A question fort survivor mains/only player's

For starter's I'm a killer main! I spent all of September playing survivor! I understand rank means nothing but I went from survivor rank 12 to 5!

How do you remotely find survivor fun and/or skillful?

I sit on a gen for 20+ seconds and I'm already bored and start thinking about what I'm going to eat soon! Looping is brain dead boring to me unless the killer is Nurse, Spirit, Clown, Pyramid Head due to the fact that these killer's either can't be looped or me resort to different looping tactics!

Like how do you guys have fun or find survivor skillful that doesn't involve being toxic or depending on a certain killer?


  • RPGWolfGamer23
    RPGWolfGamer23 Member Posts: 126

    I mostly play in SWF so, my enjoyment when playing survivor is mostly just being able to have fun with my friends.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,798

    Hopefully you'll find more strong killers in red ranks. There are some potatoes, but mostly red rank killers tend to be pretty decent. Once the killers you're facing are around your level it's a lot more fun.

    Also, if you're running Spine Chill, I'd recommend taking it off, especially if you're usually facing killers you can easily beat. I find that makes doing generators a lot more boring, since instead of having to actively scan around you basically just get to feel safe until the kitty cat lights up.

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    Because as a solo player I can't rely on my teammate. My looping is what I do to keep me alive, stealth is too easy. Flashlight saves are fun too. But in the end looping makes me salty when I get window hits. And plus I could turn this question around I dont understand how people enjoy killer for so long. But in the end its just opinions and don't say a certain role is no skill

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415

    I play more survivor than killer because I personally don’t enjoy killing people.

    DBD is far more graphic than a fantasy game like KH3 or a zombie slayer where the target is an undead creature. Even Siege is realistic in a sense of military survival and has a purposeful intent.

    Survivors in DBD are humans. I don’t prefer playing the role of a faster, stronger, pain infliction capable killer chasing down and slaughtering mostly young human characters. It feels too serial killer and graphically realistic, imo.

    I’m more of a “good vs bad” as opposed to “bad vs good” personality, that’s jus me.

    Definitely more skill involved on killer side.

    It all depends on what you consider “toxic”

    Usually, as soon as that word is thrown out there the conversation changes.

    There are certain, intricate juke maneuvers that I enjoy trying to pull off against good killers. Although I seldom run HeadOn or bring a flashlight, achieving those stuns can be exciting. Trying to pull off a hook juke during a rescue has a thrill factor.

    Implementing various strategies, as I mostly survive Solo, to work with 3 other players who I cannot verbally communicate with, and who have their own playstyle and methods is a challenge that I enjoy and actually prefer over playing with a SWF.

    I find it is easier to pip up on a SWF team, and less of a reward overall.

    Surviving Solo, I feel more often that I’ve moreso earned the pip and the escape, as opposed to on coms, “same page” collaborated perks, always-got-your-back, killer bullying SWF collaborations.

    The survivor voices and various sounds, survivor animations and cosmetics, sfx such as totems being cleansed, chests opening, certain perks I enjoy using. All of those are very appealing to me, as well. I love soundtracks of games and movies, and as a survivor, I get to appreciate the ambiance of those background tracks, and also the intensity of the different levels of the killer’s terror radius and chase music as it heightens.

    And gens... I just find them peaceful and calming. It’s one of my fav experiences as survivor, tbh; Very relaxing☺️

  • just_teme
    just_teme Member Posts: 195

    Chases are as boring with killer if all you are doing is pressing w and occasionally space or in killers case m1. Go to unsafe loops take risks make the odds stack against you try to do subtle things to outplay the killer. You can just press w and space and do well with that but i think mostly everyone agrees thats really boring.

    If only thing you would do as killer is never take any sort of risk to outplay the other side you would be bored out of your mind as fast.

  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 826

    I'm a survivor main and my enjoyment comes from not knowing who is going to find me! I never get those things on the loading screen to tell me who I'm going up against, so I have to use contextual clues or completely screw up to find out and it adds to the fun. I love doing generators because I need to be alert and aware of my surroundings, look for pallets and windows to vault in case anything happens, etc! Only time I don't have fun is when I'm getting tunneled, slugged, or my teammates are not cooperating. I play solo queues because I play the game competitively unlike some of my friends, so it's hard to know whether or not I'll have teammates that unhook me safely or just farm me, or, worst of all, teabag while i'm on my first hook and spam the unhook before leaving me to die

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    It's all about the thrill of the chase for me.

  • Breque
    Breque Member Posts: 427

    You probably is playing solo

    I dont know how to explain but when you are playing solo the games boring as #########

    But when you are with friends its just 10 times more fun

    Porbably because you dont are with some sshit teammates so you can have so much more fun i dont know how to explain but if you have a friend with dbd try to play with him

  • Talanar
    Talanar Member Posts: 30
    edited October 2020

    Going above rank 15 is impossible for me, so got no idea how you got up there to rank 5. You probably play survivor like some killers play killer - enters the game, downs all 4 survs in 2 min, and is later surprised he's bored. Or goes 'ez ez ez' forever.

  • gatsby
    gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

    Looping is really fun when you do it right because you can cock block Killers so hard. I have Killers fuming on some of my clutch Dead Hards and I can tell because they end up leaving me or hardcore tunneling.

    Basically, if you can loop well you start to feed off the obvious salt you’re causing Killers

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379

    I'm not like that and I'm past all that! As a killer I will only slug all 4 survivor's if the opportunity presents itself!

    I'm finding survivor boring because I don't find anything challenging and I'm having to deal with 90% of the killer roaster the same way and holding M1 on a gen is just brain dead boring!

  • iZombie
    iZombie Member Posts: 231

    I wouldn’t class myself as a survivor main, as I do also play killer, but the reason I enjoy survivor is for the ‘thrill’ aspect. I like survival horrors and you only get that experience from the survivor side of things.

    I enjoy having to rely on my quick thinking whilst I get chased, as I’m essentially trying to outsmart the other player into losing track of me and ultimately giving up. It just makes me feel like the main character of a horror movie and I really like that.

  • WheresTheGate
    WheresTheGate Member Posts: 575

    We're all different. The fact you find something boring doesn't mean someone else does. I enjoy solo survivor. I find playing killer to be boring.

    It's the old racing thing. I know plenty of people that can sit for hours watching any type of vehicle racing and love every second of it. If I watch more than a second of it I'm bored out of my mind.

  • HEX_MalusGrey
    HEX_MalusGrey Member Posts: 231

    I play both. Survivor SoloQ and Killer almost everything.

    Being on edge and play killer all the time get's to my nerves. So does playing survivor SoloQ unless you have a good team. There are fun matches and situations sprinkled in between that keep me playing this game. DBD is pure RNG. The fun is by chance.

  • Talanar
    Talanar Member Posts: 30

    Umm...there's a killer in this game and he wants to kill you. That ain't challanging ? You also might get dumb teammates and having to do all 5 gens alone while breaking and running to unhook them. Another challange. You might get a Plague and have the dilemma to cleanse or not to cleanse when infected, to play being a 1-hit target or to give killer the opportunity to power up and then be 1-hit but for limited duration ? Challanging as hell.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Survivor is way more chill and sigificantly easier. Just do your share of the work.

    That's not to say killer should be any easier - by playing killer, you are taking on the role that's doing 4× as much work.

  • quentinsimp
    quentinsimp Member Posts: 46

    I hate playing killer, I always feel like I'm ruining people's fun since as a survivor getting killed is obviously no fun at all. I really really love the teamwork aspect of playing Survivor. When I play solo, I really try to make sure I'm doing as much as I can for the team so that they can have fun.

    I'm a people pleaser, and there's no people that I can please as killer. However, as survivor,there's three of them! And if they even once per match think to themselves, "Hey, this Quentin is really helpful!" Then it makes my whole day :)

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    Are you Hyrule? She's a twitch streamer also called Quentin simp, lol.

    Quentins are the best team mates.

  • Exerlin
    Exerlin Member Posts: 1,352

    I find the whole tactics part of survivor the most fun. I like figuring out a game plan to help you and your team survive and adapting it to work with the current situation. Execution is simply a test of my plans and gives me great feedback on how I can play that scenario better.

    If you are having braindead chases, then you may not be going against good killers at all. I wouldn't call looping braindead against even a good legion if there are line of sight breakers involved. Maybe since you're almost red ranks now, you'll start to get those types of killers more often.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    What rank killers are you facing?

    Rank means nothing, but in rank 5-12 you are still going to get baby killers who don't fully understand the game. While you (a killer main) has at least experience they might not. So you can mind-game in areas they still have yet to learn.

    This was my experience when I started playing killer. I was kind of bad in the beginning, but then I started thinking "what would I do as a survivor" and it game me a whole new perspective on gameplay.

  • ganimomu
    ganimomu Member Posts: 3

    I have to say that I experienced kinda the same as you. I used to watch videos a lot and before starting playing public matches, I played only custom games with certain friends, so I kinda knew how to loop killers and so (I'm a survivor main btw, ~730hs total around 650 from survivor)

    I faced some good killers while I was low/mid rank, prob some of them just because of rank resets, but it wasn't until red ranks (most when I drowned into rank 2) that I really faced killers that put purselves an overwhelming pressure. Most of the killers knew tons of little mind games/gimmicks that caught me off guard. Until I reached red ranks, I never played the game correctly tbh. Even more if I take into account that the game level here in South America is kinda low compared to other regions. For survivor it's quite easy to reach red ranks. For killer, if you are red ranks, it's most likely you know how to play properly and that happened to me on my push to rank 1 as killer. It took me a while and I have to sweat a little to reach that rank as killer for the first time, despite me having less than a hundred hours spent on killer tho.

  • Mr.FlexOG
    Mr.FlexOG Member Posts: 45
    edited October 2020

    Lol I thought like this until I played killer once just to see what it was like. Then had a pallet dropped on my head, flashlighted, teabagged at the next looped and then loop and looped and looped for four gens.

    Now I'm a killer main.

    Edit: Yes they got face camped.

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    I play solo survivor a lot. I stopped trying to hide and usually play the runner. Will my team do gens while I'm looping? Will they all hover around like vultures waiting for me to go down? Who cares? Entity take me. My survivors die for my amusement way more often than they should.

    End game save? Get in there.

    Then there's the games where the killer sees me baiting him into a chase and he ignores me the entire game and the other survivors can't loop so I end up going in for saves instead, which gets me killed.

    The only time I get mad at survivor is if I'm trying to do a challenge and I have to play a certain way. Let me be freeeeee.

  • Pawcelot
    Pawcelot Member Posts: 985

    Survivor is such an extremely chill experience compared to Killer. I only play Solo survivor.

  • Adirom175
    Adirom175 Member Posts: 26
    edited October 2020
