lag spikes, or inappropriate Salt, your complaints are just a whining screed. Survivors and Killers both are entitled to make their choices in game, bring the items and Perks they want, and do anything that is within the rules. I'm not saying you can't complain. You have the right to scapegoat whatever you want. I'm just saying it won't be a valid complaint.

  • Chechia
    Chechia Member Posts: 234
    edited October 2020

    Let me clarify what I mean with survivor sided.

    I am not refering to any kind of meta perks or the fact that one single survivor can loop a killer for a total of 5 gens.

    Let's look at the actual objectives: gens and kills.

    A normal match at red ranks, decent survivors and a killer that can't pressure a loop actively like nurse or doctor:

    In the start all survivors will immediately go to a gen, even spawning on them while the killer is at his weakest and needs to find survivors first. One generator takes a total of 80 seconds while the killer needs to 12 hook everyone to get his kills (that's at least how we all want to play).The killer will eventually find a survivor and chase him for, let's say, 23-30 second (or even longer if a strong loop is available). After he downed him gens will be around 60-70 percent. He then will take the survivor to a hook which takes around 5-7 seconds. The killer will then look around with BBQ or will go immediately to a gen. Depending on the map size and the distance the gen is having to the hooked survivor the killer might be able to at least stop one gen from being done. In the worst case (and that happens very often) he won't make it and 3 gens will be popping.

    Around the time the killer has hooked one survivor which is a total of 8% of his objective survivors have done around 40-60% of their own objective. (and even if only one gen got completed because the other two were doing nothing efficient then this is still 20% compared to 8%).

    That's why 12 hooking isn't working and that's why I said this game is survivor sided. The percentages are speaking for itself and this game isn't balanced at all.

    And as long as the percentages are staying that way killers will not stop to tunnel or camp. Tunneling is at some point a valid strategy if it is being done at a crucial point in the game.

    Post edited by Chechia on
  • Bigun
    Bigun Member Posts: 16
    edited October 2020

    If a 88% success rate isn't enough, you're greedy - not handicapped. Change my mind, I'll wait.

  • Venzhas
    Venzhas Member Posts: 684

    But nobodys ask you to be a ( boring ) rank 1 tryhard though

  • TheRealSnoFlake
    TheRealSnoFlake Member Posts: 14

    You don't get 25-30k for tunneling. It's an auto depip after level 12. End of story. If you're having tunnelers, your rank 12-20, and your opinion is moot.

  • Bigun
    Bigun Member Posts: 16

    Tunnelers may not rank, but they ruin the game for casuals. Because in the mind of a tunneler, kills = win... period, ranking doesn't matter to them.

    I really don't care about rank either, I'm out for a good/fun game. I happen to be rank 5, was rank 3 before the reset, don't really care if I rank up or down. I just want to play a fun game after I get the kids to bed. And immediately being hung and camped round after round isn't fun.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Why are killers camping or tunneling you?

    Like - what are you doing to make yourself a priority target?

    Are you teabagging them? Are you using a key? A tricked out toolbox? A blendette?

    Are you abusing survivor matchmaking protection to queue up against lower ranked killers with a low ranked SWF partner?

    Keep in mind that this style of play isn't that much fun for a killer either. If they are doing it, chances are there is a reason.

  • Kellie
    Kellie Member Posts: 1,328

    Its not as bad as people make it seem. Your just not that good.

This discussion has been closed.