Any word on when the MMR will be back?
Being a casual player of DBD, I tend to get destroyed when being paired against far more skilled opponents. I've been laying off killer for this very reason. I know the devs said the MMR will be back soon, but has there been an official date or window?
Not for a while, but it will be a dissapointment still because mmr can't work for dbd
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I really do enjoy playing dead by daylight but it's true what they say that this game is incredibly punishing for newer players and casual players. The matchmaking is abysmal with this game.
The streamer Jaee uploaded a video of a few matches to YouTube today, and he was playing with some friends who like him were all red ranks (three rank 1 and a rank 4), and yet the killer was a rank 9. Needless to say it didn't work out very well for the Killer.
My matches as killer tend to unfold like this. It's easy to say "don't let it get to you", but when you're playing a game that doesn't have fair matchmaking, not caring can only take you so far.
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Yea matchmaking sucks, but mmr broke the game, you would get killers with 5k hours versing first time players and an mmr system that predicts skill perfectly would just strip variety from the game
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why wouldn't it work? Devs just have to implement properly that's all..
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As soon as possible. It's being worked on, and it's a priority.
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what about dc penalty's, even if survivors suicide on hook it still reduces players leaving the match by that combined with dc'ing overall.
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Are you collecting data right now?
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The MMR system is on in the background, checking what MMR people are matched with whom and checking the outcome. Every game that comes in is another data point on the MMR system's predictive power. It's just that we're not choosing who goes against whom using the MMR.
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It won't matter, the same way match making based on ranks doesn't matter.
If they allow rank 15 killers to go against red rank survivors, making killer matches completely unenjoyable that means they will allow low MMR killers face high MMR survivors. Different matchmaking but same outcome.
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Hopefully never with the way bhvr first implemented it.
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Also can I suggest expanding ranks and separating them from the color
10-1 in each color
and Black pips at 6 at all colors, one pip at 10 and 2 at 15
put limits on the color for MM and SWF
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even a perfect mmr system wouldnt be good for dbd since good killers would only verse sweat squads and good survivors would only verse spirit and nurse and all variety from the game would be pretty much gone
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not spirit and nurse are the only viable killers.. but i really hope if i can kill all of them in 5 minutes my MMR gonna go higher.. no point to hook everyone 2 times and chase for x minutes and damage generators and things like these.. if i can win in 5 minutes then my MMR is way higher than the survivors
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In high level play they are
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higher level than what? i have no problem stay at rank 1 even with old doc or deathslinger..
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High level play Nurse vs gen rush squad or sum #########. It's not like the game is 100% full of bums
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I hope its back soon, I found a much more balanced game as killer when they rolled it out the first time. Not easy wins but no facestomp losses either. Most games felt like it was anyone's game rather than 2 min snowball in either direction.
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Same. I know not everyone had that same experience, but one of the highlights about the MMR was that it gauged how often you played with a certain killer. So if you played with a killer you never played with before, you weren't immediately matched against a high ranking sweaty swf. Personally I would love to try out Ghostface and the Blight, but at the rank I'm at (12) I tend to be matched against red and purple rank survivors. In other words, no one near my skill level.
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How is it calculating win/lose rates with disconnects or suicides on hooks?
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good hope it better still sucks killers are locked.
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in the very high levels of mmr as in the top 1% you would only ever verse death squads and spirit and nurse because their the only players/killers that are strong enough to reach that high of an mmr
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were not talking red ranks with mmr ranks are basically useless were talking tournament level kind of play were players scrap all unspoken rules and will do whatever it takes to win
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Server Hit Validation and Penalties aswell i hope.
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Unless the MMR is unexpectedly activated, I wouldn't be surprised if it gets turned on roughly at the same time that the mid-chapter update goes live.
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An interesting side note the devs mentioned in a Q&A was that since the MMR system is all on the back end and doesn’t require a client side patch it can be turned back on any time the devs want, it doesn’t have to synchronized to a mid-chapter or full chapter release.
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Huh, that is interesting. Almo did say that the MMR was a priority, so I'm sure they'll "flip the switch" when it's ready.
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I think the other question I’ll be curious on is what they’re planning for ranks. They said a while back they’re keeping ranks in the game for something like a future reward system even though they’re not going to be used for matchmaking (which is the whole reason ranks are in the game in the first place). I imagine they’re probably getting somewhat close to being able to say more about that by now, whatever their intention is.
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It makes more sense for ranks to be used for rewards than matchmaking. Thanks to rank reset every month, all anyone has to do is stop playing for a few months and your rank drops all the way back to 20, which is as far from a balanced matchmaking system that you can get.
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Yep, they even said doing away with the rank resets was one of the reasons they want to use the new system.
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Hey, will we be able to view our MMR in any way once it comes out? I hear this feature was not enabled because people would find out a way to abuse it, but i think it'd work if you made it update after a certain number of matches, like 10 or something. It's just that skilled players who are working to improve their MMR won't really know how well they're doing and it'll feel less rewarding.
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What exactly is this MMR? Like how is it gonna work or is that unknown at the moment. I've always been confused on the works of an MMR system. Honestly since ranks doesnt mean skill whatsoever how will people be match up? It sounds like a difficult process considering its dbd.
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Thanks for taking the time out to respond first of all.
If it's just data points and MMR isn't actually active, is it possible to re-enable switching killers in lobby?
Sometimes I try playing a killer that I'm horrible with and have very little experience and I end up in a match with a map and key in lobby. I don't like dropping out of a lobby because I'm not going to stand a chance. It just causes long que times for all.
Again, I know you folks are busy so thanks in advance for your time here.
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One of the reasons MMR is hidden is because it's just there to ensure fair matchmaking. It's not meant to be a goal to aim for - that's what ranks are for, and we've received hints that they're planning to expand on the ranking system after MMR is properly implemented.
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The MMR can be switched on and off on the backend. Allowing Killer switch in lobby is a client-side thing. So if we were to turn it on, we'd have to ship a new version for that. Then to turn it off, we'd need to ship another version. That puts these changes in the content-delivery pipeline, which would push other things out of the way. So we prefer to leave it off.
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It seems that the ranks will be used to give "participation" awards, like some bloodpoints at the end of the month depending on rank. Not sure if the ranking system will actually change. It might mean even less when MMR goes live because you would see some low ranking people with high MMR in your games
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That is awesome.
I was really sorry to see that it didn't work initially (at least for some), but glad you guys aren't discouraged and are keeping at it.
One humble suggestion I'd make: if you're going with the MMR system but you want to keep 1-20 ranking for achievement purposes or whatever, hide it from being seen by other players. Once MMR goes live, knowing other players ranking will serve no purpose... in fact, it'll just be frustrating. Players will (reasonably) blame their losses on the system sucking when they, at rank 16, are put up against a Rank 4 Nurse Killer. They won't realize (or care) that its because this Rank 4 killer is a Hag-main and has never played Nurse before and has 1 yellow perk and no add-ons... they'll say: "DBD MM sucks, I'm 12 ranks lower than this guy. Of course I'm going to lose!"
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That makes sense as well. Honestly, if I walk into a lobby with 4 Blendettes all shiny toolboxes or see something I don't wanna play against, I just swipe left. I don't endorse lobby dodging as a principle, but sometimes you can spot scummy SWFs from 5000 feet... and as long as I can do that, I don't really mind that I can't switch killers.
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The MMR System sounds a whole lot like a self learning algorythm. What is the goal of this algorythm? Like what would the perfect MM look like? 2k? Win/Lose ratio?
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Curious as to what really went wrong with the first iteration of MMR. It seemed like it didn't know what to do with players on extreme ends of the spectrum. Last time I checked the leaderboards, I was in the top 150 on PC for blink attacks, and it was putting me against rank 16s. Can't imagine that was fun for them.