DC Penalties are useless

TheeclumsyNinja Member Posts: 283
edited October 2020 in General Discussions

A) now people just die on hook instead

B) que times are much worse at night now

C) dbd is not a game that begs people to play it so they just go to another game and forget about it

D) The core issues are not fixed. Most survivors quit if they’re tunnelled or camped.... lets fix the core issues that make a match completely unbearable, frustrating and annoying.... then punish the people that quit after that.

I just had a match, where i spawned at the shack... went to check the chest and guess whose on his way a guy named “basement bubba” lol he gets me, hooks me and just shakes his head up and down.... so i kill myself anyway.




  • KingOfGhost
    KingOfGhost Member Posts: 236

    No most survivors DC if they like it with the penalties at least they give same point to the others PLAYERS. And besides is you remove the DC penaltis you will REWARDING survivors that' want to be toxic and have an easy game so next time you will DC because killer find you or hit you remeber you are one toxic useless survivor that's give nothing in the gmae.

  • TheeclumsyNinja
    TheeclumsyNinja Member Posts: 283

    A bubba face camping me in the basement.... most times in that situation the team dies trying to rescue from a face camping bubba in a basement. lol my time is more valuable then sitting on a hook for 2 minutes.

    I dont really care about him getting what he wants lol he WANTS to get everyone in the basement, cause he’s gonna get another one hooked anyway so he gets his cycle of torment

  • TheeclumsyNinja
    TheeclumsyNinja Member Posts: 283

    Rewarding as in not making them learn how to be good killers.

    Saying just do gens is not good enough. Thats a complete waste of 15 minutes if your playing with friends

  • Pennywise
    Pennywise Member Posts: 258

    DC penalties for survivors shifts the problem to them dying on the first hook, so yeah it is pointless in that sense. I suppose it stops the killer disconnecting, but I've never seen a killer disconnect as a major inconvenience, it is always the survivors that disconnect ruining a game only now they can exit on the first hook and the rest of us still have to suffer through the rest of a one sided game.

  • TheeclumsyNinja
    TheeclumsyNinja Member Posts: 283

    me killing myself saves them from themselves... i get you you’re probably low rank and have no idea how the game works. So ill leave you to your ideas

  • TheeclumsyNinja
    TheeclumsyNinja Member Posts: 283

    Also 1 does not solo q 90% of matches (most of my friends are asleep by the time im on since i work late) and stay in red ranks if they’re selfish.... just sayin.

  • musefan
    musefan Member Posts: 345

    But at least dying on first hook earns the killer some points and buys the other survivors a little time to do gens.

    Without a DC penalty, people just DC as soon as they see the map or the killer.

    Sure, DC penalties don't solve every problem. But they do solve some of the problems, which is a good start.

    Hopefully the next stage will be to remove the struggle mechanic so survivors are forced to stay for the whole second phase.

  • musefan
    musefan Member Posts: 345

    I was red rank before the reset (I usually sit around 3) and I only play solo.

    Not played in since the rift closed as I want a break before the halloween event starts. (If ever)

  • musefan
    musefan Member Posts: 345

    If you are rarely selfish, then why have you created this post to try and justify it?

  • TheeclumsyNinja
    TheeclumsyNinja Member Posts: 283

    I mean you were talking like i said i was a serial dc’er.

    i just named one situation

  • TheeclumsyNinja
    TheeclumsyNinja Member Posts: 283

    I made 4 points that were unselfish, you just locked on to my 1 encounter

  • musefan
    musefan Member Posts: 345

    That comment wasn't about you. It's about the DC penalty in general, as per Pennywise's comment.

  • musefan
    musefan Member Posts: 345

    All 4 of your points are about the same thing.

    They are also your opinions and not based on any evidence.

    B. My queue times are fine. And I will happily wait longer if it means I dont get matched with a serial rage-quitter.

    C. Clearly people don't just go play another game. DbD is doing well.

    D. The core issues you speak of are not issues. They are part of the game. Tunnelling and camping are part of the game. If you don't like it, don't play the game.

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596

    Do you really want to tell us that we are better off without the penalties?

    A) If they are determined to get out of the game, then yes, require them to kill themselves on the hook instead of instant DC! At least this way the killer will waste some time for hooking, and the survivor needs some time for unhook attempts, so if you are close enough you can even deny them their self sacrifice.

    B) Why, can you explain your reasoning here? Because players still DC and have to wait for the next game? Which role? My killer queues were all fast yesterday evening / night, like they were all the time. Survivor queues I didn't test yesterday. In my region, in the evening/night, there are far more survivors than killers playing, thats why queues for surv. are longer. The penalties might actually improve the times, since survivors DCing will now have to wait, reducing the amout of survivors for which a killer has to be found by a little. Sure killers DC as well, it depends which side DCs more even with penalties.

    C) What does this have to do with penalties at all, I don't understand it.

    D) I really would like to contest the point that most survivors DC bc of unfun practices of the killer. Many DC bc of petty reasons, something they deem "unfun" even if it is perfectly fine (facing certain killers, perks, maps, addons, killer ignoring them, killer not ignoring them ...). Some DC bc the feel tunneled / camped even though they weren't, or the killer had good reasons to. For example, if someone gets unhooked and the killer comes back to the hook, many will claim this is (proxy) camping and / or tunneling, totally ignoring the possibility that maybe the killer just did not have any other target yet. Esp. when the survivors get unhooked when the TR is nearly gone or just vanished. If the killer has some intel / idea on other survivors location, of course he may proceed there. But if he doesn't, it's usually best to return to a hook. If then the rescuer plays scaredy cat and just hides instead of taking the aggro away from the unhooked, what else should the killer do than "tunneling" the unhooked one? Even for legit Camping / tunneling, it's part of the game, acknoweldged a hundredfold by devs and community managers. Just endure it, shrug it off, go into the next trial or quit the game for now. DC is certainly not the right way. There is no easy solution to "fix" this unfun aspects (tunneling / camping): If there was, it would already have been fixed, giving how this is a constant complaint over the years. They tried something in the very first PTB, it went awful (survivors abused the hell out of the mechanic), so the devs swore not to ever try to punish this "unfun" playstyles again.

    Last but not least, if you want to "STOP REWARDING LOW SKILL KILLERS", killing yourself on the hook against such a low skill killer is a fundamental wrong approach.

  • PNgamer
    PNgamer Member Posts: 1,415

    alot ppl cant take a loss. That´s fact & i like the penalty system

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    A) now people just die on hook instead

    At least they wasted a bit of the killer's time and a hook. That's something.

    B) que times are much worse at night now

    I'll take slightly longer queues if it means I actually get to play the game.

    C) dbd is not a game that begs people to play it so they just go to another game and forget about it

    Good. They weren't playing the game anyway, just ruining it for everyone who wanted to.

    D) The core issues are not fixed. Most survivors quit if they’re tunnelled or camped.... lets fix the core issues that make a match completely unbearable, frustrating and annoying.... then punish the people that quit after that.

    Most survivors quit if they're found and/or downed first, if they get grabbed from a gen, if the killer is [insert every killer here], and so on. The core issue is not knowing how to lose, which is not something the devs can fix.


    Suiciding on the hook and/or DCing is extremely rewarding for campers.

  • MikaKim
    MikaKim Member Posts: 334

    If you're on steam look into 'Family Share' options. The D/C phenomena means nothing.

  • ShadowRain
    ShadowRain Member Posts: 607

    If someone DCs more than once it should be a permanent ban

  • MD2a03
    MD2a03 Member Posts: 2

    A) At least they wasted a bit of the killer's time and a hook. That's something.

    When end result is the same, it doesn't really matter. Still a 3v1 or 2v1 if a second survivor gives up because of the first. Literally fixed nothing.

    B) I'll take slightly longer queues if it means I actually get to play the game.

    Queues aren't affected at all. I get faster games now than before. Probably location based.

    C) Good. They weren't playing the game anyway, just ruining it for everyone who wanted to.

    Honestly, I've had more killers that "play the game" and still ruin it for everyone. I even had a game tonight where I got camped because I had a purple medkit? Who does that? And he brought an ebony mori. Let me tell you, so much fun.

    D) Most survivors quit if they're found and/or downed first, if they get grabbed from a gen, if the killer is [insert every killer here], and so on. The core issue is not knowing how to lose, which is not something the devs can fix.

    You assume that every survivor is like that and that's not a good mindset. I know how to lose. Hell, I usually play like Otz and try to be kind at endgame. Fact of the matter is this game is rampant with VERY toxic players.

    Suiciding on the hook and/or DCing is extremely rewarding for campers.

    What? No it's not? You get less points as killer for hook suicides. They actually get more points from DC's since it counts as 3 hooks. Why do people think this?

    In all honesty, if someone doesn't want to play in my game, i'd rather them DC. I just look at it as someone who suicided and just move on since that's like the whole premise of the game? Trying to survive against all odds. I stopped caring around rank 1500+ hours ago and I still get stuck in red rank games. I don't really think a game like this should even commit to a "penalty". It doesn't even know what it wants to be. Casual game dressed up as some ranked affair. So bizarre. Still buggy as well and even tonight I got dropped from a game. And guess what I was welcomed to? A nice 5 minute matchmaking lock. What a complete joke lol.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    That's absurd. I had to DC twice in one day just last week or two weeks ago because of two unrelated issues (Internet gave out and had a small emergency at home). If you did that, the game would lose every player in about a month.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    On the topic of maps I have to say that in most other games people only disconnect when they get a really, really bad map. One that the entire community regards as an abomination.

    DBD has quite a number of them. Imagine being so arrogant and proud you need to put in a disconnect penalty to force people to play rather than admitting you have a team which is terrible at map design and reworking said maps.

    I’m not saying the disconnects are justified but at the same time leaving those maps untouched sure as hell isn’t acceptable either.

  • musefan
    musefan Member Posts: 345

    I dont really have an issue with any map to be honest. Sure there are some I like over others, but I just get on with it and learn to adapt my playstyles.

    While I agree there are some maps that can be really difficult for the killer, it only really becomes a problem when the survivors know what they are doing.

    There have been many times I have been playing survivor and get screwed over by teammates doing gens all grouped up and leaving us we the 3 closest gens at the end.

    I think the main problem is with the players who can't handle losing. And if they don't get what they perceive as an easy map/killer then they blame they game.

    If a match is tough, so what, take on the challenge.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Some maps are clearly unbalanced and need working. Nobody wants to play a game starting with a disadvantage like that. Its not fair.

    Some maps are just abysmal in general (i.e Midwich) and have no place in the game.

    Everyone can see it but the designers who seem to consider it high art.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,654
    edited October 2020

    Players who play like this dont want to learn how to be good Killers, they usually do this to annoy Survivors. And Killers have it easier to do so than vice-versa, aside from getting someone sensitive who is annoyed by teabagging and stuff, you cannot really ruin other players games as Survivor. As Killer it is possible.

    But, this will not change if you suicide on Hook. The only thing that this does is helping the Killer, because now they are not occupied by waiting 2 minutes until you die, they can get the next one and camp them.

    Honestly, it sucks to get camped, but the only thing you can do at this point is to stay on the Hook so that your team can do Gens. The Killer will most likely get a 2K out of it (one Kill you, one Kill NOED), or maybe only a 1K, but if you suicide on Hook, your whole team basically lost (since if he gets another person, you cannot really complete all Gens in time with only 2 players repairing Gens).

  • musefan
    musefan Member Posts: 345

    Taking your example of Midwich. Who do you feel is at a disadvantage on that map?

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,654

    Nobody, it sucks for both sides. Its good-looking and its amazing that they copied the Silent Hill-version like that, but some Balance Tweaks need to happen.

    (e.g. more access to the middle area by Holes in the walls which are cut off from the middle, the unsafe Pallets a little bit more safe, the safe Pallets less safe, at least one more area to get up (like open up the breakable Walls in the Bathrooms or add the breakable Walls at a different, fifth spot), more Holes to get down...

    And then this Map would be better already.

  • TheHanginJudge
    TheHanginJudge Member Posts: 2

    I'm getting disconnected penalty for my bad internet speed keeps kicking me off I have 3 xbox's always kicks one off when all 3 are on now the one that lost connect is getting banned I'm not quitting im losing internet!!! Then get penalty like I quit. Not right!!! I own 3 DBD games with many dlcs if not fixed will eliminate game due to the hassle and system not recognizing the bad internet speed.

  • musefan
    musefan Member Posts: 345

    But who would they play against?

    I think it's fair to say survivors DC a lot more than killers.

    That means it would actually take them longer to find a game than with the current DC penalty. Sometimes even impossible to get a game.

    So as much as I dislike those people, I don't think that's a fair way to handle it.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited October 2020

    Exactly. They would have a nice LONG wait for the Killers who DC. I suppose their dance card would be full. They would get games, eventually. Do I care if it takes way too long? No. They made their bed; far be it for me to deny them the right to DC or play with other people who agree with them. Perhaps some of the DCer Survivors will take one for the Team and do Killer a bit. Not our problem. My point is they won't be banned. They can play the game. They just have to play with others who behave the way they do. There is a price for not following the rules. This would be theirs.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    I agree. I have already seen a huge improvement in my games too. I only make the suggestion about sending the DCers off to their own Que to play only with each other if it turns out the penalties don't work. So far, they seem to be helping and I would assume the longer they are up, the more benefit we will see from them. Of course, the price we pay for it is more of them whining and ranting here on the Forum about unfairness.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    Exactly. Even if you allow just one of those reasons i.e. "DCing is okay if you're being tunnelled" there are survivors who view being downed first as getting tunnelled. Or like killers who view looping being toxic or an explot. So it becomes a mess already

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Queue times are identical so far, I’ve seen no change at all. My queues are consistently about 30 seconds.

    And nobody is “begging” jackasses who ragequit to play with them. If they want to play other games that’s great, good riddance!

  • TheeclumsyNinja
    TheeclumsyNinja Member Posts: 283

    No safe pallets, and depending on the randomization of map builds you 0 chance of stringing together loops.

    not to mention its boring af for everyone as its just a “w” map

  • TheeclumsyNinja
    TheeclumsyNinja Member Posts: 283

    Is that really what you want the devs focusing on with how much needs to be fixed?

  • UMCorian
    UMCorian Member Posts: 531
    edited October 2020

    I have not read one good argument against DC penalties and still haven't.

    Me thinks this is a very thin veil over someone who's bored for about 5-45 minutes after getting mad about being slapped and downed by a T1 Myers and took it out on his router.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    I don't want anyone focusing on the DCer crowd. Send them to the island of Misfit Toys and forget about them until they earn their way back. Let the DEV focus on their job and those of us that play by the rules.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    and its exactly that mindset that gets the rest of your team killed aswell.

  • InnCognito
    InnCognito Member Posts: 720
    edited October 2020

    IMO the company should have taken the easier approach of using an appropriate ranking system so those that want to play the game "hard core" can and those that treat this as a "parlor game" can do so as well. This is a Game (mostly) about AMERICAN HORROR movies, killing, murder, bloodshed and nothing positive comes from ANY of that. Im playing games like PHASMAPHOBIA that are 1000x more scary than this and yet this game has more depiction of that stuff.

    If I was sitting in the design seat of this game. I'd dial this thing clear up and make it the Crowning King of horror, terror and violence. Not a "mall cop" simulator. We are talking 3rd time down moris and killer rage meters so they CAN KILL vs just slapping someone with a Melee weapon.

    If players are mad, give up and DC from any game they are either COUNTERPLAYING, or they cant counterplay. so they are so MAD they quit. Today, the complaint box stands that why players GIVE UP is because

    a ) My team mate is USELESS

    b) Im countering the HATCH closure since the try-hard killer is using BBQ

    c ) im mad because of an ILLEGAL HIT the killer landed on me. so it enraged me.

    d) i have nothing more to do, since the killer slugged my whole team and now the bleedout times are going to take several MINUTES. Im bored.

    e ) hackers exist in computing and they can knock any person's connection OUT. Ever heard of NMAP?, backtrack or Kali? talking about exploiting computer systems and networks is absolutely no different than talking about how to bump a Slage brand lock or how to manipulate a Group 2 safe Dialer set. What infuriated everyone is the innocent people that get caught up in a system YOUR company otherwise thinks is protecting its best interest when it clearly does NOT!

    There are plenty of people that perceive this game in 2 aspects.

    1 ) Competitive

    2 ) Non-competitive players.

    The question is how do you keep BOTH parties HAPPY? I mean EVERYONE that enters this forums is a PAYING CUSTOMER and a SUPPORTER of the company in one way or another. I'd say if I was going to solve this, so people quit DOXING and DOS'ing one another with the PENALTY SYSTEM is enabled would be a revamp of the rank system. The more times a person clicks EXIT, the slower they progress UP the ranking system and get knocked back every time they do! For those that want to play the match through and the full-n-well of what the company has to offer. They can rank up as long as they play matches and don't leave.

    If they play on a bad connection or a faulty computer. They can STILL pay and play to SUPPORT your paycheck and the community. Eitherway. Take this as a grain of salt. Im in my 30s and have ran a couple of ag businesses in my life. Coming online to game in my freetime is fun. But when people aren't having fun. it brings bad vibes and ruins a company's reputation. You can either have a select few play your game for awhile and eventually close the doors early or you can invite everyone to the party and role with the big boyz.

    I'd turn that penalty system off and tell folks if they don't like DC stuff happening. There is a nice forum online to find others with likeminds to game until this company has the time and resources to "iron out" their issues. Everyone here IS in control of their outcome of this game, just like IRL. If you have a "buddy system" of people you know. They are going to stick around and help you. If you try and hope a group of strangers and randos are going to help. The cold, harsh answer is "probably not". online games teach nice, valuable lessons.

    If someone perceives this as abuse. I can't really help, and wish you a wonderful and "magical day".


  • TheeclumsyNinja
    TheeclumsyNinja Member Posts: 283

    Yes the 1-2/20 matches a day i kill myself on hook are why the rest of my team dies.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited October 2020

    There is a problem with this approach. How people define "casual" versus "competitive" varies. If the game were split that way, what is to stop someone who is far more competitive from simply hanging out in the casual group and slaughtering the lot of them? He might consider himself casual, when the others do not. You end up with the SAME situation we have now.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    you have 3 xboxes that are online and one drops it's conenction? it's not your internet but your ROUTER. this is not something for BEHAVIOR to be involved in. don't have all three at once.... have one going when you want solid internet conenction. Your router has to determine which units have access to the internet and sometimes that means shutting down one for a while. stop blaming your isp for your own equipment failing at this. this is a problem for YOU to solve not complain about it here when it's in your court and capability to solve!

    if you put them in their own queue, they will get to have their matches and keep getting them and dcing against whom ever sure but what happens to us? we get slower matches and longer wait times. so yes lets REWARD the ones that break the rules with better match times and penalize those that don't break the rules with longer wait times.

    Removing the offenders shows them they BROKE the rules and won't get a reward for doing it. remember when it was a -4 or -2 pip if you disconnected? that was a freaking reward! they WANTED to get to the lower ranks! they WANTED to have easier matches! and it was given to them! (it was -4 some time before october 2018 when i started playing so i may be wrong about that but it was originally for me -2 if you disconnected when I started playing). SO I'd rather take slower matches than reward people that break the rules.