Is Myers outdated and outclassed?

Zeus Member Posts: 2,112

No offense to all the Myers mains out there but speaking from personal experience, I've only gone against very few Myers at higher ranks and they usually run monitor and infectious but I don't feel as threatened or intimidated when I play against him as much as I feel threatened by oni for example.

His power is relatively easy to dodge, his T1 isn't much help to the killer and he's just a regular M1 killer with no gen slowdown or map mobility (insignificant vault speed is his only plus). If infectious go off, I usually hold W and run to the other side of the map so even if I go down (Myers usually runs out of T3 before he downs me) the other person will be up and healed working on a gen.

His add-ons are what makes him interesting but they require specific conditions. Like really specific ones (I'm looking at you, scratched mirror). It's still fine but just thinking of Myers with his green and under add-ons, he feels underwhelming.

He came out at a time where every killer was weaker and survivors terrible (again, no offense) and I do believe he hasn't been changed much. So is it time to give him a little bit of a buff to get him in line with other killers?


  • lowiq
    lowiq Member Posts: 436

    C Tier Killer.

    I think buffing him may be a challenge though because making him strong will make him decimate lower rank players. Especially with M1 insta down.

  • Terro
    Terro Member Posts: 1,171

    The thing with Myers is that he crushes noobs. Solo queue survivors feed him like crazy. I don't see anyway to buff him for higher levels of play while not making him completely busted at lower levels. Ppl are already trying to nerf a certain killer perk combo that's overrated on both sides. A buffed Myers would be terrifying.

  • Decarcassor
    Decarcassor Member Posts: 651

    Myers design is one of the bests in the game. Unfortunatly, good survivors learn to deal with him and his kit is outdated in the current state of the game. Also his add-ons range from junk to absurdly broken, making it hard to balance anything.

    He greatly suffer from his slow early game where he need to build up and get out of EW1 as fast as possible, in a meta where the first minute of the game is perhaps the most important. And after that he has all the issues of M1 killers with no mobility.

    A temporary Exposed state and smaller TR aren't enough to compensate his flaws in 2020 DBD.

  • mistar_z
    mistar_z Member Posts: 857
    edited October 2020

    While I think that it would be nice to buff up myers, because it would add more variety to higher ranks. I do have to acknowledge that shape crushes noobs and solo players. because they just won't be as efficient at spreading pressure and rescuing. Higher level players and swf right now can neuther the strength of his power by simply not being near other survivors and being stealthy, running loops as tight as they can to not get stalked and other stuff.

    Buffing could easily wreck havoc more on the mid-low ranks. Because shape's already got a 65%+ kill to escape ratio as of a year ago. And since then the game has made more killer gameplay improvements since then so he should have an easier time, relatively speaking. Because maps are smaller and more main buildings aren't as strong.

    He's become sort of like the clown, at the time of their release their power was great because it was about how fast you can get someone down. Now the game is more dynamic, you have to be able to juggle downing someone effectively on top of being able to keep survivors off of gens and defending totems with the rise of undying/ruin, being able to track survivors with broken sounds, and tracking with how much more grass there are with all the map updates. So they are naturally pushed down by the meta and gamestate..

  • MrLimonka
    MrLimonka Member Posts: 545

    He's too addon and perk dependant. Myers has to use up 2 perk slots for Infectious and M&A to be at least somewhat good. If you don't use these two perks or the right addons, good luck at red ranks..

  • GoodLookinCookin
    GoodLookinCookin Member Posts: 341

    Game is outdated really.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,897

    I don't use either of those perks and do consistently well with him in red ranks.

  • Boomer_Zoomer
    Boomer_Zoomer Member Posts: 29

    M&A, no addons, Rank 1.

    I've stomped plenty of teams with him.

  • ABannedCat
    ABannedCat Member Posts: 2,529
    edited October 2020

    Ontop of the power being weak, its also incredible buggy. Sometimes I can't stalk survivors in the plain open, sometimes I stalk them through walls. Sometimes dedicated servers take away 10% of my stalk, sometimes dedicated servers GIVE me 10% of my stalk.

    40ms ping by the way.

  • Zeus
    Zeus Member Posts: 2,112

    Are you certain that you wouldn't have been able to do it with oni? Oni functions pretty much like myers and if you can M1 a survivor with myers you can surely do it with oni. You pretty much get power passively with oni after the first hit (no need to stop and stalk) and his power is far superior than myers' just because of the fact that it gives him unprecedented map pressure.

  • Boomer_Zoomer
    Boomer_Zoomer Member Posts: 29

    Sure, I could've. But Myers with Infectious Fright and M&A is too fun.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,237

    While there are things worth buffing in his kit, I think it'd be grest if they streamline his normal addons to have effects for all tiers of his ability.

    The mirrors and tombstones change his ability enough to keep focusing on T1 or T3 respectively, but the other addons should have effects regardless of his Tier.

  • solidhex
    solidhex Member Posts: 889

    Never played him really but i still lose often to him, but that's mostly due to Myers players in higher ranks using either the endless T3 add on, the insta kill add on or the T1 jumpscare myers build with indoor map offering...

  • ToxicMyers
    ToxicMyers Member Posts: 1,295

    I have been saying this. Myers is literally outclassed in every way by oni, it's like the devs made oni the thing they wanted in myers. Yeah I do think he needs a buff due to the m1 killer low map mobility, a gen can pop before he evens get there.

  • Afius
    Afius Member Posts: 563

    Can a myers lose T2? I noticed at higher levels a lot of myers use T3infinite and T3 mori. Lime other people have said before you get really screwed by solo queue and noobs because with those add ons once he goes T3 it's game over.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,111

    Boring killer, flawed design. I can play near perfect and not feed him any stalk, but he can still instadown me. He's a killer whose ability causes the higher level survivors on a team to be punished for randomly being queued up with weaker survivors. As much as I hate Ghost Face, he's better designed than Meyers because he doesn't instadown me from stalking somebody else.

  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    Unfortunately he IS outclassed by Oni. They are quite similar in how their powers work, so there´s merit to that.

    Oni has better early game, way stronger power, no limitations to his power (blood can always be available), and in-built tracking.

    Myers gets a way worse early game, hard cap to the use of his power, far less imparctul power in comparison, but he gains a reduced tr.

    I play both very extensively. When Myers gets redone, they should take a look at Oni to compare.

  • Lily0
    Lily0 Member Posts: 128

    I really like his design but he is a little outdated tbh.. He could use some changes but not like he needs a whole rework. I dont think survivors should have a limit to how much they can be stalked, bc he can sometimes end up as a killer without a power. And he should be more threatening in tier 3

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    He suffers from severe power creep. A couple of buffs to his stalking and TIII should do the trick.

  • Xpljesus
    Xpljesus Member Posts: 395

    Same, doesn't mean he is any good though, you can do that with any killer. I won prob 20-25 games in a row as I played him a load before I prestiged him. Doesn't mean he is good though, you can win with any killer in public matches generally, people with legit 50h can still be red rank

  • Rex3
    Rex3 Member Posts: 87

    Make his rank 1 walk faster and then change scratched mirror to reduce his speed down to what it is now to compensate for being able to see everyone.

  • TheRockstarKnight
    TheRockstarKnight Member Posts: 2,171

    Yes; Plague, Oni, and new Leatherface are much better at what he does.

    It doesn't help that the Undetectable status effect was a nerf for his Tier 1 because he was always immune to aura reading. All he did was become detectable with Premonition and Spine Chill.

    His add-ons are overall okay (nothing like Pig, Pyramid Head, Demogorgon, or etc.) but they don't really improve him as a Killer either and could do with an overhaul.

    Myers basically just relies on Survivors grouping up and messing up like Legion does; his only difference is that he Exposes people instead of keeping them Injured. If he can't slug as an 115% M1 Killer, he loses the game.


    All-in-all there are only four reasons to play as Michael Myers: Scratched Mirror, the Tombstone add-ons, you have a daily for him, or because he's Michael Myers. The devs have said before that they want to take a look at him, I can only hope it's sometime soon.

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    One of his issues is that you're forced to use his stalking efficiency addons due to how the numbers work as their main bonus isn't increasing his max stalking speed because its more or less impossible to get against good survivors along with being a very minor increase.

    No what his stalking efficiency addons do is DRAMATICALLY increase efficient his power is at range due to how they work:

    Normally at long range it goes down to a min of 10% efficiency or one tier every 60 seconds.

    With the most basic and WEAKEST stalking efficiency addon the "Memorial Flowers" increases the stalking efficiency by an additive 11% bringing the lowest efficiency up to a total of 21% efficiency literally over doubling the minimum evil within gain.

    Its a night and day difference playing michael with stalking efficiency addons vs not and given how much the WEAKEST one above gives in terms of a boost really needs to be looked at.

  • vanhoya
    vanhoya Member Posts: 57

    Agreed I love the myers design but he needs some kind of buff at higher ranks.

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,467

    I play Myers for fun. I've had some good games with him. I like trying to get jump scares with him if I can, if I don't I just play normally.

  • Blizzardhunter98
    Blizzardhunter98 Member Posts: 1

    I believe that even though there are some really powerful killers in the game that Michael Myers is still one of the most powerful. An update to his class would be pretty sweet though

  • ToxicMyers
    ToxicMyers Member Posts: 1,295

    How is Michael one of the most powerful? I can name multiple killers who are better than him










    He isn't anywhere close to the best or worse, he is a solid c tier killer which is pretty ######### tngl.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    Infectious works good on him, but AS you said, it's easy to counter.

    He's a weak killer overall, but pretty fun.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    Try "Fire Up" and "Dark Devotion" with a bit of gen slowdown. Works kinda good, but is inconsistent.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    In every survey I say I want a rework for myers, he needs an overhaul. Please soon since I really like him.

  • BabieBlossom
    BabieBlossom Member Posts: 16

    You can see the difference between Myers and killers more recently like Oni who sucks up blood until the metre is full, and THEN he can choose to keep the ability or activate it whenever he needs. Myers needs to go through the process of stalking, 99-ing and making sure it actually gets to 99 (some times it goes backwards... probably due to the ping/server) and then having to stalk again to activate it. it's super tedious but idk how they could implement a system like that. Ghost Face has the same thing except it works in a slightly different way, and his is fine the way it is since it's single target rather than global. It's an outdated mechanic that needs some love.

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

    Given that Myers is a standard m1 killer, I never understood why each survivor only has a limited amount of stalk. Survivors don't run out of stalk from Ghostface, nor do they run out of blood orbs when being hunted by Oni. But for some reason Myers is given a cap on how often he can use his power.

    Myers has slow mobility, no map pressure, and no anti-loop potential. The only way to counter any of that is to get to tier three Evil Within. And knowing that Myers can only do that once or twice with each survivor is baffling to me.

  • Zeus
    Zeus Member Posts: 2,112

    Let's not forget that both ghostface and oni can charge their power infinite times.

  • GhostMaceNotCrusty
    GhostMaceNotCrusty Member Posts: 716

    I suggest give him the power "Bush man. When michael presses Ctrl while stalking he teleports into/near a bush and stalks at 200% speed. It also effects survivors with. Look at bush, which causes them to look at bush"